10/8/2024 0 Comments Two WorldsHaving traversed the solar eclipse- a sky date where the sun and moon meet in the cosmos- the idea of two worlds comes to light. Our world is not just created with dualities of dark and light but the hundred and fifty shades of grey and the thousands of beautiful colours in our earthly prism. Prism or prison? The earth is a reflection of our own heart, the prisons we create with our thought and beliefs that keeps us locked into a certain existence. When your eyes are drawn into the darkness of the sky, look for the moon and stars to light your way. Remember the shadows are cast by obstacles to the light, so keep your face and heart toward the sun. The darker parts of our existence involves concepts like human trafficking, sex slavery, child sexual abuse, medical experimentation, war, disease, genocide. Our material world is often fuelled by greed and controlled by fear. An internal fear of … lack of power, lack of money, lack control precipitates a world where there is a need to over-power, to own all the wealth and control everything and everyone. The void of not being connect to internal power, love and wisdom creates an addiction to it in the outside world. What if you could break out of the prison of your fearful mind into the prism of your loving heart? How could you be love? What would it look like if you lived your loving service full on? Akashic tarot deck card, the 2 of scrolls, fell into my favour last night as I was asking for writing guidance and inspiration. Apparently, receiving this card there is a conflict in your life between what the outer world requires of you and how your own spirit directs you. You may have had a number of past lives where you wanted to focus on your spiritual life but then in missing the wonders of the secular world family, friends, love, conflict, financial success and struggles, you chose the secular world for this incarnation to experience life in colour. Oh my word! when i think about this or even when i suggest it to others the fact that our soul could have chosen this exact experience, I’m often kicked out of all the pity parties. Could this magnetic current between our inner and outer worlds power our evolution? Perhaps when our human will (our external material world) aligns with our Divine will (our internal spiritual compass) we’ve mastered our life. Michael Beckwith used to say the pain pushes you until your purpose pulls you. When the actual pain becomes greater than your fear of the pain, you rise up and own your power. I had an experience years ago when I was training for my brown belt in Kenpo karate that gave me a succinct visceral experience to this principle. During my brown belt grading there were sparring rounds with black belt women, this perhaps could have represented the push and pull, back and forth of our journey between our internal world and our external expression. Then came the ultimate test… to be blindfolded in the dojo sparring with two black belt women at the same time. Suddenly the outer world looks dark and the pain of the punches and fear of not knowing from which direction and to which body part the next blow would arrive was almost paralyzing. I went from feeling like a warrior, to a curled up ball in the corner of the room, protecting my organs and waiting for the test to be over. At that point, I was willing to forfeit the brown belt and admit defeat. The sensei suggested that the beating would continue until I got up and fought. My first thought was I’m not fighting any more let them kill me. But then I was in so much pain i decided with my spiritual self that I’d rather die a quick death fighting than a slow one, piled up in my painful corner waiting for someone else to decide my fate. So i pulled up my painful self with bleeding nose, bruised ribs and sprained fingers and connected a back fist to the lip of a black belt and the test finished early as the sensei had to take her to the hospital for stitches. For centuries, humanity has been groomed to be piles of disempowered men and women, curled up in the corner willing to give up and accept your fate. The current and conflicts continues until you stand up for yourself. Yes the testing maybe the straight punch from your family or friends, a side kick from your employer, or a round house kick from another type of governing controller or sex trafficked pimp. There are punishment and pleasures of money, power and influence to get you to stay quiet in your pile but just know you always have a choice. Yes certainly it takes courage and you have to be willing to risk it all, to have it all. The investment equals the reward. Choose to invest love, power and wisdom and two worlds become one.
Dr. DenaDr. Dena Churchill- International Speaker, Author, Health Innovator & Wellness Astrologer. Archives
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