12/30/2024 0 Comments Can Love Dissolve Nanotech?Love is your superpower. Love is the vibration that holds matter in space so you can change the molecular structure of your body or even gene expression by changing your vibration. Bruce Lipton in his book, Biology of Belief shares evidence of how you can consciously change the cell membrane and change the gene expression by altering epigenetic factors. Those that surrendered to the government muzzles and shots could be the same humans who would also under mind themselves by handing over their thinking to a machine. Have you ever wondered why they call it a “cell u lar” frequency. Every prison has cells. Any computer can hold data but what good is data if you have not a framework of love and wisdom to process the information. The capacity of your heart for empathy, the capability of your mind to have intuitive thoughts, the connection to YOUR creator spirit and YOUR imagination is the essence of life and love. Your imagination seeds your creativity. It is how you expand beyond our current reality into the land of the unknown. You must imagine it before you are able to create it. It was this imagination that gave birth to the technology. The integration of the bit or bite of information in a black or white world is a lower density. Your heart integrates and balances light into the colourful Prism love and wisdom. You absorb so much data but you must consciously make time and space to unplug from that matrix, imagine and create in our natural world. Imagine the nano-tech as bits of dust that you push out of your skin, or excrete through your breath, bowels or bladder. Detox baths or sound baths may help you with this visualization. All credit of the alpha and omega frequency scale photo goes to its creator. I believe the information is extracted from David Hawkins book Power VS Force evaluating the frequency of consciousness. Perhaps the widest part of the cone, representing the masses, living in the lower contracted vibrations, should be at the bottom? The more you expand, the less reactive, less controlled, less emotional you are and the more you step into Christ-like consciousness where you began creating your reality. At what frequency are you resonating today ? “Love is the simultaneous, synchronicity of complementary opposites.” John Demartini A machine is unable to simultaneously, synchronize opposites. The Internet of Things brings tremendous value but giving up your love, power and wisdom to a lower intelligence for fear, faith and blind trust is not wise. The controversial brain implants and microchips to augment human performance, likely have some merit for those who have obvious mental or physical impairments. However, even Elon himself warns that AI is one of the greatest threats to our survival. When we allow the globalist machine to make the decisions, the primary objective is for it to survive itself. The Netflix movie titled, Subservience brings home this concept. Are you supporting the system by buying into the latest technology? Is your company replacing humans with robots or machine automation? Do you use ATM’s and digital currencies? How are you going to maintain your humanity in a world of machines? What humanitarian service are you creating to survive our species? In this The Art of Consciousness video, Betty Kovacs also discussed the balance of complementary opposites, the sacred masculine and sacred feminine and the truth of love as a path to a new consciousness. How have we’ve gotten here? Knowing from where you came and where you are, provides fuel to change the current trajectory of where you are going. Thank you to Ken from from Digileak news for sharing this video. Pseudology- The Art of Lying discusses some tricks of the media. The programming rest in the neurology. They confuse and overwhelm your frontal cortex with information to disarm your critically thinking conscious mind, create an emotional state, and plant the idea into your subconscious. The wireless frequencies are also dangerous because with your cell phone turned on in your pocket, you don’t even know you are being controlled. Sabrina Wallace is a great resource for knowing more about the weaponized frequencies effecting your bio field. Thank you to Jason Christoff for sharing the following David Ike video. The title says it all “Assisted Dying Today, Is forced Dying tomorrow” Here in Canada we see the loosening of the parameters of the MAID program so we know the truth in this statement. It used to be reserved for those whose death was reasonably foreseeable but the June 6, 2016 amendment to the criminal code that opened it up for those with chronic illness, emotional and financial issues. Another example of the government eugenics agenda in the medical industrial complex is found at Sick Kids hospital in Toronto. Sick Kids hospital no longer require parental consent to perform euthanasia. If you are not a productive human then you too may be deleted…… Unless you start owing yourself, loving yourself and imagining something different. In the last substack article, AI expert Ryan Veli considers the most important step for humanity is waking up to their power and taking responsibility for themselves- their food, water, education, health, wealth and governance. Threatening your existence is a fuel to awaken your internal fire. ”Fear the fire or become the flame.” Dena Churchill We have been educated out of our common sense and brain washed into this remedial system for centuries. The control systems of church and state have been in cahoots long before covid. They have been working together to mask the love, power and wisdom of humanity. Those that have bought into the concept of being an original sinner, may feel they owe penance and duty tax to the church and state. Granted there are those with good intentions in all systems but the very nature of hierarchy is to control. The lower vibrating emotions on the frequency diagram is your shadow side. That chaos is birthed from fear of your mind and not the love and wisdom of your heart. Consciously breath into it and allow it to become neutralized. You no longer require fear and drama for excitement. Choose to be fearless and yet be fully alive. When your heart is so full of love there is no room for fear. The vibration of love, swallows all the lower frequencies. Theoretically, it is this love frequency that holds matter in space so if you could raise your vibration of your body, balance all the dualities in your mind, you not only control the matrix but you create it! Avoid technologies like TV, cell phone and wifi that use frequencies to capture you into the artificial matrix and spend more time surrounded by natural vibration of nature. Have natural materials in your home, wear natural fibers, listen to natural 432Hz frequencies music, eat real non-GMO organic food, spend time in nature under the sun with real humans. Meditation is the way to bypass all the hidden traps of the control grid, skip the middle men and go straight to source of love and light. This is where your heart is filled with love, your mind filled with inspired ideas and where you feel safe, loved and protected in that eternal flame. Some may call it prayer, others meditation but whatever name you have for this quiet time of reflection that opens your heart to the love of the universe, this is your ticket out of the AI matrix. "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."~ Albert Einstein Meditation Exercise: Breath and grace…. are helpful tools for you to slip into the heart of the universe. Breathing in, holding the breath for a few seconds then breathing out and holding the out breath for the same time.... eventually matching the inhale/exhale count to the holding on either side. This equal breath balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, balances the pH or charge and effects brain waves. Ancients believe that the breath holds the spirit to matter so that the suspension of breath provides a portal in that meditative moment to jump out beyond yourself. Some like music or binaural beats to aid this process, crystals, chanting or other harmonizing frequencies tools. Others have been taught to use lovemaking as a portal into the Orgone energy of the universe but for this you would need a partner with whom you have a heart connection. The method of meditation described here is just for you. With your breath and your imagination, your soul is free to fly. Finding grace.... thanking Source/God/ Great Spirit/ Universe for everything in your amazing existence. Start small if you are struggling…be grateful for the air you are breathing, your eyes and mind that allows you to read. And then work your way up to the more challenging situations and see how that circumstance is making you stronger, teaching you new skills, connecting you to your soul group and your purpose for being on the planet. The depth of your meditation depends upon how well you can release judgment upon yourself and the world, to quieten your mind and get into your heart. Where am I that? is a question that helps dissolve the barrier between you and all that you perceive. Your judgements are obstacles or subluxations to your soulful self. Magical when you can rise out of yourself and see that your own mind holds you captive. From the perch of your light filled higher self, you can see your small self as an actor in a play with an incomplete view. You are using your imagination, your mind’s eye stimulating the pineal gland through the 5th etheric element. Your two eyes give two different perspectives that may deceive you. Closing your eyes, you feel and see one channel. Sergeant Patty Brassard suggests even pushing gently on your eyes until you see a little light that you may project onto your manifestation screen. A computer is wired to give you a black or white answer, however, the soul knows that there is some purpose in every path. Imagine the pineal gland as light filled diamond in the centre of your head expanding and projecting outwards. In that grace filled space, with a regular breath and a calm mind you move out of yourself and into a cosmic space. You could even imagine yourself rising first out into the corner of the room or the top of the tree, over your city, your province, view your world from space and then go a little further. The growing light inside your heart shines over all that you see in your minds eye. This light is not just filling you, restoring you and loving you but moving through you as a channel to love and light the world. Tears in your eyes and goosebumps on your skin is a sign of your heart opening to universal love. You could finish by saying …. Thank you Great Spirit for loving me, keeping me healthy and giving me the opportunity to serve and grow into my creator potential…traveling light on a frequency of love ❤️
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