How does the ocean stay clean? After thousands of years of fish poop, human pollutants, parasites and environmental disasters, what is the secret ingredient?
If you knew the answer to this question, then perhaps you would know how to heal your body of water using the same paradigm? Our body fluids are very similar in mineral composition to sea water. In fact, for many years before the pharmaceutical companies took over healing programs for profit, sea water was used in many treatments for different conditions. Sea water contains all the minerals and trace minerals in the periodic table and can facilitate energy recharge in the body thanks to the high content of salt and ions. Why is the ocean not a cesspool? ....because of the magic of Sodium Chloride. Sea salt holds the electrical charge to create biochemical reactions such as oxidation. The force of the wave creates electrolysis to split apart the molecule. The liberated chloride ion binds with sodium to regenerate the ocean and the positively charged oxygen is attracted to and removes electrons in the outer wall pathogens with a lower pH. Divine design! What 4 ions and what process powers up this healing? Na+, Cl-, O2+, OH- are the ions liberated through the process of electrolysis to neutralize acids and liberate oxygen to support higher vibration alkaline life forms. What compound can you make at home to accomplish similar miraculous results? You could simply add celtic, Himalayan or some other form of real salt to your distilled drinking water and bath in salt water to stimulate greater health but what compound creates molecular oxygen and real salt as a byproduct to more powerfully clean the water in your body? Hint: It's an anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, heavy metal chelator compound that has no known negative side effects other than those from a detox flushing and only salt and water as a degradation products? It's positive side effects may be a long healthy live.... with multiple orgasms! (Actually, you'd have to add a little boron to balance estrogen and testosterone to complete the multiple orgasm picture but that is a story for another day.) If you guessed chlorine dioxide then you are correct. Chlorine dioxide is a compound made by combining 22.5-25% Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) and 4% Hydrochloric Acid (HCl). It's one of the safest, most effective killer of pathogens known to man. It has been used to disinfect from Antrax, clean slaughter houses and hospitals and for hundreds of years used in sterilization and water purification. It is very different from Chlorine bleach in both its chemical structure and behaviour. The chlorite ion (Cl-) is negatively charged therefore combines with the positively charged sodium (Na+) to form NaCl (real salt) as a breakdown product, whereas the chlorine molecule (Cl2) is neutral therefore does not react or break down. This lack of degradation of Chlorine molecule makes it poisonous and dangerous to living things in the environment and it can hang around for a long time. Chlorine Di oxide (Chlorine ion and 2 oxygen.. ClO2 ) effects the electrophysiology of molecules and cells and as an oxidant it facilitates combustion. The liberated chloride ion combines with sodium to form salt and the oxygen being positively charged removes negatively charged electrons from its outer electron shell of toxins. This process of adding oxygen is called oxidation. Like blowing on the flame of a fire, it enhances the flame so does adding oxygen to your internal flame. In comparison to other oxidizers like Ozone and Hydrogen, Chlorine Dioxide is weaker...... meaning it takes a while for it to react. The stronger oxidizers, being quick to act react, can char the cell membranes of even healthier tissue and has limited oxidation potential. Chlorine dioxide is slow to react so it can penetrate into the cell membrane and once inside it more than doubles the oxygenation capacity as compared to the others, removing 5 electrons from the outer shell ! (see chart below) Like a good navy seal, chlorine dioxide saves it's energy and holds back until on the inside and can take out the invader from with the walls of its own domain. This ability to be dissolved in water and to travel through the cell membrane offers a unique healing for all body tissues- even bone, ligaments and other structures that are not well vascularized. Could this be a possible solution for neutralizing spike protein generated within the cell? More research is required to make such claims but the possibility is intriguing. We alkalize the body when we breathe so the delivery of oxygen is most critical factor for maintaining the body's acid-alkaline balance. Red blood cells get charged with oxygen in the blood. Within veins the pH is 7.31 but in arteries the pH is 7.41. The stomach is 1.8-2.5 pH as its function is to destroy any pathogen you may ingest. In essence all food becomes acidic once processed in the stomach. Breathing is certainly more effective at controlling an alkaline environment than food or drink. A medication that lowers the stomach acid for example, leaves the body open to invaders and more serious infections. A microwave of 60 GHz, as was rolled out in Wuhan China as part of the 5G wifi launch, affects the coupling of oxygen in the lungs thus has many implications. It's no wonder people were dropping in the streets and the birds falling out of the sky! Each atom in a molecule has its own set of electrons, and these electrons interact with each other to form chemical and electrical bonds that hold the molecule together. Once the electrons in the outer shell are removed the pathogen or poison collapses- like dissolving the mortar between the bricks of a castle. Nernst & Bohr equations that evaluate cell potential show the oxygen is released form the chlorine dioxide targets the most acidic parts of the body and the more acidic, the stronger the reaction. Chlorine dioxide, UNLIKE other oxidizers and medications, has a specificity for only the acidic pH pathogens, leaving the healthy alkaline tissues in tact. So beautiful is the healing power of this liquid molecular oxygen. Pathogens are engulfed with oxygen and we literally love them to death. Those of a similar resonance survive, the lower acidic resonating structures crumble in the presence of the breath of life. Such a great analogy for all levels of our existence- fight the acid or neutralize it with love. The pH means the potential of hydrogen. The higher the potential, the more alkaline the tissue. Acidity in the body, meaning a lower potential for hydrogen (higher concentration of H+), generally creates dis-ease. Acidity could be temporary or in longer term, metabolic acidosis maybe be life threatening. Sugars and carbohydrates ferment if not burned, leading to acid production but generally breath more than food makes the body more alkaline. Chemical toxins in the presence of oxygen can be eliminated however if there is a deficiency in oxygen then the body will move to plan B to enclose the toxin in fat tissue. From this definition, obesity is a dis-ease involving too many toxins and/or not enough oxygen in the body. Solution would be to reduce toxic chemical load, reduce sugars and carbohydrates that ferment into acid and increase oxygen to pump up the furnace to burn them. Two important applications from this truth: 1. Cholesterol is not the enemy. Not only does the fat sequester toxins but provides a protective covering for the central nervous system. Fermented sugars cause the problems. 2. Increased exercise, increases oxygen so we can combust toxins instead of packaging them in fat cells and in addition burn fat and sugar to create energy. Eating natural foods + Exercise = Energy. Obesogens are a term coined for man-made chemicals in the environment that creates obesity. Chemicals added to our food imbalances this equation even if other factors are present. According to Dr. Klacker's definition low energy = illness. Jim Humble coined the term Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) in 1996 for chlorine dioxide when he witnessed the miraculous recovery from malaria of four of his men while working in the jungle in Africa. Within 4 hours of taking the water purification drops Jim had in his backpack, these men were healed! Dr. Klacker outlines Jim's 2012 experiment with the Red Cross in Guyana, in which all 154 tested and diagnosed with Malaria were free from the pathogen in 24-48 hours. 143 of the 154 required one dose of 15 activated drops to have clear blood results but the 11 others required a second dose. Of course the details were wiped from the internet when the administrators found out of this wild success. Cheap and easy solutions are competition to the 4 billion dollar market in vaccines and drugs for malaria. Even today, Mark Grenon of Genesis Church sit in a jail cell in Florida for the last three years without bail for sharing details how this sacrament of oxygen may improve symptoms from the co.vid bioweapon. In 1988 NASA labeled and patented a chlorine dioxide product called Alcide. (pages 118-121). Apparently it is legal in certain governing bodies, if you create a patent for profit. It's only illegal for the common man who could unleash himself from pharmaceutical noose. Dr. Klackers book Forbidden Health is a must read! He re-defines health as an abundance of energy and with a few simple principles, including the mineral miracle solution, allows you to put your health in your own hands. Hundreds of testimonials from patients who have experienced success with the chlorine dioxide protocols for every condition you can imagine from Autism, Arthritis and AIDs to Pancreatic Cancer, Ebola and Malaria and everything in between. What condition wouldn't be helped by molecular oxygen? As humans we are salt water, electromagnetic beings so in creating a balance of charges, is like balancing the debits and credits on a bank statement, you create a homeostatic healing environment. If there are too many negative electrons there is dis-ease and if there are too many positive protons there is dis-ease. The balance of the 7.4 pH holds the healing. "Love (in healing as in life) is the simultaneous, synchronicity of complementary opposites."~ John Demartini I have been making and taking chlorine dioxide for my personal use for 4 years and have seen great successes in myself and in family and friends. I will include the recipe that was given to me by Bishop Wulf and Bishop Max of Genesis Church and a bitchute video of our cooking class. Unfortunately Bishop Max was disappeared after the video we recorded in 2021 during and his website was taken over by the CDC. Many have made ultimate sacrifices for your health knowledge. If you use or share these recipes please do so honoring the memory of Bishop Max of Genesis Church. The HCl you can find at any hardware store, the NAClO2 at a chemical store ( and the distilled water in a grocery store or pharmacy. Basically the recipe is PART A diluting the concentration of 80% NaClO2 to 22.5% and PART B diluting the 37% HCL to 4%. Dr. Klacker's Chapter 3, page 113 is a good one to read first so you know the best materials to buy and know the precautions and protocols. He also discusses making CDS which is infusing water with the gas instead of mixing it all up in liquid form on page 354-355. May this information inspire you to cook up new levels of health. References: 1. Exposing the obesity cancer link- obesogens. Page 45-47 2. The-Universal-Antidote-Interactive-Reference-Guidebook.pdf 3. Dr. Klacker Forbidden Health. 4. Chemical toxins: a hypothesis to explain the global obesity epidemic Paula F Baillie-Hamilton 1:// 5. Video of How to make ClO2. June 2021 6. Recent interview with Dr. Klacker. 7. MMS video Feb 18, 2024. Clean FIsh Tanks Have Healthy Fish. To explore the possibilities of ordering Chlorine Dioxide. Contact [email protected] or order from a water purification company. , Ways to support Mark Grenon: Order Books in pdf format: Donations to: [email protected]
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