8/5/2023 3 Comments #savethechildrenSave the Children. Why is this single focus also saving humanity? Because the children are our future and their health and wealth determines the survival of our species. The future belongs to them! Not specific to humans but for any reproducing biological system the Creator energy goes into the reproduction of life. In the human and animal world the female chooses her mate based on her perception of his ability to provide and protect her and their offspring. Strong males honour and cherish the female in her intuitive wisdom to birth, grow and nurture the next generation. Strong females are grateful for the gardeners and gatekeepers of the tribe and the land. The concept of raping women, burning them on a stake, abusing the kids and silencing her voice, represents the weakness of mankind and the fall of humanity. So where have we gone wrong? Why are we now in a position where we need a hashtag campaign to remind humans to take care of their own? How have we forgotten this very basic element of our own existence? Why have we allowed these darker, denser forces to rule over us? Reviewing the history of our earth and the seeding of humanity provides overview of the paradigm. As a matriarchal woman, I could blame it on a patriarchal system however even the patriarchal humans with the darkest of intentions would survive their own species so I am left to imagine that there are non-human forces at work using trickery and deception to unwind the principles of natural law. Meredith Quinn of the Dakota tribe reported all earthlings are descendants of 6 nations who are also the terrestrial forms of star nations. Six Treatys created our international law, otherwise known as the Law of Nations. The Clan mothers hold the territorial rights of our world. The Canes of Authority, Wampum belts (Micmac...), Peace Pipe treaty, Palladium of Troy (Asian) treaty, Noah’s Arc or Dove (white tribes of Europe/Cleopatra) treaty and Solomon’s Seal treaty (Blacks, Arabs and Israelites) governed all civilizations. Believe it or not….The savages governed the civilized world! and for 700 years they did. 1000 years before the alleged birth of Christ, existed treaties between Matriarchal and Patriarchal nations. Whether it’s a matriarchal or patriarchal country, the woman held the allodial title of the territory. The Treatys are valid because of an understanding of peaceful restitution between equal nations. The women were the law! If we go back a little further to the seeding of humanity, Sergeant Pattie Brassard of the USA military secret space program suggests that our creator, who she calls Gaia, made humans within her image. Gaia, the source of all Power, Love and Wisdom, used the Rhesus monkey as a conduit to bear the seed of her divine intention into our earthly expression. It is difficult to absorb new information when you have no current reference but consider, the dilemma of the Rh+ (Rhesus monkey positive) and Rh- blood types to add legitimacy and real life proofs to this idea. If you are an Rh +, you are from an original line of earth descendants. If you are a Rh- you have been modified from a different source. This is why Rh+ women have such difficulty to birth an Rh- baby. Her natural body will attack anything that is not from these original lines. In the 1960’s physicians developed immune suppressive therapy, that prevents the Rh+ mother from reacting to her child’s Rh- blood cells. In essence, medicine was shutting down the mothers immune system to over-ride this shut off valve to protect the human genome. This so called "medical miracle" allowed the marriage and interbreeding of species that wasn’t previously permitted according to natural law, and the Rh- babies began surviving in the Rh+ mothers body with a lien on the the human DNA. There have been many modifications to our human genetics during our time here on the planet, the covid mRNA scam was the most recent experiment by injecting non-human components into the God and virus fearing people. Click on the link to check your blood type. You may learn more about the blood lines from the project incension genetics videos in the references below. Thank you to klan mother :karen :lucyk macdonald for sharing these references and reviewing the article for accuracy. Politicians, Presidents, Popes, Priests, Prime Ministers, Police, and media Patrons were commissioned to bring in the agenda of diluting the DNA and depopulating the planet. This intelligence controlled the matrix with their lies and manipulation. Injecting toxins, into the sacred blood of humans is a 100 year old agenda of the World Health Organization in the current "vaccine" program to dumb down the population to the position in which we find ourselves today. But as you will witness form the video references genetic modification has been happening for thousands of years. Interrupted from the natural frequencies of our earth medicine, we are confused about who we really are. Our air, water and food have been polluted, our history has been changed, we have been experimented upon with drugs, irradiated with cell frequencies and disconnected from the power of the healing matrix. Now it is time to remember……remember your brilliance and your ability to collapse the illusion with your intention. Ancient Indians who are our ancestors, were brilliant. They had 3 poles of DNA with 48 chromosomes, they could sing and dance a song that awakens genetics without placing themselves in a self hypnotic state. They could time walk to see even further than seven generations forward and backward and connect in different dimension with the spirits of nature. Chief Seattle's letter in 1854 spoke of this sacred communion with the earth. “ Every part of the earth is sacred to my people. The perfumed flowers are our sisters. The bear, the deer and the great eagle they are our brothers. The rivers too are our brothers, that quench our thirst, carry our canoes and feed our children so treat them with the same kindness as you would your brother. What befalls the earth, befalls the sons of earth.” Using calculus, trigonometry and asymptote principles done on the ground with symbols, our ancestors could work out an astrophysics problem faster than a more modern 10 power calculator. Divinity within humanity was our birth right, there is a quantum connection with the earth, the universal Great Spirit and the star nations. This is the trinity of Love, Power and Wisdom. The trinity is a repeated pattern within our DNA represents the same. The trinity with the crop circles are guiding us to the womb of creation. The two strands DNA that we currently have perhaps is the Love and Wisdom and through this we grow back our Power! According to Meredith Quinn and other sources, the word God changed colour in the Christian Bible 451 years after the birth of King James. In the later versions to 1611 Bible, references to the “daughters of the great spirit” were removed in favour of the “son of God the father”. What happened to God the mother? The guidance of the great spirit and peace treaties among sovereign nations got traded in for the book of rules and regulations with a mortal God. Non-native entities began polluting our earth with the male God who could inflict wrath, wars and calamities of floods, fires and earthquakes. Does God run the HAARP project and geo-engineering facilities to ensure these prophecies manifest? Perhaps some of the end times story written in Revelations was written and marked up by the beast himself? It is difficult to know which history is true and which is the mock up as the time lines keep shifting. Some of the old bibles were the personification of celestial events and other details were coded with numbers to manipulate and guide a new timeline. Gematria is a coded set of numbers associated with letters that relay important secret information to the boys in the club who re-wrote the book. In many religions, God births you into original sin. The mortal god separates dualities in space and time. Be “good” here on earth while you later reap the salvation in heaven. You’re good deeds are rewarded in some Karmic fashion at a later date. You are unworthy as a human and must confess your sins to a man of God. You must eat the body and drink the blood of Christ to become whole as a part of the union of their holy spirit. You must spend your life forgiving your "sins" and the "sins" of others instead of appreciating the magnificence with your design. There is nothing original about sin…anyone can be a sinner according to a set of rules. If you consumed meat on Friday you were a sinner, if you used birth control you were a sinner, if you sang in church during covid you were a sinner, if you spoke against government taxing the temples you were a sinner. The Great Spirit incorporates the birth and death of a season, the rise and fall of the sun, the waxes and wanes of the moon, the "sinner" and the "saint" into a unified balanced teaching. The yin and yang is within every molecule of our existence. The Great Spirit of understanding sees that you instanously create with your beliefs, words and intentions. The Great Spirit knows you are not so much a product but a co-creator of the universe. The only original sin is not knowing your birth rite as an expression of divinity. You are just as perfect as our creator, your light shines as bright as a thousand suns and rises and falls on the sin(e) wave over the horizon of matter. Don't allow them to convince you that you need their medicines to keep you well or their genetically modified foods to sustain you. You are divine. You are the One. Good and bad judgments of yourself and others help you identify the times you are waning away from the heart of the creator spirit, forgetting who you are and drifting into the duality of your dual human mind and existence. Newsflash..... Christopher Columbus wasn’t the first guy to discover new lands! The history books forgot to tell you he killed off 10 million Indians in the Caribbean who arrived before he got there and could have claimed his great explorer title. In fact, he did such a great job with the genocide of an entire nation that today there is hardly a trace of aboriginal folks in the areas where he landed. This entitlement continued with the white races believing they held some superiority over the natives and native culture when according to natural law the reverse was true. Rabbi Finkelstein suggests, the take over of Christian religions put the fear of God into unsuspecting men. Eating the body and drinking the blood of Christ became a real life ritual, worshipping the dead corpse hanging on the cross over every alter, child sacrifices were happening in temples and in hospitals. Even the seven rights of the sacred pipe and other so-called native traditions were made by the USA military and given to the tribes to confuse them from their original heritage and their Clan mother governance of earth. Queen lizzy’s indigenous crimes lay buried in the thousands of bodies uncovered on residential school grounds. Justin Trudeau’s apology is a tongue in cheek stunt to distract from the new Federal Government policies to incorporate the reserves into municipalities and assimilate the sovereign nation status, paying the Indian act chiefs to turn against their own people and native tradition. The Canadian cabal donates food, drink and costumes to the powwow’s and un-dripping into the news about aboriginal rights to keep the illusion of cultural diversity alive, while underground, they are still attempting to assimilate and genocide the guardians and gatekeepers of our earth. At the last Powwow I attended, they didn’t even have a sacred fire and it looked more like a costume party than a sacred ritual! Poisoning water, injecting bioweapons and creating drug dependency is an old tactic of the medical mafia in both native and non-native men, women and children. Those who are waking up to their own true power, have the ability to stop this madness! Years ago, I had a powerful dream, if fact it felt like i’d stepped into a different reality. I was meeting a cloaked women who took my face in her hands and was looking directly into my soul through my eyes and asking me to remember, remember, remember “insophia”. I wrote about this in a blog article entitled Is Sophia Hiding in Your Grandmother. It feels important to share this with you.....and so it is I keep writing. This was a long story to describe why our children continue to be the prime targets of centuries of war. If we can remember who we are and unite into a single sharp focus to protect the children, we awaken to the divinity within our humanity. Some have taken the blue pill of the matrix and will not be able to find their way back. Bless and dismiss. Those who have not been captured physically by the dark injections may still be putting their minds into fear and “end-times” reality traps. Bless and Dismiss. A clan mother advised me to leave the dead to look after the dead and move into creating our new beautiful reality. We can’t cry over spilt milk but mop up what is on the floor, pick up what is ours, that which enriches our soul and move upward and onward into higher dimensions of love and wisdom. Each soul signs up for a different earth lesson. According to the secret soldiers and videos of nurse reports on the scene, many of the children that were rescued from the D.U.M.Bs for example didn’t make it through the transition of coming to the surface. Others still trapped in trafficking situations may not be saved. The light can be deadly to those who live in the dark. Do the best with what you know and have and trust in a divine wisdom to take care of the rest. Our Great Spirit of nature incorporates the death of one tree to be the sustenance for another. Look not at what is dying but at what is being birthed. The shift of intention is what creates the reality. Talking about these crimes against our humanity and bringing light to the dark agendas helps dissolves them. But in addition to tearing down the old building, we must create the blueprints for the structure we’d like to build in its place. Those doing these crimes are the weakest of our species and therefore like any bully on the playground they pick on the most vulnerable to feel powerful. The sexual predators are lonely out-casts which is why they hide away masturbating to pornography and then prey on the most vulnerable to feel some kind of power or pleasure. They are disconnected from their own source of love and light. Part of the solution is allowing the men to find purpose in protecting the women and the children. Women must express gratitude for the real men who protect the home and teach their skills to provide the example. Without this guidance and recognition, the men do not know themsleves or their place in the world. My grandmother would often talk about what a good father and mother I had and what an amazing son (and son-in law), daughter (and daughter in law) she had. She would remind us often about our great qualities, that children were gifts from our Creator. Even when I was wrong she found a way to make it right. They protected us fiercely and would never allow anyone to hurt us. This was the environment that surrounded me. We rehearsed goodness and gratitude. I felt safe, loved and protected. Psychologist, police, priest, politicians, medical doctors, lawyers and many other uniformed child protective services accomplices may try to down play these crimes of humanity calling it a "sexual deviation" or a "sexual dysfunction" so as to feel better about their own involvement. To be clear these entities are not real men but a pitiful waste of a pair of testicles in a inhumane form. Our lack of clarity about this allows it to continue. According to Sergeant Pattie Brassard, sexually abusing a child, removes the third etheric shield of protection that leaves them leaking energy and bleeding into the shark tank. Wounds that go far beyond the physical body into the fabric and heart of mutual love, trust and psychological safety of what makes us human. Many who are preyed upon, become predators themselves in a cycle of generational trauma. If we could collectively put out the intention, that a man or woman who performs any sexual activity with a child gets their private parts removed….. I believe the problem would cease. It continues because of our lack of unity, clarity and certainty of our position. How do we save the children? Define the Principle and Rehearse our Intention. 1. The children hold our future. “Children are gifts from the Creator, I honor their essence of life, love and wisdom.” 2. Honouring our own power to create a beautiful new reality. Our beliefs, thoughts, words and actions must be congruent. “I cherish the human being as a reflection of divine creation and I vow to keep it pure.” 3. Reward the behaviours that allow our children to thrive and severely reprimand those that don’t. “Great Spirit, remove the genitals from those that abuse others with them! ” 4. Have the courage to act. If not, then step aside and allow someone else to do it. Don’t dilute a problem that you don’t have the courage to correct. A crime is a crime regardless of your societal status or special badges. “My sacred duty of the highest order is to protect the children." References: Sgt Pattie Brassard project panther- human genome project transgender etc preplanned https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJaEnCTGJ9A&t=2068s 0- 55 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nX83Fk7CgxE&t=3798s 42- 55 min https://www.bitchute.com/video/ozsD8X0C1niN/ Meredith Quinn Tribal Law : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWdutxBVvZI World Health Organization Agenda: https://thebridgelifeinthemix.info/health/who-memos-1972-explains-how-to-turn-vaccines-into-a-means-of-killing/?fbclid=IwAR1SYvsNN-nU1IA7ILnojpeLXpV53TzJRwUVBmWF7oAIq753WImky3qXUUQ Rabbi Finkelstein : https://www.bitchute.com/video/zXz2KwjYKZce/ You are the one. https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/you-are-the-one Insophia. https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/is-sophia-hidden-in-your-grandmother
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