Are you really proud to be Canadian? If you are still waving the flag thinking it an act of freedom, you may like to know this research.
There is no constitution. No prime minister with authority over you. The land we live upon belongs to you. Canadian Crown land is fallacy. Queen Victoria cheated you and every politician, lawyer and police are living the lie of a Canadian constitution. Thank you to Klan mother Karen MacDonald who gave Lizzy the boot. Video presentation of the material in this article. Before we begin let’s sort out a few definitions: The name “Canada" likely comes from the Huron-Iroquois word “kanata,” meaning “village” or “settlement.” The word country is a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. A corporation is a separate legal entity. It can enter into contracts and own property in its own name, separately and distinctly from its owners. Politics and the history of Canada held no previous interest but my concern for the current governance has sent me deep into our heritage to discover our power and brilliance beyond the corporation of Canada that is ran by members of the Ku Klux Klan. Many thanks to a well researched group of friends who have devoted their life to these details and entrusted me with this information. In this sharing, may it exponentially increase the outreach to empower you at this transition to step into your power. The maple leaf is the Insignia of Order of the KKK worn on the right breast, according to their Constitution and Laws Article XI and XIII 11/3/2018. The library archives would likely host a copy if you’d like a reference for this information. Do you remember February 22, 1964 when they changed the flag to the red and white canadian maple leaf? I was told it was because of all the maple trees in Canada and I guess in some dimension this was true in a right-breasted, insignia, sort of way. Removing the pointy white sheep hat off the wolf always makes him a bit nervous so if you’d like to source this information, do it soon. The establishment tends to bury the information from “fringe minority of useless eaters”. October 9, 2018 when my government regulated chiropractic license was suspended for speaking truth about the dangers of shots the hidden agenda of the Health Department became clear. The "Canada corporation" is a pharmaceutical company with highest priority to make profit. It is no wonder my 2016 letters of concern to Federal Health Minister Jane Philpott or Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about the dangers in injecting chemicals they called “vaccines” fell on deaf ears. The health of the men and women was not on their agenda. In fact, there is so much money to be made by keeping the population sick and disempowered, it would be a conflict of interest to promote anything different. The World Health Organization had a 1972 mandate to use vaccines to kill so it was silly for me to think I could wrestle that alligator. (2) Communicating your health concerns with those who have a license to kill is a bit of a divine comedy. The solution I’ve learned is just to not contract with the corporation. "I do not consent to these “mandates” and legal terms of your corporation and I do not wish to do business with you." Trying to force the corporation to change it’s mandates based on a very specific agenda of profit and control is like trying to baptize a cat in a bathtub! When you are born you are given a birth certificate and registered within the corporation of Canada as a commodity. The back of your certificate has a cusip number so that your strawman (capitalized version of your name) can be registered on the global stock exchange. The taxes you pay in your lifetime to the corporation they use as an asset to trade and make money on your potential payments on the world market. The more taxes you pay, the more money you make the corporation. Tax is not legal. Funny that the government website quotes tax as a constitutional requirement. What happens now that there is technically no constitution? The same now also applies to the transgender school agenda. Parents arguing about this ridiculousness, makes it more ridiculous. If you are not inspired by this education for your kids, remove them from the system. The education system is ran by government and they get paid by you registering your child. If you register them into the program then you are consenting to their rules. Once again chasing around cats with your water bucket is an inefficient use of your time. This is a bottom up process now in educating and empowering men and women to stand up for themselves and stop surrendering or trying to change a consciousness less than their own. If you don't like it, leave. Sept 22, 2020, 28 of us established the Atlantic Common Law assembly under the tutelage of Kevin Annett, retired United Church minister who revealed the crimes of church and state of indigenous genocide in a book entitled Murder by Decree. (7) Kevin and I had our first meeting July 2020. The ACLA founded in September grew to 200 members in about 3 months! When I started asking questions about where the money to republic of Kanata was going, I got booted out. It appears this and many other freedom groups are taken over by the corporation too. This has always been the case- Rothschilds, Morgans, Rockefellers did this with the media, the medical boards, the steel industry, the currency in the 1800’s and 1900’s and it continues to this day. Many "freedom" groups that are waving Canada flags, incorporated within the establishment or support government politicians are technically part of the KKK. (3) (4) Let's go back a little further in history to talk about the treaties that were established in the 1700’s. Treaties were set up between the Queen of England and the indigenous peoples of the lands we know as Canada. These Nation to Nation agreements as represented by the wampum belts were mutual contractual agreements and these contracts are still in place today! Which is why the Canada Corporation see the Indians as a threat and had to put a plan in place to get rid of them and literally bury the problem in attempting to genocide an entire nation. The Indian Act turned the church and state into the authority to punish and destroy this race thorough involuntary sterilization, residential schools and selling out land rights and fishing treaties. Chief Del Riley, the last president of the National Indian Brotherhood, delineates many of these details in a legacy book entitled The Last President (5). The RCMP was initially set up as a militant branch of the British Crown to kill off the Indians and clear the lands for the Canadian railway. The Canadian government had the RCMP support the Indian Agent to oversee the process, the churches ran the schools to "pound some Christian sense and the love of Jesus" into the savages. The Indian Act chiefs were locals guys, paid $50 a head for kids they could round up for the prisons, they called the Indian residential schools. Despicable really that the government bribes Indians to turn upon their own people to help with the assimilation and assassination of a great nation of earth guardians. These Indian Act Chiefs are essentially government paid employees to support the mission of killing the sovereignty of the Indian race. This era of torture, sexually assault, slavery, starvation, medical experimentation and involuntary sterilization all in the name of our christian Canadian God aimed to “kill the savages” because the corporation saw them as a threat to their authority. Their power and authority not only in the written treaties but in the very constitution of their DNA, as I'll later explain in more detail. The white man money became the god over their ancient love and wisdom. Perhaps they forgot how their ancestors were bribed to accept blankets of Smallpox, Tuberculosis and other biological agents of warfare? Today as the horrors of residential schools and grave sites are being revealed, the government now is hiding their horns and long red tails in removing land rights, fishing privileges and UNDRIP scams all while under the guise of helping the indigenous. The Indian Act Chiefs and the UNDRIP programs are government funded. The indigenous sports programs, community centers and medical centers where they sterilize women are a part of the assimilation plans of the race. Are they improving the life of Indians or are they committing them to government dependency and slavery into the KKK corporation. The 33 reserves in Atlantic Canada get 1.5 billion dollars a year, while many on the reserve still live in poverty. Well except the the Indian Act Chiefs, they live in million dollar homes as it pays well to help the KKK funnel money. White men steal their land and then they sell it back to them? Have you heard the joke about selling ice to an eskimo? Please share these intentions with the Indian Act Chiefs so they see how they are being used in their nations own demise. Encourage them to go back to the Clan mothers for guidance to find our way home. Where are the all the real First Nation Fellows who know their own power? “Duncan Campbell Scott was to run the residential school system at its peak— that is, between 1913 and 1932. Scott was what might be called an extreme assimilationist. As a career civil servant, he was involved in Aboriginal affairs throughout his career (he proposed several amendments to the Indian Act and negotiated one of the major treaties). More importantly, he oversaw the operation of the residential schools. Scott was an active official, and while he seems to have appreciated some elements of the indigenous cultures, he also contributed much to their destruction. When he mandated school attendance in 1920, he stated, “I want to get rid of the Indian problem. I do not think as a matter of fact, that the country ought to continuously protect a class of people who are able to stand alone. . . . Our objective is to continue until there is not a single Indian in Canada that has not been absorbed into the body politic and there is no Indian question, and no Indian Department, that is the whole object of this Bill.” The British North American Act (B.N.A. Act) of 1867 suggest a dilemma that dissolves the possibility of the Canadian constitution. Difficult it is to find a certified copy or even a print version of this Act as it was passed through Commons and the assent of Queen Victoria March 29th, 1867 without discussion and the minutes of the meeting were never made public. “The Colonial office in this private bill called the British North American Act, enacted into a statute by the Imperial Parliament objected to Canada’s request for self government. It would have been a suicidal policy on the part of Great Britain to grant the provinces of Canada the right to create a Federal Union. It was imperative for the best interest of Great Britain that Canada be retained as a colony so that they could settle the terms they had tentatively agreed to in the Treaty of Washington.” B.N.A. Act Page 2, 1- the attempt of federate the colonies of British North America. The Treaty of Washington inaugurated peaceful relations between UK, USA and Canada in 1871 was contingent upon the UK retaining Canada as a colony. “There is nothing in the historical record which can be cited to support the story of confederation. Is the British North American Act fraudulent from the words and the manner in which the words are used? It is. The Federal Union must be “free and Sovereign, whereas a colony must be subservient. No country could be both at the same time. No agreement of any kind as ever been signed between the provinces of Canada. It is impossible to be Federally United and a Dominion at the same time” B.N.A. Act page 7- There Was No Confederation. “The B.N.A Act has been used as though it were the constitution of Canada, which it is not. It is a Statue. Although the Statue affects other Dominions as well as Canada ( Commonwealth of Australia, Union of South Africa, New Zealand and the Irish free State and Newfoundland) it also extends autonomy to each individual Province of Canada. A legislature of a Province may pass and Act to incorporate a locality or district into a municipality but the actual incorporation must be accomplished by the citizens of the locality.” B.N.A Act page 10 IV- How Has the B.N.A Act Been Used. Genetic research of Sergeant Pattie Brassard retired USA military secret space program, MicMac elder and Gaia shaman takes us back to the origins of humanity. The original indigenous peoples were Rh +, they had 3 poles of DNA and 48 chromosomes. This led to special talents of being able to time walk and to ascend beyond their body into the spirit world and to see the effects of their actions on 7 generations back and forward in the time-line and to feel their connection to nature. They were a superior race compared to the non-human entities that landed on earth and wish to enslave humans for their own profit. But it is as true as it was from the beginning as is now, our indigenous men and women are the guardians of our earth. When men and women are able to remember their power and connect with their higher selves and the spirit of life in natural law, the artificial matrix disappears. We empower of First Nations by doing the opposite of what has been done to them. Remove the white men judgments, treatments and punishments. Allow indigenous to gather on their own land with their elders outside of the influence of the Indian Act chiefs, churches and local white man governance and let us take a seat and learn from them the songs, stories and dances of our ancestors that taught us to love and care for each other and our earth. The essence is captured in chief seattle's letter to the President of Washington in 1874. Where do we go from here? 1. Bring awareness to the problem. There is no Federal government. We have been living a lie. Therefore all Federal policies dissolve. Federal tax and carbon tax now must be dissolved too and any other ridiculous Federal Union objectives the KKK has instituted to make money. 2. This oversight of the B.N.A. Act opens the door to dissolve all these acts and mandates the corporation has also written into policies, including the Indian Act and allow individual provinces authority over their own policies and resources. 3. I'm not sure how we get people to stop muzzling and injecting themselves but I trust in the concept of Natural Selection where the fittest and most intelligent critical thinkers see through the propaganda and survive to propagate our species. The "pure-bloods" seem to have a higher knowing. Those that surrender to a consciousness less than their own, take on that vibration. 4. The hereditary chiefs and clan mothers are by default the governing National Authorities now in these lands we call Canada. "Treaties are governed by International rather than municipal law. In all International law, including today Clan mothers hold the title to the territory of the nation including the USA and Canada both White and Indian", Hon JJ Curran Q.C Solicitor General for Canada 1898. Clan mothers now can give the KKK a kick in the ass and send them back to the swamps from which they came. 5. The kangaroo courts at a municipal and national level are caught in the rigging the fake constitution of Canada so I imagine this matter must be sorted at the European Union level to re-establish our new Clan mother form of governance for our country. Judge Alfred Lambremont Weber has began this process of holding accountable the global stakeholders. The men and women of this land hold the power, most just don't believe it yet. In a matriarchal structure, the women holding a cosmic wisdom are respected in a new tribal governance. Resources click on available links: 1. Video February 22, 1964 when they changed the flag. 2. The World Health Organization had a mandate to use vaccines to kill. 3. Book reference -Murder by Injection. Eustace Mullins 4. Book reference- The President Makers. Don Fotheringham 5. Book reference- The Last President. Del Riley 6. Video reference Sgt Pattie Brassard. 7. Book reference- Murder by Decree. Kevin Annett 8. Book reference - Bad Medicine. John Reilly 9. Doctorate Dissertation. The Historical Ethnography of the Micmac... Bernard Gilbert Hoffman Montana State University 1946. 10. Chief seattle's letter to the President of Washington in 1874. 11. British North American Act. 1867 12. Video- International Natural and Common Law Tribunal. Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre. 13. The Myth is Canada. Indian Act Chiefs are being paid to abandon treaties that gives the MicMac a sovereign nation status: Treaty of Nov 22, 1752 Jean Battiste. SCC (supreme Court Canada) made public Nov 22, 1985-Treay 1752. Treaty of Nov 9, 1761, Nova Scotia, made pubic Sept 17, 1999. Only then did the Indian Act Chiefs and the Canadian lawyers in court cases create different spellings of the word "MicMac".
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