4/20/2024 8 Comments Chemtrail DetoxApril 19, 2024 here in Nova Scotia Canada, we had a tremendous day of white lines littering the sky. In the morning, the sky was beautifully blue but by three O'Clock the zig-zag, criss-cross chemtrails in their swollen gray haze coated the blue background. It's really nothing new, as they have been doing this for years, but the amount yesterday was so obvious that even those calling conspiracy theory woke up with a sore throat. The little tickle in my throat this morning, inspired me to do a the video and write this article to share resources, information and inspiration.
A chemtrail is a trail of chemicals sprayed into the sky from a holding tank that is pumped into sprayers attached to the wings of a plane. The chemtrail you see in the sky, may last for hours and could be miles long. Anthony Williams shares how the chemical companies hire these private companies or refurbish old planes and pilots to pump their excess waste into the air. The philosophy is in sprinkling it slowly over the earth, life forms can better accommodate the poison. If they were to dump it into a lake all at once for example, life in the lake would die. A contrail, an abbreviated name for condensation, is a natural occuring phenomena. When the hot exhaust from the planes engine meets the cold air, it forms a short trail a few feet behind the plane from the engine and last a few minutes until the water vapour is dissolved into a blue sky. There is a photo at the end of this article that illustrates the difference. Appreciation to the creators. This excess chemical waste comes from a wide range of industries within the military industrial complex of our world. Factories, laboratories treatment plants who make dangerous chemicals used in warfare and medicines, generally have the resources to ensure they are somehow disposed. Maybe the CEO's of these billion dollar chemical companies don't even know their own waste is being sprayed back upon them. They just pay to have it discarded and don't ask too many questions. There are also more nefarious theories of chemtrails in weather warfare, depopulation and mind control as a way to cull the herd and more efficiently control humanity. Some of the chemicals are not even patented so you never really know what cocktail is going to rain down from the heavens. The metallic components ionize the atmosphere, changing the electrical charge so that it makes weather modification possible and EMF waves are more easily conducted. In this video Dr. Nick Begich explains how the research facility of HAARP ( High- Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) heats up ionosphere to weather manipulate. In fact, there are now acts in government to allow weather modification. Obama passed The Monsanto Act in 2013 to protect the company against liability for deaths and injuries from herbicide Round Up (aka glyphosate) and other sprayed chemicals. Monsanto group of companies (united now under Bayer) were also are the makers of DDT and Agent Orange so they play rough in the chemical playground. In 1986, Ronald Reagan passed an Act to absolve vaccine companies against liability and in 1996, Bill Clinton passed the Telecommunication Act to protect cellular companies. Are you seeing the big picture? Governments are manipulated paid puppet organizations for these megaconglomerants. They create laws and acts to protect themselves, but who is protecting you? The recent Weather Modification Act and carbon tax is established on the pretense of protecting us against climate change but they forgot to tell you the climate is changing because they are engineering it! How you can protect yourself and detox your body? The photo at the top of the article is a Walipini- an underground greenhouse. Thank you to my friend Dan who introduced me to this idea and took me on a tour of his greenhouse bunker. Many benefits in this type of construction: digging down 4 feet under the frost line extends your growing season, moderates temperature and sunlight and for the benefit of this article, it protects against the chemical sprays. Ensuring proper drainage is essential otherwise the walipini turns into a walipool of water! The Green Power Houses are another construction that I love in that it provides clean food, clean air, enhances the soil and with a biochar product produces free energy! This structure and the food revolution is one solution to many of our world problems! Water is the bases of life, it holds our intention and is the universal solvent for many toxins. Chlorine Dioxide is a great antiparasitic, antifungal, antibacterial that helps rid your body of these other entities that tax your body so it liberates energy to detox chemtrails. Filtering or distilling water is essential now given the chemicals that are being sprayed, ingested and injected into people and into our groundwater. Detoxing Covid, is another article that discusses keeping your detox pathways clear. Enemas for your bowels, skin brushing and sweating to detox through your skin, drinking lemon water and celtic natural salt to flush kidneys, castor oil packs for liver, removing wifi and cell phone radiation from your biofield and fasting as one of the oldest and most effective detox methods. Your gut is about 80 % of your immune system so healing this with periods of fasting and pre-probiotics is a great reset. Most people benefit also from a parasitic cleanse at least twice a year. The video today, highlights a celery juice chlorophyll recipe and shares other tips on air purifiers, pineapple juice, green tea, activated charcoal, sleep, exercise and minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, copper and boron that some believe to mitigate or help deactivate the nano-tech. The chemtrail alkali earth metals like barium and strontium can displace magnesium and calcium (being in the same column of the periodic table) so minerals are essential in this day and age. EMF radiation also effects the voltage-gated calcium channels so we have this interference in mineral metabolism coming at us from all sides. Your mindset and what you are saying to yourself determines your reality so if you look at the sky and say, type or post .... "they are k*lling us with these trails", you have paralysed yourself and others reading or hearing your words and attached yourself to that destiny. If you can look up at the sky and think, type, post and say to yourself.... "Wow! now there's a challenge I can look up too 😊" maybe you make yourself smile, reduce the stress in your sympathetic nervous system, see it as a challenge that empowers you and requires your action. Reptiles control humans by fear and emotion, locking them into the primitive emotional center of the brain. Reptile is a good name because only cold blooded creatures with a remedial intelligence dumps toxic chemicals from the sky and tries to block the sun. Yes it is true Bill Gates, when he is not creating a computer virus to inject into the population, has been doing sky experiments for years trying to block the Sun. Any three year old human could tell you that is not the smartest idea but these froot loops controlling the chemical companies are not really working with a full deck and are not the sharpest tools in the shed. What is working in our favour? What resources and tools are available to us? 1. Our numbers- we are bigger than the few chemical company CEO's. 2. We all have access to social media. This is a global platform with tremendous power and influence. 3. We are brilliant and have the ability to expand out of emotion into the inspired vision part of our mind to find solutions. 4. Through love and joy we create unity and once we tap into to this frequency, we become the co-creators of our universe. 5. The divinity within humanity establishes the natural law...... What man can poison & destroy, he can also heal & rebuild. What benefit do we see in the current situation? 1. "My contempt for authority made me one" Einstein. This challenge wakes you to your unlimited power and you become your own authority. 2. Business opportunities for those providing creative solutions to our problems- greenhouses, free energies & chemical transformers. 3. Uniting humanity beyond any duality develops strength, resilience & powerfully connects us to greater consciousness. 4. Opening our heart and mind to the labour of love and joy, solutions are birthed. Pain is the greatest teacher. What is our greatest weakness ? "Whether you believe you can or believe you can't, you're right." Henry Ford. Our own limiting beliefs keeps us small, working from emotion and our victim mentality. There is a defining moment when you realize, you control your destiny. Pain pushes until your purpose pulls you! What is our greatest threat? Extinction of life on earth. Dane Wigington is a great resource for geoengineering and gives us this recent Global news Alert. This SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities, threat) analysis gives our team vision and strategic planning for success. If you have other resources, links, ideas or suggestions, please add them to the comments below or send me a message with your threads of information and inspirations to weave into our tapestry. Suggested Action Steps: 1. Breathe, smile and know, together we've got this. 2. Take pictures of the chemtrails, identify the flight through "live plane trackers" and post on social media to bring transparency & awareness. 3. Start doing something today to improve your health. Plant a garden, connect with a local organic greenhouse, buy a water filter...... 4. Join a group, create community, gather resources, inspire action. Together we are stronger. 5. Review the links in this article and resource section at the bottom and share with those trying to sell you on climate change scam. 6. Use social media to publicly post questions to mainstream media, politicians, chemical companies. Let them see humanity rising! 7. Reduce the chemicals you use. Live a more natural existence with less plastic and medications. 8. Call Diane Campbell 1-819-938-4440, Administrator of Canada’s Weather Modification Act to question why the weather needs modifying. 9. Paying taxes to an agency not working in your best interest is not wise. Share this information with CCRA. 10. Inspire our youth to be healthy, brilliant and support them in finding new healing solutions for our world. It is for them, we must rise. Resources: 1. Green Power houses the food revolution solution... Burns waste, cleans air & food, enhances soil, provides O2 and free energy ! 2. Purifying and re-structuring water video: www.bitchute.com/video/mWeOgCaAppzw/ 3. Keep detox pathways clear : www.healthtruth.blog/blog/detoxing-covid 4. Chlorine Dioxide water purification: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/ocean-oxygen-obesity-chlorine-dioxide 5. Chemtrail video, recipes and supplements: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zdYFmYptxOQq/ 6. Eating for the greatest energy: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/what-diet-is-best-for-energy-health 7. Dr. Nick Begich explains the research facility of HARRP & weather modification: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEd3WzwPXKU 8. Dane Wigington- great resource for geoengineering: Global news Alert & geoengineering watch website . 9. Medical medium Anthony Williams on Chemtrails. 10. Airline pilot exposes chemtrails. 11. Information for Canada Customs and Revenue Agency: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bi8Tz8sT1U https://worldbeyondwar.org/crime-pay-tax/?fbclid=IwAR3UFROikR1fio5XMj9blBfWke1vpV0BtqRjJmBA955-qoXC6n3L5DJGYcs 12. Live Plane trackers site: https://www.flightradar24.com/44.86,-63.34/10 https://planefinder.net/ https://www.flightaware.com/live/ May the source be with you and the resources make you mad enough to be magnificent!
Dr. DenaDr. Dena Churchill- International Speaker, Author, Health Innovator & Wellness Astrologer. Archives
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