4/23/2021 8 Comments AwakeGod Bless you Awake Warriors!
Thank you for all you do! Now that there are so many being shot up with the mRNA experiment and the shedding of the spike protein to the unvaxxed, the "cases" of those who are sick will continue to rise. Statistics Canada found no greater deaths last year 2020 than any other year, proving there was no pandemic. This year there may be more. The break in the DNA sequencing caused by the mRNA separates the body from the soul and all the healers and doctors I've consulted with say there is no way back for them. Brace yourselves, it is just the beginning. These politicians have their depopulation orders and many of the public are too programmed to see through the illusion. We must head to the hills to create a new reality of organic healthy living in our permaculture communities. More to come about this...... FOI POP = Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act . The government hasn't been able to prove there is a virus or the safety and effectiveness of any of the measures but the public believes there is a scary virus and even if the government were to retract their words, many would still muzzle up and inject because of the psychological trauma. Jonestown couldn't have been stopped because the demons lived within their own psyche. The best way we can help humanity now is share information, love and care for yourselves and your families, Be the Change and bless and dismiss others giving them freedom to fly or fall. Calls to Action: 1. Keep yourselves healthy. https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/prepare-for-future-waves-of-any-virus. Avoid direct contact with the vaccinated. Viral shedding is not a new concept to vaccine injections but this spike protein shedding is an on-going experiment without known parameters. Support your immune system. Keep your vibration high (https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/raising-your-energy-eating-a-bloody-moon) trust in the loving power of the universe to protect you. Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper while you maintain a state of love and grace. Fear makes you sick. 2. Send letters to MLA's, Schools, Medical Doctors, pharmacists, public health nurses. (see attached templates) 3. See the blessings. The current lockdown for example will keep you away from the thousands recently injected and it is a time for you to send letters and jack up your natural immunity. 4. Sign petitions: Oppose co-vid vaccine for schools: https://www.votervoice.net/mobile/LifesiteNewsCA/campaigns/83392/respond?ct=t(VV-VETO-NO-MANDATORY-VAXX-STUDENTS-4-8-21-ONT)&fbclid=IwAR1XVNmV_y1lc6hEOegQECI6w3uFRKv_JyMKTKD0lfjcGqPqop7OoQT63NQ Oppose vaccine passport: https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/protect-your-autonomy/ Stop vaccine passport: https://www.dereksloan.ca/stopthevaxxport?fbclid=IwAR3wL7b3ndZXJjFfN3qty_kO-QNHQFeuqQe0rO3H4pGFAp3QQ-_S5H7Rn3I End State of Emergency: https://www.change.org/p/nova-scotia-government-termination-of-the-nova-scotia-state-of-emergency?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_27961921_en-CA%3A3&recruiter=16309039&recruited_by_id=e28a9410-bee8-012f-595d-4040f855b16c&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_message&utm_term=psf_combo_share_message&share_bandit_exp=message-27961921-en-CA 5. Report injuries. Report all injuries of those injected (and those in the vicinity of the injected) to the Canadian Chapter of Children's Health Defence at this link.... https://vaxxtracker.com/. Please share this link with all primary health care providers who are injecting your community. 6. Attend rallies- exercise your rights and freedoms!! What you don't use, you lose. Bring business cards, smiles, signs, music, kids and pets to celebrate the sanity of our humanity. This Saturday, April 24th in Bridgewater 1pm at the Old Bridge Road and May 1st at 1pm in Halifax, Public Gardens entrance. We have the support of both the Bridgewater and Halifax regional police. (see flyer) Our beliefs, thoughts and actions create our reality so let's focus on celebrating a loving healthy existence. Hope to see you tomorrow! Blessings, Dena Attachment of letter template: Emailed to nurses, doctors and pharmacist NS associations April 19, 2021 To whom it may concern, Please consider this a formal complaint against physicians and pharmacists who disregard patient health responsibilities and ignore the code of ethics of informed consent. I would appreciate you forwarding this e-mail to the board or investigative committees of your respective physician, pharmacy and nurses associations as there are lawful investigations in process. A primary care provider, has the legal, moral and ethical responsibility to obtain patients informed consent. Criminal it is to be promoting a behaviour that the profession has deemed harmful without discussing side effects or giving patients options. In fact your liability insurances will not cover you if this informed consent is not received. There is no science that shows maskings to be effective in viral transmission but much evidence to show not only does it reduce oxygen but causes harm because of the inhaled toxins such as nanotechnology and teflon within the mask fibers! DO NO HARM is a basic health tenant many seem to be ignoring. If Dr. Strang is the person to whom doctors give all authority, then I’d encourage you to read his comments to the media Appendix 1 where he himself states masks are useless! In Appendix 2, Statistics Canada confirms there was no pandemic. I’ve also included two recent letters to Dr. Strang, Premier Rankin, Health Minister Leo Glavin and the other Nova Scotia Members of legislative assembly for your reference (appendix 3 and 4). There appears to be no science to support these ridiculous measures. The new mRNA shots for co-vid is a genetic experiment without any human trials! Those you are injecting are the lab rats. There have been 60,000 adverse events of death and disease reported in the VAERS database. It is your duty to inform patients of these statistic so they can make an informed decision that is in their best health interest. Many Phd researchers, immunologists and medical doctors are warning that there is only a 2 year life expectancy after this shot is given. Without informed consent, physicians, pharmacist and nurses are responsible for the genocide. See appendix 5 and attached VAERS database from a month ago when there were only 30,000 injuries and deaths. I’d encourage your associations to also send a formal inquiry into the government in these lockdown recommendations! Our health depends upon your independent thought and not blindlessly following unconstitutional, unlawful, unhealthy measures for a fake pandemic ! As primary care providers, doctors, nurses and pharmacists, you have an oath and as a board your focus is to protect the public. Time for us all to step into our own authority and do it. I will keep a record of this correspondance and assume this urgent health information and recent injury updates are circulated to all your members. We are developing class actions proceeding for those who are injured. Children’s Health Defence Canada under the guidance of Robert F Kennedy Jr has developed this website to report all Canadian vaccine injuries. https://vaxxtracker.com/. Appendix 1. Masks not useful. “For the general public we’re really trying to discourage people from using masks,” said Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s Chief Medical Officer of Health. “They are not very effective for the general public who are systematic about controlling the spread.” 2. No pandemic. There have been 64 deaths in Nova Scotia from this crazy cold virus. Is this number different than other years? Statistics Canada says there was no significant change in death statistics in 2020. 3. Email sent March 5, 2021 Dear Nova Scotia Politicians, Police, Media and Common Law Friends, It is clear that the current unlawful measures are a top-down process, enslaving all those in the corporation of Canada. Our attempt to educate and inspire our politicians and media into truthful lawful action have not been successful. It is time to focus our attention on educating the public, requesting a release of freedom of information and holding those personally liable who are suggesting these unlawful, unhealthy, unconstitutional requirements. Share this link with your circles and please send a freedom of information request to...... https://iaprequest.novascotia.ca/ Below is a copy of the request I submitted this morning. You may give a liability notice similar to this to your boss or management, school authorities or elected government officials in your province. Obviously, they won’t want to sign this, but their refusal, automatically puts them in commercial default and you in position of gaining monetary damages. These recommendations are in alignment to lawyer Rocco Galati's constitutional challenge to the Ontario Ministry of Health. Cal Washington has been successful in these liability cases so you may wish to follow him here. https://www.inpowermovement.com/about. Your Actions shifts this paradigm! IF one death out of 10K "cold/flu" cases is enough to shut down the country, why isn’t 1 death out of 10K vaccines enough to shut down the program? Notice of Conditional Acceptance This is to notify you that I may; wear a mask as directed, stand two metres apart, have my temperature checked, or participate in a lockdown, on the condition that you provide the following: 1. Proof that genetic sequence SARS Cov2 produces Covid-19 symptoms and that the PCR test is reliable measure. 2. Proof of your authority to mandate a procedures that has death as a side effect. 3. Proof that use of such masks, social distancing, or lockdown can prevent the inhalation of substances or micro-organisms at the nano scale of “viruses”. 4. Proof that prolonged use of such a mask will NOT cause Hypercapnia, Hypercarbia, Hypoxia, Bacterial Infection or Respiratory Acidosis in the wearer. 5. Proof of how this offer you've extended does not violate section 2a,2b,7,8, and 15 of the Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms. 6. A signed and witnessed statement from you, accepting full responsibility and full commercial liability should I be subsequently diagnosed with Hypercapnia, Hypercarbia, Hypoxia or suffer an asthmatic attack or any other respiratory, cardiovascular or physical and mental health distress resulting from prolonged mask wearing, social distancing, lockdown, or being two metres apart. 7. A complete list of your medical qualifications. Please use the space below to provide the requested proofs of claim and sign and date it in the appropriate boxes to accept full responsibility and full commercial liability. Failure to do so will be deemed to mean no such proof exists and that you are not medically qualified to make a determination of the effects of prolonged mask use, social distancing in lockdown or being two metres apart from others and/or you are not confident enough to take financial responsibility for my safety as a result of your enforced mask use, social distancing, or lockdown enforcement actions. Please provide the requested proof and medical qualifications here: Liability Statement I, ___Robert Strang, Leo Glavin, Ian Rankin____________ as the official enforcing the unlawful wearing of masks according to parliamentary preference, am fully aware that prolonged use of surgical and non-surgical masks reduces the levels of Oxygen that reach the wearer and increases the dangerous levels of Carbon Dioxide and toxins that are expelled via the breath. I am also aware that prolonged mask use increases the risk of Hypercapnia, Hypercarbia, Hypoxia, Asthma and other forms of respiratory distress. I therefore accept full responsibility and full commercial liability should the bearer experience, or be subsequently diagnosed with, any of the above conditions as a result of prolonged mask use, social distancing, or lockdown. Signed & dated in the presence of three witnesses: **Violators are as such under the CANADIAN CHARTER OF HUMAN RIGHTS ACT: Section 2 (a) (b) and 7 mandatory masks, hand sanitizer, closure of non-essential businesses. Section 2 (a)(b) temperature taking, mandatory vaccines. Section 8 contact tracing ID Section 9 detainment Section 15 asking about medical conditions _________________________________________________ If you are still wearing a mask, you are contributing to the globalist agenda and you are causing irreparable damage to your own health. JUST SAY NO!! Table 1 Physiological and Psychological Effects of Wearing Face mask and Their Potential Health Consequences. (see clinicaltrials.gov for the research details of the chart below) Health Consequences
4. E-mail sent April 8, 2021 Dear Nova Scotia Politicians, Police, Media and Common Law Friends. There has been no reply to the freedom of information requested March 5, 2021. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation reports 700,000 jobs in the private sector that vanished due to Co vid "scam" in 2020. In addition to the financial devastation and the tremendous fear, psychological and physical illnesses caused by these unhealthy measures, the VARES database is now reporting 50,000 adverse events with this toxic co vid mRNA shot. Forgive me for calling it a "scam" but without scientific proof that the virus has been isolated and that these restrictive measures and recommended treatments are safe and effective, I can think of no other word to describe the fraudulent operation and deceptive acts. There are Notice of Liability Statements being prepared and Class Action Suits in progress. Inspirational politician and legislature: 5. Dr. Dolores Cahill Immunologist on shot fatality. Many Doctors speak truth. Pfizer researcher predicts only a 2 year life expectancy after the co vid shot.
Dr. DenaDr. Dena Churchill- International Speaker, Author, Health Innovator & Wellness Astrologer. Archives
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