12/30/2024 0 Comments Can Love Dissolve Nanotech?Love is your superpower. Love is the vibration that holds matter in space so you can change the molecular structure of your body or even gene expression by changing your vibration. Bruce Lipton in his book, Biology of Belief shares evidence of how you can consciously change the cell membrane and change the gene expression by altering epigenetic factors. Those that surrendered to the government muzzles and shots could be the same humans who would also under mind themselves by handing over their thinking to a machine. Have you ever wondered why they call it a “cell u lar” frequency. Every prison has cells. Any computer can hold data but what good is data if you have not a framework of love and wisdom to process the information. The capacity of your heart for empathy, the capability of your mind to have intuitive thoughts, the connection to YOUR creator spirit and YOUR imagination is the essence of life and love. Your imagination seeds your creativity. It is how you expand beyond our current reality into the land of the unknown. You must imagine it before you are able to create it. It was this imagination that gave birth to the technology. The integration of the bit or bite of information in a black or white world is a lower density. Your heart integrates and balances light into the colourful Prism love and wisdom. You absorb so much data but you must consciously make time and space to unplug from that matrix, imagine and create in our natural world. Imagine the nano-tech as bits of dust that you push out of your skin, or excrete through your breath, bowels or bladder. Detox baths or sound baths may help you with this visualization. All credit of the alpha and omega frequency scale photo goes to its creator. I believe the information is extracted from David Hawkins book Power VS Force evaluating the frequency of consciousness. Perhaps the widest part of the cone, representing the masses, living in the lower contracted vibrations, should be at the bottom? The more you expand, the less reactive, less controlled, less emotional you are and the more you step into Christ-like consciousness where you began creating your reality. At what frequency are you resonating today ? “Love is the simultaneous, synchronicity of complementary opposites.” John Demartini A machine is unable to simultaneously, synchronize opposites. The Internet of Things brings tremendous value but giving up your love, power and wisdom to a lower intelligence for fear, faith and blind trust is not wise. The controversial brain implants and microchips to augment human performance, likely have some merit for those who have obvious mental or physical impairments. However, even Elon himself warns that AI is one of the greatest threats to our survival. When we allow the globalist machine to make the decisions, the primary objective is for it to survive itself. The Netflix movie titled, Subservience brings home this concept. Are you supporting the system by buying into the latest technology? Is your company replacing humans with robots or machine automation? Do you use ATM’s and digital currencies? How are you going to maintain your humanity in a world of machines? What humanitarian service are you creating to survive our species? In this The Art of Consciousness video, Betty Kovacs also discussed the balance of complementary opposites, the sacred masculine and sacred feminine and the truth of love as a path to a new consciousness. How have we’ve gotten here? Knowing from where you came and where you are, provides fuel to change the current trajectory of where you are going. Thank you to Ken from from Digileak news for sharing this video. Pseudology- The Art of Lying discusses some tricks of the media. The programming rest in the neurology. They confuse and overwhelm your frontal cortex with information to disarm your critically thinking conscious mind, create an emotional state, and plant the idea into your subconscious. The wireless frequencies are also dangerous because with your cell phone turned on in your pocket, you don’t even know you are being controlled. Sabrina Wallace is a great resource for knowing more about the weaponized frequencies effecting your bio field. Thank you to Jason Christoff for sharing the following David Ike video. The title says it all “Assisted Dying Today, Is forced Dying tomorrow” Here in Canada we see the loosening of the parameters of the MAID program so we know the truth in this statement. It used to be reserved for those whose death was reasonably foreseeable but the June 6, 2016 amendment to the criminal code that opened it up for those with chronic illness, emotional and financial issues. Another example of the government eugenics agenda in the medical industrial complex is found at Sick Kids hospital in Toronto. Sick Kids hospital no longer require parental consent to perform euthanasia. If you are not a productive human then you too may be deleted…… Unless you start owing yourself, loving yourself and imagining something different. In the last substack article, AI expert Ryan Veli considers the most important step for humanity is waking up to their power and taking responsibility for themselves- their food, water, education, health, wealth and governance. Threatening your existence is a fuel to awaken your internal fire. ”Fear the fire or become the flame.” Dena Churchill We have been educated out of our common sense and brain washed into this remedial system for centuries. The control systems of church and state have been in cahoots long before covid. They have been working together to mask the love, power and wisdom of humanity. Those that have bought into the concept of being an original sinner, may feel they owe penance and duty tax to the church and state. Granted there are those with good intentions in all systems but the very nature of hierarchy is to control. The lower vibrating emotions on the frequency diagram is your shadow side. That chaos is birthed from fear of your mind and not the love and wisdom of your heart. Consciously breath into it and allow it to become neutralized. You no longer require fear and drama for excitement. Choose to be fearless and yet be fully alive. When your heart is so full of love there is no room for fear. The vibration of love, swallows all the lower frequencies. Theoretically, it is this love frequency that holds matter in space so if you could raise your vibration of your body, balance all the dualities in your mind, you not only control the matrix but you create it! Avoid technologies like TV, cell phone and wifi that use frequencies to capture you into the artificial matrix and spend more time surrounded by natural vibration of nature. Have natural materials in your home, wear natural fibers, listen to natural 432Hz frequencies music, eat real non-GMO organic food, spend time in nature under the sun with real humans. Meditation is the way to bypass all the hidden traps of the control grid, skip the middle men and go straight to source of love and light. This is where your heart is filled with love, your mind filled with inspired ideas and where you feel safe, loved and protected in that eternal flame. Some may call it prayer, others meditation but whatever name you have for this quiet time of reflection that opens your heart to the love of the universe, this is your ticket out of the AI matrix. "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."~ Albert Einstein Meditation Exercise: Breath and grace…. are helpful tools for you to slip into the heart of the universe. Breathing in, holding the breath for a few seconds then breathing out and holding the out breath for the same time.... eventually matching the inhale/exhale count to the holding on either side. This equal breath balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, balances the pH or charge and effects brain waves. Ancients believe that the breath holds the spirit to matter so that the suspension of breath provides a portal in that meditative moment to jump out beyond yourself. Some like music or binaural beats to aid this process, crystals, chanting or other harmonizing frequencies tools. Others have been taught to use lovemaking as a portal into the Orgone energy of the universe but for this you would need a partner with whom you have a heart connection. The method of meditation described here is just for you. With your breath and your imagination, your soul is free to fly. Finding grace.... thanking Source/God/ Great Spirit/ Universe for everything in your amazing existence. Start small if you are struggling…be grateful for the air you are breathing, your eyes and mind that allows you to read. And then work your way up to the more challenging situations and see how that circumstance is making you stronger, teaching you new skills, connecting you to your soul group and your purpose for being on the planet. The depth of your meditation depends upon how well you can release judgment upon yourself and the world, to quieten your mind and get into your heart. Where am I that? is a question that helps dissolve the barrier between you and all that you perceive. Your judgements are obstacles or subluxations to your soulful self. Magical when you can rise out of yourself and see that your own mind holds you captive. From the perch of your light filled higher self, you can see your small self as an actor in a play with an incomplete view. You are using your imagination, your mind’s eye stimulating the pineal gland through the 5th etheric element. Your two eyes give two different perspectives that may deceive you. Closing your eyes, you feel and see one channel. Sergeant Patty Brassard suggests even pushing gently on your eyes until you see a little light that you may project onto your manifestation screen. A computer is wired to give you a black or white answer, however, the soul knows that there is some purpose in every path. Imagine the pineal gland as light filled diamond in the centre of your head expanding and projecting outwards. In that grace filled space, with a regular breath and a calm mind you move out of yourself and into a cosmic space. You could even imagine yourself rising first out into the corner of the room or the top of the tree, over your city, your province, view your world from space and then go a little further. The growing light inside your heart shines over all that you see in your minds eye. This light is not just filling you, restoring you and loving you but moving through you as a channel to love and light the world. Tears in your eyes and goosebumps on your skin is a sign of your heart opening to universal love. You could finish by saying …. Thank you Great Spirit for loving me, keeping me healthy and giving me the opportunity to serve and grow into my creator potential…traveling light on a frequency of love ❤️
12/30/2024 0 Comments HarmonyIn the midst of wars, elections, fake pandemics and other global games of snakes and ladders, Harmony is the Heaven. The divine plan calls for integration of the dualities and those who can muster the energy and enthusiasm to bring together all parts, graduate to the next level of our evolution. Steven Forrest, brilliant evolutionary Astrologer inspired this article from yesterday’s zoom meeting discussing how to coach clients through Pluto moving into Aquarius. This little dwarf planet of Pluto that some call the Lord of the Darkness moves into the constellation of Aquarius Nov 20, 2024 and will stay there now until 2044. As Uncle Winston Churchill used to say, “when you are going through Hell keep going”…… I’d like to add, Until you get to the love and grace on the other side. (* i don’t think he is really my uncle but my father has a belly and shiny head that looks just like his and our ancestors did come from England :) The pineal gland, or the third eye as some call it, is a tiny endocrine gland in the middle of your brain that helps regulate your body’s circadian rhythm. It produces melatonin, serotonin, oxytocin and has the largest concentration of DMT so it is the divine eye that helps you integrate dual vision from your human eyes into the spiritual unity. The pineal gland acts as the gate of light and love integration. Increasing natural sunlight, avoiding wifi, glyphosate, fluoride and aluminum improve pineal gland function and may help you integrate and honestly answer the coaching questions below. Matthew 6:22 “The eye is the lamp of the body; so if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light”. It is a great time to broaden your horizon and vision. This generational outer planet of Pluto is uprooting the earth and adding manure for growth. Those who sit in the grief, resentment, shame, blame and ignorance, wishing life was different without using their skillful means and mindful efforts, have a different path. But for you, the friends who are keeping your face, heart and hands towards the sun…. this article is for you! Thank you for being here with me on this journey. The opportunities now are much broader than you can see and when you widen your scope you’ll find limitless options, boundless health and wealth. You are being asked to clarify exactly what your soul needs and through the dark nights of the soul, your most brilliant divine self emerges. Set your course with a few questions that may help fuel your soulful path. 1. Who would you be today if you had a different mother? I love this question because so many blame their lot in life on the traumas with parents. Only when you can identify how these early relationships grew you to this magnificent being you are, can you liberate the energy you’ve tied up in the “poor me” stories you’ve told yourself. You had the perfect parents for you! If you don’t believe it, then keep writing all the blessings until you find the balance. Even if one or both parents were absent, a mother or father influence (foster family, sibling, coach, teacher, pet, grandparent, God) arrived to give you love- a combination of challenge and support. I coached a woman whose parents tried to kill her. When she eventually saw how this childhood gave her strength, resilience and purpose in life, she was able to let go of the resentment, say THANK YOU to her parents and her body healed itself of a chronic illness she carried her whole life. Totally Amazing to witness this and so inspiring to see her courage to face the trauma head on and find the blessing in it. 2. Who were you before someone talked you out of that soulful path? We come into the world with a purpose. Often times someone tells you, you aren’t smart enough, or that choice won’t bring you health or wealth, or you are not suited to that path, you can’t afford the time or money to get there or it would embarrass the family.. etc……. How do they know this? Even the crystal ball readers and the best astrologers can’t accurately predict your path. This is reserved for You. Your free will to choose your journey aligned with a divine intention is how you master your life. So whatever fears, lies or bullshit you’ve been told, dismiss them and know you are perfect just as you are! Like a seed you have arrived with all you need to bloom ! Set yourself out in the Sun and water your seed with all that you love. You chose this lifetime to help humanity evolve, what is holding you back from rising into the grandest expression of YOU? Half of those in your circle will support you in this vision of yourself and half won’t. What they think of you, is really none of your business. Your sacred contract and your loving service comes from a higher realm. 3. What is your worst fear and if this happened, how would it serve you and those around you? Even trauma, crisis and pain bring people together and have great love lessons. A question an old Monk asks his students is, “Where is God not?”, as it all serves in some way. Death is one fear that is used to keep you small and controlled in your life but when you know your body is just a vehicle for an eternal soul you are liberated. You don’t have to spend your life worshiping a dead entity of a corpse hanging on a cross or believing you were born into a sinful nature. If you imagine you are a divine spark of an eternal flame, how could this expand your vision? If you don’t find your way this lifetime, comforting to imagine, you may choose to return to it next time around. I heard a psychic medium say recently, if you have a body, your soul has won the lottery. So many souls are wishing to be born to a body to experience all the colour, sensations and perceptions of this world. When was the last time you said “Thank you Universe for this beautiful Body and the opportunity to experience life in full colour?” Those who have passed over are part of an eternal loving matrix and when your heart is clear and your mind balanced, you connect with your loved ones in a realm of grace outside time and space. This belief helps you rise out of grief and fear, so why do you limit yourself to what the churches and others have told you? The churches and governments don’t promote this idea of reincarnation as it is bad for business and makes people very difficult to control. The church and state separated the body and soul years ago, creating a tax for each part ;) I love this quote by H. Richard Niebuhr, “Religion makes good people better and bad people worse.” 4. What is your heart saying? With Pluto moving into the air sign Aquarius there is a tendency to embrace the quantitative future mind and let go of the qualitative Leo heart. What is it that you would love to do? How can you give your greatest service? How can you create a win-win, honouring yourself and giving a greater loving service to humanity? Elon Musk is likely asking himself the same questions. Artificial intelligence is a Pluto Aquarian seduction of knowledge and expansion but without the human heart to integrate the bit and bite of information into love and wisdom, it creates a superficial artificial existence. A John in the sex trafficking trade once asked me, “how many rounds can you go?” ( I still giggle at this question) This qualitative analysis suggests he is missing Dr. Reich’s Orgone energy of Life- the Orgasm- The knockout. Once the heart is engaged in the process, you connect to a cosmic wisdom. Real love-making creates a refractory period of bliss and a loving release from the pressures of this world but this series of channels not available to the faint-of-heart. Oxytocin, the love hormone, is first released from the genitals, then the higher heart or thymus, and then from the pineal gland. This is the kundalini energy and the cosmic orgasm for those who are able to go into the depths of themselves and their partners. Rounds are for a boxing match with bots and cheap imitation of love-making ignoring mutual love, honour, respect and psychological safety. But selling superficial sex keeps the billion dollar bed buddies and boxing bots in business. Imagine a world where politicians, judges and police weren’t held by their testicles but evolved and elevated to the heart of the matter. How could you align to your heart and help others align to theirs? 5. What is the Prize? What are the benefits to you living your most authentic self? Who are you if you let go of these old stories you’ve told yourself for a lifetime? What if you were to believe that anything is possible and that you have all you need to grow into your divine self? What if you welcome rejection from certain groups as a sign of divine guidance? If you saw how your greatest fear could also provide some magnificent blessings, what would hold you back? Perhaps you would witnessed greater joy, improved mental and physical health, less stress, and explode into your creative purpose? Maybe your ripple of energy and enthusiasm for life would spark changes in your family, in your community and in your world? Instead of feeling captured by your circumstance maybe you could use the ashes of Pluto to create the Phoenix of YOU? Maybe you would be so fulfilled in your new purpose, you would release the addictions and vices you use to fill your old empty self? Could you use this liberated energy to create a world of love and wisdom through the lens of your beautiful heart? Your soul chose this time to be present on Earth to help the evolution of humanity. Thank you for sharing your life, service, health, joy and abundance. Your tally sheet of supports and challenge must balance, dare yourself to find it in every experience. It begins and ends with Love and all else is an illusion. Obstacles to the light create shadows but your higher self expands beyond this limited perspective. Thank you for seeing that the problems of the world are already solved. Fly a little higher to gain a greater vision. Thank you for taking time to read and share this article. My North Node Aquarius is on the cusp of the 8th house, so communicating transformation with the collective feels purposeful. Astrologers may be interested to know my third house of communication contains natal Pluto and Uranus so this and my angular moon may explain this writing inspiration. Transiting Pluto just past my moon and soon to be on my Descendant with a pinball action to many of the personal planets in my chart so I feel Pluto deeply. It appears as if the Stars have aligned at this time, to deliver this message of love and transformation to YOU. If you are still feeling stuck in your circumstance and can’t answer these questions for yourself, an astrology coaching session may help you align to your higher purpose. Love & Blessings . 10/8/2024 0 Comments Two WorldsHaving traversed the solar eclipse- a sky date where the sun and moon meet in the cosmos- the idea of two worlds comes to light. Our world is not just created with dualities of dark and light but the hundred and fifty shades of grey and the thousands of beautiful colours in our earthly prism. Prism or prison? The earth is a reflection of our own heart, the prisons we create with our thought and beliefs that keeps us locked into a certain existence. When your eyes are drawn into the darkness of the sky, look for the moon and stars to light your way. Remember the shadows are cast by obstacles to the light, so keep your face and heart toward the sun. The darker parts of our existence involves concepts like human trafficking, sex slavery, child sexual abuse, medical experimentation, war, disease, genocide. Our material world is often fuelled by greed and controlled by fear. An internal fear of … lack of power, lack of money, lack control precipitates a world where there is a need to over-power, to own all the wealth and control everything and everyone. The void of not being connect to internal power, love and wisdom creates an addiction to it in the outside world. What if you could break out of the prison of your fearful mind into the prism of your loving heart? How could you be love? What would it look like if you lived your loving service full on? Akashic tarot deck card, the 2 of scrolls, fell into my favour last night as I was asking for writing guidance and inspiration. Apparently, receiving this card there is a conflict in your life between what the outer world requires of you and how your own spirit directs you. You may have had a number of past lives where you wanted to focus on your spiritual life but then in missing the wonders of the secular world family, friends, love, conflict, financial success and struggles, you chose the secular world for this incarnation to experience life in colour. Oh my word! when i think about this or even when i suggest it to others the fact that our soul could have chosen this exact experience, I’m often kicked out of all the pity parties. Could this magnetic current between our inner and outer worlds power our evolution? Perhaps when our human will (our external material world) aligns with our Divine will (our internal spiritual compass) we’ve mastered our life. Michael Beckwith used to say the pain pushes you until your purpose pulls you. When the actual pain becomes greater than your fear of the pain, you rise up and own your power. I had an experience years ago when I was training for my brown belt in Kenpo karate that gave me a succinct visceral experience to this principle. During my brown belt grading there were sparring rounds with black belt women, this perhaps could have represented the push and pull, back and forth of our journey between our internal world and our external expression. Then came the ultimate test… to be blindfolded in the dojo sparring with two black belt women at the same time. Suddenly the outer world looks dark and the pain of the punches and fear of not knowing from which direction and to which body part the next blow would arrive was almost paralyzing. I went from feeling like a warrior, to a curled up ball in the corner of the room, protecting my organs and waiting for the test to be over. At that point, I was willing to forfeit the brown belt and admit defeat. The sensei suggested that the beating would continue until I got up and fought. My first thought was I’m not fighting any more let them kill me. But then I was in so much pain i decided with my spiritual self that I’d rather die a quick death fighting than a slow one, piled up in my painful corner waiting for someone else to decide my fate. So i pulled up my painful self with bleeding nose, bruised ribs and sprained fingers and connected a back fist to the lip of a black belt and the test finished early as the sensei had to take her to the hospital for stitches. For centuries, humanity has been groomed to be piles of disempowered men and women, curled up in the corner willing to give up and accept your fate. The current and conflicts continues until you stand up for yourself. Yes the testing maybe the straight punch from your family or friends, a side kick from your employer, or a round house kick from another type of governing controller or sex trafficked pimp. There are punishment and pleasures of money, power and influence to get you to stay quiet in your pile but just know you always have a choice. Yes certainly it takes courage and you have to be willing to risk it all, to have it all. The investment equals the reward. Choose to invest love, power and wisdom and two worlds become one. Police on Guard for Thee Posted on Facebook Wednesday Sept 25, 2024
We should all be paying close attention to Bill C-293 - Canada’s Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act, currently in its third reading in Senate. There is much at stake within the glaringly vague language of this bill. Here are just some of the reasons to be concerned: The section requiring a review of the previous pandemic response was removed. The Minister of Health is to be granted near-autocratic powers to deal directly with international organizations and set standards regarding public health response, commercial regulations and surveillance; without the need for parliamentary approval or oversight. It also includes allowances for mandatory medical treatments and the ability to expropriate property, with additional power offered ‘as appropriate,’ without further clarification. There is nothing addressing the obvious potential for adverse reactions nor discussion regarding the rights and freedoms that will be denied. There is nothing speaking to the use of scientifically fraudulent diagnostic tests or absurdly ineffective PPE. Under the “One Health” system (integrating human, animal, plant and ecosystem health), there is a potential for expansive environmental regulations to be implemented under the umbrella of ‘pandemic prevention’. It sets out to establish interlinking surveillance systems for infectious disease within Canada and internationally, to include the World Health Organization, United Nations Environment Programme, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the World Organisation for Animal Health. The potential for privacy violations, misuse or widespread monitoring is not discussed. There is no language to promote accountability or transparency. Despite its title, it does not define the term ‘pandemic’. There is no inclusion for public input. This is a dangerous piece of legislation, and we should all be speaking up before it’s too late. To quote the article linked below, “No other bill represents such a clear threat to Canada and the rule of law given the complete absence of definitions of terms coupled with its comprehensive overreach into every aspect of life.” To read Bill C-293 and see how you can make a difference, visit our website and find this article in the News section to access the above mentioned links. Here's a list of MP's in Nova Scotia let them know how you feel? https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/search?province=NS Send them a personal email or autofill and send your concerns in this link. Videos discussing this bill. 1.rumble.com/v5g3f76-dangerous-bill-293-if-passed-you-can-kiss-your-judiciary-system-health-land.html?fbclid=IwY2xjawFhh_BleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHRCd_ISHbuN0vReb4EfQ-67H_DI2XXL8aHhQUBn0sOgY4ROhWN8cKqKFBw_aem_rFnL--zuJiDGZtHRXxuz0g 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TyyvgyOd5Q Sample email Hi Darrell, I’ve just moved into your riding and receive all your promotions now in my mailbox. Great to know who is representing me. I trust you are vehemently opposing this Bill C-293 that gives more power to the government to create fake pandemics. The poster below I created for a presentation to the New Brunswick legislature in 2019. When can we meet? https://www.shellyhipson.ca/. Thank you,Dena Subscribe on substack to stay informed: https://substack.com/home/post/p-149426146 9/21/2024 0 Comments Advice from a Wise WomanAdvice From a Wise Woman by the light of the slivery moon DENA CHURCHILL SEP 17, 2024 Subscribe for updates at ; https://substack.com/@healthtruthblog/p-149024716 By the light…. of the silvery moon, I love to spoon, to my honey I’ll croon love’s tune….. Actually, the full moon North Node Lunar eclipse September 17, 2024 may look more red than silver but I love Doris Day’s moon music. Eclipses are one of the most important astrological transits and one of the most accurate predictive techniques, especially if it aligns with one of the personal planets in your astrology natal chart! The principle of the Moon (today in a Pisces constellation) is eclipsed by the primitive, instinct of the Earth. The north node eclipses point us forward. The moon conjunction with Saturn on one side and Neptune on the other, may have a confusing Karmic feel to it, with new beginnings that have been centuries in the making. Through the chaos we are given the opportunity to create order, bravely stepping outside our personal comfort zone into the unknown. Mother Moon is being silenced so we can hear the heart rhythm of the Earth. What is the Earth asking you to do? How are you rising out of victimhood to shine your star essence? When you ask yourselves these questions and honestly answer, you may receive insights over the next few months that were previously hidden and feel the unconditional love that surrounds you. No matter what you’ve done or not done up to this point, you are love and loved. You can’t shag up the divine matrix. All has been given to you is for your greatest love and learning. A Facebook friend asks in my post today, “what about the politicians and governments that are trying to control and kill us?” and so I responded…. A child who has everything done for him..... (someone feeds them, someone else's brushes their teeth and does their physical work so they don't have to expend any physical energy) eventual becomes weak, sick and without purpose or self esteem. This is how I see our humanity currently. We have given up our power to these so called "authorities" and many are too lazy now to take it back. 49.6 million humans are enslaved in some form or another. Humans have to be willing now to take responsibility for themselves ( their food, health care, education) and step up into their love, power and wisdom. Those that do are fulfilled and those that don’t, aren't. Even a small child would know it is silly to keep paying and rewarding someone who is hurting you. You are paying for bioweapons and unlawful acts through your taxes and keeping these politician in power. The challenge is a rite of passage. Not everyone is meant to get through the web. i am certain that it is all love. Both the support and challenge. Today in the light of the lunar eclipse, where the victimhood tendencies of the Pisces moon are silenced, there maybe a few more men and women that stop moaning, complaining and finally step into their own power. The problem is, not so much a tyrannical government but a disempowered people. Have they really done anything to you or have they simply poked your heart and given you an opportunity to find your power? If those who are complaining about the shape of our world, went toe to toe with the establishment in correspondance and meetings, they would see the ignorance and remedial mentalities of those to whom they give power. In owning your own power you do not ingest or inject yourselves and kids with poison, you do not carry around a radiation surveillance device next to your head or attach a surveillance meter to your home and certainly you would not muzzle your breath and your voice because some puppet told you too!! Blame, shame, anger, resentment, guilt and grief are emotions for the lower density humans who surrender their power to a consciousness less than their own. Rise into love. Those with the greatest love, power and wisdom create their own reality using their thoughts, words and actions. Children follow your example.....so great to BE the change. Fear the fire or become the flame. For centuries we have been controlled using different techniques to affect our body, our mind, our finances, our occupation, our families, our health and education. They have bribed, bartered, bought or stolen your power. I enjoyed this recent video with Roseanne Barr and Tom Althouse, the real author of the Matrix as they are taking the lid of the jar. This is an excellent presentation of our Matrix and what is needed for us to take back our power. Step one: know that transparency of your trauma is the bridge to the heart healing and power. Step two: decline the neurolink to maintain your humanity. Wifi further disconnects you, so influence Elon by voting with your wallet to return to wired internet. The satellites floating in the night sky provide interference with your cosmic heritage, let’s remove them and inspire a greater humanitarian service. May this full moon lunar eclipse light your way and this poem power your love and wisdom. "I knew a Wise Woman And she said to me That the river would mold me And the wild wind would cool me That the trickster the coyote He would fool me That father Sun would warm me Mother Earth would clothe me Grandmother Moon would greet me And of the old ways she would teach me Wise woman, she told me To always walk lightly Tread the earth ever gently Lovingly so preciously And take from her sparingly She said, to share with others What you have learned from me Be still and breathe, ever patiently For the web of life Has woven what is to be But you must still choose Your own path, you will see And lastly, the wise woman said to me To listen to the wise one That dwells within me To walk my path in balance Is to be free More than just words So let it be..." me? Author : Unknown . 9/13/2024 0 Comments Birthing In The Starsin an illusion of deathSeptember 7th 2:54 am Kassandra Marie Murray age 59, took her last breath. Although it was up until 3 am that she was releasing air and her heart was stopping. Her actual time of death could have been more like 3 o’clock and then the Lady Shallot poem she shared may hold greater significance. As she lay in my arms, I couldn’t help encourage her to open her mouth to breathe, even though i knew it was her greatest wish to pass over. As fluid was flowing like a spring from every orifice, the time had come but still that niggling part of me wanted to hold on to her. I’m sure her angelic self was shaking her head smiling saying “Dena, Dena, Dena what is this? you spent the last three days helping me die and what now you are slapping me on the back and trying to keep me alive” hehehe Divine instinct within us that allows us to preserve life of the body but what if we had the same commitment to the spirit? This article is my preservation of the spirit of Ms. Kassandra and the principles of eternal life that may be helpful for others experiencing these types of transition. A few hours before her passing, Kassandra was saying the word “out”. Only in retrospect did i understand she was telling us her spirit was coming out. An hour before her death her lifeless body began to wiggle a little, almost like she was trying to get out of a tight wetsuit. Just like in birthing a baby where there is often a release of the bowel or a little vomiting so the birthing of the soul took on the same flavour. It was as if she was surrendering into the process and using the last little bit of energy to push herself from the body. Ancient Egyptians suggest that it is the breath that holds the spirit to matter so once the breath ceases the spirit is liberated. The curtains blew in the spirit of love and took her out on spirit of love. After her passing she came to me in a dream with such grace, love and joy that I am compelled to share this vision of everlasting life. In the dream she is in a lavender flowing dress, the same colour as her beautiful cheeks and lips. She is flying around dancing in the air, against the backdrop of a blue sky with white clouds, smiling with such joy and energy thanking me for helping her transition. The days and hours following her death I was filled with ideas and guided to her emails to turn her death into a lesson and this article may reflect her intent. So it is… that I share these poems and quotes that she shared with me in email August 8, 2022. Some may call it a coincidence that I hosted a sacred healing circle at my home for her two years later August 8, 2024 and then a month later Sept 8, 2024 we had her funeral and wake at her home. I believe she put the intention into the Lion’s gate portal for a quick release. The gathering in August may have been for her to connect friends and family, to say goodbye to her earthly existence, to take her place among the Stars. The Lady of Shalott (1832) BY ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON ….. She left the web, she left the loom She made three paces thro' the room She saw the water-flower bloom, She saw the helmet and the plume, She look'd down to Camelot. Out flew the web and floated wide; The mirror crack'd from side to side; 'The curse is come upon me,' cried The Lady of Shalott. ….. They cross'd themselves, their stars they blest, Knight, minstrel, abbot, squire, and guest. There lay a parchment on her breast, That puzzled more than all the rest, The wellfed wits at Camelot. 'The web was woven curiously, The charm is broken utterly, Draw near and fear not,—this is I, The Lady of Shalott.' Speaking of Stars, many also knew Ms. Kassandra was an astrologer. Her recent blog https://thegoodstar.love/ was a gathering place for stories and ideas. She often studied the natal charts of her students to know how they would best learn and how she could best inspire them into greater love, power and wisdom. Kassandra’s own childhood traumas perhaps inspired her Masters Degree in Healing Education and a desire to teach children. This is the way…. our pain fuels our purpose. We can fear the fire or become the flame. In this interview she is discussing her educational insights. Maybe those who may be missing her may find comfort in seeing her in video and feeling her legacy and everlasting presence? https://www.bitchute.com/video/h6kFAsAGpCYB/ Kassandra planted seeds of love and wisdom into her students. Her stories and mythologies were so enchanting even adults sat at her feet to hear her wisdom. She brought our history into the mystery of life. The Eye of Horus or other Egyptian writings likely wouldn’t have been a part of the government school curriculum. She may have been birthing stars with ancient wisdom. In our rememberings of loved one who have passed, it is also essential to integrate our perception. If we just remember the "good" parts we may dwell in sadness. If we are just remembering the "bad" parts then we may show more gladness. To remember them as they were with parts we liked and parts we didn't like, we balance the tendency to infatuate with their memory. Ms. Kassandra is no different, as she had parts that were taxing on those she loved too. As a budding astrologer myself, we would often discuss the Stars and our different perspectives, so naturally I was curious to take a peek at her astrology natal chart at the time of her death to find some comfort to this transition and Jupiter gave it to me. Jupiter the planet of joy, luck, abundance, beliefs and expansion was transiting in the sky over her natal North Node (mathematical point of her destiny). Kassandra’s death was her path to a greater service, expansion and her evolutionary intent for being born. Her birth time (although in the pm) was curiously very close to her death time and if I allow my imagination and chart investigations to go wild, I may even split the difference and give them the same number. In summary, her death was purposeful for bringing together the community and carrying, through a message of eternal love. The following quote she shared with me, written 100 years previously on Steiner’s deathbed, seems significant for me to share it with you. We know [for I have often spoken with you of these things] how, when man has gone through the gate of death, he enters the world of the stars. What we are accustomed to call “stars” in the external, physical sense are no more than the outer sign and symbol of spiritual worlds which look down upon us and take their share and part in all the deeds of the evolution of mankind. Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 238 – The Last Address By Rudolf Steiner – Dornach, Michaelmas Eve, September 28, 1924 The evolution of humanity is happening now at a seemingly faster pace. Some will be able to ascend in this body and some will not. As humans we are often held by our fear of death and get stuck in the mud of our mind, missing that which we can’t see. The following questions may help you navigate the grief of your smaller mind into the greater wisdom of your heart. Are your tears for the loved one who is living eternally in a spiritual form of unconditional love or are your tears for yourself because you can’t yet see the earthly transformation of that love? The law of physics states that there is neither a loss nor gain in energy but simply transformation. The traits that you miss show up in others and memory of our loved one is preserved in pictures, video, dreams and etched forever in our hearts. Are you able to see the transformation and honour the divine love, wisdom and timing or would you rather hang out in the hell hole of grief ? There seems to be a connection to grief in the present and guilt of the past so release them both at the same time to fully love in this present moment. Whatever you’ve done or not done, or what you imagine is there or not there is an illusion of smaller minded ideas. Your higher self knows, you can’t shag up the divine matrix. All is love. One mother I talked with shared her grief and I asked her where are the new forms of what she is missing in a friend, teacher, confident and she replied in grateful tears of the names of others who arrived to fill the gap and that she herself is stepping into this role as teacher and healer to minister to her family and community. So beautiful to witness this alchemy. Be daring enough to ask yourself the question and truthful enough to answer, stepping into your own power. To truly love the person you must rise into your higher self. When you are vibrating at this higher frequency of love and grace, you have a direct line to your beloved and to the Great Spirit of creation. Kassandra's website is a brilliant platform of resources, reading and philosophies to stir the enthusiasm for life. Earlier this year, she hosted an event titled Wonder to Wisdom modelled after the Socrates quote, “wonder is the beginning of wisdom”. Her website may provide a wonder filled springboard for continued love and learning. Especially with the children now who may be missing her influence, remind them of the magic of their own imagination, the love in the transformation and their power to overcome apparent challenges. A caterpillar goes into a cocoon to transform and butterflies their way through the stars. Ms Kassandra’s belly may have been full of cancer or full of leaves, preparing her for her transition 😊 I asked Kassandra in my prayers what message I could share with the children and her reply was to “ask them”. Children have a healing love and wisdom in their heart, remember to ask, listen and learn. In a humble state of grace, we receive. https://homeeducationconsultant.com/ Thank you Kassandra for leaving the school system who tried to muzzle the breath and voice of our children. Thank you for your courage to step into a new paradigm of home education consultant. Thank you for rising beyond your own personal financial fears to give a greater service of love. Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey to expand into the Stars. Thank you for the legacy of love and wisdom you have birthed into our children. May you travel light on a frequency of love. https://obituaries.stcatharinesstandard.ca/obituary/kassandra-murray-1090725054 https://www.gofundme.com/f/kassandra-murray?lang=en_CA&utm_campaign=fp_sharesheet&utm_content=amp9c&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link&fbclid=IwY2xjawFQDn9leHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHfcy_ZxdCGqsca6hKD2R7XHpb2fo9igIyh2REBFsQjlF2ATJaWYXJ4lgVQ_aem_mawoy1i1fUUmMkIbCzb7_A Today, August 18, 2024 on the eve of a full moon in Aquarius and on the heels of the Pluto Moon transit, it’s time to unleash the love, wisdom and power of the collective. Our humanitarian service coming to a full harvest and our freedom-loving uniqueness is fuelled from our higher heart and mind.
Wilhelm Reich, as Austrian doctor of medicine (1922) and a psychoanalyst, spent his last days in a jail cell, while six tons of his publications were burned. He was a student of Sigmund Freud but he took Freud’s hypothetical theories into the practical realm of healing. The title of Reich's book, The Function Of The Orgasm, sounds like a smutty romance novel with 150 shade of grey but I can assure you, it has substance, grit and a “stick to your ribs” kind of wisdom that goes beyond your genitals, into the heart of the matter. Dr. Reich, the developer of the theory of Orgone energy, discovered a tool to measure this universal life force. Those who have lost the ability to connect with this life energy will try to destroy it. Burning his books and killing thousands in the Spanish Inquisition are just a few unfortunate historical examples of this neurosis. When the collective consciousness is seeking desperately for itself and can't find it, it retaliates and uses its repressed energy destroying life instead of creating it. Many of Reich’s publications, like many of the ancient bibles and texts went up in smoke. Fortunately, the wisdom of love is an eternal flame. “Men who feel that surrender is ‘feminine’ are always orgastically disturbed. Just as widespread passivity on the part of the woman is pathological. I have reached the conclusion that sexuality is the centre around which the life of society as a whole as well as the inner intellectual world of the individual ….Revolves” Dr. Wilhelm Reich - The Function of the Orgasm Pages 21, 104-105. (….maybe this knowledge is how we Evolve? ) Dr. Reich suggests that our 6000 year old Patriarchal authoritarian culture is typified by what he calls a “character armouring” against our inner nature. Matriarchal clan mother documents and other texts such as, The Return of the Divine Sophia in a long story of feminine repression, also bears witness to these unbalanced forces in humanity that we don’t see in our natural world. Man is the only species that doesn’t fulfill the natural law of sexuality and creates situations of infertility, killing women, children and unborn babies of the species. You don’t have to look too far back in our history to see the recent manifestations of a mass psychosis, where men and women, muzzled and injected themselves and their own kids under hypnotic command. Perhaps in liberating the reason for the psychosis, we can naturally find our way back to health. 'Sexual repression is of a socio-economic and not of a biological origin. It's function is to lay the foundation for an authoritarian, patriarchal culture and economic slavery, which we find especially pronounced in Japan, China, India and other countries' -Dr. Wilhelm Reich - The Function of the Orgasm Since the emergence of the patriarch, the natural pleasure of life, work and extra-curricular activity have been replaced by compulsive duty, and inhibition of natural sexual gratification is the cause and effect of this suppression. Sexuality is akin to our life force. An organism that has sexual desire, a gratifying orgasm and an ability to reproduce, follows a natural order of the universe to propagate the survival of its species. So for the purpose of this article, the sexual process is in essence measures the life of natural instinct. The orgasm becomes the yardstick of psychophysical functioning of the organism because of the biological energy expressed in it. Whether you are a lady, a ladybug or a single cell organism, if you can orgasm and divide, it’s a good sign that you are alive. Sharing the secrets of love and wisdom with those who are dying to find it, we re-connect our humanity to its natural rhythm and power. Freud and Jung discuss that making the unconscious conscious is the key to authoring your own life. But Reich goes one step further in explaining what Freud calls the “negative therapeutic reaction” suggesting making the unconscious conscious is not sufficient. The unconscious feelings of shock, grief and guilt get trapped in the body so to help release the fixations and subluxations in the unconscious, we must address the mind-body as a unified force otherwise liberating the trauma can be damaging. Apples to apples, pears to pears, the unconscious solution rest in the unconscious fears. It is not enough to become aware of the unconscious issues if you have no tools in the conscious to release and let go of the body memory of the traumas stored in muscles, organs and tissues. It is this uprooting and peeling back the compensations of the mind body puzzle that a fascinating healing journey begins. C.G. Jung — 'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.' The sacred art of love-making, was hijacked and sold on sex websites as a neurotic expression of our most basic essence- the ability to love and give life. Pathological neurosis found in sex trafficked men and women, porn stars, priests, politicians, and prime ministers- Wilhelm Reich suggests worsen the problems. These structures control using fear and use your ignorance in selling you your own dream wrapped up in their packaging. Like selling ice to an Eskimo! They are selling an external solution for an internal problem and many are buying it. Kind of like the computer company injecting you with a virus and then trying to sell you the shot solution. The same mentality that wrote women out of the ancient bible. The Sons and Daughters of the Great Spirit was sold to you as the patriarchal Father & Son and Holy Ghost. Selling you Freedom is another game of control opposition. You are born free but surrender to a consciousness less than your own. Why do you do that? Freedom is not something you fight for, it is feeling you must embody to author your own life. If you are not speaking up for yourself and your family ask yourself why? Where is the trauma that holds your voice? When were you punished for speaking truth? Why are you not taking responsibility for yourself? Where in your life were you told you didn’t matter and had to follow someone else’s rules? Why do you feel unworthy of love, light, joy, pleasure, health and abundance? When did your light go out and how are you going to re-ignite it? You are a divine spark of the universe. All the love and wisdom of the cosmos is within you. True love making and connecting with this universal life force gives you love, health, joy and abundance. Where are you holding yourself back and why? Now in the Age of Aquarius it’s time to release the shackles of the old guard and rise into your divine unique expression. Live your best life. Release fear. Choose love . 'If people were not inhibited by the fear of authority, they would speak far less nonsense and far more sense.' Wilhelm Reich 'Whatever you’ve done or not done, you are worthy of love and you are an expression of love'. John Demartini. Resolving the traumas, inhibitions and fixations of the mind and body, you have a greater life force. In the resource section of this article you may find some somatic techniques and exercise that may be helpful to release stored traumas. Some people may have fixations related to childhood reprimand in toilet training, masturbation, rape or incest. Others may have been verbally or psychologically damaged or molested. The type and amount varies but all have trauma wounds in some form. (In an astrology natal chart this can be identified using the sign, house placement and aspects of the dwarf planet Chiron. So if you are having troubles accessing the the significant events or generational traumas, a astrology session may help you navigate forward and backward on this particular terrestrial timeline.) Dr. Wilhelm's Reich's book, the Function of Orgasm, is discussing orgasm therapy and manual techniques to integrate a natural orgasmic reflex to heal neuroses. There is a direct relationship between sexuality and anxiety. All those with neurosis and psychic illness show improvement and resolution of symptoms when a gratifying orgasmic reflex is restored. Once a patient is connected to being able to pleasure themselves they have a natural outlet to completely discharge the pent up energy, they are healed of the neurosis. The mechanical function (the tension/relaxation) and the electric function (the charge/discharge) are balanced. Like a battery, when connected to a negative and positive pole, the lights turn on in an involuntary wave of orgasm in the holy flow in the circuit of life happens in a wave of love. In this vortex of electromagnetic charge you reset your vital force. There is often a spark of chemical alchemy where the physical bodies are magnetically attracted to one another but a heart connection is also essential. Tom Kenyon in the Magdalen Manuscript suggest an optimum environment for the sacred cosmic orgasm also must include conditions in which there is mutual love, respect and psychological safety. So if you have to turn the lights out so you don't have to see your partners face in a "wham bam thank you mam" moment, you may ejaculate but it won't be the satisfying healing experience of sexual magic this article and book is discussing. You can't buy love! 'The severity of every form of psychic illness is directly related to the severity of the genital disturbance. The prospects of cure and the success of cure are directly dependent upon the possibility of establishing the capacity for full genital gratification. The difference between lovemaking and fucking.' Dr. Wilhelm Reich - The Function of the Orgasm pages 96-100. Vegetotherapy (orgasm therapy) is a form of psychotherapy that involves the physical manifestation of emotions and repressed trauma using questions and gentle exercises to allow the unconscious to connect and then release the body memory of the trauma. For many years in my chiropractic practise, I witnessed hundreds of cases of emotions and memories being liberated with chiropractic adjustments and trigger point release in tissue tension. Every treatment room had a tissue box and I studied many balancing techniques including the Demartini Method to deal with the emotion and trauma that was often liberated with the manual hands on work along the head, neck, jaw, pelvis and other spinal bones and musculature. At first I thought the reports of their sex life improving was a function of greater movement in the joints of the lower back and pelvis and reduction of nerve tension but it was later that I discovered the connection to the psychic trauma in the subluxation. One day i asked a older gentleman patient how he was feeling and his reply still makes me smile.... "Happy wife, Happy life." The works of Barbara Ann Brennan and Louise Hay were helpful but I had no specific reference for this type of work so I muddled my way through trusting my intuition and following the patients lead as to what it meant and how I could help, witnessing miracles of healing and transformation. So interesting now to learn that it can also be done in the reverse. Asking about a certain posture, facial expression, muscular stress ("muscular armour") and how it relates to the psychic condition ("character armour") is also a way into the trauma and can produce and release spasms and fixations into the body. It is a fascinating study to see how the body creates somatic (body) compensations to manage the anxieties of a psychic (mental) origin. Addressing both is likely the best solution as Dr. Reich has successfully done. The body patterns don't seem to follow a certain neurological, dermatological or acupuncture meridian but the memory of the mental trauma is frozen into a particular facial expression, muscle or motor action of the body. I witnessed this a number of times where the chiropractic patient or coaching client, adopted a posture, voice, vocabulary and position she was in during the age and time of the trauma. I could visibly see the trauma happening right in that moment and in some cases, when it was right there at the surface, we together could balance it and the body health improved with the mental health. Protecting the solar plexus, head and genitals is a common survival mechanism with tissue tightness presenting in those areas with those who suffer with neurosis- anxiety, depression, OCD, schizophrenia…. Reich’s basic principles in freeing the orgasm reflex are found on page 333 in his book, The Function of The Orgasm. 1. To seek out the inhibitions where the fragmentation obstructs the unification of the natural wave like reflex. 2. To intensify the involuntary inhibitory mechanism and impulses (like the forward movement of the pelvis). These healing solutions have vast implications to the chaos of our current society, delving into the unconscious conditioning that allows us to be controlled, provides a self-healing mechanism to create an empowered collective. The first step to any problem is awareness and the second is implementing action steps. In a later article and video, I may discuss more upon the active exercises and treatments but Reich’s book and biography is a foundational masterpiece to have as part of your empowerment collection. The reference section of this article has one exercise video to get you started in improving your orgasmic reflex as well as a link to Dr. Reich’s material. I’ve just started publishing on substack so if you are reading this article and you feel the information is helpful please comment, subscribe and share the link. Together, we are a powerful team! Subscribe Substack; https://open.substack.com/pub/healthtruthblog/p/seeds-of-humanity?r=rkkoa&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web References: 1. Exercise video to improve orgasm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW2iX1QIIHk 2. Biography of Wilhelm Reich https://wilhelmreichmuseum.org/about/biography-of-wilhelm-reich/?v=40f9d8362b89 3. Book, The Function of Orgasm. https://www.amazon.ca/Function-Orgasm-Discovery-Orgone/dp/0374502048 4. Article: Sexual Repression and Expression. 5. Article: Age of Aquarius 6. Tom Kenyon Magdalen Manuscript; https://www.amazon.ca/Magdalen-Manuscript-Alchemies-Horus-Magic-ebook/dp/B09VPJYMST So much gratitude to Homeopath friend Paula for her love and wisdom in sharing Reich Works with me. Sovereignty is your birthright. You have been socially conditioned, educationally deprived and mentally manipulated out of this truth. It’s time to dust off the crown, put back on the dress and step into your love, power and wisdom!
Once upon a time……. A beautiful baby was born with all the love, light and joy of the universe woven into the fabric of their DNA. That baby was you. Your parents after 3 days, adhering to the lemon law, registered you into the Canadian corporation to collect a birth certificate. They did this because it was what their parents did and what they were told to do. Your registration puts you on the books of the corporation and the CUSIP number, on the back of the birth certificate, allows them to trade your worth on global markets. The CUSIP is a number assigned to stocks and registered bonds in USA and Canada. They estimate how much you will pay in taxes in your lifetime and you become an asset with your SIN- Social Insurance Number. Your Capitalized name legal fiction is called your Strawman identity. The strawman PERSON is a false creation or a dead entity that allows them to act on your behalf and be the guardian of your trust fund. The Strawman is like the corporate store front for you the real man or woman. Your PERSON is a ward of the state. You are paying them a large percentage for them to take care of you and your kids and keep you in this master- slave relationship. Papa government takes care of your health care needs, your education requirements, your food, water and medicines. However these public laws do not apply to your private domain so re-claiming your living man or woman status is an important distinction. Examples of this trickery would be the government trying to muzzle and inject you, mandate a smart meter or cell phone tower on your private property or bringing your private medical records public. Even as a registered member of the corporation you still have the ability to gratefully decline their opportunities. Paying your taxes, funds the corporate agenda and your silence gives consent. An object in motion tends to stay in motion Unless acted upon by an opposite and opposing force. This force is YOU. The Wizard of Oz reflects the details of the Strawman personality and provides a cute look at the players in this skit. Some suggest they give us the truth in movies, music and even the half time super bowl shows as a part of the mind control programming in priming the public to being familiar with terminology and ideas. Others such as Pattie Brassard reports it is a galactic law that all species that inhabit the earth must notify humans of their plan in advance. Whatever the reason, those who are aware of these shenanigans can train themselves to look for clues and find solutions outside their programing. A movie about a virus spreading throughout the world is a great mind control technique to instil fear and prepare the collective mind to accept a pandemic. Having the world buy toilet paper for a "respiratory virus" or inject themselves with toxins for a pathogen that has never been identified on a microscope is another recent example of this mind control and social conditioning. The Wizard of Oz story demonstrates some of this symbolism. The Strawman wanted a brain but he got a certificate. TIN man represents the Taxpayer Identification Number- heartless and emotionless. The Cowardly Lion is a bully but a coward to stand up to anyone. The Wizard of Oz (ounce of Gold) on the yellow brick road uses magic, holograms, smoke and mirror behind the curtain but has no real power. Dorothy drugged and confused by the corporation is trying to find the way home. Bill Still discusses the hidden economic symbolism of the Wizard of Oz in this video. There is a way to rebirth yourself through the global system of the post office with a new birth certificate sealed with a blood thumbprint to prove you are a living breathing man or woman. This exercise illustrates the foundational principles of a living woman versus a dead corporate entity and helped me own my sovereign status and expand beyond the prison of my own mind. Although I have yet to find any practical significance in this new birth certificate, learning about syntax grammar and the way the system manipulates with words is useful. I’ll include references and videos of David Wynn Miller in the resource section for those who may like to read more about becoming a postmaster. David Wynn Miller was the judge that had Bill Clinton released from the sexual charges using a syntax grammatical error. Those who make the man-made laws know how to break them. September 2020, a group of friends and I set up the Atlantic Common Law Assembly under the tutelage of Kevin Annett. As the convenor of the ACLA, I learned that common law is still a law that men have created. Although above the corporate maritime law, it continues to use the Spells of grammatical trickery and controlled opposition of the globalist. Through contract law, men like Cal Washington and Christopher James have had some success in opting out of contracts by counter claims and notices of liability, however the weakness in UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) and contract law in that in doing a counter claim you are entering their domain of the written word with all the shifts and giggles within that playground. It is like stepping into their courtroom, under their flag you are already at a disadvantage as the home team owns the plate, the players and the scoreboard. Lawyers are the QC (queens council) therefore are licenced by the crown so can't represent you as fairly as you can present yourself. In the postmaster video you heard that the judges are paid by the port authority through the Universal Postal Union so becoming a postmaster and presenting yourself under your own authority you may be able to play a better poker hand. Written laws are part of the corpus juris secundum, the encyclopedia of law in the United States taught in law school. Clan mother governance is the corpus juris primum or supremum- a law that we may call the creator law, an oral tradition of international and galactic law that is immune to ( Causus Omissus) these man made written laws. Clan mother documents of Meredith Quinn and Klan mother Karen Macdonald reference this information that is included in the article entitled, native traditions. These galactic treaties with the Star nations and the humans who were chosen to be gatekeepers of the planet hold the allodial title for the land. They just told you the crown owned the land and you believed them. There was never a bill of sale for Canada. The RCMP, the queen's military, stole the territory from our natives, constructed a post office and after a year, laid claim to the land by erecting a flag. "Legal" refers to contracts. The word "lawful" refers to the law. The word "legal", according to Peter Stone's handbook, originally meant “undoing of God’s law”. Even the written bible has been revised many times as a means of control and having you give up your power to the Priest, the Pope, Jesus or other God-fearing men who force people to mask their face, inject themselves and pay the church for your ticket to heaven. Sons and daughters of the Great Spirit was changed to God, the father and the son! They wrote the women and many other essential feminine wisdom out of the Bible!! The unwritten oral law and traditions and your divine spark that reflects the laws of nature holds the greatest balanced truth. According to ancient Indian philosophy, the Great Spirit within you is the authority. Belief in this power connects you to a universal source of love, joy, wisdom, truth and power. Your rights and freedoms have not been taken away- you have been tricked into surrendering them. Govern (means to steer) ment (means mind) so their purpose is to steer your mind. To rise above this manipulation and crown yourself into sovereignty there are 4 steps: Step 1 Believe in your power, love and wisdom and be willing to take responsibility for yourself. Step 2 See the obstacles they create and develop the knowledge and strategies to overcome them. Step 3 Develop a manifesto, a purposeful verse to help you remember and rehearse owning your power and your creation. Step 4 "Fake it 'til you make it." Act as if you are already there. Act like a Queen and teach other how you wish to be treated. (Note: continuing to pay taxes to a group focused on your demise or wearing a muzzle are not congruent actions of a master ) Governments are in an extremely vulnerable position at the moment as their foundation is built on a Strawman bluff in lies and manipulation. So if you huff and puff enough you may just blow their house down. What is holding you back ? Fear? Most are not ready to take responsibility for their health, their finances, their food and to govern themselves so they, like an abused spouse in a marriage, return again and again to the bully, name calling and hoping for a change. Ancient american Indians suggest "Hope is the puzzle of fear." It is a sign that you a looking for your power in some outside authority instead of connecting to your own unlimited potential. Fragmented, these fearful ones see a black and white, good and evil existence. Integrated souls see the light and dark in themselves reflected into the world, they release blame and shame and use their energy in a productive way to take on challenge to discover solutions. Many slaves in the system enjoy the familiar predictable routine so they pay to stay. The alternative of taking responsibility for themselves and being a master of their own destiny may seem out of reach so the best they can do is hope for a change instead of being the change. Pain is often a part of the earthly lesson, until we are ready to rise up and use this energy to follow our purpose. When the fruit is ripe it falls from the tree. Covid shook the tree, so lately fruits are flying off the branches with the courage to finally pull back the curtain to see the tricks and illusions. As Peter Stone says in The Sovereign Project Handbook, you either continue to be a sheep or become the wolf. You have two choices slavery or sovereignty. Peter has a contract checklist and many ideas for you to intelligently move beyond the corporate rules and regulations. One important point he suggests is to not debate a claim as this will trap you into fraudulent bureaucracy. It is like arguing with a two year old. Instead of getting caught in their script, jumping above it to ask questions about obligation and authority takes out the pedestal on which they pretend to stand and you put them in a reflective time out. Who gives you the authority ( name the CCRA agent) to dictate I pay for bioweapons with my taxes? Under what obligation do you ( name the administrator of the weather modification program) modify our weather? By which authority are you (name the Chief medical officer) to inject poisons into the public, poison the water and food. Who gives you authority mayor to instituting electronic barriers and radiation grids in smart cities? Without knowing who you are, you may end up accepting the name and ideas they put upon you. Those who govern themselves, need no governing. "I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves." Harriet Tubman. On the heels of this new moon, it's a great time to chart your course, put the action steps in place to take responsibility for yourself and step into your love, power and wisdom. What are you saying to yourself that your cells are eavesdropping upon? Feel free to use some of these phrases or write your own script unique to you and repeat them to yourself daily. I am getting stronger, more fit and flexible and balanced everyday. My immune system and all body functions are working optimally. All cells and chemicals are in a healthy frequency. My tissues, organs and organs systems are youthful and energized with a healthy vibration that allows me to move and function freely with ease, efficiency and grace. My mind and body are in a beautiful symphony allowing the spirit of love, joy and wisdom to flow through me. Justin Trudeau and global partners..... I release all contracts of the past, present or future made by me or my ancestral lineage that are not in the best interest of my optimal life plan. I gratefully decline the opportunity to take your toxic shots, masks and other muzzles, smart surveillance radiation technologies, smart cities and electronic fences, taxes for bioweapons and weather modification, GMO/ food, chemically treated water, facial and body scanners and any other WEF, UN or WHO ManDates that may affect my health, my free expression or my movement as a living woman on our earth. As a human gatekeeper of the planet with the Great Spirit as my guide and witness, I honour our human will as an expression of divine intention. Love, joy, health, wealth and abundance surrounds me, my family and friends working with that pure intention for our world. Resources: Sovereign project video of this article info: https://www.bitchute.com/video/gI5RvuToV2mI/ Sovereign Project Handbook: https://www.thegreatbritishbookshop.co.uk/collections/best-sellers/products/the-sovereign-handbook Bill Still Wizard of Oz video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFeRKaaktyM Healing begins in the mind..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7iLX14ua6k Sons and Daughters of the Great Spirit: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/astroturf-astronomical-vision Clan mother governance: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mAAY3KbSysPv/ The Corporation of Canada: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/canada-corporation-vs-canada-clan-mother-territory. The Myth is Canada: www.themythiscanada.com/ Corpus juris primum or supremum: //www.healthtruth.blog/blog/native-traditions Postmaster video and David Wynn Miller resources below video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Me0IKeKMUrA0/ (Begin at 25 min mark) 4/20/2024 8 Comments Chemtrail DetoxApril 19, 2024 here in Nova Scotia Canada, we had a tremendous day of white lines littering the sky. In the morning, the sky was beautifully blue but by three O'Clock the zig-zag, criss-cross chemtrails in their swollen gray haze coated the blue background. It's really nothing new, as they have been doing this for years, but the amount yesterday was so obvious that even those calling conspiracy theory woke up with a sore throat. The little tickle in my throat this morning, inspired me to do a the video and write this article to share resources, information and inspiration.
A chemtrail is a trail of chemicals sprayed into the sky from a holding tank that is pumped into sprayers attached to the wings of a plane. The chemtrail you see in the sky, may last for hours and could be miles long. Anthony Williams shares how the chemical companies hire these private companies or refurbish old planes and pilots to pump their excess waste into the air. The philosophy is in sprinkling it slowly over the earth, life forms can better accommodate the poison. If they were to dump it into a lake all at once for example, life in the lake would die. A contrail, an abbreviated name for condensation, is a natural occuring phenomena. When the hot exhaust from the planes engine meets the cold air, it forms a short trail a few feet behind the plane from the engine and last a few minutes until the water vapour is dissolved into a blue sky. There is a photo at the end of this article that illustrates the difference. Appreciation to the creators. This excess chemical waste comes from a wide range of industries within the military industrial complex of our world. Factories, laboratories treatment plants who make dangerous chemicals used in warfare and medicines, generally have the resources to ensure they are somehow disposed. Maybe the CEO's of these billion dollar chemical companies don't even know their own waste is being sprayed back upon them. They just pay to have it discarded and don't ask too many questions. There are also more nefarious theories of chemtrails in weather warfare, depopulation and mind control as a way to cull the herd and more efficiently control humanity. Some of the chemicals are not even patented so you never really know what cocktail is going to rain down from the heavens. The metallic components ionize the atmosphere, changing the electrical charge so that it makes weather modification possible and EMF waves are more easily conducted. In this video Dr. Nick Begich explains how the research facility of HAARP ( High- Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) heats up ionosphere to weather manipulate. In fact, there are now acts in government to allow weather modification. Obama passed The Monsanto Act in 2013 to protect the company against liability for deaths and injuries from herbicide Round Up (aka glyphosate) and other sprayed chemicals. Monsanto group of companies (united now under Bayer) were also are the makers of DDT and Agent Orange so they play rough in the chemical playground. In 1986, Ronald Reagan passed an Act to absolve vaccine companies against liability and in 1996, Bill Clinton passed the Telecommunication Act to protect cellular companies. Are you seeing the big picture? Governments are manipulated paid puppet organizations for these megaconglomerants. They create laws and acts to protect themselves, but who is protecting you? The recent Weather Modification Act and carbon tax is established on the pretense of protecting us against climate change but they forgot to tell you the climate is changing because they are engineering it! How you can protect yourself and detox your body? The photo at the top of the article is a Walipini- an underground greenhouse. Thank you to my friend Dan who introduced me to this idea and took me on a tour of his greenhouse bunker. Many benefits in this type of construction: digging down 4 feet under the frost line extends your growing season, moderates temperature and sunlight and for the benefit of this article, it protects against the chemical sprays. Ensuring proper drainage is essential otherwise the walipini turns into a walipool of water! The Green Power Houses are another construction that I love in that it provides clean food, clean air, enhances the soil and with a biochar product produces free energy! This structure and the food revolution is one solution to many of our world problems! Water is the bases of life, it holds our intention and is the universal solvent for many toxins. Chlorine Dioxide is a great antiparasitic, antifungal, antibacterial that helps rid your body of these other entities that tax your body so it liberates energy to detox chemtrails. Filtering or distilling water is essential now given the chemicals that are being sprayed, ingested and injected into people and into our groundwater. Detoxing Covid, is another article that discusses keeping your detox pathways clear. Enemas for your bowels, skin brushing and sweating to detox through your skin, drinking lemon water and celtic natural salt to flush kidneys, castor oil packs for liver, removing wifi and cell phone radiation from your biofield and fasting as one of the oldest and most effective detox methods. Your gut is about 80 % of your immune system so healing this with periods of fasting and pre-probiotics is a great reset. Most people benefit also from a parasitic cleanse at least twice a year. The video today, highlights a celery juice chlorophyll recipe and shares other tips on air purifiers, pineapple juice, green tea, activated charcoal, sleep, exercise and minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, copper and boron that some believe to mitigate or help deactivate the nano-tech. The chemtrail alkali earth metals like barium and strontium can displace magnesium and calcium (being in the same column of the periodic table) so minerals are essential in this day and age. EMF radiation also effects the voltage-gated calcium channels so we have this interference in mineral metabolism coming at us from all sides. Your mindset and what you are saying to yourself determines your reality so if you look at the sky and say, type or post .... "they are k*lling us with these trails", you have paralysed yourself and others reading or hearing your words and attached yourself to that destiny. If you can look up at the sky and think, type, post and say to yourself.... "Wow! now there's a challenge I can look up too 😊" maybe you make yourself smile, reduce the stress in your sympathetic nervous system, see it as a challenge that empowers you and requires your action. Reptiles control humans by fear and emotion, locking them into the primitive emotional center of the brain. Reptile is a good name because only cold blooded creatures with a remedial intelligence dumps toxic chemicals from the sky and tries to block the sun. Yes it is true Bill Gates, when he is not creating a computer virus to inject into the population, has been doing sky experiments for years trying to block the Sun. Any three year old human could tell you that is not the smartest idea but these froot loops controlling the chemical companies are not really working with a full deck and are not the sharpest tools in the shed. What is working in our favour? What resources and tools are available to us? 1. Our numbers- we are bigger than the few chemical company CEO's. 2. We all have access to social media. This is a global platform with tremendous power and influence. 3. We are brilliant and have the ability to expand out of emotion into the inspired vision part of our mind to find solutions. 4. Through love and joy we create unity and once we tap into to this frequency, we become the co-creators of our universe. 5. The divinity within humanity establishes the natural law...... What man can poison & destroy, he can also heal & rebuild. What benefit do we see in the current situation? 1. "My contempt for authority made me one" Einstein. This challenge wakes you to your unlimited power and you become your own authority. 2. Business opportunities for those providing creative solutions to our problems- greenhouses, free energies & chemical transformers. 3. Uniting humanity beyond any duality develops strength, resilience & powerfully connects us to greater consciousness. 4. Opening our heart and mind to the labour of love and joy, solutions are birthed. Pain is the greatest teacher. What is our greatest weakness ? "Whether you believe you can or believe you can't, you're right." Henry Ford. Our own limiting beliefs keeps us small, working from emotion and our victim mentality. There is a defining moment when you realize, you control your destiny. Pain pushes until your purpose pulls you! What is our greatest threat? Extinction of life on earth. Dane Wigington is a great resource for geoengineering and gives us this recent Global news Alert. This SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities, threat) analysis gives our team vision and strategic planning for success. If you have other resources, links, ideas or suggestions, please add them to the comments below or send me a message with your threads of information and inspirations to weave into our tapestry. Suggested Action Steps: 1. Breathe, smile and know, together we've got this. 2. Take pictures of the chemtrails, identify the flight through "live plane trackers" and post on social media to bring transparency & awareness. 3. Start doing something today to improve your health. Plant a garden, connect with a local organic greenhouse, buy a water filter...... 4. Join a group, create community, gather resources, inspire action. Together we are stronger. 5. Review the links in this article and resource section at the bottom and share with those trying to sell you on climate change scam. 6. Use social media to publicly post questions to mainstream media, politicians, chemical companies. Let them see humanity rising! 7. Reduce the chemicals you use. Live a more natural existence with less plastic and medications. 8. Call Diane Campbell 1-819-938-4440, Administrator of Canada’s Weather Modification Act to question why the weather needs modifying. 9. Paying taxes to an agency not working in your best interest is not wise. Share this information with CCRA. 10. Inspire our youth to be healthy, brilliant and support them in finding new healing solutions for our world. It is for them, we must rise. Resources: 1. Green Power houses the food revolution solution... Burns waste, cleans air & food, enhances soil, provides O2 and free energy ! 2. Purifying and re-structuring water video: www.bitchute.com/video/mWeOgCaAppzw/ 3. Keep detox pathways clear : www.healthtruth.blog/blog/detoxing-covid 4. Chlorine Dioxide water purification: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/ocean-oxygen-obesity-chlorine-dioxide 5. Chemtrail video, recipes and supplements: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zdYFmYptxOQq/ 6. Eating for the greatest energy: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/what-diet-is-best-for-energy-health 7. Dr. Nick Begich explains the research facility of HARRP & weather modification: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEd3WzwPXKU 8. Dane Wigington- great resource for geoengineering: Global news Alert & geoengineering watch website . 9. Medical medium Anthony Williams on Chemtrails. 10. Airline pilot exposes chemtrails. 11. Information for Canada Customs and Revenue Agency: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bi8Tz8sT1U https://worldbeyondwar.org/crime-pay-tax/?fbclid=IwAR3UFROikR1fio5XMj9blBfWke1vpV0BtqRjJmBA955-qoXC6n3L5DJGYcs 12. Live Plane trackers site: https://www.flightradar24.com/44.86,-63.34/10 https://planefinder.net/ https://www.flightaware.com/live/ May the source be with you and the resources make you mad enough to be magnificent! What is the diet that will give you maximum energy, optimum health and provide weight balancing?..... It Depends. Depends could be a product you use when you are leaking uncertainty 😊 but in this case depends opens the floor for your uniqueness. Caveat: If you already have a diet or program that is working for you, providing you optimal health and energy, then stop reading now and continue with your current plan. If you don't, then you may like to continue reading about trends in evolutionary biology, physiology, philosophy and political motivations to help you find your truth and best solutions for energy and health. Let's begin with a few definitions and descriptions: A herbivore, is an animal that feeds on plants. A cow for example, has several stomach chambers and a longer digestive tract. They extensively chew their food so digestive enzymes in the mouth begin the process. Their stomach is more alkaline 4-5 pH. A carnivore, is an animal that feeds on other animals. A carnivore is at the other end of the spectrum having only one stomach and a shorter digestive tract. A carnivore digestive system includes different enzymes- protease to digest protein, lipase to digest fat and a few have amylase to digest carbohydrates. A carnivore lacks cellulase to break down plants. An omnivore is an animal that feeds on plant and animal matter. Carnivores and omnivores have a lower stomach acidity 1-2 pH to break down meat, have a wider esophagus to accommodate swallowing more dense food without it being chewed. They don't chew because there is no digestive enzyme in the mouth. Humans are a mixture of all these varieties. We chew our food with our molars and have amylase to break down carbohydrates that begins in the mouth similar to a herbivore. We have incisors and canine teeth to bite into meat like a carnivore. Our digestive tract is more like a carnivore in that we have only one stomach but a more lengthy intestine for food processing and absorption. The human stomach is acidic - 1-2 Ph like both carnivores and omnivores and we have an enzyme found in the stomach called pepsin that digests protein. Biologically, we are more like an omnivore in having all the parts to eat and digest both animal and plant matter. Food is an emotional issue for many as our psychology, biology and family genetics play a factor in our diet. In astrology, the Moon is the planet that represents food it also is connected to mother, emotions, home and unconscious desires so as an astrologer I often take this into account when recommending a certain style of eating. Those with a moon in Capricorn for example tend to be more sensitive to gluten. Those with a moon in Gemini often eat mindlessly in front of the computer, TV or other technology. Cancer moon people can be emotional eaters so this requires another level of coaching. On a Full Moon, parasites often move to the digestive system to mate and lay eggs, so on or after a full moon is a great time to do a parasite cleanse. If you are planting in your garden or starting a new diet plan, best to wait until after a New Moon. These cosmic factors and the psychological overlay also add a layer to the biology. In my chiropractic family practice, I would often host nutritional education sessions to share research that I collected. Below in the resource section are some examples of those books or videos that left a lasting impression. One of the books that lined my clinic shelves was Dr. Peter D'Adamo's, Eat Right for Your Type. In this book, he suggests blood type is a significant factor based on evolutionary genetics and antigens on the blood cells. Blood type A is Agrarian so they can eat small selective amount of animal protein but do much better with a plant based diet. Blood type B evolve from the Nomadic peoples so this group in general will thrive with dairy products in the diet. Blood type AB are a mixture of both A and B. Blood type O, the oldest and most common types who hail from hunter and gatherer tribes, excel best without dairy, wheat and corn and are healthier with higher animal protein diets of meat, fish and poultry. There are detailed protocols in Dr. D'Adamo's book and website for those who may like to investigate this further, as well as an Eldon card kit which allows you an opportunity to do an analysis of your blood to determine your own blood type. The blood type analysis maybe a way to explains the nutritional paradoxes. Knowing your own blood type is also useful if you were banking blood for a friend or relative who needed a blood transfusion. Currently, the Canadian Red Cross collects your blood for free and then sells it back to hospitals with your tax dollars and sells the other 70-80% to pharmaceutical companies for research. I would love to see a private enterprise where our healthy blood is separate from those who may be more saturated from nano-tech of recent pharmaceutical injections. Wonderful, if they could reward the person for giving the blood instead of selling it to those in the pharmaceutical cartel who have a vested interested in keeping us sick. How could we make this a win-win business for profit and health? Over the last 30 years, i've tried vegetarian, carnivore, paleo, keto and many other food programs and styles of eating. The blood type diet seems to be the one that resonates with my body type, lifestyle, personality, health, energy and even correlates with my natal astrology chart, so it feels true to me in many ways. I'm going to test it again more carefully over the next few months and report any changes. It may not be true for you, so as I have suggested in the beginning take it with a grain of salt, keep an open mind, be willing to experiment and then keep what has value to you. Maybe this article and resources will provide Food for Thought. When you are green you are growing and when you are ripe you rot. Speaking of salt, natural celtic salt, your own harvested sea salt or Himalayan rock salt has more than 84 trace minerals so natural salt is an essential part of any healthy diet. Too many carbohydrates can create inflammation of the body and brain, and tax the immune system as outlined in Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride's book The GAP's diet. Dr. Joe Mercola suggests, too little carbohydrates or keeping your body in ketosis may increase cortisol and body stressors. There is an exception to every rule and there will be a researcher to support and challenge every angle but great that you get to experiment and choose the moderate approach that feels best for you. There are certain principles that are general across the board..... 1. Food chemicals- glyphosate, antibiotics, nano-tech, pesticides, hormone or mRNA injected plants/animals are unhealthy. 2. Genetically modified foods have low nutritional value. Modified to withstand the glyphosate poison sprayed on them. 3. Lab grown plant based meats and other processed packaged foods are not in your best health interest. 4. Wheat, Soy and Corn are the most genetically modified foods so most advise to avoid them. 5. Fasting 12-15 hours a day is a general healthy rule of thumb, longer during periods during illness. Aside: Birds, Swine and Cows don't get the flu, unless toxins have been injected into them. Be mindful of a globalist agenda trying to sell you plant based meats or telling you the gas in cow flatulence is causing climate change. The swine flu vaccine was developed for pigs. "When the farmers refused to keep injecting their livestock because it was making the pigs sick, the pharmaceutical company in 1976 encouraged President Ford to mandate the swine (pig) flu shots to the human population so they wouldn't lose profit in the stock supplies they already made. Billions of dollars of injuries ensued. President Ford wasn't re-elected and sentenced to spend the rest of his days wearily truding up and down the golf course at Palm Springs." ~ Eustace Mullins- Murder by Injection) In the resource section below is an article written in 2016 for optimyze magazine about obesity and obesogens- man made toxins in the environment. Our bodies sequester the poisons so the belly fat around the organs maybe a survival mechanism to protect our body from toxins: in the air- chemtrails or cell phone radiation, in food- herbicides/pesticides and in water- fluoride, chlorine and nano-tech. So it is not just what you choose to eat but the quality of what you are eating that determines your health. Plastics, processing and microwaves also decrease food quality so if you can't pick it from a branch, dig it from the earth, hunt it from the field or gather it from the nest, likely it is processed in some way. Even tea bags have chemicals in them so making a loose leaf tea is a healthier tradition. Supporting local organic farmers who can grow in greenhouses protect against chemtrail spraying. Green power houses even nourish the soil, clean the air and provide Free Energy! Livestock farmers who free-range their flock, don't inject their animals and encorporate humane end of life procedures, ensure a higher quality of food. The secret life of plants and animals is the energy that you'll be ingesting. Tammy Canal, stay-at-home mother whose kids who got sick from glyphosate, began the March Against Monsanto movement. She suggests, we must vote with our wallet. The supply will meet your demand. Purchase quality. The Blue Zone documentary and book by Dan Buettner supports this moderate dietary approach in visiting 5 different countries and towns with the highest concentration of centurions. Making the assumption that diet and lifestyle is responsible for their good health, he found several factors common to them all: 1. Moderate natural diet of plant and animal protein. 2. Daily exercise. 3. Social circle of support. 4. Spiritual belief in a Higher power. 5. Purposeful living. Living from the land, spending time in nature, forming community, reducing the time and space between you and your food gives quality and quantity to life. The rising cost of living, the modification of the foods and the government overreach into our "healthcare" system have sent thousands back to goats, gardens and the lifestyles of our great-grandmothers, as reported recently in the Toronto Star. In 2022, the Homesteading Canada Facebook group went from 2,000 to nearly 20,000 followers. Many now see value in growing food, raising animals, and feeding their family and friends from a natural matrix. The best diets for health, energy and longevity are found within the art and craft of your own land and hand. Resources: 1. Dr. D'Adamo Eat Right For Your Type. 2. Exposing the obesity cancer link. https://www.optimyz.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/506.pdf Page 45-47 3. Dr. Klacker Forbidden Health. 4. Chemical toxins: a hypothesis global obesity epidemic Paula F Baillie-Hamilton 1://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12006126/ 5. Cell phone task force. EMF effect bees and other insects that pollinate our plants. 6. Dr. Mercola Carbs for energy. 7. Barry Groves: What We are Designed to Eat. 8. Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride GAP's diet: 9. Dr. Gundry- The Plant Paradox: 10. Dr.William Davis- Wheat Belly. 11. Dr. Anthony Chaffee Carnivore Diet 12. Dr's. Campbell and Campbell. The China Study 13. Phyllis Balch. Prescription for Nutritional Healing 14. Dan Buettner. Blue Zones 15. Forks over Knives. 16. Eustace Mullins. Murder By Injection 17. Green Powerhouse as a clean food, energy and soil solution. 18. Bread As a Drug. 19. Do Your Kids Need Yellow Suits to Eat Breakfast? 20. Blood Typing Eldon card kit 21. The Secret Life of Plants. 22. Stg Pattie Brassard genetics. 23. Mexico Bans GMO. 24. Cancer & nutrition. 25. Live video of this article information. Subscribe for updates. |
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