Today, August 18, 2024 on the eve of a full moon in Aquarius and on the heels of the Pluto Moon transit, it’s time to unleash the love, wisdom and power of the collective. Our humanitarian service coming to a full harvest and our freedom-loving uniqueness is fuelled from our higher heart and mind.
Wilhelm Reich, as Austrian doctor of medicine (1922) and a psychoanalyst, spent his last days in a jail cell, while six tons of his publications were burned. He was a student of Sigmund Freud but he took Freud’s hypothetical theories into the practical realm of healing. The title of Reich's book, The Function Of The Orgasm, sounds like a smutty romance novel with 150 shade of grey but I can assure you, it has substance, grit and a “stick to your ribs” kind of wisdom that goes beyond your genitals, into the heart of the matter. Dr. Reich, the developer of the theory of Orgone energy, discovered a tool to measure this universal life force. Those who have lost the ability to connect with this life energy will try to destroy it. Burning his books and killing thousands in the Spanish Inquisition are just a few unfortunate historical examples of this neurosis. When the collective consciousness is seeking desperately for itself and can't find it, it retaliates and uses its repressed energy destroying life instead of creating it. Many of Reich’s publications, like many of the ancient bibles and texts went up in smoke. Fortunately, the wisdom of love is an eternal flame. “Men who feel that surrender is ‘feminine’ are always orgastically disturbed. Just as widespread passivity on the part of the woman is pathological. I have reached the conclusion that sexuality is the centre around which the life of society as a whole as well as the inner intellectual world of the individual ….Revolves” Dr. Wilhelm Reich - The Function of the Orgasm Pages 21, 104-105. (….maybe this knowledge is how we Evolve? ) Dr. Reich suggests that our 6000 year old Patriarchal authoritarian culture is typified by what he calls a “character armouring” against our inner nature. Matriarchal clan mother documents and other texts such as, The Return of the Divine Sophia in a long story of feminine repression, also bears witness to these unbalanced forces in humanity that we don’t see in our natural world. Man is the only species that doesn’t fulfill the natural law of sexuality and creates situations of infertility, killing women, children and unborn babies of the species. You don’t have to look too far back in our history to see the recent manifestations of a mass psychosis, where men and women, muzzled and injected themselves and their own kids under hypnotic command. Perhaps in liberating the reason for the psychosis, we can naturally find our way back to health. 'Sexual repression is of a socio-economic and not of a biological origin. It's function is to lay the foundation for an authoritarian, patriarchal culture and economic slavery, which we find especially pronounced in Japan, China, India and other countries' -Dr. Wilhelm Reich - The Function of the Orgasm Since the emergence of the patriarch, the natural pleasure of life, work and extra-curricular activity have been replaced by compulsive duty, and inhibition of natural sexual gratification is the cause and effect of this suppression. Sexuality is akin to our life force. An organism that has sexual desire, a gratifying orgasm and an ability to reproduce, follows a natural order of the universe to propagate the survival of its species. So for the purpose of this article, the sexual process is in essence measures the life of natural instinct. The orgasm becomes the yardstick of psychophysical functioning of the organism because of the biological energy expressed in it. Whether you are a lady, a ladybug or a single cell organism, if you can orgasm and divide, it’s a good sign that you are alive. Sharing the secrets of love and wisdom with those who are dying to find it, we re-connect our humanity to its natural rhythm and power. Freud and Jung discuss that making the unconscious conscious is the key to authoring your own life. But Reich goes one step further in explaining what Freud calls the “negative therapeutic reaction” suggesting making the unconscious conscious is not sufficient. The unconscious feelings of shock, grief and guilt get trapped in the body so to help release the fixations and subluxations in the unconscious, we must address the mind-body as a unified force otherwise liberating the trauma can be damaging. Apples to apples, pears to pears, the unconscious solution rest in the unconscious fears. It is not enough to become aware of the unconscious issues if you have no tools in the conscious to release and let go of the body memory of the traumas stored in muscles, organs and tissues. It is this uprooting and peeling back the compensations of the mind body puzzle that a fascinating healing journey begins. C.G. Jung — 'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.' The sacred art of love-making, was hijacked and sold on sex websites as a neurotic expression of our most basic essence- the ability to love and give life. Pathological neurosis found in sex trafficked men and women, porn stars, priests, politicians, and prime ministers- Wilhelm Reich suggests worsen the problems. These structures control using fear and use your ignorance in selling you your own dream wrapped up in their packaging. Like selling ice to an Eskimo! They are selling an external solution for an internal problem and many are buying it. Kind of like the computer company injecting you with a virus and then trying to sell you the shot solution. The same mentality that wrote women out of the ancient bible. The Sons and Daughters of the Great Spirit was sold to you as the patriarchal Father & Son and Holy Ghost. Selling you Freedom is another game of control opposition. You are born free but surrender to a consciousness less than your own. Why do you do that? Freedom is not something you fight for, it is feeling you must embody to author your own life. If you are not speaking up for yourself and your family ask yourself why? Where is the trauma that holds your voice? When were you punished for speaking truth? Why are you not taking responsibility for yourself? Where in your life were you told you didn’t matter and had to follow someone else’s rules? Why do you feel unworthy of love, light, joy, pleasure, health and abundance? When did your light go out and how are you going to re-ignite it? You are a divine spark of the universe. All the love and wisdom of the cosmos is within you. True love making and connecting with this universal life force gives you love, health, joy and abundance. Where are you holding yourself back and why? Now in the Age of Aquarius it’s time to release the shackles of the old guard and rise into your divine unique expression. Live your best life. Release fear. Choose love . 'If people were not inhibited by the fear of authority, they would speak far less nonsense and far more sense.' Wilhelm Reich 'Whatever you’ve done or not done, you are worthy of love and you are an expression of love'. John Demartini. Resolving the traumas, inhibitions and fixations of the mind and body, you have a greater life force. In the resource section of this article you may find some somatic techniques and exercise that may be helpful to release stored traumas. Some people may have fixations related to childhood reprimand in toilet training, masturbation, rape or incest. Others may have been verbally or psychologically damaged or molested. The type and amount varies but all have trauma wounds in some form. (In an astrology natal chart this can be identified using the sign, house placement and aspects of the dwarf planet Chiron. So if you are having troubles accessing the the significant events or generational traumas, a astrology session may help you navigate forward and backward on this particular terrestrial timeline.) Dr. Wilhelm's Reich's book, the Function of Orgasm, is discussing orgasm therapy and manual techniques to integrate a natural orgasmic reflex to heal neuroses. There is a direct relationship between sexuality and anxiety. All those with neurosis and psychic illness show improvement and resolution of symptoms when a gratifying orgasmic reflex is restored. Once a patient is connected to being able to pleasure themselves they have a natural outlet to completely discharge the pent up energy, they are healed of the neurosis. The mechanical function (the tension/relaxation) and the electric function (the charge/discharge) are balanced. Like a battery, when connected to a negative and positive pole, the lights turn on in an involuntary wave of orgasm in the holy flow in the circuit of life happens in a wave of love. In this vortex of electromagnetic charge you reset your vital force. There is often a spark of chemical alchemy where the physical bodies are magnetically attracted to one another but a heart connection is also essential. Tom Kenyon in the Magdalen Manuscript suggest an optimum environment for the sacred cosmic orgasm also must include conditions in which there is mutual love, respect and psychological safety. So if you have to turn the lights out so you don't have to see your partners face in a "wham bam thank you mam" moment, you may ejaculate but it won't be the satisfying healing experience of sexual magic this article and book is discussing. You can't buy love! 'The severity of every form of psychic illness is directly related to the severity of the genital disturbance. The prospects of cure and the success of cure are directly dependent upon the possibility of establishing the capacity for full genital gratification. The difference between lovemaking and fucking.' Dr. Wilhelm Reich - The Function of the Orgasm pages 96-100. Vegetotherapy (orgasm therapy) is a form of psychotherapy that involves the physical manifestation of emotions and repressed trauma using questions and gentle exercises to allow the unconscious to connect and then release the body memory of the trauma. For many years in my chiropractic practise, I witnessed hundreds of cases of emotions and memories being liberated with chiropractic adjustments and trigger point release in tissue tension. Every treatment room had a tissue box and I studied many balancing techniques including the Demartini Method to deal with the emotion and trauma that was often liberated with the manual hands on work along the head, neck, jaw, pelvis and other spinal bones and musculature. At first I thought the reports of their sex life improving was a function of greater movement in the joints of the lower back and pelvis and reduction of nerve tension but it was later that I discovered the connection to the psychic trauma in the subluxation. One day i asked a older gentleman patient how he was feeling and his reply still makes me smile.... "Happy wife, Happy life." The works of Barbara Ann Brennan and Louise Hay were helpful but I had no specific reference for this type of work so I muddled my way through trusting my intuition and following the patients lead as to what it meant and how I could help, witnessing miracles of healing and transformation. So interesting now to learn that it can also be done in the reverse. Asking about a certain posture, facial expression, muscular stress ("muscular armour") and how it relates to the psychic condition ("character armour") is also a way into the trauma and can produce and release spasms and fixations into the body. It is a fascinating study to see how the body creates somatic (body) compensations to manage the anxieties of a psychic (mental) origin. Addressing both is likely the best solution as Dr. Reich has successfully done. The body patterns don't seem to follow a certain neurological, dermatological or acupuncture meridian but the memory of the mental trauma is frozen into a particular facial expression, muscle or motor action of the body. I witnessed this a number of times where the chiropractic patient or coaching client, adopted a posture, voice, vocabulary and position she was in during the age and time of the trauma. I could visibly see the trauma happening right in that moment and in some cases, when it was right there at the surface, we together could balance it and the body health improved with the mental health. Protecting the solar plexus, head and genitals is a common survival mechanism with tissue tightness presenting in those areas with those who suffer with neurosis- anxiety, depression, OCD, schizophrenia…. Reich’s basic principles in freeing the orgasm reflex are found on page 333 in his book, The Function of The Orgasm. 1. To seek out the inhibitions where the fragmentation obstructs the unification of the natural wave like reflex. 2. To intensify the involuntary inhibitory mechanism and impulses (like the forward movement of the pelvis). These healing solutions have vast implications to the chaos of our current society, delving into the unconscious conditioning that allows us to be controlled, provides a self-healing mechanism to create an empowered collective. The first step to any problem is awareness and the second is implementing action steps. In a later article and video, I may discuss more upon the active exercises and treatments but Reich’s book and biography is a foundational masterpiece to have as part of your empowerment collection. The reference section of this article has one exercise video to get you started in improving your orgasmic reflex as well as a link to Dr. Reich’s material. I’ve just started publishing on substack so if you are reading this article and you feel the information is helpful please comment, subscribe and share the link. Together, we are a powerful team! Subscribe Substack; References: 1. Exercise video to improve orgasm. 2. Biography of Wilhelm Reich 3. Book, The Function of Orgasm. 4. Article: Sexual Repression and Expression. 5. Article: Age of Aquarius 6. Tom Kenyon Magdalen Manuscript; So much gratitude to Homeopath friend Paula for her love and wisdom in sharing Reich Works with me.
Sovereignty is your birthright. You have been socially conditioned, educationally deprived and mentally manipulated out of this truth. It’s time to dust off the crown, put back on the dress and step into your love, power and wisdom!
Once upon a time……. A beautiful baby was born with all the love, light and joy of the universe woven into the fabric of their DNA. That baby was you. Your parents after 3 days, adhering to the lemon law, registered you into the Canadian corporation to collect a birth certificate. They did this because it was what their parents did and what they were told to do. Your registration puts you on the books of the corporation and the CUSIP number, on the back of the birth certificate, allows them to trade your worth on global markets. The CUSIP is a number assigned to stocks and registered bonds in USA and Canada. They estimate how much you will pay in taxes in your lifetime and you become an asset with your SIN- Social Insurance Number. Your Capitalized name legal fiction is called your Strawman identity. The strawman PERSON is a false creation or a dead entity that allows them to act on your behalf and be the guardian of your trust fund. The Strawman is like the corporate store front for you the real man or woman. Your PERSON is a ward of the state. You are paying them a large percentage for them to take care of you and your kids and keep you in this master- slave relationship. Papa government takes care of your health care needs, your education requirements, your food, water and medicines. However these public laws do not apply to your private domain so re-claiming your living man or woman status is an important distinction. Examples of this trickery would be the government trying to muzzle and inject you, mandate a smart meter or cell phone tower on your private property or bringing your private medical records public. Even as a registered member of the corporation you still have the ability to gratefully decline their opportunities. Paying your taxes, funds the corporate agenda and your silence gives consent. An object in motion tends to stay in motion Unless acted upon by an opposite and opposing force. This force is YOU. The Wizard of Oz reflects the details of the Strawman personality and provides a cute look at the players in this skit. Some suggest they give us the truth in movies, music and even the half time super bowl shows as a part of the mind control programming in priming the public to being familiar with terminology and ideas. Others such as Pattie Brassard reports it is a galactic law that all species that inhabit the earth must notify humans of their plan in advance. Whatever the reason, those who are aware of these shenanigans can train themselves to look for clues and find solutions outside their programing. A movie about a virus spreading throughout the world is a great mind control technique to instil fear and prepare the collective mind to accept a pandemic. Having the world buy toilet paper for a "respiratory virus" or inject themselves with toxins for a pathogen that has never been identified on a microscope is another recent example of this mind control and social conditioning. The Wizard of Oz story demonstrates some of this symbolism. The Strawman wanted a brain but he got a certificate. TIN man represents the Taxpayer Identification Number- heartless and emotionless. The Cowardly Lion is a bully but a coward to stand up to anyone. The Wizard of Oz (ounce of Gold) on the yellow brick road uses magic, holograms, smoke and mirror behind the curtain but has no real power. Dorothy drugged and confused by the corporation is trying to find the way home. Bill Still discusses the hidden economic symbolism of the Wizard of Oz in this video. There is a way to rebirth yourself through the global system of the post office with a new birth certificate sealed with a blood thumbprint to prove you are a living breathing man or woman. This exercise illustrates the foundational principles of a living woman versus a dead corporate entity and helped me own my sovereign status and expand beyond the prison of my own mind. Although I have yet to find any practical significance in this new birth certificate, learning about syntax grammar and the way the system manipulates with words is useful. I’ll include references and videos of David Wynn Miller in the resource section for those who may like to read more about becoming a postmaster. David Wynn Miller was the judge that had Bill Clinton released from the sexual charges using a syntax grammatical error. Those who make the man-made laws know how to break them. September 2020, a group of friends and I set up the Atlantic Common Law Assembly under the tutelage of Kevin Annett. As the convenor of the ACLA, I learned that common law is still a law that men have created. Although above the corporate maritime law, it continues to use the Spells of grammatical trickery and controlled opposition of the globalist. Through contract law, men like Cal Washington and Christopher James have had some success in opting out of contracts by counter claims and notices of liability, however the weakness in UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) and contract law in that in doing a counter claim you are entering their domain of the written word with all the shifts and giggles within that playground. It is like stepping into their courtroom, under their flag you are already at a disadvantage as the home team owns the plate, the players and the scoreboard. Lawyers are the QC (queens council) therefore are licenced by the crown so can't represent you as fairly as you can present yourself. In the postmaster video you heard that the judges are paid by the port authority through the Universal Postal Union so becoming a postmaster and presenting yourself under your own authority you may be able to play a better poker hand. Written laws are part of the corpus juris secundum, the encyclopedia of law in the United States taught in law school. Clan mother governance is the corpus juris primum or supremum- a law that we may call the creator law, an oral tradition of international and galactic law that is immune to ( Causus Omissus) these man made written laws. Clan mother documents of Meredith Quinn and Klan mother Karen Macdonald reference this information that is included in the article entitled, native traditions. These galactic treaties with the Star nations and the humans who were chosen to be gatekeepers of the planet hold the allodial title for the land. They just told you the crown owned the land and you believed them. There was never a bill of sale for Canada. The RCMP, the queen's military, stole the territory from our natives, constructed a post office and after a year, laid claim to the land by erecting a flag. "Legal" refers to contracts. The word "lawful" refers to the law. The word "legal", according to Peter Stone's handbook, originally meant “undoing of God’s law”. Even the written bible has been revised many times as a means of control and having you give up your power to the Priest, the Pope, Jesus or other God-fearing men who force people to mask their face, inject themselves and pay the church for your ticket to heaven. Sons and daughters of the Great Spirit was changed to God, the father and the son! They wrote the women and many other essential feminine wisdom out of the Bible!! The unwritten oral law and traditions and your divine spark that reflects the laws of nature holds the greatest balanced truth. According to ancient Indian philosophy, the Great Spirit within you is the authority. Belief in this power connects you to a universal source of love, joy, wisdom, truth and power. Your rights and freedoms have not been taken away- you have been tricked into surrendering them. Govern (means to steer) ment (means mind) so their purpose is to steer your mind. To rise above this manipulation and crown yourself into sovereignty there are 4 steps: Step 1 Believe in your power, love and wisdom and be willing to take responsibility for yourself. Step 2 See the obstacles they create and develop the knowledge and strategies to overcome them. Step 3 Develop a manifesto, a purposeful verse to help you remember and rehearse owning your power and your creation. Step 4 "Fake it 'til you make it." Act as if you are already there. Act like a Queen and teach other how you wish to be treated. (Note: continuing to pay taxes to a group focused on your demise or wearing a muzzle are not congruent actions of a master ) Governments are in an extremely vulnerable position at the moment as their foundation is built on a Strawman bluff in lies and manipulation. So if you huff and puff enough you may just blow their house down. What is holding you back ? Fear? Most are not ready to take responsibility for their health, their finances, their food and to govern themselves so they, like an abused spouse in a marriage, return again and again to the bully, name calling and hoping for a change. Ancient american Indians suggest "Hope is the puzzle of fear." It is a sign that you a looking for your power in some outside authority instead of connecting to your own unlimited potential. Fragmented, these fearful ones see a black and white, good and evil existence. Integrated souls see the light and dark in themselves reflected into the world, they release blame and shame and use their energy in a productive way to take on challenge to discover solutions. Many slaves in the system enjoy the familiar predictable routine so they pay to stay. The alternative of taking responsibility for themselves and being a master of their own destiny may seem out of reach so the best they can do is hope for a change instead of being the change. Pain is often a part of the earthly lesson, until we are ready to rise up and use this energy to follow our purpose. When the fruit is ripe it falls from the tree. Covid shook the tree, so lately fruits are flying off the branches with the courage to finally pull back the curtain to see the tricks and illusions. As Peter Stone says in The Sovereign Project Handbook, you either continue to be a sheep or become the wolf. You have two choices slavery or sovereignty. Peter has a contract checklist and many ideas for you to intelligently move beyond the corporate rules and regulations. One important point he suggests is to not debate a claim as this will trap you into fraudulent bureaucracy. It is like arguing with a two year old. Instead of getting caught in their script, jumping above it to ask questions about obligation and authority takes out the pedestal on which they pretend to stand and you put them in a reflective time out. Who gives you the authority ( name the CCRA agent) to dictate I pay for bioweapons with my taxes? Under what obligation do you ( name the administrator of the weather modification program) modify our weather? By which authority are you (name the Chief medical officer) to inject poisons into the public, poison the water and food. Who gives you authority mayor to instituting electronic barriers and radiation grids in smart cities? Without knowing who you are, you may end up accepting the name and ideas they put upon you. Those who govern themselves, need no governing. "I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves." Harriet Tubman. On the heels of this new moon, it's a great time to chart your course, put the action steps in place to take responsibility for yourself and step into your love, power and wisdom. What are you saying to yourself that your cells are eavesdropping upon? Feel free to use some of these phrases or write your own script unique to you and repeat them to yourself daily. I am getting stronger, more fit and flexible and balanced everyday. My immune system and all body functions are working optimally. All cells and chemicals are in a healthy frequency. My tissues, organs and organs systems are youthful and energized with a healthy vibration that allows me to move and function freely with ease, efficiency and grace. My mind and body are in a beautiful symphony allowing the spirit of love, joy and wisdom to flow through me. Justin Trudeau and global partners..... I release all contracts of the past, present or future made by me or my ancestral lineage that are not in the best interest of my optimal life plan. I gratefully decline the opportunity to take your toxic shots, masks and other muzzles, smart surveillance radiation technologies, smart cities and electronic fences, taxes for bioweapons and weather modification, GMO/ food, chemically treated water, facial and body scanners and any other WEF, UN or WHO ManDates that may affect my health, my free expression or my movement as a living woman on our earth. As a human gatekeeper of the planet with the Great Spirit as my guide and witness, I honour our human will as an expression of divine intention. Love, joy, health, wealth and abundance surrounds me, my family and friends working with that pure intention for our world. Resources: Sovereign project video of this article info: Sovereign Project Handbook: Bill Still Wizard of Oz video: Healing begins in the mind..... Sons and Daughters of the Great Spirit: Clan mother governance: The Corporation of Canada: The Myth is Canada: Corpus juris primum or supremum: // Postmaster video and David Wynn Miller resources below video: (Begin at 25 min mark) 4/20/2024 8 Comments Chemtrail DetoxApril 19, 2024 here in Nova Scotia Canada, we had a tremendous day of white lines littering the sky. In the morning, the sky was beautifully blue but by three O'Clock the zig-zag, criss-cross chemtrails in their swollen gray haze coated the blue background. It's really nothing new, as they have been doing this for years, but the amount yesterday was so obvious that even those calling conspiracy theory woke up with a sore throat. The little tickle in my throat this morning, inspired me to do a the video and write this article to share resources, information and inspiration.
A chemtrail is a trail of chemicals sprayed into the sky from a holding tank that is pumped into sprayers attached to the wings of a plane. The chemtrail you see in the sky, may last for hours and could be miles long. Anthony Williams shares how the chemical companies hire these private companies or refurbish old planes and pilots to pump their excess waste into the air. The philosophy is in sprinkling it slowly over the earth, life forms can better accommodate the poison. If they were to dump it into a lake all at once for example, life in the lake would die. A contrail, an abbreviated name for condensation, is a natural occuring phenomena. When the hot exhaust from the planes engine meets the cold air, it forms a short trail a few feet behind the plane from the engine and last a few minutes until the water vapour is dissolved into a blue sky. There is a photo at the end of this article that illustrates the difference. Appreciation to the creators. This excess chemical waste comes from a wide range of industries within the military industrial complex of our world. Factories, laboratories treatment plants who make dangerous chemicals used in warfare and medicines, generally have the resources to ensure they are somehow disposed. Maybe the CEO's of these billion dollar chemical companies don't even know their own waste is being sprayed back upon them. They just pay to have it discarded and don't ask too many questions. There are also more nefarious theories of chemtrails in weather warfare, depopulation and mind control as a way to cull the herd and more efficiently control humanity. Some of the chemicals are not even patented so you never really know what cocktail is going to rain down from the heavens. The metallic components ionize the atmosphere, changing the electrical charge so that it makes weather modification possible and EMF waves are more easily conducted. In this video Dr. Nick Begich explains how the research facility of HAARP ( High- Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) heats up ionosphere to weather manipulate. In fact, there are now acts in government to allow weather modification. Obama passed The Monsanto Act in 2013 to protect the company against liability for deaths and injuries from herbicide Round Up (aka glyphosate) and other sprayed chemicals. Monsanto group of companies (united now under Bayer) were also are the makers of DDT and Agent Orange so they play rough in the chemical playground. In 1986, Ronald Reagan passed an Act to absolve vaccine companies against liability and in 1996, Bill Clinton passed the Telecommunication Act to protect cellular companies. Are you seeing the big picture? Governments are manipulated paid puppet organizations for these megaconglomerants. They create laws and acts to protect themselves, but who is protecting you? The recent Weather Modification Act and carbon tax is established on the pretense of protecting us against climate change but they forgot to tell you the climate is changing because they are engineering it! How you can protect yourself and detox your body? The photo at the top of the article is a Walipini- an underground greenhouse. Thank you to my friend Dan who introduced me to this idea and took me on a tour of his greenhouse bunker. Many benefits in this type of construction: digging down 4 feet under the frost line extends your growing season, moderates temperature and sunlight and for the benefit of this article, it protects against the chemical sprays. Ensuring proper drainage is essential otherwise the walipini turns into a walipool of water! The Green Power Houses are another construction that I love in that it provides clean food, clean air, enhances the soil and with a biochar product produces free energy! This structure and the food revolution is one solution to many of our world problems! Water is the bases of life, it holds our intention and is the universal solvent for many toxins. Chlorine Dioxide is a great antiparasitic, antifungal, antibacterial that helps rid your body of these other entities that tax your body so it liberates energy to detox chemtrails. Filtering or distilling water is essential now given the chemicals that are being sprayed, ingested and injected into people and into our groundwater. Detoxing Covid, is another article that discusses keeping your detox pathways clear. Enemas for your bowels, skin brushing and sweating to detox through your skin, drinking lemon water and celtic natural salt to flush kidneys, castor oil packs for liver, removing wifi and cell phone radiation from your biofield and fasting as one of the oldest and most effective detox methods. Your gut is about 80 % of your immune system so healing this with periods of fasting and pre-probiotics is a great reset. Most people benefit also from a parasitic cleanse at least twice a year. The video today, highlights a celery juice chlorophyll recipe and shares other tips on air purifiers, pineapple juice, green tea, activated charcoal, sleep, exercise and minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, copper and boron that some believe to mitigate or help deactivate the nano-tech. The chemtrail alkali earth metals like barium and strontium can displace magnesium and calcium (being in the same column of the periodic table) so minerals are essential in this day and age. EMF radiation also effects the voltage-gated calcium channels so we have this interference in mineral metabolism coming at us from all sides. Your mindset and what you are saying to yourself determines your reality so if you look at the sky and say, type or post .... "they are k*lling us with these trails", you have paralysed yourself and others reading or hearing your words and attached yourself to that destiny. If you can look up at the sky and think, type, post and say to yourself.... "Wow! now there's a challenge I can look up too 😊" maybe you make yourself smile, reduce the stress in your sympathetic nervous system, see it as a challenge that empowers you and requires your action. Reptiles control humans by fear and emotion, locking them into the primitive emotional center of the brain. Reptile is a good name because only cold blooded creatures with a remedial intelligence dumps toxic chemicals from the sky and tries to block the sun. Yes it is true Bill Gates, when he is not creating a computer virus to inject into the population, has been doing sky experiments for years trying to block the Sun. Any three year old human could tell you that is not the smartest idea but these froot loops controlling the chemical companies are not really working with a full deck and are not the sharpest tools in the shed. What is working in our favour? What resources and tools are available to us? 1. Our numbers- we are bigger than the few chemical company CEO's. 2. We all have access to social media. This is a global platform with tremendous power and influence. 3. We are brilliant and have the ability to expand out of emotion into the inspired vision part of our mind to find solutions. 4. Through love and joy we create unity and once we tap into to this frequency, we become the co-creators of our universe. 5. The divinity within humanity establishes the natural law...... What man can poison & destroy, he can also heal & rebuild. What benefit do we see in the current situation? 1. "My contempt for authority made me one" Einstein. This challenge wakes you to your unlimited power and you become your own authority. 2. Business opportunities for those providing creative solutions to our problems- greenhouses, free energies & chemical transformers. 3. Uniting humanity beyond any duality develops strength, resilience & powerfully connects us to greater consciousness. 4. Opening our heart and mind to the labour of love and joy, solutions are birthed. Pain is the greatest teacher. What is our greatest weakness ? "Whether you believe you can or believe you can't, you're right." Henry Ford. Our own limiting beliefs keeps us small, working from emotion and our victim mentality. There is a defining moment when you realize, you control your destiny. Pain pushes until your purpose pulls you! What is our greatest threat? Extinction of life on earth. Dane Wigington is a great resource for geoengineering and gives us this recent Global news Alert. This SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities, threat) analysis gives our team vision and strategic planning for success. If you have other resources, links, ideas or suggestions, please add them to the comments below or send me a message with your threads of information and inspirations to weave into our tapestry. Suggested Action Steps: 1. Breathe, smile and know, together we've got this. 2. Take pictures of the chemtrails, identify the flight through "live plane trackers" and post on social media to bring transparency & awareness. 3. Start doing something today to improve your health. Plant a garden, connect with a local organic greenhouse, buy a water filter...... 4. Join a group, create community, gather resources, inspire action. Together we are stronger. 5. Review the links in this article and resource section at the bottom and share with those trying to sell you on climate change scam. 6. Use social media to publicly post questions to mainstream media, politicians, chemical companies. Let them see humanity rising! 7. Reduce the chemicals you use. Live a more natural existence with less plastic and medications. 8. Call Diane Campbell 1-819-938-4440, Administrator of Canada’s Weather Modification Act to question why the weather needs modifying. 9. Paying taxes to an agency not working in your best interest is not wise. Share this information with CCRA. 10. Inspire our youth to be healthy, brilliant and support them in finding new healing solutions for our world. It is for them, we must rise. Resources: 1. Green Power houses the food revolution solution... Burns waste, cleans air & food, enhances soil, provides O2 and free energy ! 2. Purifying and re-structuring water video: 3. Keep detox pathways clear : 4. Chlorine Dioxide water purification: 5. Chemtrail video, recipes and supplements: 6. Eating for the greatest energy: 7. Dr. Nick Begich explains the research facility of HARRP & weather modification: 8. Dane Wigington- great resource for geoengineering: Global news Alert & geoengineering watch website . 9. Medical medium Anthony Williams on Chemtrails. 10. Airline pilot exposes chemtrails. 11. Information for Canada Customs and Revenue Agency: 12. Live Plane trackers site:,-63.34/10 May the source be with you and the resources make you mad enough to be magnificent! What is the diet that will give you maximum energy, optimum health and provide weight balancing?..... It Depends. Depends could be a product you use when you are leaking uncertainty 😊 but in this case depends opens the floor for your uniqueness. Caveat: If you already have a diet or program that is working for you, providing you optimal health and energy, then stop reading now and continue with your current plan. If you don't, then you may like to continue reading about trends in evolutionary biology, physiology, philosophy and political motivations to help you find your truth and best solutions for energy and health. Let's begin with a few definitions and descriptions: A herbivore, is an animal that feeds on plants. A cow for example, has several stomach chambers and a longer digestive tract. They extensively chew their food so digestive enzymes in the mouth begin the process. Their stomach is more alkaline 4-5 pH. A carnivore, is an animal that feeds on other animals. A carnivore is at the other end of the spectrum having only one stomach and a shorter digestive tract. A carnivore digestive system includes different enzymes- protease to digest protein, lipase to digest fat and a few have amylase to digest carbohydrates. A carnivore lacks cellulase to break down plants. An omnivore is an animal that feeds on plant and animal matter. Carnivores and omnivores have a lower stomach acidity 1-2 pH to break down meat, have a wider esophagus to accommodate swallowing more dense food without it being chewed. They don't chew because there is no digestive enzyme in the mouth. Humans are a mixture of all these varieties. We chew our food with our molars and have amylase to break down carbohydrates that begins in the mouth similar to a herbivore. We have incisors and canine teeth to bite into meat like a carnivore. Our digestive tract is more like a carnivore in that we have only one stomach but a more lengthy intestine for food processing and absorption. The human stomach is acidic - 1-2 Ph like both carnivores and omnivores and we have an enzyme found in the stomach called pepsin that digests protein. Biologically, we are more like an omnivore in having all the parts to eat and digest both animal and plant matter. Food is an emotional issue for many as our psychology, biology and family genetics play a factor in our diet. In astrology, the Moon is the planet that represents food it also is connected to mother, emotions, home and unconscious desires so as an astrologer I often take this into account when recommending a certain style of eating. Those with a moon in Capricorn for example tend to be more sensitive to gluten. Those with a moon in Gemini often eat mindlessly in front of the computer, TV or other technology. Cancer moon people can be emotional eaters so this requires another level of coaching. On a Full Moon, parasites often move to the digestive system to mate and lay eggs, so on or after a full moon is a great time to do a parasite cleanse. If you are planting in your garden or starting a new diet plan, best to wait until after a New Moon. These cosmic factors and the psychological overlay also add a layer to the biology. In my chiropractic family practice, I would often host nutritional education sessions to share research that I collected. Below in the resource section are some examples of those books or videos that left a lasting impression. One of the books that lined my clinic shelves was Dr. Peter D'Adamo's, Eat Right for Your Type. In this book, he suggests blood type is a significant factor based on evolutionary genetics and antigens on the blood cells. Blood type A is Agrarian so they can eat small selective amount of animal protein but do much better with a plant based diet. Blood type B evolve from the Nomadic peoples so this group in general will thrive with dairy products in the diet. Blood type AB are a mixture of both A and B. Blood type O, the oldest and most common types who hail from hunter and gatherer tribes, excel best without dairy, wheat and corn and are healthier with higher animal protein diets of meat, fish and poultry. There are detailed protocols in Dr. D'Adamo's book and website for those who may like to investigate this further, as well as an Eldon card kit which allows you an opportunity to do an analysis of your blood to determine your own blood type. The blood type analysis maybe a way to explains the nutritional paradoxes. Knowing your own blood type is also useful if you were banking blood for a friend or relative who needed a blood transfusion. Currently, the Canadian Red Cross collects your blood for free and then sells it back to hospitals with your tax dollars and sells the other 70-80% to pharmaceutical companies for research. I would love to see a private enterprise where our healthy blood is separate from those who may be more saturated from nano-tech of recent pharmaceutical injections. Wonderful, if they could reward the person for giving the blood instead of selling it to those in the pharmaceutical cartel who have a vested interested in keeping us sick. How could we make this a win-win business for profit and health? Over the last 30 years, i've tried vegetarian, carnivore, paleo, keto and many other food programs and styles of eating. The blood type diet seems to be the one that resonates with my body type, lifestyle, personality, health, energy and even correlates with my natal astrology chart, so it feels true to me in many ways. I'm going to test it again more carefully over the next few months and report any changes. It may not be true for you, so as I have suggested in the beginning take it with a grain of salt, keep an open mind, be willing to experiment and then keep what has value to you. Maybe this article and resources will provide Food for Thought. When you are green you are growing and when you are ripe you rot. Speaking of salt, natural celtic salt, your own harvested sea salt or Himalayan rock salt has more than 84 trace minerals so natural salt is an essential part of any healthy diet. Too many carbohydrates can create inflammation of the body and brain, and tax the immune system as outlined in Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride's book The GAP's diet. Dr. Joe Mercola suggests, too little carbohydrates or keeping your body in ketosis may increase cortisol and body stressors. There is an exception to every rule and there will be a researcher to support and challenge every angle but great that you get to experiment and choose the moderate approach that feels best for you. There are certain principles that are general across the board..... 1. Food chemicals- glyphosate, antibiotics, nano-tech, pesticides, hormone or mRNA injected plants/animals are unhealthy. 2. Genetically modified foods have low nutritional value. Modified to withstand the glyphosate poison sprayed on them. 3. Lab grown plant based meats and other processed packaged foods are not in your best health interest. 4. Wheat, Soy and Corn are the most genetically modified foods so most advise to avoid them. 5. Fasting 12-15 hours a day is a general healthy rule of thumb, longer during periods during illness. Aside: Birds, Swine and Cows don't get the flu, unless toxins have been injected into them. Be mindful of a globalist agenda trying to sell you plant based meats or telling you the gas in cow flatulence is causing climate change. The swine flu vaccine was developed for pigs. "When the farmers refused to keep injecting their livestock because it was making the pigs sick, the pharmaceutical company in 1976 encouraged President Ford to mandate the swine (pig) flu shots to the human population so they wouldn't lose profit in the stock supplies they already made. Billions of dollars of injuries ensued. President Ford wasn't re-elected and sentenced to spend the rest of his days wearily truding up and down the golf course at Palm Springs." ~ Eustace Mullins- Murder by Injection) In the resource section below is an article written in 2016 for optimyze magazine about obesity and obesogens- man made toxins in the environment. Our bodies sequester the poisons so the belly fat around the organs maybe a survival mechanism to protect our body from toxins: in the air- chemtrails or cell phone radiation, in food- herbicides/pesticides and in water- fluoride, chlorine and nano-tech. So it is not just what you choose to eat but the quality of what you are eating that determines your health. Plastics, processing and microwaves also decrease food quality so if you can't pick it from a branch, dig it from the earth, hunt it from the field or gather it from the nest, likely it is processed in some way. Even tea bags have chemicals in them so making a loose leaf tea is a healthier tradition. Supporting local organic farmers who can grow in greenhouses protect against chemtrail spraying. Green power houses even nourish the soil, clean the air and provide Free Energy! Livestock farmers who free-range their flock, don't inject their animals and encorporate humane end of life procedures, ensure a higher quality of food. The secret life of plants and animals is the energy that you'll be ingesting. Tammy Canal, stay-at-home mother whose kids who got sick from glyphosate, began the March Against Monsanto movement. She suggests, we must vote with our wallet. The supply will meet your demand. Purchase quality. The Blue Zone documentary and book by Dan Buettner supports this moderate dietary approach in visiting 5 different countries and towns with the highest concentration of centurions. Making the assumption that diet and lifestyle is responsible for their good health, he found several factors common to them all: 1. Moderate natural diet of plant and animal protein. 2. Daily exercise. 3. Social circle of support. 4. Spiritual belief in a Higher power. 5. Purposeful living. Living from the land, spending time in nature, forming community, reducing the time and space between you and your food gives quality and quantity to life. The rising cost of living, the modification of the foods and the government overreach into our "healthcare" system have sent thousands back to goats, gardens and the lifestyles of our great-grandmothers, as reported recently in the Toronto Star. In 2022, the Homesteading Canada Facebook group went from 2,000 to nearly 20,000 followers. Many now see value in growing food, raising animals, and feeding their family and friends from a natural matrix. The best diets for health, energy and longevity are found within the art and craft of your own land and hand. Resources: 1. Dr. D'Adamo Eat Right For Your Type. 2. Exposing the obesity cancer link. Page 45-47 3. Dr. Klacker Forbidden Health. 4. Chemical toxins: a hypothesis global obesity epidemic Paula F Baillie-Hamilton 1:// 5. Cell phone task force. EMF effect bees and other insects that pollinate our plants. 6. Dr. Mercola Carbs for energy. 7. Barry Groves: What We are Designed to Eat. 8. Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride GAP's diet: 9. Dr. Gundry- The Plant Paradox: 10. Dr.William Davis- Wheat Belly. 11. Dr. Anthony Chaffee Carnivore Diet 12. Dr's. Campbell and Campbell. The China Study 13. Phyllis Balch. Prescription for Nutritional Healing 14. Dan Buettner. Blue Zones 15. Forks over Knives. 16. Eustace Mullins. Murder By Injection 17. Green Powerhouse as a clean food, energy and soil solution. 18. Bread As a Drug. 19. Do Your Kids Need Yellow Suits to Eat Breakfast? 20. Blood Typing Eldon card kit 21. The Secret Life of Plants. 22. Stg Pattie Brassard genetics. 23. Mexico Bans GMO. 24. Cancer & nutrition. 25. Live video of this article information. Subscribe for updates. 3/11/2024 4 Comments smart meters are not-so-smart!The Smart meter is the one on the left of the photo- Type C2 SRD. SMART means Secret, Militarized, Armament, Residential, Technology. This is a Federal Government funded and implemented project that appears to be a part of a greater control agenda in a computer matrix. In one of the videos I shared with the Utility Board of Nova Scotia, titled the Capabilities of Smart meters, suggests that the government has tricked you into creating your own cage. It is a radiation, surveillance device they have mandated you attach to your home for greater control. In a similar way they had "mandated" you inject yourself with bioweapon nanotechnology that allows these frequencies to more directly affect you. Many are already experiencing microwave sickness and have no idea that it is coming from the technologies to which they have consented. When this was first introduced here in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 2018 I had to create a song and dance with the utility companies, the media, the council and the politicians to be able to opt out. Once I moved to a rental property I had to go through the same skit again. Fortunately, I have flexibility in having my power bill directly in my name. In apartment buildings where the light and heat are included in your rent, you are in a cage with a double padlock. The only solution is to move out of the 5G city. The smart meter covers do not protect against 5G radiation at 30-300 GHz. Click into 15 min Smart Meter Summary video. At a very fundamental level the Smart Meter is a TOU - Time of Use surveillance gauge so it keeps track of individual usage minute by minute. Peak times will cost more for your power company so these Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) times can be transferred to the customer. The National Library of Medicine in a recent pubmed article suggests they will be using health care and behavioural monitoring using the smart meters. The biosensors in the smart meter units communicate with your smartphone, smart appliances, smart TV, smart watch to give them round the clock control and access. To move data in real time the smart meter connects the 5G network to the 6G network that has been injected into you. Friends that have opted out of the smart meters appear to be creating breaks in the 5g grid maps. Reasons to ditch Smart Meter and other Smart technologies: 1. Dangerous Radiation levels. 5G can’t be measure with standard devices. 2. Smart Meter Fire Hazards. 3. Government Surveillance You Pay More at Peak Times 4. Control in a Credit System. Alberta residence alert message to scale back on power. 5. Health/disease delivery through the bio-field Other resources and correspondences: Dr. Barrie Trower - Biowarfare microwave expert: Fire Hazard: Optimal meter model: Dialing up disease in the biofield -WBANS and how to counter it: Outside of removing wifi from your space, this is the best free protection I can find for 5,6, 7G. Sabrina Wallace: Piloerection and protection from electromagnetic weaponry! See video - chakra nodal points. - hoop blue energy ball over heart - right hand down left hand up to expand outward -dislodge biosensors -energy shield protect Gratitude also causes piloerection (goosebumps) on the skin!! This 7 min youtube video may seem a little nuts but Sabrina is a brilliant scholar check out her channel on rumble. Disconnect wifi from your smart stove: Note: Smart Meter covers do not protect against 5G. 5G at 30-300 GHz is a microwave that can penetrate a faraday cage. Thank you Liam for your accommodation in finding an older model Nova Scotia power meter. A unit with no wireless sending or receiving capabilities should be fine in a digital or analogue meter. The smart meters are riddled with fire hazards, health issues and the biosensor surveillance capabilities are shocking. Was your supervisor at Nova Scotia Power able to find the model numbers and manuals for the residential units? I’ve attached some information on models from Peter Ripple for your reference. Is the model you are offering me a Itron Centron C1S? Does Nova Scotia Power have to report the model numbers with fire hazards to the fire department? Are the building inspectors aware of the issues with these Smart Meters? How many fire incidences in HRM with the newest smart meter models? Health Canada replied to my inquiry stating there were many EMF safety studies but thus far they haven’t been able to produce any independent recent studies that weren’t funded by the government. Smart meters, smart watches, smart phones seem to be part of a smart city circuit. The emergency alert from Alberta below gives us an indication of how the government plans to use the smart phones and smart meters lock us into the control grid. Humans, pets, wildlife, plants and pollinators do not do well in artificial electromagnetic radiation. It appears this smart agenda is not in the best interest of public health and safety. Ditching the smart devices and returning to cord technology would be wise. A niche has presented now for the construction of safer power meters for the educated consumer. Thank you for your service. Dena Mr. Allen, Thank you for your reply. Perhaps it is not your responsibility to educate your customers about dangerous technology you would be attaching to thier private residence but the fire inspectors may disagree. I have copied a fire chief, the previous police chief and attached the fire safety act for your review. Are there biosensors in your Smart meter units? Nova Scotia Power said they switched my meter to analogue mode so this may reduce some of the wifi radiation but it doesn’t address the surveillance or fire hazards issues of the smart meters. To whom would I address a Notice of Liability to Nova Scotia Power or the NS Utility Board? My contract is with the Nova Scotia Power not Health Canada. Some of your customers of Nova Scotia power have been blessed with the return of their safe, tried, tested and true analogue meters. I trust to be one of those lucky customers too. I wish for this SMART meter device (Secret, Militarized, Armament in Residential Technology) to be removed as soon as possible. Thank you for your immediate attention. The capabilities of these smart meters are pretty scary so I imagine once the word gets out, there are many customers that will be requesting the safer alternative. Thank you for your inspired action, Dr. Dena Churchill BSc., DC Fire Safety Act: References: There are more scientific peer reviewed studies available upon your request. Explanation of different frequencies. Government reports health problems with smart meter installation. Smart meter effects the heart. Smart meter effects on the blood. Truth about smart meters, in conflict with Health Canada. On Jan 14, 2024, at 12:59 PM, Dena <[email protected]> wrote: To Whom it may Concern at Health Canada. At the above link I have re-submitted my concerns about my residential smart meter and attached here the correspondance with Nova Scotia power. Nova Scotia Power is unable to recall this Health Canada approved device. Both from personal experience and my professional health studies, I would ask that Health Canada recall theses dangerous smart meters immediately. If there is a particular man or woman to whom I may address these concerns, please forward this correspondence to expedite the process. Here are the supporting documents for the health and safety concerns noted in the correspondance below. The capabilities of these smart meters, the health effects and the purpose for which they have been mandated is alarming. Thank you for your urgent attention, Dr. Dena Churchill BSc., DC On Jan 14, 2024, at 8:01 AM, Dena <[email protected]> wrote: Mr. Allen, I so appreciate your time and clarity in your reply. The $133 million dollar Smart Meter capital expense and the stamp of approval from Health Canada, certainly restricts outreach of our local utility board in re-calling this dangerous product. Health Canada hasn’t been as prompt or forthcoming in their replies. Would a grassroots education for the public into the capabilities of smart meters be a directive that the Utility Board could consider? I appreciate the "opt out" clause but could the board create a policy to ask customers if they would consent to this surveillance device? What could we do as a concerned group of men and women who are seeking health for our families and our local community? As I have discussed in this latest article, Health Canada is part of the problem more than the solution. I look forward to any continued correspondance in public print or in private call to any information, ideas or inspirations. Blessings, Dena Capabilities of Smart meters: On Jan 12, 2024, at 10:36 AM, Allen, wrote: Dr. Churchill: Further to your recent correspondence (copied below):
As the Board:
I note that the program does have an opting-out provision should you other others not wish to participate. That is referred to in the Board’s decision starting on page 51. Paul Allen Paul G. Allen, CPA, CA Executive Director Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board t: (902) 424-9306 tf: 1-855-442-4448 ext 9306 within Nova Scotia Pronouns: he/him/his Not the person to whom this message is intended? My apologies. This message may be confidential, including attachments and other messages it contains. Here’s what to do:
Welcome to the Eclipse season 2024! This year, we have 5 of these astronomical phenomena- 2 solar eclipses and 3 lunar eclipses. The first Lunar and Solar Eclipses are happening within the next 4 weeks. May this article inspire you to fit your binoculars, telescopes and cameras with solar filters and prepare your mind and heart for a re-set. Eclipses are one of the most important astrological transits and used as real-time, predictive technique in Astrology. When these New and Full Moons occur near the lunar nodes (aka the two points where the Moon’s orbital path crosses the path of the Sun) their influence is amplified. They become more significant to you personally, if they transit an angle or planet in your own natal chart. During a Solar Eclipse the Sun disappears in the sky, eclipsed by the Moon. The Lunar Eclipse happens when the Sun casts Earth's shadow onto the Moon. For this to happen, the Earth slips in the cosmic bed between the Sun and Moon with all three bodies lying on the same plane of orbit. Throughout history the Mayans, Ancient Indians, Greeks and Aztecs all feared eclipses believing the Sun was being swallowed by a spirit animal or demon to disrupt the natural order. Ancient Greeks believed that eclipses were a sign the gods were angry with humans and that the Sun would abandon Earth, bringing untold misery. The word “eclipse” comes from the Greek word meaning “abandonment.” In these auspicious times where the lights go out, priorities change and a cosmic reset happens, you have the opportunity to synchronize your light to the source. I imagine adding cosmic chaos to the earthly chaos of our current world, may create some order and resolve.... but it could be a bit spicy. March 24-25, 2024 is the South Node Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra. So the themes for this will be around RELATIONSHIPS. They tend to be more emotional (being on a full moon) and affect us on a personal level. It is activating the South Node so the changes in personal relationships may have a karmic flavour, sorting unfinished business from the past or even a past life. How are you showing up in this world? Are there partnerships or other contractual business relationships that you are ready to release or remodel? Have you been able to find gratitude for the challenges with your parents, ex-spouses, previous employers and others of the past, to thank them for creating and grooming the strong, resourceful, magnificent being of YOU? What relationships now serve your greatest purpose? April 8, 2024 is a Total Solar Eclipse 19 degrees Aries activating the North Node and conjunct Chiron so this may be intense as Aries carries a brave, bold warrior energy and Chiron is your wounded healer. First time since 1979, the Solar Eclipse will be visible in some parts of Atlantic Canada ( north of Moncton, NB and north of Cavendish, PEI) and with special glasses to protect your eyes, you may be able to view it. A solar eclipse phenomena is likely to be marked by external global events! This one in particular will have a flavor of wounding and healing your identity. The last time we had a solar eclipse at 19 degrees Aries was April 8, 2005. Wikipedia reports some of the global past events that took place on this date. Eclipses belong to larger cycles. The Metonic and Saros cycles happen every 18-19 years in the same degree of the Zodiac. What was happening in your life in 2005-2006? The themes within the next 6 months after the eclipse, in your personal life as well as any global phenomena maybe similar. There is psychological comfort in being able to predict, prepare and plan to be flexible around the gifts the Universe may deliver. In these transitions, you are reminded of the cyclic, transient nature of our world and the purpose in pain. A butterfly struggles in a chrysalis to grow and strengthen its wings. The pumping of the wings brings in oxygen and nourishment. Once the wings are strong enough to break free, it flies. "The wound is the place where the light enters." ~Rumi Healing affirmations: 1. Earthly struggles strengthen my physical existence so that I may know my divine expression. Thank you. 2. A sense of balance and strength comes from loving, honouring, nurturing and trusting in myself. 3. All that I see is a reflection of me. I am healed by embracing the light and dark within my universal self. 4. I am love. I am loved. I love. It all begins with me. In a North Node Solar Eclipse we are given the opportunity to step out of our comfort zone to allow in new energy to seed our future. Solar eclipses come with a flavour of the new moon so it is riddled with change, releasing the old to make way for YOUR NEW BEGINNINGS. Farmers plant their crops after a new moon because it is within the natural law, that maximum growth happens on the border of order and chaos. The old Moon dies and the new Moon is born with great energy, enthusiasm and potential. As the New Moon grows so does her magnetism - pulling up water and resources from the soil for nourishment. Use this energy to bravely step into the magical unknown... where everything is possible. When the love hits the fan, you'll be ready to adjust your sails and catch the wind. April 18th, 2024 Jupiter exactly conjunct Uranus at 21 degrees Taurus which heralds unexpected, groundbreaking shifts to the collective consciousness and expansive breakthroughs, some of which we are already witnessing. Taurus represents comfort, wealth and security so it maybe the month where the GLOBAL RESOURCES and values show a massive change or reset. Could it be stimulating the crash and burn of the old fiat system and the beginnings a new global economy? Could the Libra full moon theme of balance and justice spill over into this event, absolving debt and levelling global wealth? Taking your money out of the banks, that are owned by the World Economic Forum and safeguarding your resources in hard assets, such as silver, gold, farmland, oil and gas, may be wise. Ensure your technology is backed up and turn off the cell phone and wifi as these frequencies directly and profoundly affects brain waves. Have handy supplies of food and water just in case the grid goes down. As March 24 Lunar Eclipse approaches, you may be feeling more emotional. Personal relationship changes- either with your spouse, business partners, family, friends, colleagues, governing structures or even renovating yourself and your view of the world- will help you accommodate the April global events. If you would like to know more about what specific areas of your life may be transited and affected by these Eclipses, an Astrologer maybe able to help you navigate this Karmic recalibration. The following brief clips and astrology article host a menu of possibilities. HOW to Survive and Thrive an Eclipse: 1. KNOW Eclipses are Divine Acts to help you evolve. 2. TRUST in a higher power helping you be true to you. 3. BE GRATEFUL for transformation in new possibilities. 4. SING & DANCE to connect with the song of creation. Everything is regulated by a pre-established harmony. With our earthly eyes, the full scope of Divine design is often outside of our perception. Where you look is what you see. You are lighter and brighter when you keep your face, focus and heart toward the Sun. "If we could understand the order of the universe well enough, we would find that it surpasses all the wishes of the wisest people, and that it is impossible to make it better than it is—not merely in respect of the whole in general, but also in respect of ourselves in particular.” Leibniz How does the ocean stay clean? After thousands of years of fish poop, human pollutants, parasites and environmental disasters, what is the secret ingredient?
If you knew the answer to this question, then perhaps you would know how to heal your body of water using the same paradigm? Our body fluids are very similar in mineral composition to sea water. In fact, for many years before the pharmaceutical companies took over healing programs for profit, sea water was used in many treatments for different conditions. Sea water contains all the minerals and trace minerals in the periodic table and can facilitate energy recharge in the body thanks to the high content of salt and ions. Why is the ocean not a cesspool? ....because of the magic of Sodium Chloride. Sea salt holds the electrical charge to create biochemical reactions such as oxidation. The force of the wave creates electrolysis to split apart the molecule. The liberated chloride ion binds with sodium to regenerate the ocean and the positively charged oxygen is attracted to and removes electrons in the outer wall pathogens with a lower pH. Divine design! What 4 ions and what process powers up this healing? Na+, Cl-, O2+, OH- are the ions liberated through the process of electrolysis to neutralize acids and liberate oxygen to support higher vibration alkaline life forms. What compound can you make at home to accomplish similar miraculous results? You could simply add celtic, Himalayan or some other form of real salt to your distilled drinking water and bath in salt water to stimulate greater health but what compound creates molecular oxygen and real salt as a byproduct to more powerfully clean the water in your body? Hint: It's an anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, heavy metal chelator compound that has no known negative side effects other than those from a detox flushing and only salt and water as a degradation products? It's positive side effects may be a long healthy live.... with multiple orgasms! (Actually, you'd have to add a little boron to balance estrogen and testosterone to complete the multiple orgasm picture but that is a story for another day.) If you guessed chlorine dioxide then you are correct. Chlorine dioxide is a compound made by combining 22.5-25% Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) and 4% Hydrochloric Acid (HCl). It's one of the safest, most effective killer of pathogens known to man. It has been used to disinfect from Antrax, clean slaughter houses and hospitals and for hundreds of years used in sterilization and water purification. It is very different from Chlorine bleach in both its chemical structure and behaviour. The chlorite ion (Cl-) is negatively charged therefore combines with the positively charged sodium (Na+) to form NaCl (real salt) as a breakdown product, whereas the chlorine molecule (Cl2) is neutral therefore does not react or break down. This lack of degradation of Chlorine molecule makes it poisonous and dangerous to living things in the environment and it can hang around for a long time. Chlorine Di oxide (Chlorine ion and 2 oxygen.. ClO2 ) effects the electrophysiology of molecules and cells and as an oxidant it facilitates combustion. The liberated chloride ion combines with sodium to form salt and the oxygen being positively charged removes negatively charged electrons from its outer electron shell of toxins. This process of adding oxygen is called oxidation. Like blowing on the flame of a fire, it enhances the flame so does adding oxygen to your internal flame. In comparison to other oxidizers like Ozone and Hydrogen, Chlorine Dioxide is weaker...... meaning it takes a while for it to react. The stronger oxidizers, being quick to act react, can char the cell membranes of even healthier tissue and has limited oxidation potential. Chlorine dioxide is slow to react so it can penetrate into the cell membrane and once inside it more than doubles the oxygenation capacity as compared to the others, removing 5 electrons from the outer shell ! (see chart below) Like a good navy seal, chlorine dioxide saves it's energy and holds back until on the inside and can take out the invader from with the walls of its own domain. This ability to be dissolved in water and to travel through the cell membrane offers a unique healing for all body tissues- even bone, ligaments and other structures that are not well vascularized. Could this be a possible solution for neutralizing spike protein generated within the cell? More research is required to make such claims but the possibility is intriguing. We alkalize the body when we breathe so the delivery of oxygen is most critical factor for maintaining the body's acid-alkaline balance. Red blood cells get charged with oxygen in the blood. Within veins the pH is 7.31 but in arteries the pH is 7.41. The stomach is 1.8-2.5 pH as its function is to destroy any pathogen you may ingest. In essence all food becomes acidic once processed in the stomach. Breathing is certainly more effective at controlling an alkaline environment than food or drink. A medication that lowers the stomach acid for example, leaves the body open to invaders and more serious infections. A microwave of 60 GHz, as was rolled out in Wuhan China as part of the 5G wifi launch, affects the coupling of oxygen in the lungs thus has many implications. It's no wonder people were dropping in the streets and the birds falling out of the sky! Each atom in a molecule has its own set of electrons, and these electrons interact with each other to form chemical and electrical bonds that hold the molecule together. Once the electrons in the outer shell are removed the pathogen or poison collapses- like dissolving the mortar between the bricks of a castle. Nernst & Bohr equations that evaluate cell potential show the oxygen is released form the chlorine dioxide targets the most acidic parts of the body and the more acidic, the stronger the reaction. Chlorine dioxide, UNLIKE other oxidizers and medications, has a specificity for only the acidic pH pathogens, leaving the healthy alkaline tissues in tact. So beautiful is the healing power of this liquid molecular oxygen. Pathogens are engulfed with oxygen and we literally love them to death. Those of a similar resonance survive, the lower acidic resonating structures crumble in the presence of the breath of life. Such a great analogy for all levels of our existence- fight the acid or neutralize it with love. The pH means the potential of hydrogen. The higher the potential, the more alkaline the tissue. Acidity in the body, meaning a lower potential for hydrogen (higher concentration of H+), generally creates dis-ease. Acidity could be temporary or in longer term, metabolic acidosis maybe be life threatening. Sugars and carbohydrates ferment if not burned, leading to acid production but generally breath more than food makes the body more alkaline. Chemical toxins in the presence of oxygen can be eliminated however if there is a deficiency in oxygen then the body will move to plan B to enclose the toxin in fat tissue. From this definition, obesity is a dis-ease involving too many toxins and/or not enough oxygen in the body. Solution would be to reduce toxic chemical load, reduce sugars and carbohydrates that ferment into acid and increase oxygen to pump up the furnace to burn them. Two important applications from this truth: 1. Cholesterol is not the enemy. Not only does the fat sequester toxins but provides a protective covering for the central nervous system. Fermented sugars cause the problems. 2. Increased exercise, increases oxygen so we can combust toxins instead of packaging them in fat cells and in addition burn fat and sugar to create energy. Eating natural foods + Exercise = Energy. Obesogens are a term coined for man-made chemicals in the environment that creates obesity. Chemicals added to our food imbalances this equation even if other factors are present. According to Dr. Klacker's definition low energy = illness. Jim Humble coined the term Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) in 1996 for chlorine dioxide when he witnessed the miraculous recovery from malaria of four of his men while working in the jungle in Africa. Within 4 hours of taking the water purification drops Jim had in his backpack, these men were healed! Dr. Klacker outlines Jim's 2012 experiment with the Red Cross in Guyana, in which all 154 tested and diagnosed with Malaria were free from the pathogen in 24-48 hours. 143 of the 154 required one dose of 15 activated drops to have clear blood results but the 11 others required a second dose. Of course the details were wiped from the internet when the administrators found out of this wild success. Cheap and easy solutions are competition to the 4 billion dollar market in vaccines and drugs for malaria. Even today, Mark Grenon of Genesis Church sit in a jail cell in Florida for the last three years without bail for sharing details how this sacrament of oxygen may improve symptoms from the co.vid bioweapon. In 1988 NASA labeled and patented a chlorine dioxide product called Alcide. (pages 118-121). Apparently it is legal in certain governing bodies, if you create a patent for profit. It's only illegal for the common man who could unleash himself from pharmaceutical noose. Dr. Klackers book Forbidden Health is a must read! He re-defines health as an abundance of energy and with a few simple principles, including the mineral miracle solution, allows you to put your health in your own hands. Hundreds of testimonials from patients who have experienced success with the chlorine dioxide protocols for every condition you can imagine from Autism, Arthritis and AIDs to Pancreatic Cancer, Ebola and Malaria and everything in between. What condition wouldn't be helped by molecular oxygen? As humans we are salt water, electromagnetic beings so in creating a balance of charges, is like balancing the debits and credits on a bank statement, you create a homeostatic healing environment. If there are too many negative electrons there is dis-ease and if there are too many positive protons there is dis-ease. The balance of the 7.4 pH holds the healing. "Love (in healing as in life) is the simultaneous, synchronicity of complementary opposites."~ John Demartini I have been making and taking chlorine dioxide for my personal use for 4 years and have seen great successes in myself and in family and friends. I will include the recipe that was given to me by Bishop Wulf and Bishop Max of Genesis Church and a bitchute video of our cooking class. Unfortunately Bishop Max was disappeared after the video we recorded in 2021 during and his website was taken over by the CDC. Many have made ultimate sacrifices for your health knowledge. If you use or share these recipes please do so honoring the memory of Bishop Max of Genesis Church. The HCl you can find at any hardware store, the NAClO2 at a chemical store ( and the distilled water in a grocery store or pharmacy. Basically the recipe is PART A diluting the concentration of 80% NaClO2 to 22.5% and PART B diluting the 37% HCL to 4%. Dr. Klacker's Chapter 3, page 113 is a good one to read first so you know the best materials to buy and know the precautions and protocols. He also discusses making CDS which is infusing water with the gas instead of mixing it all up in liquid form on page 354-355. May this information inspire you to cook up new levels of health. References: 1. Exposing the obesity cancer link- obesogens. Page 45-47 2. The-Universal-Antidote-Interactive-Reference-Guidebook.pdf 3. Dr. Klacker Forbidden Health. 4. Chemical toxins: a hypothesis to explain the global obesity epidemic Paula F Baillie-Hamilton 1:// 5. Video of How to make ClO2. June 2021 6. Recent interview with Dr. Klacker. 7. MMS video Feb 18, 2024. Clean FIsh Tanks Have Healthy Fish. To explore the possibilities of ordering Chlorine Dioxide. Contact [email protected] or order from a water purification company. , Ways to support Mark Grenon: Order Books in pdf format: Donations to: [email protected] 1/13/2024 3 Comments Transhumanism is hereTranshumanism is not a very sexy title that instills love, joy or enthusiasm but let's together re-frame our ideas, open our hearts to a wider perspective and use our intention to guide the next stage of our evolution. Oxford dictionary suggests transhumanism it is the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology. As an exercise to expand your mind and in an attempt to collapse any preconceived notions of transhumanism let's imagine a theoretical scenario. What if Jesus with a AB negative blood type was a cosmically modified human? What if the immaculate conception was a gene altering test tube experiment to connect a human to a cosmic consciousness? Would believing this, alter your view of transhumanism? The covid plandemic created the conditions to allow for a transhumanism agenda to be injected into much of the population with self assembling nanotechnology. We could waste a lot of time resenting what has been done and crying over spilled milk or we can reach deep into our heart of love to discover loving solutions for humanity and seek to find some a blessing within the crisis. If we see the genetic alteration of our species as creating a zombie race and adopting the fear of the apocalypse, we create this reality. If we see some benefit in genetic alteration of our species in creating Nephilim or expanded humans, then we balance our dual mind. Instead of running the roller coaster of emotion, we liberate this energy and use our intention to guide the process that is already in place. I'm not suggesting this modification is correct but finding the blessing in what is already present and seeing some benefit is wise as it in Powers you to new levels of Love and Grace. "What you fear you draw near" so let's re-program our own mind, before it is done again for us. Transhumanism is here. The shots they call vaccines have introduced the nanotech operating system that communicates with the Internet of Things, not just to those injected but the nanotech has shed into our water supply, the CRISPR technology in chemtrails and in our food so no one is really exempt now. According to Dr. Robert Young and other researchers, the blood of the injected looks similar to that of the uninjected under a microscope. However, those that didn't inject the chemicals directly into their bloodstream generally have a stronger immune system. Perhaps this awareness of being similar, brings more unity to our humanity instead of dividing us into the "anti" mask, "anti" vaxx, "anti"science, "anti" religion, "anti" pureblood campaigns they create to divide us. All shots since their inception have caused health issues, it is just now we are waking to the magnitude and the agendas of the World Health Organization. Reducing wireless technologies- cell phones, smart meters, wifi computers and returning to cord technologies help support the biological systems of our natural world of humans, plants and animals. We know many dis-eases improve when the hu-man is removed from the artificial frequencies. Click on this Facebook post for further discussion of this concept and to view pictures of nanotech that I extracted from my own body. How to stay more human: 1. Keep your body alkaline. When you are acidic your body acts as a better battery to power up the nanotechnology. 2. Boycott wireless technologies. Spend time in nature with natural earth frequencies. 3. Detox baths and drink with Borax, Epsom salt, baking soda. 4. Eat non-GMO, organic, filter water and air. Power Green houses offer solutions for clean food, air, water and energy. 5. Create states of Love, Joy and Grace to elevate your vibration. 6. Ask Great Spirit/God/Jesus or your higher power to guide you. * Know the "word of God" has been modified many times by men through history and can be used to heal or harm. The Great Spirit of Love is a vibration that owns all the words of the physical dimension. There are many researcher now talking about the biofield- the energies that surround your body and extend out about 8 feet. Sabrina Wallace dedicates a whole channel to the WBAN- the Wireless Body Area Network. It is scary to think you can be manipulated remotely by a wifi frequency and the terms "bio wifi" or "brain computer interface" are now well used to describe this phenomena. It maybe used to cause harm or it may be used to heal. It is wise to avoid wifi frequencies that the cell companies have set up for you and the ones that come from your government installed smart meter. The smart meter appears to be a circuit connector to the smart city, smart phone, smart watch and smart appliances. These not-so smart items trap you in their microwave grid. The 5G technology can only travel a distance of 500 feet so just like the mandated shots, the government mandated Smart cities also need wifi "boosters" to keep the herd contained and controlled. SMART is a mnemonic for Secret Militarised Armaments in Residential Technology. 1996 Telecom Act and the 1986 Vaccine bill protects the cellular and pharmaceutical companies from liability but only you protect you! Health Canada is funded by these big companies and so are the governments so they create Acts to protect themselves. Did you know they even created a Monsanto Act in 2013 to protect that group of companies from liability from the damage to us with genetically modified foods and chemicals? What a bunch of hoodlums- they pass these laws and pay themselves with the taxes we pay them! Stop paying taxes and funding the globalist system and invest in your own local community. Hermetic Science, Tibetan sound healing/chanting, Genius biofeedback, Rife frequencies, Masuru Emoto's experiments, cymatics and neurolinguistic training, are therapies that embrace the concept of healing sound frequencies. Authors such as Candace Pert, Bruce Lipton, Caroline Leaf, Gregg Braden and David Hawkins, often discuss the science of how the epigenetics of thoughts as a vibration can also turn on or off gene expression. Ancient Indians have known this encoding for thousands of years and is programmed into their stories, songs and dance. Each musical note when on a natural pitch of 432Hz vibrates with a particular energy chakra, with every cell in our body and to the vibration of cosmos. Every planet also has a has a frequency and creates a symphony that Pythagoras calls the Music of the Spheres. Humans are the bridge between heaven and earth. Singing the sound "HU" has been known to protect us from unwanted frequencies. Whether you are chanting with the monks in the mountains of tibet or doing the hihowrya, hihowrya dance around the sacred fire of a Micmac pow pow, ancients know the power and healing in sound. The current challenges are awakening wisdom in the love and power written into our DNA. Necessity is the mother of reinvention. Nanotech that was injected in the shots can cause clots and death but injecting nano tech has also been used as a clot resolver in medical science to save lives. Keeping a balanced perspective requires you to seek the other side of the story as this liberates thought and energy for you to create with your intention. Running around sharing how bad things are, is just as detrimental as ignorance from those not seeing the dangers. Fear is the virus and how they control us, seeding more love is the solution. The hermetics talked about the Mind of the Universe, now we know there are many universes in the omniverse and we can align to the reality we love with our conscious intention. Technology may be an obstacle or an opportunity. Where you look is what you see. If you believe you live in a loving universe your thoughts, words and actions reflect a different destiny than if you believe you are stuck in a predatory path. Choose wisely. " insight from all our thoughts are merely borrowed from the great database of consciousness and were never really our own" ~ David Hawkins Now is the time to rise and the article Raising Your Energy gives you a few simple steps to follow. Put yourself in the environment you love and bless and dismiss the rest. You have the Love, Power and Wisdom now to decline a Man Date for an injection, a smart device or a smart meter upgrade. Gratefully, decline the invitation, just say NO thank you and exercise your power to take responsibility for yourself. Often times those who are most angry are angry at themselves for allowing others to overpower them. They can only do to you what you allow and no one can make you feel anything without your own consent. Freedom is a word used by the Free Masons to enslave you in their program. Do you really want your freedoms back or do you wish to Step UP into being a creator within our sacred domain here on earth. In one belief system you believe you are the product of your environment, in the other you know you create it. To which belief system do you subscribe? What belief, thought, word and action pattern creates the greatest Love, Power and Wisdom for you? Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."~ Albert Einstein Transhumanism is top heavy topic and I don't mean in a Dolly Pardon kind of way. heheeh If the information is new to you, you maybe feeling a little overwhelmed. Take a deep breath and know you are loved. In this moment all is well. You are here on earth at this time to help in the transition and evolution of our humanity. Some even believe your soul made a decision to arrive here at this time before you were born. These ideas are not new- media, medicine and government have been mind controlling the population for hundreds of years, this is just the latest manifestation teaching us to love ourselves, honor our own authority and remind us of the ability to author our own life. Let me finish with a shift & giggle, friendship photo at the end of the article, that proves from the beginning we have been living in a transhuman world and managing well. in joy 😊 It is an exciting time to be alive. Step into your power and Be the best version of YOU! References: 1. CRISPER technology : 2. Halifax/ Dal Water : Under the guise of covid is measuring nanotech in our waste water using magnetic bead . 3. Live blood cell analysis with Dr. Young 4.Children's Health Defense Study of "vaccinated" vs Unvaccinated. \Unvaxxed-Full-Presentation-Parts-I-VI.pdf . 5. Grow Food Revolution Solution: Power Green Houses for clean food, air, fertile soil and free energy! 6. Join the cell phone task force . Avoid the smart cage trap. 7. Notices of liability help you inpower yourself. There is beauty in freedom. 8. Transhumanism FB discussion . 9. Word of God has been modified. Seek to rise into an Astronomical vision. 10. Sabrina Wallace and WBANS 11. Genius Biofeedback sound healing. Hermetic sound science. Rife frequencies, 12. Books: Molecules of Emotion. Biology of Belief. Switch On Your Brain. Wisdom Codes. Power vs Force. 13. Video: Words effecting DNA,( although Laura-Lynn & Laura Sanger in this video have not discussed the word of God could also be used for harm so it is a bit of a lop-sided presentation but the information of epigenetics and music pitch is valid) 14. Articles: Raising Your Energy. 5G Spectrums of Energy. 15.Cognitive Warefare Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea MD PHd 12/19/2023 4 Comments Winter Solstice 2023, Predictions 2024Why is the Winter Solstice the best day for a honeymoon?
It has the shortest day and the Longest night 😊 hehehe The winter solstice, a time where the veils between worlds are thin, we pause, reflect and plan for the year ahead. December 21st is the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere when the earth has its maximum tilt away from the sun. As the daylight hours lengthen, it is a reminder to welcome the light within you.... your christ consciousness. Christians worship Jesus, as an example of this light, other older tribes, cultures and traditions attach directly to the Great Spirit within our natural world. All living things celebrate the sun as a source of light and love. Your outer reality is a reflection of your inner world so that once you recognize and integrate the light and dark within yourself, you play more effectively in the matrix. The dualities of our earth and sky, the sun and the moon, the light and dark, the good and bad are both within you. The more you attach to your angelic persona, the more demons you will see in the outer world. The picture above of the winter scene is so beautiful because of the different contrasting densities of light. Even the shadows are cast from the light.... so really what is there but light and love. We are all doing the best we can with what we believe, know and have. Thank YOU for your unique expression of YOU. According to their values, even the globalist may feel they are doing a good service in culling the human herd to save the world. The depopulation agenda has been on the table for a hundred years, you may choose to be a silent participant in it or instead help create a new plan and world vision. I imagine our human heart to be a prism by which light is filtered, those with the purest crystal hearts are able to integrate all the rainbow of color back into the primary sun-filled beam. Read more about integrating yourself in the solstice in this previous article. Astrologically speaking, 2024 will be another ridiculously amazing year with many of the same themes. The article Revolution to Evolution, details Pluto's dive into Aquarius but as you may guess from the title and what you are feeling, humanity is going through a massive shift in consciousness. It is uprooting the old Capricorn structure and we'll come out at the other end of the car wash in 2044 looking completely different. The last time Pluto passed through Aquarius (1778 -1798) we saw a revolutionary period that changed the way the world viewed power, money, technology, human rights and society as a whole. The American Revolution and the Bill of Rights were enacted during this time. In the dawning Age of Aquarius, astrologers agree that this transit will be just as revolutionary! You can't run from your shadow, the only way through is to face it, embrace it and transform it into love. Uranus is in the middle of its run in Taurus so the unexpected shake ups in values, finances and self worth are reaching a peak. Uranus's last Taurus transit, from 1935–1942, coincided with the Great Depression and WWII, an age of dramatic scarcity and unprecedented power which uprooted Taurean themes in science, culture, and diplomacy. Uniting the higher mind of the Aquarian collective in Pluto and the unexpected happenings of Uranus in earthly resources of Taurus, chaos continues in world markets and the fall of the fiat currency. Hard assets like precious metals of silver and gold, land, organic food and real estate, natural resources are places to invest to ride out the financial storm until 2026. Crypto currencies as a new technology appears to be a good way to decentralize power but those who own the internet, control all the transactions within it, careful consideration with this and all internet transactions. Chiron (wounded healer) continues in Aries (personal wounds of self identity) until 2026 so this is a second proof that this current "spiritual war/great depression" continues through to 2026. The wounds are helping re-define and re-discover your identity. Saying "NO" to that which doesn't serve your highest good is still on the agenda. This would include shots, geo-engineering of the weather, spraying of nanotechnology and radiation of cell frequencies. As always silence gives consent for it to continue. Jovial Jupiter rides with Uranus for the last leg of the marathon this year so we will feel more encouraged and hopeful about the changes. Saturn stays in Pisces for the next couple years so this suggests the world is still having difficulties in creating boundaries and structure. Many are going with the flow because they have not yet found the love and wisdom to stand up for themselves. June 2025 when Saturn moves into Aries the boundaries and structures become more defined. Guide the process and encourage the collective by living into your Christ-like consciousness. Reality and fantasy may blur when any planet is in Pisces- intuition and emotions color reason and the season. Dancing with in the Stars, Saturn, Chiron and Uranus play the pitch to add to the music of Pluto. To summarize, Uranus moves out of Taurus in 2026 suggesting world finances become more predictable but Pluto will take 20 years in Aquarius to transform the collective (2024-2044).... The Age of Aquarius. The first few years in and out of a sign for an outer planet are generally more intense. This is what we are experiencing currently. Based on these astrological events that span over the next few years, this video discusses interactions of biology and technology in transhumanism and lists a few recommendations for 2024. This year, the themes will be similar to last, however maybe more intense because they effect more of the collective. More and more people are waking up to the greater agenda in 2024 but not until 2026 are we likely to feel some relief from personal wounds of identity and see more predictability in world financial markets. Returning to "normal" old comforts of the past is not in the cards.... we are transforming and finding a new way of being in the world. Great to be alive at this time to witness and embrace the new advances in our evolution. We are experiencing WW3 and the world revolution wrapped up in one big burrito! Take little bites, chew slowly, allow yourself time to digest and adjust to the changes. Right on the border of order and chaos is maximum growth. These are general themes and recommendations for the collective but to understand how these transits affect you personally, connect with me or another astrologer for more specific analysis. 1. Take care of your own health. Strengthen your immune system. Avoid wireless technologies. Filter water. 2. Invest in local farms, small business and precious metals and consume organic, nonGMO, non-injected meat & produce. 3. Do more of what you love and share with others. Those who live a purposeful existence live a longer life. 4. Create joy for others and you will see it doubles back around to find you! You maybe the answer to someone's prayer. 5. Judgements on others are reflections of those you have on yourself. Release them. Do you. Seed kindness. 6. Reforming current governing structures is a monumental task. Find your area of genius and rise into your greatness. 7. Turn pain into purpose. Be your own advocate and activist in educating, irritating and legislating new laws that protect our earth and all the life upon it. Chiron in Aries suggests you keep feeling the personal wounds until you stand up for yourself and create the life you love. 8. Foster gratitude and live in this moment. Our fears and anxieties of the future drain the power in the NOW. How grateful are you for your life and your humanity? Show the world your grace, love, power and wisdom in being the best and brightest version of you! There is lightness and darkness within the world and within yourself. Where you look is what you see and the reality you experience. Note the injustices, do what you can to bring them to light, then let them go. Focus on a loving universe that holds you in every moment and send this ripple of love, power and wisdom out into the world to create the changes you'd love to be and see ..........Through the darkness of the night, release now your eternal light. For those who are called in love and grace, channel through the potential of all time and space. Those who understand, do. Wishing you and yours, love, joy, health and abundance in 2024 ! Lovingly submitted Dec 19th, 2023 on a second quarter Aries Moon Solstice blessings to you and yours. Wishing you a beautiful day filled with all that you love ❤️⭐️🙏 May your body-all your systems, organs, tissues and cells continue to balance and heal. All psychic cords and darker energies attached to you are severed as you rise into optimal health of your divine structure. Challenge your mind to soar into the unlimited possibilities of this wonderful world. Focus your eyes to see the beauty in every morsel of our existence. Allow your courageous heart the freedom to love and to be loved. May the Great Spirit of unconditional love surround you and remind you of your power, love and wisdom to create your reality, as you bathe in the beautiful glow of the Sun. 11/15/2023 4 Comments Detoxing CovidA great time to slice and dice away old habits and myths after a New Moon Scorpio and magically manifest a new reality with the seeds we sow.
Detoxification is a large topic, now that we have created toxins to poison the air, water, food and directly injecting them into the bloodstream. For every problem there is a solution, sorting the perfect one for you is the art of healing and a journey that we are still exploring together. This article, shares some natural health ideas, detoxification suggestions and resources to help you on your healing path. Let’s address a few definitions and myths before we begin to ensure we are on the same page. Pharmacy- is a "combination of the Greek term pharama -to charm, enchant and pharmako- magic, charm, cure, potion, medicine. The Flexnor report of 1910 discusses how this pharmaceutical strangle hold on medicine began and why the fear based model was created. Virus- "ios, derives from the ancient Greek verb iimi, meaning ‘to move, the poison, the toxin." There has never been a virus identified on a microscope. The word virus from its root suggests the body’s reaction to a poison, not a spooky computer generated lab sequence. There are bacteria, fungi and parasites that often present with “viral-type” symptoms and some of the diseases that we call “viral” are garbage bag diagnosis for that which they have not been able to identify as a cause of the symptoms. For example, Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist suggest there is no flu season, just a low vitamin D season. Covid- Certification Of Vaccine Identification? A social genetic experiment, injecting a nano size operating system in self assembling parts. The good news is if one shot was going to kill you, likely they wouldn’t need to repeat the dose and give boosters. Wherever you are now in your journey, if you are still alive and kicking, it is the perfect time for a healthy focus. The PCR test- Polymerase Chain Reaction was used as a method of introducing pathogens into the nasal cavity and frightening the population to inject themselves with poison. There is no scientific bases for this test in diagnosis of an active infection and amplifying the specimen skews any result. Remember when the Tanzania President John Magufuli found the papaya fruit had a positive PCR and suspended testing? President Magufuli's findings almost ruined the global "plandemic" and he endured a similar fate to the inventor of the PCR, Kary Mullis. Both came to untimely deaths as the world was scheduled to line up for the test and warming up to the idea as shots as the only solution. You can’t detox your body from a genetic experiment. Many are trying to sell you the antidote to the covid injection, but i haven't yet found any way to reverse the non-biological components in the operating system. At the link of The World Council of Health you can download a pdf reference with supplement recommendations of Vitamin C, D, Zinc, NAC, Magnesium, iodine, nattokinase.... suggested as ways to improve your immune system and reduce spike protein inflammation. Tony Pantalleresco is the only one I know who addresses the nanotechnology and even the electromagnetic device he calls "the triangle" is not recommended for those who have had the covid shot. The spike protein is actually your own bodies response to the injected poisons. The biological components of animal DNA, glyphosate and heavy metals, we have seen before in other toxic shots (erroneously called “vaccines”) but the covid injection with the help of a lipid nanoparticle, brought the mRNA intracellularly. Apparently, it often splices with your DNA and becomes part of your own biology. Health Canada now has been forced to admit this covid scam was actually a genetic experiment containing DNA. When the media had everyone buying toilet paper for a respiratory virus, they knew they were ready to unleash more viral fear variants. “The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy that is so monstrous that he cannot believe it exists” J. Edgar Hoover. First director of the FBI Healing Principles: 1. The body has innate healing. People and practitioners that honour the wisdom of the body, generally have greater success. A headache for example could be a sign of dehydration, cell phone radiation or heavy metal poisoning and not due to lack of Tylenol in your system. If you are vomiting or having diarrhea the body could be trying to get rid of a ingested or injected toxin. Taking medication or supplement to suppress these signals is like disconnecting the engine light in your car. The problem is still there but now you can’t see the warning signs so it becomes more serious. Even Cancer is a sign of an immune system that is over-taxed and not working properly so to medicate, irradiate or remove a tumor without understanding the underlying problem, creates more dis-ease. 2. What you abuse or don’t use, you lose. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. These were phrases I first heard Dr. John Donofrio repeat in a chiropractic board exam course and has proven to be useful ideas in my 30 years in healing professions. If for example you are not moving your body, your muscles atrophy and you lose flexibility and strength. On the contrary, if you are overusing your body you may create abnormal wear and tear or repetitive strain injuries. If you consume in excess food, drugs, alcohol or artificial chemicals in general, you will create an overload in the detoxification organs of your liver, lungs, lymphatics, kidneys and skin. But also in the reverse, exposing your body to minute amounts of different bacteria, fungi, toxins or parasites can stimulate your own natural immune response. Moderation- the mean between extremes- lies the healing magic. Instead of eliminating the invader and fearing the environment, more natural it is to embrace and engulf it like a white blood cell and trust in this innate wisdom of your divine structure to naturally heal you and make you stronger. 3. Fear is a virus. Love is the Medicine. Many medical peoples in both the pharmaceutical and natural health businesses often sell you the solution to your own fear, so in essence the pill or potion prescription takes the healing power away from the individual and puts it into the hands of chemical companies. The first medicine men and women of the tribes were also the spiritual counsel, and would present the solutions as a sacred bond of spirit to matter. The condition of our mind and heart affects our physical structure. We see evidence of this today in spontaneous healings or ability to walk over hot coals without burning the skin. They have created a condition of the mind that allows for healing. The brain releases “Molecules of Emotion” as Nobel prize nominee Dr. Candace Pert (psychoneuroimmunologist) writes in her book to heal or harm the body. Cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton in the Biology of Belief or Neuroscientist Dr. Joe Dispenza, The Thought that Changed Your Life also scientifically support these ideas that our cells are constantly eavesdropping on our thoughts and making physical changes in the cellular structures. What you are saying to yourself becomes evident in your reality. Even more minuscule than the cells are quantum particles that are also entangled in the matrix. Quantum physic concepts like reverse polarity of entangled molecules (“spooky action at a distance”) demonstrates that matter is under our conscious control. The fact that we create our own reality by our beliefs, thoughts, words and actions is common knowledge from spiritual leaders like Gandhi and scientist like the ones mentioned above but they appear to be uncommon in healing practises. The epigenetic factors of food, air, water, thoughts and beliefs have the ability, according to Dr. Lipton, to turn on and turn off genetic expression. 'Mind over matter', 'thinking yourself well' and 'raising your vibration' are concepts that must be revisited now when there is no obvious physical solution to the genetic modification. Many well- meaning healers and researchers are seeding their own fear into their audience by their words and their actions. Planting ideas of healing and inspiration creates this reality. Louise Hay, Cancer survivor/author/publisher and Dr. Bernie Siegel, oncologist both suggest a terminal diagnosis means we must go within for the healing solution. Many travel great distances, go through tremendous pain and anguish, to realize the power to heal has been within them all along. The greatest healers help you attach to this divine power of healing. Mantra : I have divine health from my toes to my nose and my body/mind is continuously bringing me to higher levels of health. “Love is the Medicine, if it doesn’t work the first time, double the dose” ~ Old Indian proverb. When beginning a detoxification, whether it is chemicals in your body or ideas in your mind you must create a path of exit. The skin, bowels, liver and kidneys are the most common ways to excrete chemical toxins. A few suggestions: ensure your bowels are clear with a coffee or baking soda enema; skin brush to remove dead skin that could trap toxins excreted through sweating; castor oil pack over liver and water fasting 12-50 hours to stimulate blood flow and excretion of stored toxins; drink filtered, spring or distilled water to flush out kidneys. Frequency technologies have also been used since 1920 as a powerful detox. Royal Rife, inventor of the first live blood cell analysis microscope found that certain frequencies killed parasites and cured cancer. Klan mother Karen discusses current scalar wave technologies here in the Genius system. The biofield that extends 6 feet around our body is actually our largest organ so that what is around our body also affects our health. The Demartini Method is a coaching/counselling tool that is transforming the field of psychology in uniting this principle of spirit and matter that works on a higher plane than EMDR going beyond neutralizing the trauma into a higher frequency of grace. Balancing your mind, detoxing old neural pathways is a key element in healing that also affects your energy, aura and biofield. Only you can unlock the doors to the prison of your own mind but having a therapist or coach ask you the right questions, helps you find your keys. The information in this article is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical condition… especially one that a regulated body may reprimand me for recommending. Although, many government regulators are still playing the covid chess game so when you come out of the closet, you are in a field all to yourself. It would be a good idea to discuss this information with a primary care practitioner who recognizes the healing principles above and understands your specific condition. If for example your health care provider is not acknowledging that the covid injection is toxic, how can they develop a healing program for you who maybe injected? If your iron levels are low, it could signal an active infection. Iron supplements may not be the solution in these cases? If you have a stomach ulcer or interstitial cystitis, oral Vitamin C could aggravate the issue so you may require it an IV so as not to further damage the digestive lining? Vitamin D3 is recommended with K2 for most but you are light skinned living in a sunny climate or dark skinned living in a northern latitude the dose would vary. If your symptoms are from radiation from a cell tower, you must remove yourself from the microwave before healing happens. Calcium supplements may help but too much may cause kidney stones. If you have a splinter in your foot or a subluxation in your spine removing the obstacle deals with the problem instead of covering up the pain with a medication. Instead of adding to the problem, sometimes the solution is to remove an obstacle to allow your body to default to health. Removing genetically modified foods sprayed with chemicals and drinking filtered water to remove toxins are a few other simple examples to illustrate the sacred contract between you and your healer who has to be a detective to find the best solutions for YOU. When you and your health care provider have a mutual trust and you feel loved and cared for, likely you have secured an optimal healing environment. Keep searching until you find this relationship. Unconditional love creates a protective shield from more dense energy. Connect if you would like to book a consult or for a referral to another healer to guide your process. There are more detox programs out there than Hershey's has chocolate, so how do you know which one is best for you? Candida cleanse with garlic and caprylic acid; Bacteria cleanse with colloidal silver and oregano oil; parasite cleanses with wormwood and black walnut husks; heavy metal detox with zeolite (controversy as it contains aluminum), diatomaceous earth (controversy as it contains silica) or activated charcoal (C60 controversy as it acts like antenna); peracetic acid also helps break down nano tech (Tony's recipe from video 16 oz peroxide, 16 oz white vinegar, 32 oz distilled water). Having a holistic healer assess your issues can give you objective feedback and you work as a team to uncover the reason for your symptoms. Most health issues are a combination of physical, chemical and mental imbalance. There are a many practitioners... chiropractors, naturopaths, homeopaths, bio-magnetics, psychologists, massage therapists, shamanic healers, reflexologists, biofeedback healers, holistic medical doctors and nurses. Each offers a different piece of puzzle. Research for yourself and take the advice that resonates with you. Their objective history taking and testing helps uncover healing clues. A great healer see the bigger picture, outside of promoting their own products and works with you to help you discover your maximum healing potential. Be wary of those who think they have all the answers or trying to sell you the one solution. Ego blocks higher wisdom. One who creates an environment of humble confidence and a curiosity about you is most powerful. In a state of grace and love they are able to channel higher healing to you. "The leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations." Revelations 22:2 Much of what we require to heal is already present on earth. Herbs and essential oils were used by ancients before pharmaceutical companies took over the monopoly of healing. Tobacco essential oil may be helpful for unlocking the spike protein from the nicotinic receptors that trigger neural transmission. Dr. Bryan Ardis in the docuseries Propaganda Exposed suggest some “long covid” symptoms may be helped even chewing nicotine gum and taking melatonin. In the same episode 4 of this series Homeopath Robert Scott Bell suggests some of the remedies for snake bite also helps with “covid” symptoms. Health ranger Mike Adams loves chlorine dioxide as his first line of defence against any bacteria or parasite he may pick up in the environment. Foolish it is to think that we can perfectly separate the “vaccinated” and “non-vaccinated” as these chemicals are being shed and shared now in our culture and in our ground water supply. Halifax Water through Dal water even has a covid 19 watch website where they use magnetic beads to test for a "non-existent virus" that is more likely the metallic nano tech. Like DDT, you can’t release a toxin in the environment and contain it, we are all part of the matrix. Researcher Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D., Ph.D., is a Certified Chelation Practitioner who has been studying the COVID-19 "vaccines" and their blood effects extremely carefully. The Quantum Dot Nano technologies emerging are self replicating and self producing at a microscopic level inside our bodies clearly exists and requires more investigation and research. Other scientists of the Lazarus Symposium shows similar findings where the injected blood looks similar to the uninjected blood, in that both contain non-human self replicating technology just that the "unvaccinated" in the past and present, in all vaccine studies, have healthier immune systems. Reducing your exposure to contaminated food, blood, water and people, keeping your own body alkaline, your vibration high and then having some healing protocols in place are your best bets. Many medications that are marketed to help with parasites and cancer also have nanotech in them. Several brands of Ivermectin for example were tested by Klan mother Karen Macdonald to have this biometric signature. Do you trust the same pharmaceutical companies that just injected a bioweapon into the population to now give you a healing solution? Chlorine dioxide is the best natural antibacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal without any known side effects and you can make it easily at home. In summary. It is great for you to do your own research so you can captain your own healing ship then have a holistic health practitioner who can help you develop specific protocols. There are some general guidelines from the World Council of Health for the biological part of the shot and optimizing your immune system function. Supplements, Genius Biofeedback (frequency healing), chlorine dioxide, enemas, detox baths, fermented foods containing pre/probiotics, Tony's electromagnetic triangle, homeopathic remedies, coconut oil pulling, essential oils, rebounder, skin brushing, castor oil packs, intermittent fasting and CBD oil are some choices. I also use a splash of apple cider vinegar or a pinch of the bath soda and salts from the recipe below in my drinking water 1-2X/day. If you click through the links in this article you will find videos and resources to illustrate and support these ideas. The nanotech that has been injected is a little tricker to detox and from my research it appears to be more of a management issue in reducing the EMF or other external frequencies that power up the injected technology. The injected operating system, according to Tony Pantallescro, Sgt Pattie Brassard and Robert O Young, requires an acid environment to act like a battery to run the nanotechnology. Being mindful of keeping your body more alkaline is the healing key to many diseases, including the unique situation of injected, inhaled and ingested nano tech. Avoid consuming acid producing food and drink, reduce stress, breathe deeply and add natural baking soda or apple cider vinegar to your diet to keep your body more alkaline. Remember, there were shots in the beginning of the experiment that didn't contain the mRNA so if you are still alive and kicking without presenting symptoms, this is a great sign. Be thankful, keep your body in optimal health, institute detox protocols and avoid any further injected or ingested chemicals. What you focus upon and are grateful for grows... let it be to your optimal health. Resources: 1. World council for health spike protein detox: 2. Video How to make Chlorine DIoxide. (email for recipe) 3. Vaccine article 4. Cancer article 5. Health Canada confirms DNA in Pfizer shot. 6. Book Molecules of Emotion 7. Book Biology of Belief 8. Book Thought that Changed Your Life 9. Book The Ph Miracle. 10. Article Raising Your Vibration 11. Video enemas, skin brushing, rebounder 12. Video fasting and urotherapy 13. Video: Healing Cancer with rife frequencies 14. Video: Healing with Scalar waves 15. Website Demartini Method 16. Video Tony Pantalleresco and Triangle Bath (Tony's contact details below video) 17. The Lazarus Initiative Symposium live blood cell analysis. 18. "Unvaccinated vs vaccinated" in previous comparative studies: Other video recommendations from Klan mother Karen. [email protected] html |
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