1/13/2024 3 Comments Transhumanism is hereTranshumanism is not a very sexy title that instills love, joy or enthusiasm but let's together re-frame our ideas, open our hearts to a wider perspective and use our intention to guide the next stage of our evolution. Oxford dictionary suggests transhumanism it is the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology. As an exercise to expand your mind and in an attempt to collapse any preconceived notions of transhumanism let's imagine a theoretical scenario. What if Jesus with a AB negative blood type was a cosmically modified human? What if the immaculate conception was a gene altering test tube experiment to connect a human to a cosmic consciousness? Would believing this, alter your view of transhumanism? The covid plandemic created the conditions to allow for a transhumanism agenda to be injected into much of the population with self assembling nanotechnology. We could waste a lot of time resenting what has been done and crying over spilled milk or we can reach deep into our heart of love to discover loving solutions for humanity and seek to find some a blessing within the crisis. If we see the genetic alteration of our species as creating a zombie race and adopting the fear of the apocalypse, we create this reality. If we see some benefit in genetic alteration of our species in creating Nephilim or expanded humans, then we balance our dual mind. Instead of running the roller coaster of emotion, we liberate this energy and use our intention to guide the process that is already in place. I'm not suggesting this modification is correct but finding the blessing in what is already present and seeing some benefit is wise as it in Powers you to new levels of Love and Grace. "What you fear you draw near" so let's re-program our own mind, before it is done again for us. Transhumanism is here. The shots they call vaccines have introduced the nanotech operating system that communicates with the Internet of Things, not just to those injected but the nanotech has shed into our water supply, the CRISPR technology in chemtrails and in our food so no one is really exempt now. According to Dr. Robert Young and other researchers, the blood of the injected looks similar to that of the uninjected under a microscope. However, those that didn't inject the chemicals directly into their bloodstream generally have a stronger immune system. Perhaps this awareness of being similar, brings more unity to our humanity instead of dividing us into the "anti" mask, "anti" vaxx, "anti"science, "anti" religion, "anti" pureblood campaigns they create to divide us. All shots since their inception have caused health issues, it is just now we are waking to the magnitude and the agendas of the World Health Organization. Reducing wireless technologies- cell phones, smart meters, wifi computers and returning to cord technologies help support the biological systems of our natural world of humans, plants and animals. We know many dis-eases improve when the hu-man is removed from the artificial frequencies. Click on this Facebook post for further discussion of this concept and to view pictures of nanotech that I extracted from my own body. How to stay more human: 1. Keep your body alkaline. When you are acidic your body acts as a better battery to power up the nanotechnology. 2. Boycott wireless technologies. Spend time in nature with natural earth frequencies. 3. Detox baths and drink with Borax, Epsom salt, baking soda. 4. Eat non-GMO, organic, filter water and air. Power Green houses offer solutions for clean food, air, water and energy. 5. Create states of Love, Joy and Grace to elevate your vibration. 6. Ask Great Spirit/God/Jesus or your higher power to guide you. * Know the "word of God" has been modified many times by men through history and can be used to heal or harm. The Great Spirit of Love is a vibration that owns all the words of the physical dimension. There are many researcher now talking about the biofield- the energies that surround your body and extend out about 8 feet. Sabrina Wallace dedicates a whole channel to the WBAN- the Wireless Body Area Network. It is scary to think you can be manipulated remotely by a wifi frequency and the terms "bio wifi" or "brain computer interface" are now well used to describe this phenomena. It maybe used to cause harm or it may be used to heal. It is wise to avoid wifi frequencies that the cell companies have set up for you and the ones that come from your government installed smart meter. The smart meter appears to be a circuit connector to the smart city, smart phone, smart watch and smart appliances. These not-so smart items trap you in their microwave grid. The 5G technology can only travel a distance of 500 feet so just like the mandated shots, the government mandated Smart cities also need wifi "boosters" to keep the herd contained and controlled. SMART is a mnemonic for Secret Militarised Armaments in Residential Technology. 1996 Telecom Act and the 1986 Vaccine bill protects the cellular and pharmaceutical companies from liability but only you protect you! Health Canada is funded by these big companies and so are the governments so they create Acts to protect themselves. Did you know they even created a Monsanto Act in 2013 to protect that group of companies from liability from the damage to us with genetically modified foods and chemicals? What a bunch of hoodlums- they pass these laws and pay themselves with the taxes we pay them! Stop paying taxes and funding the globalist system and invest in your own local community. Hermetic Science, Tibetan sound healing/chanting, Genius biofeedback, Rife frequencies, Masuru Emoto's experiments, cymatics and neurolinguistic training, are therapies that embrace the concept of healing sound frequencies. Authors such as Candace Pert, Bruce Lipton, Caroline Leaf, Gregg Braden and David Hawkins, often discuss the science of how the epigenetics of thoughts as a vibration can also turn on or off gene expression. Ancient Indians have known this encoding for thousands of years and is programmed into their stories, songs and dance. Each musical note when on a natural pitch of 432Hz vibrates with a particular energy chakra, with every cell in our body and to the vibration of cosmos. Every planet also has a has a frequency and creates a symphony that Pythagoras calls the Music of the Spheres. Humans are the bridge between heaven and earth. Singing the sound "HU" has been known to protect us from unwanted frequencies. Whether you are chanting with the monks in the mountains of tibet or doing the hihowrya, hihowrya dance around the sacred fire of a Micmac pow pow, ancients know the power and healing in sound. The current challenges are awakening wisdom in the love and power written into our DNA. Necessity is the mother of reinvention. Nanotech that was injected in the shots can cause clots and death but injecting nano tech has also been used as a clot resolver in medical science to save lives. Keeping a balanced perspective requires you to seek the other side of the story as this liberates thought and energy for you to create with your intention. Running around sharing how bad things are, is just as detrimental as ignorance from those not seeing the dangers. Fear is the virus and how they control us, seeding more love is the solution. The hermetics talked about the Mind of the Universe, now we know there are many universes in the omniverse and we can align to the reality we love with our conscious intention. Technology may be an obstacle or an opportunity. Where you look is what you see. If you believe you live in a loving universe your thoughts, words and actions reflect a different destiny than if you believe you are stuck in a predatory path. Choose wisely. " insight from all our thoughts are merely borrowed from the great database of consciousness and were never really our own" ~ David Hawkins Now is the time to rise and the article Raising Your Energy gives you a few simple steps to follow. Put yourself in the environment you love and bless and dismiss the rest. You have the Love, Power and Wisdom now to decline a Man Date for an injection, a smart device or a smart meter upgrade. Gratefully, decline the invitation, just say NO thank you and exercise your power to take responsibility for yourself. Often times those who are most angry are angry at themselves for allowing others to overpower them. They can only do to you what you allow and no one can make you feel anything without your own consent. Freedom is a word used by the Free Masons to enslave you in their program. Do you really want your freedoms back or do you wish to Step UP into being a creator within our sacred domain here on earth. In one belief system you believe you are the product of your environment, in the other you know you create it. To which belief system do you subscribe? What belief, thought, word and action pattern creates the greatest Love, Power and Wisdom for you? Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."~ Albert Einstein Transhumanism is top heavy topic and I don't mean in a Dolly Pardon kind of way. heheeh If the information is new to you, you maybe feeling a little overwhelmed. Take a deep breath and know you are loved. In this moment all is well. You are here on earth at this time to help in the transition and evolution of our humanity. Some even believe your soul made a decision to arrive here at this time before you were born. These ideas are not new- media, medicine and government have been mind controlling the population for hundreds of years, this is just the latest manifestation teaching us to love ourselves, honor our own authority and remind us of the ability to author our own life. Let me finish with a shift & giggle, friendship photo at the end of the article, that proves from the beginning we have been living in a transhuman world and managing well. in joy 😊 It is an exciting time to be alive. Step into your power and Be the best version of YOU! References: 1. CRISPER technology : https://newatlas.com/crispr-cell-computer/59336 2. Halifax/ Dal Water : Under the guise of covid is measuring nanotech in our waste water using magnetic bead . 3. Live blood cell analysis with Dr. Young 4.Children's Health Defense Study of "vaccinated" vs Unvaccinated. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/Vaxxed-. \Unvaxxed-Full-Presentation-Parts-I-VI.pdf . 5. Grow Food Revolution Solution: Power Green Houses for clean food, air, fertile soil and free energy! 6. Join the cell phone task force . Avoid the smart cage trap. 7. Notices of liability help you inpower yourself. There is beauty in freedom. 8. Transhumanism FB discussion . 9. Word of God has been modified. Seek to rise into an Astronomical vision. 10. Sabrina Wallace and WBANS 11. Genius Biofeedback sound healing. Hermetic sound science. Rife frequencies, 12. Books: Molecules of Emotion. Biology of Belief. Switch On Your Brain. Wisdom Codes. Power vs Force. 13. Video: Words effecting DNA,( although Laura-Lynn & Laura Sanger in this video have not discussed the word of God could also be used for harm so it is a bit of a lop-sided presentation but the information of epigenetics and music pitch is valid) 14. Articles: Raising Your Energy. 5G Spectrums of Energy. 15.Cognitive Warefare Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea MD PHd anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/militarized-cognitive-warfare-human?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-restack-comment&r=rkkoa&triedRedirect=true
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