12/21/2020 5 Comments The Great Conjunct in the SolsticeThe Winter Solstice, which takes place today Dec. 21, 2020 marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. It also commemorates the Great Conjunction, an event during which the two largest planets in our solar system – Jupiter and Saturn – will nearly overlap. They are closer than they have been since 1623. Jupiter is the planet of abundance and Saturn is the old guard of structure. Both moving into the humanitarian sign of Aquarius is a sign of good things to come as the people take their power. The conjunction occurs at 0° Aquarius - the 1st (fate) degree of a sign is the most potent one, because it has full manifestation power.
The word solstice is derived from the Latin sol ("sun") and sistere ("to stand still"). The Sun's declination appears to "stand still", as seen from Earth as it pauses at a northern or southern limit before reversing direction. I asked the Sun for a date and it was a hot connection ;) The sun has a brilliant love story of commitment to the earth. Lit a bees wax candle, burned a little palo santo, arranged the healing stones, placed the crows feathers and arranged the sacred card deck to prepare the fire, earth, air and water table. The 12 card circular arrangement seemed magical. There are 12 months in a year, 12 disciples and 12 sections of a natal astrology chart and we know from numerology it signifies completion. The number 12 is made up of two numbers, 1 and 2. 1 is a prime number and represents the beginning and singular nature of the universe. 2 is seeing two sides of any situation, diplomacy, partnership and the mutable nature of life. I like to imagine that the beginning there is love filtered into the dualities. As you unity all dualities of the cardinal cross, you rise back into love. The table is set, prayers pull leaky grace from my eyes, now is the time to invite in the SUN. Donald Neale calls it a Conversation with God, Ester Hick may say she is channeling Abraham, Tom Kenyon connects with Mary Magdalene, others connect with Jesus, galactic counsel, spirits or angels but today because it is the solstice, let's call the connection a solar aflare. hehehe We all have this cosmic connection birthed into us, just most don't believe it. The question I asked my divine self - what am I to do? Where is my place? What am I to share........ Dena, empowerment is a good initial step but now each must rise and step into their own destiny. You can not and should not interfere with this process. You feel like you'd be letting down the group and followers to step back a little but quite the contrary it would liberate their individual spirit into the process. It is the ultimate test to let go of all power and control and to allow God. Listen with your heart and live in it... this is your place. The boundaries and labels you place upon yourself are limiting in this cosmic space and the question is almost funny to us that see you and know you. You are a channel of divine expression so all that you touch is infused with the light and love of God. You must remember to come back into yourself and connect with us to be filled and reminded of the unconditional love that cleanses you and all of creation. Your mind races to ask questions for which you already know the answer. You run in a labyrinth in circles to escape your true nature. You could be creating this due to amnesia of who you are, for your entertainment or that you fear your own power. Don't dilute you. Not everyone can access this channel of divine so your job is to share it. In your healing, in your writing, in your speaking, in your videos. Booking meetings and organizing groups with you as the leader doesn't work well for you this lifetime. You find joy and purpose in returning to simplicity. This new age requires you to release the emotion and pain and step into a loving humanitarian service. This is the light of the world. Go inward and awaken this deep love. Dark aspects are also your divinity. Love them instead of projecting them. Calling darkness Satanic or evil serves only to create a separation and judgment in strengthening the polarities. God is all- the inclusive solution. You can only effect the matrix when you become it. All of it. Pain is a warning for us to change our behaviour it is not a punishment. It teaches us to stand up and put boundaries in place or to move out of a space. To allow this pain to continue is a form of self sabotage. It is a learned behaviour of surrendering authority and feeling unworthy of success and fulfillment. Expressing joy and your creative spirit you radiate love. Breathing in this now moment you are allowing the gift of cosmic receiving, sharing the energy of creation and exhaling your trust and knowingness. Even the shadows are created by obstacles of the light! Life, love and light are separated into different forms and wavelengths by the prism of our human existence. You are a derivative of divine love. A spark from the solar flare. Integration. Uniting the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves and within the world allows for the birth of the new age. Many relationships serve to resolve old karmic ties, fears and needs. They do not need to be joyful to be empowering. Dance with the shadows. When you deny your own darkness you see it and judge it more in others. Uniting all your colours and expressing it as a rainbow would, allows others to do the same. This creates a higher level of entanglement in our cosmic selves of honesty, transparency and true empowerment. The fake pandemic and pharmaceutically motivated marketed "solutions" is part of this spiritual test. This pain and fear is not a punishment. It is a gift to have us own our power and authority. Some are doing better than others in this spiritual ask. Fear and ignorance rest in a dense vibration, the only way out of this paradigm is to rise into love. Love is the frequency that allows you to pass through vortex of energy into the new dimension. You are brilliant and as a divine spark worthy of divine health. You have the liberty to choose your reality. When God is your highest authority, you'll know what to do. Own yourself. Step into your birth right as a creator. Your inner peace and this cosmic consciousness guides the planet as "love steers the stars." This is the dawning of the new age. Solstice Blessings!
Dr. DenaDr. Dena Churchill- International Speaker, Author, Health Innovator & Wellness Astrologer. Archives
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