What is the diet that will give you maximum energy, optimum health and provide weight balancing?..... It Depends. Depends could be a product you use when you are leaking uncertainty 😊 but in this case depends opens the floor for your uniqueness. Caveat: If you already have a diet or program that is working for you, providing you optimal health and energy, then stop reading now and continue with your current plan. If you don't, then you may like to continue reading about trends in evolutionary biology, physiology, philosophy and political motivations to help you find your truth and best solutions for energy and health. Let's begin with a few definitions and descriptions: A herbivore, is an animal that feeds on plants. A cow for example, has several stomach chambers and a longer digestive tract. They extensively chew their food so digestive enzymes in the mouth begin the process. Their stomach is more alkaline 4-5 pH. A carnivore, is an animal that feeds on other animals. A carnivore is at the other end of the spectrum having only one stomach and a shorter digestive tract. A carnivore digestive system includes different enzymes- protease to digest protein, lipase to digest fat and a few have amylase to digest carbohydrates. A carnivore lacks cellulase to break down plants. An omnivore is an animal that feeds on plant and animal matter. Carnivores and omnivores have a lower stomach acidity 1-2 pH to break down meat, have a wider esophagus to accommodate swallowing more dense food without it being chewed. They don't chew because there is no digestive enzyme in the mouth. Humans are a mixture of all these varieties. We chew our food with our molars and have amylase to break down carbohydrates that begins in the mouth similar to a herbivore. We have incisors and canine teeth to bite into meat like a carnivore. Our digestive tract is more like a carnivore in that we have only one stomach but a more lengthy intestine for food processing and absorption. The human stomach is acidic - 1-2 Ph like both carnivores and omnivores and we have an enzyme found in the stomach called pepsin that digests protein. Biologically, we are more like an omnivore in having all the parts to eat and digest both animal and plant matter. Food is an emotional issue for many as our psychology, biology and family genetics play a factor in our diet. In astrology, the Moon is the planet that represents food it also is connected to mother, emotions, home and unconscious desires so as an astrologer I often take this into account when recommending a certain style of eating. Those with a moon in Capricorn for example tend to be more sensitive to gluten. Those with a moon in Gemini often eat mindlessly in front of the computer, TV or other technology. Cancer moon people can be emotional eaters so this requires another level of coaching. On a Full Moon, parasites often move to the digestive system to mate and lay eggs, so on or after a full moon is a great time to do a parasite cleanse. If you are planting in your garden or starting a new diet plan, best to wait until after a New Moon. These cosmic factors and the psychological overlay also add a layer to the biology. In my chiropractic family practice, I would often host nutritional education sessions to share research that I collected. Below in the resource section are some examples of those books or videos that left a lasting impression. One of the books that lined my clinic shelves was Dr. Peter D'Adamo's, Eat Right for Your Type. In this book, he suggests blood type is a significant factor based on evolutionary genetics and antigens on the blood cells. Blood type A is Agrarian so they can eat small selective amount of animal protein but do much better with a plant based diet. Blood type B evolve from the Nomadic peoples so this group in general will thrive with dairy products in the diet. Blood type AB are a mixture of both A and B. Blood type O, the oldest and most common types who hail from hunter and gatherer tribes, excel best without dairy, wheat and corn and are healthier with higher animal protein diets of meat, fish and poultry. There are detailed protocols in Dr. D'Adamo's book and website for those who may like to investigate this further, as well as an Eldon card kit which allows you an opportunity to do an analysis of your blood to determine your own blood type. The blood type analysis maybe a way to explains the nutritional paradoxes. Knowing your own blood type is also useful if you were banking blood for a friend or relative who needed a blood transfusion. Currently, the Canadian Red Cross collects your blood for free and then sells it back to hospitals with your tax dollars and sells the other 70-80% to pharmaceutical companies for research. I would love to see a private enterprise where our healthy blood is separate from those who may be more saturated from nano-tech of recent pharmaceutical injections. Wonderful, if they could reward the person for giving the blood instead of selling it to those in the pharmaceutical cartel who have a vested interested in keeping us sick. How could we make this a win-win business for profit and health? Over the last 30 years, i've tried vegetarian, carnivore, paleo, keto and many other food programs and styles of eating. The blood type diet seems to be the one that resonates with my body type, lifestyle, personality, health, energy and even correlates with my natal astrology chart, so it feels true to me in many ways. I'm going to test it again more carefully over the next few months and report any changes. It may not be true for you, so as I have suggested in the beginning take it with a grain of salt, keep an open mind, be willing to experiment and then keep what has value to you. Maybe this article and resources will provide Food for Thought. When you are green you are growing and when you are ripe you rot. Speaking of salt, natural celtic salt, your own harvested sea salt or Himalayan rock salt has more than 84 trace minerals so natural salt is an essential part of any healthy diet. Too many carbohydrates can create inflammation of the body and brain, and tax the immune system as outlined in Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride's book The GAP's diet. Dr. Joe Mercola suggests, too little carbohydrates or keeping your body in ketosis may increase cortisol and body stressors. There is an exception to every rule and there will be a researcher to support and challenge every angle but great that you get to experiment and choose the moderate approach that feels best for you. There are certain principles that are general across the board..... 1. Food chemicals- glyphosate, antibiotics, nano-tech, pesticides, hormone or mRNA injected plants/animals are unhealthy. 2. Genetically modified foods have low nutritional value. Modified to withstand the glyphosate poison sprayed on them. 3. Lab grown plant based meats and other processed packaged foods are not in your best health interest. 4. Wheat, Soy and Corn are the most genetically modified foods so most advise to avoid them. 5. Fasting 12-15 hours a day is a general healthy rule of thumb, longer during periods during illness. Aside: Birds, Swine and Cows don't get the flu, unless toxins have been injected into them. Be mindful of a globalist agenda trying to sell you plant based meats or telling you the gas in cow flatulence is causing climate change. The swine flu vaccine was developed for pigs. "When the farmers refused to keep injecting their livestock because it was making the pigs sick, the pharmaceutical company in 1976 encouraged President Ford to mandate the swine (pig) flu shots to the human population so they wouldn't lose profit in the stock supplies they already made. Billions of dollars of injuries ensued. President Ford wasn't re-elected and sentenced to spend the rest of his days wearily truding up and down the golf course at Palm Springs." ~ Eustace Mullins- Murder by Injection) In the resource section below is an article written in 2016 for optimyze magazine about obesity and obesogens- man made toxins in the environment. Our bodies sequester the poisons so the belly fat around the organs maybe a survival mechanism to protect our body from toxins: in the air- chemtrails or cell phone radiation, in food- herbicides/pesticides and in water- fluoride, chlorine and nano-tech. So it is not just what you choose to eat but the quality of what you are eating that determines your health. Plastics, processing and microwaves also decrease food quality so if you can't pick it from a branch, dig it from the earth, hunt it from the field or gather it from the nest, likely it is processed in some way. Even tea bags have chemicals in them so making a loose leaf tea is a healthier tradition. Supporting local organic farmers who can grow in greenhouses protect against chemtrail spraying. Green power houses even nourish the soil, clean the air and provide Free Energy! Livestock farmers who free-range their flock, don't inject their animals and encorporate humane end of life procedures, ensure a higher quality of food. The secret life of plants and animals is the energy that you'll be ingesting. Tammy Canal, stay-at-home mother whose kids who got sick from glyphosate, began the March Against Monsanto movement. She suggests, we must vote with our wallet. The supply will meet your demand. Purchase quality. The Blue Zone documentary and book by Dan Buettner supports this moderate dietary approach in visiting 5 different countries and towns with the highest concentration of centurions. Making the assumption that diet and lifestyle is responsible for their good health, he found several factors common to them all: 1. Moderate natural diet of plant and animal protein. 2. Daily exercise. 3. Social circle of support. 4. Spiritual belief in a Higher power. 5. Purposeful living. Living from the land, spending time in nature, forming community, reducing the time and space between you and your food gives quality and quantity to life. The rising cost of living, the modification of the foods and the government overreach into our "healthcare" system have sent thousands back to goats, gardens and the lifestyles of our great-grandmothers, as reported recently in the Toronto Star. In 2022, the Homesteading Canada Facebook group went from 2,000 to nearly 20,000 followers. Many now see value in growing food, raising animals, and feeding their family and friends from a natural matrix. The best diets for health, energy and longevity are found within the art and craft of your own land and hand. Resources: 1. Dr. D'Adamo Eat Right For Your Type. 2. Exposing the obesity cancer link. https://www.optimyz.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/506.pdf Page 45-47 3. Dr. Klacker Forbidden Health. 4. Chemical toxins: a hypothesis global obesity epidemic Paula F Baillie-Hamilton 1://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12006126/ 5. Cell phone task force. EMF effect bees and other insects that pollinate our plants. 6. Dr. Mercola Carbs for energy. 7. Barry Groves: What We are Designed to Eat. 8. Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride GAP's diet: 9. Dr. Gundry- The Plant Paradox: 10. Dr.William Davis- Wheat Belly. 11. Dr. Anthony Chaffee Carnivore Diet 12. Dr's. Campbell and Campbell. The China Study 13. Phyllis Balch. Prescription for Nutritional Healing 14. Dan Buettner. Blue Zones 15. Forks over Knives. 16. Eustace Mullins. Murder By Injection 17. Green Powerhouse as a clean food, energy and soil solution. 18. Bread As a Drug. 19. Do Your Kids Need Yellow Suits to Eat Breakfast? 20. Blood Typing Eldon card kit 21. The Secret Life of Plants. 22. Stg Pattie Brassard genetics. 23. Mexico Bans GMO. 24. Cancer & nutrition. 25. Live video of this article information. Subscribe for updates.
3/11/2024 4 Comments smart meters are not-so-smart!The Smart meter is the one on the left of the photo- Type C2 SRD. SMART means Secret, Militarized, Armament, Residential, Technology. This is a Federal Government funded and implemented project that appears to be a part of a greater control agenda in a computer matrix. In one of the videos I shared with the Utility Board of Nova Scotia, titled the Capabilities of Smart meters, suggests that the government has tricked you into creating your own cage. It is a radiation, surveillance device they have mandated you attach to your home for greater control. In a similar way they had "mandated" you inject yourself with bioweapon nanotechnology that allows these frequencies to more directly affect you. Many are already experiencing microwave sickness and have no idea that it is coming from the technologies to which they have consented. When this was first introduced here in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 2018 I had to create a song and dance with the utility companies, the media, the council and the politicians to be able to opt out. Once I moved to a rental property I had to go through the same skit again. Fortunately, I have flexibility in having my power bill directly in my name. In apartment buildings where the light and heat are included in your rent, you are in a cage with a double padlock. The only solution is to move out of the 5G city. The smart meter covers do not protect against 5G radiation at 30-300 GHz. Click into 15 min Smart Meter Summary video. At a very fundamental level the Smart Meter is a TOU - Time of Use surveillance gauge so it keeps track of individual usage minute by minute. Peak times will cost more for your power company so these Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) times can be transferred to the customer. The National Library of Medicine in a recent pubmed article suggests they will be using health care and behavioural monitoring using the smart meters. The biosensors in the smart meter units communicate with your smartphone, smart appliances, smart TV, smart watch to give them round the clock control and access. To move data in real time the smart meter connects the 5G network to the 6G network that has been injected into you. Friends that have opted out of the smart meters appear to be creating breaks in the 5g grid maps. Reasons to ditch Smart Meter and other Smart technologies: 1. Dangerous Radiation levels. 5G can’t be measure with standard devices. 2. Smart Meter Fire Hazards. 3. Government Surveillance You Pay More at Peak Times 4. Control in a Credit System. Alberta residence alert message to scale back on power. 5. Health/disease delivery through the bio-field Other resources and correspondences: Dr. Barrie Trower - Biowarfare microwave expert: https://rumble.com/v23ly0a-the-cooking-of-humanity-deborah-tavares-interviews-scientist-barrie-trower.html? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMMEQNnSZIo Fire Hazard: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/fear-of-fire-hazard-causes-removal-of-thousands-of-smart-meters-1.2928314 Optimal meter model: https://www.itron.com/-/media/feature/products/documents/spec-sheet/101441sp06-openway-riva-centron-meter-nam_web.pdf?fbclid=IwAR06OPpy1goiY61ub5nlUWQGHkT9Halnb6QLPKNj38nyu98fB0bQBt_D9Rg Dialing up disease in the biofield -WBANS and how to counter it: https://rumble.com/v430zz5-iob-mban-medical-body-area-networks.-connecting-patients-to-the-cloud.-sabr.html?fbclid=IwAR1GedBOqejs9fjlgPSRmswah5yo0QWWTjGUWOcl4wtCyW0zoXRfCQkPcS Outside of removing wifi from your space, this is the best free protection I can find for 5,6, 7G. Sabrina Wallace: Piloerection and protection from electromagnetic weaponry! See video - chakra nodal points. - hoop blue energy ball over heart - right hand down left hand up to expand outward -dislodge biosensors -energy shield protect Gratitude also causes piloerection (goosebumps) on the skin!! This 7 min youtube video may seem a little nuts but Sabrina is a brilliant scholar check out her channel on rumble. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qK1ZzacpxA Disconnect wifi from your smart stove: www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzQLwnVCbmM Note: Smart Meter covers do not protect against 5G. 5G at 30-300 GHz is a microwave that can penetrate a faraday cage. Thank you Liam for your accommodation in finding an older model Nova Scotia power meter. A unit with no wireless sending or receiving capabilities should be fine in a digital or analogue meter. The smart meters are riddled with fire hazards, health issues and the biosensor surveillance capabilities are shocking. https://rumble.com/v3lejcg-september-27-2023.html Was your supervisor at Nova Scotia Power able to find the model numbers and manuals for the residential units? I’ve attached some information on models from Peter Ripple for your reference. Is the model you are offering me a Itron Centron C1S? Does Nova Scotia Power have to report the model numbers with fire hazards to the fire department? Are the building inspectors aware of the issues with these Smart Meters? How many fire incidences in HRM with the newest smart meter models? Health Canada replied to my inquiry stating there were many EMF safety studies but thus far they haven’t been able to produce any independent recent studies that weren’t funded by the government. Smart meters, smart watches, smart phones seem to be part of a smart city circuit. The emergency alert from Alberta below gives us an indication of how the government plans to use the smart phones and smart meters lock us into the control grid. Humans, pets, wildlife, plants and pollinators do not do well in artificial electromagnetic radiation. It appears this smart agenda is not in the best interest of public health and safety. Ditching the smart devices and returning to cord technology would be wise. A niche has presented now for the construction of safer power meters for the educated consumer. Thank you for your service. Dena Mr. Allen, Thank you for your reply. Perhaps it is not your responsibility to educate your customers about dangerous technology you would be attaching to thier private residence but the fire inspectors may disagree. I have copied a fire chief, the previous police chief and attached the fire safety act for your review. Are there biosensors in your Smart meter units? Nova Scotia Power said they switched my meter to analogue mode so this may reduce some of the wifi radiation but it doesn’t address the surveillance or fire hazards issues of the smart meters. https://www.sott.net/article/327383-Not-so-smart-technology-Safety-inspector-blows-the-whistle-on-fire-hazards-of-smart-electronics To whom would I address a Notice of Liability to Nova Scotia Power or the NS Utility Board? My contract is with the Nova Scotia Power not Health Canada. Some of your customers of Nova Scotia power have been blessed with the return of their safe, tried, tested and true analogue meters. I trust to be one of those lucky customers too. I wish for this SMART meter device (Secret, Militarized, Armament in Residential Technology) to be removed as soon as possible. Thank you for your immediate attention. The capabilities of these smart meters are pretty scary so I imagine once the word gets out, there are many customers that will be requesting the safer alternative. https://rumble.com/v3lejcg-september-27-2023.html Thank you for your inspired action, Dr. Dena Churchill BSc., DC Fire Safety Act: https://nslegislature.ca/sites/default/files/legc/statutes/fire%20safety.pdf References: There are more scientific peer reviewed studies available upon your request. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19398310/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28504324/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26474271/ https://www.sott.net/article/327383-Not-so-smart-technology-Safety-inspector-blows-the-whistle-on-fire-hazards-of-smart-electronics https://stopsmartmeters.org/frequently-asked-questions/radio-frequency-radiation-issues/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ_t39kAdi8 Explanation of different frequencies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kHVzj1Qb7I. Government reports health problems with smart meter installation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-aNRQNRtaI Smart meter effects the heart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAjX6Ap02dU Smart meter effects on the blood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iljgbirKWhc Truth about smart meters, in conflict with Health Canada. On Jan 14, 2024, at 12:59 PM, Dena <[email protected]> wrote: To Whom it may Concern at Health Canada. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/compliance-enforcement/problem-reporting/medical-device-consumer.html At the above link I have re-submitted my concerns about my residential smart meter and attached here the correspondance with Nova Scotia power. Nova Scotia Power is unable to recall this Health Canada approved device. Both from personal experience and my professional health studies, I would ask that Health Canada recall theses dangerous smart meters immediately. If there is a particular man or woman to whom I may address these concerns, please forward this correspondence to expedite the process. Here are the supporting documents for the health and safety concerns noted in the correspondance below. The capabilities of these smart meters, the health effects and the purpose for which they have been mandated is alarming. Thank you for your urgent attention, Dr. Dena Churchill BSc., DC On Jan 14, 2024, at 8:01 AM, Dena <[email protected]> wrote: Mr. Allen, I so appreciate your time and clarity in your reply. The $133 million dollar Smart Meter capital expense and the stamp of approval from Health Canada, certainly restricts outreach of our local utility board in re-calling this dangerous product. Health Canada hasn’t been as prompt or forthcoming in their replies. Would a grassroots education for the public into the capabilities of smart meters be a directive that the Utility Board could consider? I appreciate the "opt out" clause but could the board create a policy to ask customers if they would consent to this surveillance device? What could we do as a concerned group of men and women who are seeking health for our families and our local community? As I have discussed in this latest article, Health Canada is part of the problem more than the solution. I look forward to any continued correspondance in public print or in private call to any information, ideas or inspirations. Blessings, Dena Capabilities of Smart meters: https://rumble.com/v3lejcg-september-27-2023.html On Jan 12, 2024, at 10:36 AM, Allen, wrote: Dr. Churchill: Further to your recent correspondence (copied below):
As the Board:
I note that the program does have an opting-out provision should you other others not wish to participate. That is referred to in the Board’s decision starting on page 51. Paul Allen Paul G. Allen, CPA, CA Executive Director Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board t: (902) 424-9306 tf: 1-855-442-4448 ext 9306 within Nova Scotia Pronouns: he/him/his Not the person to whom this message is intended? My apologies. This message may be confidential, including attachments and other messages it contains. Here’s what to do:
Welcome to the Eclipse season 2024! This year, we have 5 of these astronomical phenomena- 2 solar eclipses and 3 lunar eclipses. The first Lunar and Solar Eclipses are happening within the next 4 weeks. May this article inspire you to fit your binoculars, telescopes and cameras with solar filters and prepare your mind and heart for a re-set. Eclipses are one of the most important astrological transits and used as real-time, predictive technique in Astrology. When these New and Full Moons occur near the lunar nodes (aka the two points where the Moon’s orbital path crosses the path of the Sun) their influence is amplified. They become more significant to you personally, if they transit an angle or planet in your own natal chart. During a Solar Eclipse the Sun disappears in the sky, eclipsed by the Moon. The Lunar Eclipse happens when the Sun casts Earth's shadow onto the Moon. For this to happen, the Earth slips in the cosmic bed between the Sun and Moon with all three bodies lying on the same plane of orbit. Throughout history the Mayans, Ancient Indians, Greeks and Aztecs all feared eclipses believing the Sun was being swallowed by a spirit animal or demon to disrupt the natural order. Ancient Greeks believed that eclipses were a sign the gods were angry with humans and that the Sun would abandon Earth, bringing untold misery. The word “eclipse” comes from the Greek word meaning “abandonment.” In these auspicious times where the lights go out, priorities change and a cosmic reset happens, you have the opportunity to synchronize your light to the source. I imagine adding cosmic chaos to the earthly chaos of our current world, may create some order and resolve.... but it could be a bit spicy. March 24-25, 2024 is the South Node Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra. So the themes for this will be around RELATIONSHIPS. They tend to be more emotional (being on a full moon) and affect us on a personal level. It is activating the South Node so the changes in personal relationships may have a karmic flavour, sorting unfinished business from the past or even a past life. How are you showing up in this world? Are there partnerships or other contractual business relationships that you are ready to release or remodel? Have you been able to find gratitude for the challenges with your parents, ex-spouses, previous employers and others of the past, to thank them for creating and grooming the strong, resourceful, magnificent being of YOU? What relationships now serve your greatest purpose? April 8, 2024 is a Total Solar Eclipse 19 degrees Aries activating the North Node and conjunct Chiron so this may be intense as Aries carries a brave, bold warrior energy and Chiron is your wounded healer. First time since 1979, the Solar Eclipse will be visible in some parts of Atlantic Canada ( north of Moncton, NB and north of Cavendish, PEI) and with special glasses to protect your eyes, you may be able to view it. A solar eclipse phenomena is likely to be marked by external global events! This one in particular will have a flavor of wounding and healing your identity. The last time we had a solar eclipse at 19 degrees Aries was April 8, 2005. Wikipedia reports some of the global past events that took place on this date. Eclipses belong to larger cycles. The Metonic and Saros cycles happen every 18-19 years in the same degree of the Zodiac. What was happening in your life in 2005-2006? The themes within the next 6 months after the eclipse, in your personal life as well as any global phenomena maybe similar. There is psychological comfort in being able to predict, prepare and plan to be flexible around the gifts the Universe may deliver. In these transitions, you are reminded of the cyclic, transient nature of our world and the purpose in pain. A butterfly struggles in a chrysalis to grow and strengthen its wings. The pumping of the wings brings in oxygen and nourishment. Once the wings are strong enough to break free, it flies. "The wound is the place where the light enters." ~Rumi Healing affirmations: 1. Earthly struggles strengthen my physical existence so that I may know my divine expression. Thank you. 2. A sense of balance and strength comes from loving, honouring, nurturing and trusting in myself. 3. All that I see is a reflection of me. I am healed by embracing the light and dark within my universal self. 4. I am love. I am loved. I love. It all begins with me. In a North Node Solar Eclipse we are given the opportunity to step out of our comfort zone to allow in new energy to seed our future. Solar eclipses come with a flavour of the new moon so it is riddled with change, releasing the old to make way for YOUR NEW BEGINNINGS. Farmers plant their crops after a new moon because it is within the natural law, that maximum growth happens on the border of order and chaos. The old Moon dies and the new Moon is born with great energy, enthusiasm and potential. As the New Moon grows so does her magnetism - pulling up water and resources from the soil for nourishment. Use this energy to bravely step into the magical unknown... where everything is possible. When the love hits the fan, you'll be ready to adjust your sails and catch the wind. April 18th, 2024 Jupiter exactly conjunct Uranus at 21 degrees Taurus which heralds unexpected, groundbreaking shifts to the collective consciousness and expansive breakthroughs, some of which we are already witnessing. Taurus represents comfort, wealth and security so it maybe the month where the GLOBAL RESOURCES and values show a massive change or reset. Could it be stimulating the crash and burn of the old fiat system and the beginnings a new global economy? Could the Libra full moon theme of balance and justice spill over into this event, absolving debt and levelling global wealth? Taking your money out of the banks, that are owned by the World Economic Forum and safeguarding your resources in hard assets, such as silver, gold, farmland, oil and gas, may be wise. Ensure your technology is backed up and turn off the cell phone and wifi as these frequencies directly and profoundly affects brain waves. Have handy supplies of food and water just in case the grid goes down. As March 24 Lunar Eclipse approaches, you may be feeling more emotional. Personal relationship changes- either with your spouse, business partners, family, friends, colleagues, governing structures or even renovating yourself and your view of the world- will help you accommodate the April global events. If you would like to know more about what specific areas of your life may be transited and affected by these Eclipses, an Astrologer maybe able to help you navigate this Karmic recalibration. The following brief clips and astrology article host a menu of possibilities. https://compasscorrect.com/dena-website-videos. https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/10-benefits-in-an-astrology-reading HOW to Survive and Thrive an Eclipse: 1. KNOW Eclipses are Divine Acts to help you evolve. 2. TRUST in a higher power helping you be true to you. 3. BE GRATEFUL for transformation in new possibilities. 4. SING & DANCE to connect with the song of creation. Everything is regulated by a pre-established harmony. With our earthly eyes, the full scope of Divine design is often outside of our perception. Where you look is what you see. You are lighter and brighter when you keep your face, focus and heart toward the Sun. "If we could understand the order of the universe well enough, we would find that it surpasses all the wishes of the wisest people, and that it is impossible to make it better than it is—not merely in respect of the whole in general, but also in respect of ourselves in particular.” Leibniz |
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