5/28/2017 5 Comments Why are you waiting for cancer?I've just finished watching an amazing documentary series entitled “The Truth About Cancer”. While the details are still fresh in my mind and my heart stirred by purpose, I thought I’d put my thoughts to paper. The magnitude of detail in this collection is unlike anything I’ve ever seen so know the ideas I’m about to present is just a glimpse of what you may wish to own for yourself. This weekend the docuseries is still being offered for free viewing. Click on the word docuseries for the link. The best way I can see to summarize is to suggest a few of the foundation principles so you can then create your own healing masterpieces. Once you know the functions you may add, subtract. multiply and divide your health equation and dictate your own health destiny. This information is not just for those with cancer but to the half reading that statistically will have cancer in your lifetime. I used to say, if I had cancer I’d fast, meditate, do natural therapies of juicing, coffee enemas and activated charcoal but then I thought, why am I waiting for cancer to embrace health and vitality. It’s a more enjoyable experience if you are not waiting for the manifestation of a disease to enjoy the abundance in life. The Mathematics of Cancer 1. Cancer is a symptom. It is a sign of dis-ease in the body. We all have cancer cells (rogue uncontrolled cell division) growing in our body but our immune system through a process of apoptosis keeps cancer cells in check. The “big guns” of the immune system, known as T cells are normally on the prowl for suspicious looking targets such as bacterial invaders and potential tumour cells. If they recognize one, they sound the alarm, inducing the immune cells to mount a larger response. [Incidentally, this is how vaccines have an effect as well. Bits of the virus are mounted in an adjuvant base of heavy metals to evoke an immune response. The body recognizes the aluminum, mercury and other animal DNA in the vaccine as foreign and invokes an immune response of what they call a T2 immune response. The only problem with this type of challenge is that the body is in a constant state of immune system irritation so people are walking around in a constant state of chronic inflammation. Studies show higher incidences of asthma, allergies, autism and cancer with increased numbers of vaccines due to the toxic effects of the adjuvants and the bodies response to them.] We can cut out the tumour, chemically inject the body with mustard-gas derived chemotherapy, irradiate the tissue adding more tax to the immune system but if we do not address the real reason the cancer developed in the first place, the deficient immune system, it will return. It is like cutting of the top of the iceberg and leaving the hidden underlying base to sink the boat suddenly without knowing from where the blow came. In his book Cancer is Not a Disease, Andreas Moritz talks more about this idea. 2. Why will there never be one cure for cancer? Because there is more than one cause. There are layers of health. The physical body and the immune system can be taxed with genetically modified foods, in medications and vaccines, poor nutrition and neurotoxins chlorine and fluoride in water. The emotional body also effects the physical body. Unresolved conflicts, anger and other emotions create a cascade of hormones that directly effect your health. One study showed a minute of anger can suppress your immune system for 4-6 hours!. As we move out from the physical body we encounter air pollution and electromagnetic radiation in computers, cell phones, satellite and even cosmic radiation of space. Some even theorize that this invisible stress is more dangerous because we can’t see it and therefore neglect to protect against it. You may take responsibility for your own health and design your own unique mind-body-spirit solution based on your lifestyle and values. The chemotherapy options may look more attractive because it is easier to pass over your health to someone else to treat, but when you read the data and see how the chemo bus drives, you may wish to take back control of the wheel. Did you know 75% of doctors interviewed would not do chemotherapy or radiation for themselves or for their families! The field of epigenetics (above or beyond the genes) has revolutionized health and given hope for the cures. No longer are we held captive by our genes. We now know the factors beyond the genes like our thoughts, beliefs, environment, diet and lifestyle can turn on and off gene expression. Even identical twins can have shown differences in cancer occurrences based on the choices each makes in their own environments. Empowering to know the choices we make, directly effect our genetic expression and our health destiny. 3. Cancer healing is top-down inside-out phenomena. Albert Einstein says, we can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them. Our man-made fundamental understanding of health as a linear process is incomplete. Medication A effects B is true. But medication A also effects C, D, E, F, G and every other letter in a body’s alphabet. Pharmaceutical companies recognize these other effects and call them side effects but as long as A effects B, other quantum effects seem to get lost in the shuffle. Tamoxifen, a medication used to treat breast cancer is also carcinogenic. It may prevent one cancer and then causes another. The statin drugs lower cholesterol but causes neurodegenerative conditions like dementia and a fatty liver. Pharmaceutical medicine is a shot gun approach- they keep shooting and eventually get the effect you need but how much damage does it do in the process? Organic fruits and vegetable plants, essential oils, seeds, spices, nuts have a specific, bidirectional approach to healing that stimulates our own innate healing wisdom. Supplying our body with the right fuels and avoiding the obstacles to health, the body heals itself from the inside out. If we cut our finger, the homeostatic intelligence in our body, recognizes there is a problem and sends white blood cells to the area to solve the problem. Plants also have this natural healing wisdom that can modify the response for exactly what the body needs. If a patient has low blood sugar, the spice cinnamon can elevate it or if the blood sugar is too high it can lower it. There are also a wide range of antioxidants that demonstrate this homeostatic balancing regulating mechanism. Curcumin in turmeric, catechins in green tea, sulforaphanes in crucrificious vegetables, reverseratrol in berries and red grapes skins or BEC-5 in green pepper and eggplant all have this homeostatic intelligence that target the cancer cells, modulating an appropriate response while leaving the healthy tissue in tact! In contrast to the 'shot gun' approach of pharmaceuticals, that may destroy everything in its path, the plant kingdom is the 'sharp shooter'. Spiritual beliefs, faith in a greater power and the intention of prayer/mediation seems to correlate to better cancer recovery. Disciplines, such as homeopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture, naturopathy and holistic nutrition, that honour this wisdom are working with the power of our universe, those that don’t work against it. An old foundation chiropractic principal is that all living things are born with this innate intelligence that healing comes from the top down, inside out. Universal healing from the brain to the body and from the smallest cell to an outward expression. Ancient hermetic principle of “all effects all” is another concept that can be witnessed with this more expanded awareness. 4. Expanding your awareness, dissolves the shackles of the fear based model. The Flexnor report of 1910 discusses how this strangle hold began and why the fear based model was created. Basically the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations donated large amounts of money and filled the medical school governing boards with pharmaceutical representation, enabling them to engineer the curriculum. They began dismantling and discrediting natural therapies like homeopathy, chiropractic, naturopathy and nutrition from the schools and began focusing only on the profitable pharmaceutical aspects to which they owned company shares. Some medical doctors, even today, grow up in schools with limited knowledge of nutrition and believing medications are the only way to heal. Under a pharma hat, quick cures are not that profitable. Powerful home healing therapies like coffee enemas that were recommended for a hundred years in the Merck Manual (the oldest medical text book) was removed in 1977. How can oaths from the Father of Medicine- Hippocrates of “Do no harm” and “Let food by thy medicine” suddenly go missing from the foundation? One could jump into a judgmental rant about money motives being the root of this injustice but the truth of the matter is that we as health consumers drive the supply market. Wanting quick fixes and blindly believing that the artificial intelligence of pharmaceuticals is superior to the God given gifts of nature, comes with a price tag. BUT now that you know the real story, it is time to Reclaim Your Power! 5. The leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations.~ Revelations 22:2. There is a nutrient and micronutrient synergy, an orchestra of effects of healing into the body. Eating the rainbow of different colors and types of foods help foster a healthy immune system, giving cancer cells two options 1. be normal or 2. die (in a process call apoptosis). The homeostatic intelligence that we mentioned earlier creating the cell and body specific effects makes the plant kingdom a definite contender to the artificial intelligence of the nature- twisted pharmaceutical copies. Many of our medications are derived from naturally occurring plants. The problems with this picture is in the quality and quantity of the plant and other foods we are currently consuming. Our genetically modified, pesticide/herbicide laden foods are wreaking havoc with our health. Studies of rats that were fed genetically modified corn had a 300% increase in tumours, decreased life expectancy by more than half and all had kidney and liver damage. Non-organic crops that are sprayed with carcinogenic herbicides and pesticides are not safe for consumption. According to PhD research scientists, vaccines and other sources containing an active ingredient in Round Up- glyphosate- is creating a dangerous epidemic of Autism. Why are we being fed these foods and vaccines? Why has our health department allowed this? Why are we not made aware of these problems in our schools and media? I have asked the same questions to our provincial and federal health departments and given these stories and resources to our local media for further investigation and public health announcements. The pesticide department did confirm… “glyphosate is a registered pesticide that is not expected to pose unacceptable risk to human health or the environment”…. but no one can seem to produce the safety studies suggesting the glyphosate in the herbicides and vaccines are safe but there is plenty of research that talk about the dangers to human health and our environment. The short answer is that cheap, genetically modified food is more profitable and pesticides make weeding more efficient. The Monsanto group of companies, that manufactures Round Up containing glyphosate, is comprised of 3 of the world’s most powerful families. Perhaps, governments and media may be owned or persuaded with donations from these same sources. However, thankfully not everyone is being blindsided by the political tactics and corporate government manipulation. 38 countries in the world have already refused to take on Monsanto’s GMO products and there is more awareness now about the manipulated data the company prepared in order to have these chemicals in pesticides, herbicides and vaccines approved. Now that you know the research and assuming you believe it, the next obstacle we often see is price and availability. How can you afford to eat organic? Given the research I’ve just shared, how can you not? If I may offer some solutions. 1. Shop local at our farmers markets or take part in community shared farming programs. The food has greater nutritional value fresh from the earth without the long travel and storage times, the cost is less and you are supporting our local economy. Consumer demand of healthy produce will call in a supply of organic, non genetically altered food. 2. Grow your own food. Potted herbs, sprouts on your window sill or blueberry bushes and garlic in your back yard not only gets you moving but gives you the magnetic energy from the earth and sun that the plant also uses for energy. 3. Eat less. Dr. Mercola talks about the importance of intermittent fasting liberating energy for your body to heal. If you only eat from 9am-5pm not only will you reduce you chances of cancer but it also acts as an anti-aging and weight loss strategy as well. Resources : 1. Simply recipe of 1 tablespoon of organic flaxseed oil and 2 tablespoons organic cottage cheese could save your life…. https://www.cancertutor.com/budwig/. 2. A shot of this everyday brings oxygen into your tissues to explode cancer cells…. http://hippocratesinst.org/benefits-of-wheatgrass-2 3. Juicing creates an alkaline solution to the acidic cancer in a powerful healing combo with coffee enemas….. https://www.cancertutor.com/gerson-therapy/ 4. Emotional healing with Demartini Method. [The neuroscience of memory and anti-memory is a process I use in my consulting business for those wishing to take their health and life to new levels. Here is an article I wrote about dissolving anger http://www.drsexymom.com/blog/archives/09-2014)] 5. Celery juice for lung cancer …http://naturalsociety.com/celery-apigenin-kills-86-percent-lung-cancer-cells/. Cannabis for all other cancers…..http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/08/23/20-medical-studies-that-prove-cannabis-can-cure-cancer/ 6. Sugar (wheat is also a sugar) and Glutamine (MSG and all the other forms) feeds cancer cells and artificial sugars are carcinogenic, use stevia and natural fruit sugars for your sweetness. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/12/16/stevia-the-holy-grail-of-sweeteners.aspx 5. Powerful antioxidants found in oxygen rich water and foods. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/04/13/30-healthiest-foods.aspx 6. Women reduce your bra wearing time, it increases your breast cancer risk 3X more than smoking. https://wakeup-world.com/2013/11/08/dressed-to-kill-the-link-between-breast-cancer-and-bras/ 7. Truth About Cancer . The Truth About Vaccines 8. Cancer thrives in an acidic body. Making your body more alkaline is helpful. (I use a water filtration system that is listed as a medical device in Japan that produces alkaline water) or try this method of adding baking soda to your water. What else can you do? Educate yourself. There are still supplements, herbs and probiotics to study that support the immune and chemical warfare in our water, air, and vaccines that you must uncover and discover. Don’t believe a word anyone tells you but research it for yourself. An educated mind unleashes the free thinkers on the planet with enough power to transform the current thwarted medical industrial complex into the real earth science based care and cures. Join this movement so you have a handy resource to share with your loved ones and keep abreast of current research and recommendations. I’ve shared this information with my family, friends, patients, media, medical doctors and health ministers. The first step is seeing through the illusion, the next step is to live it, then the mission is to share it. Love trumps fear!
5/31/2017 07:30:50 pm
When will there be updates
9/22/2018 12:31:00 pm
Your idea is outstanding; the issue is something that not enough people are speaking intelligently about. I am very happy that I stumbled across this in my search for something relating to this.
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