The photo is quite telling of our global health crisis. The inspectors of genetically modified corn are wearing biochemical hazard waste suits to protect themselves from the water-soluble glyphosate poison that is being applied to the food, that you will feed your children. Studies with GMO corn shows rats have a 300% increase in tumors and more than 50% decrease in life expectancy.
Glyphosate is the mostly widely sold and applied pesticide in Canada. As of 2016, there were 194 products listed with glyphosate as an active ingredient registered with the Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA). Of these, 39 are registered for domestic use. The trade names that glyphosate is sold under include: Round-Up®, Rodeo®, Xtreme®, ByeBye Weed®, TotalEx®, Wipe O. It is sprayed over all GMO food and our Nova Scotia government sprays our forest regularly despite public petitions. 38 countries have banned GMO foods and products and 64 countries around the world require GMO labeling. Unfortunately, Canada and USA are not on either list. I'll discuss later in the article, some political agendas that likely account for this negligence. Up until 1950 there was only organic farming. We weeded, rotated our crops and naturally fertilized soil. Since the development of chemical pesticides and herbicides, our generations have been the test subject in this chemical experiment. Despite our advancements in medical technology, chronic diseases and cancers are on the rise, in kids as well as adults. 1980 added the next layer of the first GMO patent and 1994 the first GMO/ crops went to market. What is GMO? A Genetically Modified Organism may be plants, animals or humans- whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. GMOs are used to produce many medications, vaccinations, and genetically modified foods. Merging DNA combinations from viruses, bacteria, and other species, scientists play dice with the genome, mixing and matching to create unique outcomes. We have new species of foods and animals created with this modification. On the surface this testing and playing with nature is intriguing until you understand the ramifications and longer term consequences of our experimentation. Yes, in nature there is the process of natural selection and mating and cross-pollinating of species but it all occurs under the laws of nature. The man-made genetic combinations of problems and the excess for which it allows maybe in a realm for which even nature, knows no cure. Glyphosate in our environment is a planetary example of arrogance to the laws of nature, producing disastrous consequence. The GMO story. There are three types of genetic modification with foods. 1. BT toxin. Monsanto’s “Bt corn” is equipped with a gene from the soil bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which produces Bt toxin--a pesticide that breaks open the stomach of certain insects and kills them. Not only does this toxin kill the bugs that would eat the plant but it kills healthy bugs and bacteria that live in you. 80% of our immune system is this microbiome. These probiotic bacteria in our gut protect us against invasion of viruses, parasites, harmful bacteria and inhibits cancer cell growth. Exploding the bellies of bugs eventually exploded the belly of the carry! There are also reports now of this type of modification creating super-bugs resistant to the BT toxin. 2. Round Up Ready. These plants are injected with genetic material from bacteria and e-coli creating unusual and unique risks from traditional breeding. They are engineered to withstand the spraying of the herbicide glyphosate active ingredient of Round Up. A normal plant would die if sprayed with these toxic water-soluble poisons but these "plastic- like" genetically modified plants withstand spraying every 6-8 weeks when there are new weeds. The most detrimental finding is that this water soluble toxin doesn't just sit on the surface of the plant it is goes into the soil killing everything in its path and then is sucked up into the plant so that by the time it reaches your table it has layers of toxin on in and in it that can't be washed off. Glyphosate is a toxic chemical with many health concerns from cancers to autism. These hardy 'Round Up Ready' plants now can take alot more pesticide so the usage of glyphosate has gone up! In addition to increasing poison profits, the Monsanto Company that makes this chemical also patents the GMO seeds. The mega conglomerate has been known to sue organic farmers who may accidentally had the GMO seeds blown in to contaminate their natural farms. What will happen to our natural seed banks that preserve life? Will our food supply be taken over my Monsanto, the maker of DDT and agent orange? 3. Desired trait promoters. The third type of GMO is a crop that doesn’t contain an injected pesticide. Instead, it’s genetically modified for a desired trait. They inject this desired trait, but the problem is that it has two promoters on either end of it. These promoters’ jobs are to wake genes up. Some theorize that these promoters may also wake up latent cancer genes in our bodies. They can create the most vibrant colors, the biggest uniform varieties of most nutrient deficient plastic food and trick you into thinking it is of better quality. This subject is not as joyful as a sunrise and I regret having to report a little more rain before it gets better. Ready? There are other more global concerns with this glyphosate herbicide. Because it is water soluble poison, it absorbed into the soil, ground water and eventually makes it's way to our oceans, water supplies and humans, animals and other plants drink it. Glyphosate is like a planetary Anti (against) biotic (life) so as it finds its way into our global oceans it is killing our coral reefs and sea life. Here in Nova Scotia we have a real life warning of the "Canary in a Coal Mine" as our birds are getting sick with weakening of their immune systems. Fungal infections in the birds, the trees and the soil flourish without the natural bacteria to keep them in check. Have you noticed the black spots on the leaves of the trees and more weird mushrooms in your yard? 93% of Americans have glyphosate present in their urine and studies are showing increasing concentrations in breast-milk. But there is hope- Eating organic even just for 2 weeks can clear the pesticides from your body. Now we just need to lobby the governments to save our land. Let's bring out the sun and talk about how you can heal your body and protect against this poison. 1. Don't panic. Eat Organic Non-GMO. 2. Nature’s solution to pollution is dilution! Filter Water + electrolytes Himalayan or Celtic rock salt. Ionizer or reverse osmosis are good systems. 3. Put Back the Good Bugs. Take Probiotics. Natural bacteria can be found in supplement form or in Non-GMO fermented foods. Cultured coconut, sauerkraut, Kimchi, kombucha. 4. Natures Detox.... activated charcoal. The amount and duration depends on your exposure. 5. Eat like a cave from the land in the most natural forms without chemical processing. Good fats (coconut, avocado and olive oil), Good plant protein and maybe occasional grass-fed animal protein. Keep in mind, animals that are higher on the food chain will store more environmental toxin in their bodies. 6. Avoid chemicals. Natural products are safer for you, your family and environment. Look for non GMO cleaners, toothpaste, make-up, soap, shampoo and bug-sprays. 7. Live with Original Evolutionary Intent. Co-creating. Think, where did this food come from? How was that animal treated? How is it impacting the environment and the future of the planet? What you do to your body you are also doing to the earth. Get into the 'holy flow' as David Wolfe calls it and began to GROW your own food, ask for quality from your food providers, lobby governments and media to spread the word. Your life and the life of our planet depends on YOU. Political conundrum. President Obama passed a law 2013 that gives judicial immunity to Monsanto against any liability for death, disease or injury caused by GMO foods and products. I know this sounds crazy that this corporation could create their own legislation protecting them from the law but this is how the Monsanto Protection Act was born. Monsanto relinquishes accountability to its consumers. The unassuming public eats up the beautiful looking food, enhanced with desired traits of color and size, thinking the government is protecting them. Why was the Monsanto Protection Act created? Was Monsanto expecting the GMO food to have problems? This reminds me of the law that was passed in 1986 by President Ronald Reagan absolving vaccination companies of any liability or death related to vaccines. How can a companies that are supplying medicines, food and vaccines to the world not be held accountable to the public it is serving? I have sent multiple letters and e-mails since Sept 2016 to Prime Minister Honorable Justin Trudeau, Health Ministers Honorable Leo Glavine, Honorable Eric Hoskins, Member of Parliament Honorable Andy Fillmore, Pest Management Departments and the College of Physicians and Surgeons seeking answers to these health concerns. Thus far, none have been able to provide independent safety studies for glyphosate in GMO or in vaccines. MIT researcher, Dr. Stephanie Seneff says if this glyphosate picture doesn't change 50% of baby boys born in 2025 will be autistic! We need to act now. What is becoming clear, is that the only one that is protecting you is you. Even the medical system, the media and governments seem to be bought out by big business. These chemical companies hold power because of the ignorance they create. They bury their names within these Mega conglomerates like Monsanto. It took quite a bit of research to even find the names of three of the world's most powerful families on the shareholder list. After all, who wants to put their family name and face on a company killing our planet? The hope lays in the next generation of these same families. As we are entering the age of Aquarius, inventors and co-creators will arise with humanitarian hearts to bring new age ideas to old faulty fear-based structure. The avalanche has already began. Hold on! Customer demand dictates company supply. The Truth and the Greater Good always prevails. Read, research and SHARE this information there is power in knowledge and numbers! Start buying and asking for non GMO foods. You the consumer controls the market. The gluten-free industry took off quickly, this will too with your help. By supporting organic farmers the GMO guys will lose business. [Incidentally, it is the genetic modification of the wheat that had caused the gluten sensitivities so please share this information to the celiac market too. Non-GMO food is the real upgrade to retrieving their health.] Tami Canal, stay at home mother of 3, founder of March against Monsanto was recently interviewed on a fabulous series entitled One day she learned the cereal she was feeding her baby contained glyphosate and in wishing to make a difference she began a facebook page hoping to share this message of protest with a few thousand friends. Within 2 months there were 3 Million people that did the first March against Monsanto protest in 51 different countries. There is a March against Monsanto Nova Scotia division too that I encourage you to "like" to keep abreast of new developments. Never underestimate the Power of ONE. With these current challenges, we have been given the opportunity to balance the equation and become empowered health care consumers. Just as you would shop for the best car, evaluating which is safe, effective, most economical, people are educating themselves about the best health choices for themselves and their families. This system goes astray when we give up our personal power to perceived authorities who sometimes know less than what we do. Slaves to the system are dis-empowered individuals. This can shift simply with education and courage. Slaves fear the fire, empowered individuals become the flame. LOVE trumps fear. A video sharing these similar thoughts .... Please sign petition to stop glyphosate spraying in Nova Scotia at this link>
Dr. DenaDr. Dena Churchill- International Speaker, Author, Health Innovator & Wellness Astrologer. Archives
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