![]() Why do mandated policies exist? Fear and control is the short answer. To give another governance over you, makes you a slave to their system. In essence, you are locking yourself in handcuffs and giving someone else the key. Why would you give up your own authority? Fear, ignorance and feeling inferior. “Mandated” anything is a system based upon fear. Why would you buy into it? Because you have not been shown any other options. Allow me to give you a glimpse of your magnificence so that you may own your own power. This article is inspired by the recent events in New Brunswick, Canada legislature. The purposed Private Members Bill 39 put forward by Education Minister Dominic Cardy, removing non-medical exemptions and requiring mandatory vaccines for school entry, is in violation of the Nuremberg Code. It is a serious infarction against our rights and freedoms to remove medical choice and deny education upon this bases. I was very disappointed to watch the 2nd reading of this Bill, June 11, 2019 on video and witness that there was no opposition or discussion to this proposal. We had a similar discussion in Nova Scotia but it was struck down. It is the duty of the parent to consent to any medical procedure, not the government! How can a conservative government mandate a medical procedure against the will, wishes and consent of the parent? The number of vaccine side effects are astonishing and it appears some of the viral strands of these outbreaks are from the vaccine itself. It is not just vaccines on the mandatory agenda but organ donor harvesting and euthanasia are hot items at the moment for sections of the medical mafia. Imagine your child is at Sick Kids hospital in Toronto Canada and the doctor now gets to decide when that kid dies so their organs can be sold. Signing into the current mandated policies, this could be the case. Mandating a policy and taking away informed consent from the parent is a slippery legal, ethical and moral slope. Education is the empowerment key to not surrendering your rights to the process. The health of our Canadian children rests upon your attention to the charter of rights and medical freedoms and your curiosity to an unbiased vaccine education. Once you learn this information then you must share it. Vaccination, for example, is a provincial issue so contacting your district MLA’s is the most direct route to influencing government policy. Vaccine INFORMED is a higher learning and understanding. “Anti-Vax" is a word lower densities use to pit us against one another. Many of the parents who refuse further vaccination have vaccine injured children. Responsible parents want to know the truth. There will always be those who feel at home in fear and reprimand, our challenge is to rise above the emotion to provide a loving service in education. The pharmaceutical profit wolf has been hiding in a lambskin of pubic health for 100 years. Naturally, you will upset a few when you pull off their costume. My own personal and professional example lays testimony to this. I could have spent another $200,000 dollars in courts trying to clear my name, proving my sanity and professional competence or I could let go of a my regulated health title to empower myself and others to new levels of awareness. In one scenario, I am sitting silently handcuffed in my regulated cell and in the other my hands are free to speak, write and adjust the subluxations of perception. When you open up to being the real you, you attract others who own their authentic selves as well. Authoring your own life is a sign of empowerment and mastery. I don’t feel it is a professional development choice, like you wake up and say today I want to be less or more, as this is surely an illusion in time and space. I think you wake up and say…… thank you God, it is good to be me. Your position in mandated areas of vaccines, organ donation, euthanasia, smart meter upgrades is likely based on what and how much you’ve read. If you are in a medically regulated profession your education will come from the companies selling the products as the CDC (Centre of Disease Control and Prevention), WHO (world health organization), much of our media and now even Google are owned by the medical pharmaceutical industrial complex. The unbiased search engine I’d recommend instead of google is duckduckgo.com. The pharmaceutical industry sees the population becoming more educated so they have had to bump up censorship. Facebook vaccine groups are disappearing, Amazon has removed vaccine books, data is being erased from scientific research and Vaccine Choice Canada social media has been taken over by the WHO. This is a witness to the panic the drug companies are feeling. The public has caught on to the “mock-up measles” scare and knows now that these childhood self-limiting infections have a protective effect in adult hood. Any one in their right mind, can look at 70 doses of 16 different vaccines piled up in needles and know it is not good for the body to inject these things. Why do we believe them? If you put all the heavy metals, herbicides, mouse and monkey tissue in a needle and injected your kid, you’d be accused of child abuse or worse. How can we consent to this and call it public health? This reminds me of McDonald’s Happy meal marketing... get 'em while they are young. Is it to get them in the drug system, sick and dependent on chemicals so they become life-time customers? An uneducated consumer feeds their business. Take off the cuffs, educate yourself and stop paying them to keep you and your kids sick. I have stayed quiet in this knowledge for years, trapped in my own fear but one day you wake up and say… F*ck it! I’m only on this planet for a short period of time so I can play is safe, do as I am told and have no influence or I can leave this planet knowing I’ve done the very best I could with what I know and have. Based on the research, we didn’t vaccinated either of our children. Neither my family physician nor the Minister of Health could produce any safety and efficacy studies so we agreed to disagree. If you want to take part in this experiment of 70 vaccines into your child by the time they are 16 years old then medical freedom allows for this. But if, based on the research, I choose not to partake in this sacrament, then this is my sacred medical choice to abstain! How dare the government try to take away this right and freedom? The research states clearly there is no risk to the public and that the unvaccinated kids are healthier, so this mandatory clause seems to be motivated by money and power not public health. Let’s sow a few more seeds in the fertile soil that allows us to flourish. Your body is magnificent! Seven hours after conception when the egg meets sperm the dance of division begins the nervous system develops and guides the growth and differentiation of all the other systems. Day 20 the heart develops, day 24 eyes appear and so on until 9 months later you have 37.2 trillion cells making up you. Cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton says we are like large petri dishes covered in skin. The same principles that apply to the cells at a microscopic level apply to our entire structure at a macro level. We are given everything we need to keep our body alive and well for about 120 years. Even if I wasn’t a chiropractor, the nervous system as a master designer with innate healing power, I'd still find pretty intriguing! Healing dis-ease by allowing ease, into a top-down, inside out process, honouring the wisdom of the body, you find your magnificence. If you cut yourself, your body heals it. If you eat something bad, you vomit it out. If you pick up a bacteria or virus, your body will cough, sneeze and spike a fever to kick out the bugs. If you injury a tissue, the body signals pain to have you stop the insult. If you have low blood pressure, you will faint to get your head lower than your heart to preserve brain function. If you are eating sugar, your body will store it in your liver fat cells, eyes and arteries. Your body is smart. It has an innate intelligence that we manage to frig up when we start adding chemicals to treat our natural response to the environment. Did you ever imagine vaccinating a star fish so it wouldn't lose any arms? If it loses an arm it likely saves its life and then the innate wisdom of that body grows another one. Once you start playing God with our natural processes and rhythm you shag up the system! CDC Researcher, Dr. Judy Mikovits in her book The Plague talks about how 10 Million Chronic fatigue cases and 800,000 HIV cases were caused through incubation of vaccines on mouse and monkey tissue. Get this book and others today because vaccine books, like the movie Vaxxed are disappearing with Amazon censorship. The Monsanto paid fact checker "Snopes" and the pharmaceutically influenced CDC website deny this research. “You can’t medicate yourself out of a problem you’ve behaved your way into” ~ Dr. Dane Donohue. The statin drugs are lowering cholesterol, when sugar is actually the problem. This is causing more nerve disorders and dementia because our brain is 25% fat and the cholesterol is part of the myelin sheath insulating the nerves. Insulin is trying to push more sugar into liver cells that are already full, so intermittent fasting and avoiding carbohydrates is the key to solving type II diabetes, not more insulin. Opioid crisis is the result of a population taught to cover up the problem and avoid the pain. Vaccines and over prescribing antibiotics, prevent your body from natural immune stimulation. Without this challenge we are weakening our species. Then we add chemicals to our water (neurotoxin fluoride), air (chemtrails ionizing the atmosphere) and GMO food (planetary glyphosate) just to frig up the internal and external ecosystem a little more. Now with the the 5G technology roll out, held in place with our “smart” technologies, we are mandated to sit next to our smart meter in this microwave frequency of 95GHz, fry ourselves and pay the cellular companies to do it! STOP! STOP! STOP IT! Wake up! We are perfect just as we are. The natural environment provides healing oils, foods and plants that we need. The natural earth frequency heals and protects us. Throw out the processed GMO food, filter your water, turn off the cell phone and TV, leave the city and go play on the beach in your bare feet. Your body has the innate healing potential of the planet built into it as we are all one energetic web of molecules and cells communicating with one another- A planetary petri dish. The ocean has a similar chemical constitution as our blood plasma, the chlorophyll of a tree only one molecule different than the hemoglobin structure of our blood, the essential oils of plants have neurotransmitters and hormone balancing effects on our bodies the same as it does theirs. 7.83 Hz vibration of the grounding earth is the same frequency of our DNA. The understanding that we are all one is a profound observation that changes our world. This article is not about the dangers of vaccines, 5G technology and GMO's or the benefits of Cancer, however if this is what you’ve love, you may search it on this blog. This article is about loving and appreciating the truly amazing structure you are and the inherent ability to heal, when you remove the obstacles to health. When you understand the power and magnificence of life, you’ll not hand it over to those with a lesser understanding. Know it, live it, love it and share it. Our consciousness is expanding and we are returning to our ancient wisdom of a loving universe that provides all we need. In order to see it, you must first believe it. Call to Action: We are running out of time as mandatory vaccines are already being put in place in many areas. If you are quietly sitting there reading this and not taking some kind of action, you are no better than those injecting the babies with these chemicals. What you can do if you are shy: 1.Donate to those making a difference. https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/ ttps://childrenshealthdefense.org/ or https://icandecide.org/about-us/ 2. Educate yourself and Share this information with as many as you can touch. 3. Teach the policy makers, politicians and doctors.....many have a conscience. 4. If your child has been injured begin a class action suit against all those who are responsible and join with other parents to be more powerful. 5. Refuse to sit down and be silent. They are poisoning our kids! Gratefully, I've been accepted to appear before the Standing Committee on Law Amendments on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 at 2:30pm in Fredericton, NB at the Legislative Assembly, 706 Queen Street to speak against Bill 39. I have also personally contacted the 49 New Brunswick MLA's. What I'd love most now is to have a needle graphic similar to the one above to arrive to the largest billboard in Fredericton. Voters need to know about this injustice. Is there anyone that can assist in this process? In fact, this graphic on a billboard near the legislature in every Canadian city would be a great call to action! Update Jan 29, 2020. PC MLA Mr. Tim Houston has suggested a mandatory Vaccine Bill 210 here in Nova Scotia too. Please contact your MLA and let them know your thoughts. They are your voice in government and remember, as your elected officials, they work for you! Click on the link to watch this youtube video to understand your rights and freedoms and opt out application of mandatory policies at this website inpowermovement. Reclaim your authority. More details and current events discussed on this live video I did last night. Love and blessing, Dena Join me here on youtube : https://www.facebook.com/dena.churchill/videos/2720184601345532/?t=3
Dr. DenaDr. Dena Churchill- International Speaker, Author, Health Innovator & Wellness Astrologer. Archives
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