11/15/2023 6 Comments Detoxing CovidA great time to slice and dice away old habits and myths after a New Moon Scorpio and magically manifest a new reality with the seeds we sow.
Detoxification is a large topic, now that we have created toxins to poison the air, water, food and directly injecting them into the bloodstream. For every problem there is a solution, sorting the perfect one for you is the art of healing and a journey that we are still exploring together. This article, shares some natural health ideas, detoxification suggestions and resources to help you on your healing path. Let’s address a few definitions and myths before we begin to ensure we are on the same page. Pharmacy- is a "combination of the Greek term pharama -to charm, enchant and pharmako- magic, charm, cure, potion, medicine. The Flexnor report of 1910 discusses how this pharmaceutical strangle hold on medicine began and why the fear based model was created. Virus- "ios, derives from the ancient Greek verb iimi, meaning ‘to move, the poison, the toxin." There has never been a virus identified on a microscope. The word virus from its root suggests the body’s reaction to a poison, not a spooky computer generated lab sequence. There are bacteria, fungi and parasites that often present with “viral-type” symptoms and some of the diseases that we call “viral” are garbage bag diagnosis for that which they have not been able to identify as a cause of the symptoms. For example, Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist suggest there is no flu season, just a low vitamin D season. Covid- Certification Of Vaccine Identification? A social genetic experiment, injecting a nano size operating system in self assembling parts. The good news is if one shot was going to kill you, likely they wouldn’t need to repeat the dose and give boosters. Wherever you are now in your journey, if you are still alive and kicking, it is the perfect time for a healthy focus. The PCR test- Polymerase Chain Reaction was used as a method of introducing pathogens into the nasal cavity and frightening the population to inject themselves with poison. There is no scientific bases for this test in diagnosis of an active infection and amplifying the specimen skews any result. Remember when the Tanzania President John Magufuli found the papaya fruit had a positive PCR and suspended testing? President Magufuli's findings almost ruined the global "plandemic" and he endured a similar fate to the inventor of the PCR, Kary Mullis. Both came to untimely deaths as the world was scheduled to line up for the test and warming up to the idea as shots as the only solution. You can’t detox your body from a genetic experiment. Many are trying to sell you the antidote to the covid injection, but i haven't yet found any way to reverse the non-biological components in the operating system. At the link of The World Council of Health you can download a pdf reference with supplement recommendations of Vitamin C, D, Zinc, NAC, Magnesium, iodine, nattokinase.... suggested as ways to improve your immune system and reduce spike protein inflammation. Tony Pantalleresco is the only one I know who addresses the nanotechnology and even the electromagnetic device he calls "the triangle" is not recommended for those who have had the covid shot. The spike protein is actually your own bodies response to the injected poisons. The biological components of animal DNA, glyphosate and heavy metals, we have seen before in other toxic shots (erroneously called “vaccines”) but the covid injection with the help of a lipid nanoparticle, brought the mRNA intracellularly. Apparently, it often splices with your DNA and becomes part of your own biology. Health Canada now has been forced to admit this covid scam was actually a genetic experiment containing DNA. When the media had everyone buying toilet paper for a respiratory virus, they knew they were ready to unleash more viral fear variants. “The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy that is so monstrous that he cannot believe it exists” J. Edgar Hoover. First director of the FBI Healing Principles: 1. The body has innate healing. People and practitioners that honour the wisdom of the body, generally have greater success. A headache for example could be a sign of dehydration, cell phone radiation or heavy metal poisoning and not due to lack of Tylenol in your system. If you are vomiting or having diarrhea the body could be trying to get rid of a ingested or injected toxin. Taking medication or supplement to suppress these signals is like disconnecting the engine light in your car. The problem is still there but now you can’t see the warning signs so it becomes more serious. Even Cancer is a sign of an immune system that is over-taxed and not working properly so to medicate, irradiate or remove a tumor without understanding the underlying problem, creates more dis-ease. 2. What you abuse or don’t use, you lose. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. These were phrases I first heard Dr. John Donofrio repeat in a chiropractic board exam course and has proven to be useful ideas in my 30 years in healing professions. If for example you are not moving your body, your muscles atrophy and you lose flexibility and strength. On the contrary, if you are overusing your body you may create abnormal wear and tear or repetitive strain injuries. If you consume in excess food, drugs, alcohol or artificial chemicals in general, you will create an overload in the detoxification organs of your liver, lungs, lymphatics, kidneys and skin. But also in the reverse, exposing your body to minute amounts of different bacteria, fungi, toxins or parasites can stimulate your own natural immune response. Moderation- the mean between extremes- lies the healing magic. Instead of eliminating the invader and fearing the environment, more natural it is to embrace and engulf it like a white blood cell and trust in this innate wisdom of your divine structure to naturally heal you and make you stronger. 3. Fear is a virus. Love is the Medicine. Many medical peoples in both the pharmaceutical and natural health businesses often sell you the solution to your own fear, so in essence the pill or potion prescription takes the healing power away from the individual and puts it into the hands of chemical companies. The first medicine men and women of the tribes were also the spiritual counsel, and would present the solutions as a sacred bond of spirit to matter. The condition of our mind and heart affects our physical structure. We see evidence of this today in spontaneous healings or ability to walk over hot coals without burning the skin. They have created a condition of the mind that allows for healing. The brain releases “Molecules of Emotion” as Nobel prize nominee Dr. Candace Pert (psychoneuroimmunologist) writes in her book to heal or harm the body. Cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton in the Biology of Belief or Neuroscientist Dr. Joe Dispenza, The Thought that Changed Your Life also scientifically support these ideas that our cells are constantly eavesdropping on our thoughts and making physical changes in the cellular structures. What you are saying to yourself becomes evident in your reality. Even more minuscule than the cells are quantum particles that are also entangled in the matrix. Quantum physic concepts like reverse polarity of entangled molecules (“spooky action at a distance”) demonstrates that matter is under our conscious control. The fact that we create our own reality by our beliefs, thoughts, words and actions is common knowledge from spiritual leaders like Gandhi and scientist like the ones mentioned above but they appear to be uncommon in healing practises. The epigenetic factors of food, air, water, thoughts and beliefs have the ability, according to Dr. Lipton, to turn on and turn off genetic expression. 'Mind over matter', 'thinking yourself well' and 'raising your vibration' are concepts that must be revisited now when there is no obvious physical solution to the genetic modification. Many well- meaning healers and researchers are seeding their own fear into their audience by their words and their actions. Planting ideas of healing and inspiration creates this reality. Louise Hay, Cancer survivor/author/publisher and Dr. Bernie Siegel, oncologist both suggest a terminal diagnosis means we must go within for the healing solution. Many travel great distances, go through tremendous pain and anguish, to realize the power to heal has been within them all along. The greatest healers help you attach to this divine power of healing. Mantra : I have divine health from my toes to my nose and my body/mind is continuously bringing me to higher levels of health. “Love is the Medicine, if it doesn’t work the first time, double the dose” ~ Old Indian proverb. When beginning a detoxification, whether it is chemicals in your body or ideas in your mind you must create a path of exit. The skin, bowels, liver and kidneys are the most common ways to excrete chemical toxins. A few suggestions: ensure your bowels are clear with a coffee or baking soda enema; skin brush to remove dead skin that could trap toxins excreted through sweating; castor oil pack over liver and water fasting 12-50 hours to stimulate blood flow and excretion of stored toxins; drink filtered, spring or distilled water to flush out kidneys. Frequency technologies have also been used since 1920 as a powerful detox. Royal Rife, inventor of the first live blood cell analysis microscope found that certain frequencies killed parasites and cured cancer. Klan mother Karen discusses current scalar wave technologies here in the Genius system. The biofield that extends 6 feet around our body is actually our largest organ so that what is around our body also affects our health. The Demartini Method is a coaching/counselling tool that is transforming the field of psychology in uniting this principle of spirit and matter that works on a higher plane than EMDR going beyond neutralizing the trauma into a higher frequency of grace. Balancing your mind, detoxing old neural pathways is a key element in healing that also affects your energy, aura and biofield. Only you can unlock the doors to the prison of your own mind but having a therapist or coach ask you the right questions, helps you find your keys. The information in this article is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical condition… especially one that a regulated body may reprimand me for recommending. Although, many government regulators are still playing the covid chess game so when you come out of the closet, you are in a field all to yourself. It would be a good idea to discuss this information with a primary care practitioner who recognizes the healing principles above and understands your specific condition. If for example your health care provider is not acknowledging that the covid injection is toxic, how can they develop a healing program for you who maybe injected? If your iron levels are low, it could signal an active infection. Iron supplements may not be the solution in these cases? If you have a stomach ulcer or interstitial cystitis, oral Vitamin C could aggravate the issue so you may require it an IV so as not to further damage the digestive lining? Vitamin D3 is recommended with K2 for most but you are light skinned living in a sunny climate or dark skinned living in a northern latitude the dose would vary. If your symptoms are from radiation from a cell tower, you must remove yourself from the microwave before healing happens. Calcium supplements may help but too much may cause kidney stones. If you have a splinter in your foot or a subluxation in your spine removing the obstacle deals with the problem instead of covering up the pain with a medication. Instead of adding to the problem, sometimes the solution is to remove an obstacle to allow your body to default to health. Removing genetically modified foods sprayed with chemicals and drinking filtered water to remove toxins are a few other simple examples to illustrate the sacred contract between you and your healer who has to be a detective to find the best solutions for YOU. When you and your health care provider have a mutual trust and you feel loved and cared for, likely you have secured an optimal healing environment. Keep searching until you find this relationship. Unconditional love creates a protective shield from more dense energy. Connect if you would like to book a consult or for a referral to another healer to guide your process. There are more detox programs out there than Hershey's has chocolate, so how do you know which one is best for you? Candida cleanse with garlic and caprylic acid; Bacteria cleanse with colloidal silver and oregano oil; parasite cleanses with wormwood and black walnut husks; heavy metal detox with zeolite (controversy as it contains aluminum), diatomaceous earth (controversy as it contains silica) or activated charcoal (C60 controversy as it acts like antenna); peracetic acid also helps break down nano tech (Tony's recipe from video 16 oz peroxide, 16 oz white vinegar, 32 oz distilled water). Having a holistic healer assess your issues can give you objective feedback and you work as a team to uncover the reason for your symptoms. Most health issues are a combination of physical, chemical and mental imbalance. There are a many practitioners... chiropractors, naturopaths, homeopaths, bio-magnetics, psychologists, massage therapists, shamanic healers, reflexologists, biofeedback healers, holistic medical doctors and nurses. Each offers a different piece of puzzle. Research for yourself and take the advice that resonates with you. Their objective history taking and testing helps uncover healing clues. A great healer see the bigger picture, outside of promoting their own products and works with you to help you discover your maximum healing potential. Be wary of those who think they have all the answers or trying to sell you the one solution. Ego blocks higher wisdom. One who creates an environment of humble confidence and a curiosity about you is most powerful. In a state of grace and love they are able to channel higher healing to you. "The leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations." Revelations 22:2 Much of what we require to heal is already present on earth. Herbs and essential oils were used by ancients before pharmaceutical companies took over the monopoly of healing. Tobacco essential oil may be helpful for unlocking the spike protein from the nicotinic receptors that trigger neural transmission. Dr. Bryan Ardis in the docuseries Propaganda Exposed suggest some “long covid” symptoms may be helped even chewing nicotine gum and taking melatonin. In the same episode 4 of this series Homeopath Robert Scott Bell suggests some of the remedies for snake bite also helps with “covid” symptoms. Health ranger Mike Adams loves chlorine dioxide as his first line of defence against any bacteria or parasite he may pick up in the environment. Foolish it is to think that we can perfectly separate the “vaccinated” and “non-vaccinated” as these chemicals are being shed and shared now in our culture and in our ground water supply. Halifax Water through Dal water even has a covid 19 watch website where they use magnetic beads to test for a "non-existent virus" that is more likely the metallic nano tech. Like DDT, you can’t release a toxin in the environment and contain it, we are all part of the matrix. Researcher Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D., Ph.D., is a Certified Chelation Practitioner who has been studying the COVID-19 "vaccines" and their blood effects extremely carefully. The Quantum Dot Nano technologies emerging are self replicating and self producing at a microscopic level inside our bodies clearly exists and requires more investigation and research. Other scientists of the Lazarus Symposium shows similar findings where the injected blood looks similar to the uninjected blood, in that both contain non-human self replicating technology just that the "unvaccinated" in the past and present, in all vaccine studies, have healthier immune systems. Reducing your exposure to contaminated food, blood, water and people, keeping your own body alkaline, your vibration high and then having some healing protocols in place are your best bets. Many medications that are marketed to help with parasites and cancer also have nanotech in them. Several brands of Ivermectin for example were tested by Klan mother Karen Macdonald to have this biometric signature. Do you trust the same pharmaceutical companies that just injected a bioweapon into the population to now give you a healing solution? Chlorine dioxide is the best natural antibacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal without any known side effects and you can make it easily at home. In summary. It is great for you to do your own research so you can captain your own healing ship then have a holistic health practitioner who can help you develop specific protocols. There are some general guidelines from the World Council of Health for the biological part of the shot and optimizing your immune system function. Supplements, Genius Biofeedback (frequency healing), chlorine dioxide, enemas, detox baths, fermented foods containing pre/probiotics, Tony's electromagnetic triangle, homeopathic remedies, coconut oil pulling, essential oils, rebounder, skin brushing, castor oil packs, intermittent fasting and CBD oil are some choices. I also use a splash of apple cider vinegar or a pinch of the bath soda and salts from the recipe below in my drinking water 1-2X/day. If you click through the links in this article you will find videos and resources to illustrate and support these ideas. The nanotech that has been injected is a little tricker to detox and from my research it appears to be more of a management issue in reducing the EMF or other external frequencies that power up the injected technology. The injected operating system, according to Tony Pantallescro, Sgt Pattie Brassard and Robert O Young, requires an acid environment to act like a battery to run the nanotechnology. Being mindful of keeping your body more alkaline is the healing key to many diseases, including the unique situation of injected, inhaled and ingested nano tech. Avoid consuming acid producing food and drink, reduce stress, breathe deeply and add natural baking soda or apple cider vinegar to your diet to keep your body more alkaline. Remember, there were shots in the beginning of the experiment that didn't contain the mRNA so if you are still alive and kicking without presenting symptoms, this is a great sign. Be thankful, keep your body in optimal health, institute detox protocols and avoid any further injected or ingested chemicals. What you focus upon and are grateful for grows... let it be to your optimal health. Resources: 1. World council for health spike protein detox: 2. Video How to make Chlorine DIoxide. (email for recipe) 3. Vaccine article https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/vaccines-heavy-metals-and-cancer 4. Cancer article https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/why-are-you-waiting-for-cancer 5. Health Canada confirms DNA in Pfizer shot. 6. Book Molecules of Emotion 7. Book Biology of Belief 8. Book Thought that Changed Your Life 9. Book The Ph Miracle. 10. Article Raising Your Vibration 11. Video enemas, skin brushing, rebounder 12. Video fasting and urotherapy 13. Video: Healing Cancer with rife frequencies 14. Video: Healing with Scalar waves 15. Website Demartini Method 16. Video Tony Pantalleresco and Triangle Bath (Tony's contact details below video) 17. The Lazarus Initiative Symposium live blood cell analysis. https://www.facebook.com/sacha.stone.7/videos/1760109047764750 18. "Unvaccinated vs vaccinated" in previous comparative studies: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/Vaxxed-Unvaxxed-Full-Presentation-Parts-I-VI.pdf Other video recommendations from Klan mother Karen. [email protected] https://rumble.com/v10g2r9-graphene-oxide-found-on-masks-nasal-swabs-not-just-in-vaccines. htmlhttps://earthheroestv.com/programs/celeste-solum-on-covid-nasal-swab-tests https://jasonliosatos.com/celeste-solum-covid-vaccines-dna-barcoding-quantum-dot-nano-particles-hydrogel-pcr-testing/ https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/the-mindset-of-dr-robert-on-lucifer-s-liquid-peg-hydrosol-mrna-ai-parasites-pcr-swab-vaxxxines https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/the-mindset-of-dr-robert-on-lucifer-s-liquid-transfection-ai-parasites-pcr-swab-jabbs-part-1https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f https://www.mynaturaltreatment.com/natural-alternatives-to-ivermectin/ https://www.midfloridanewspapers.com/highlands_news-sun/ivermectin-and-natural-alternatives/article_c29aa05c-0274-11ec-b217-6b7669c69da8.html https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/ivermectin-oral-route/side-effects/drg-20064397
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