Writing about vaccines, heavy metals and cancer is not too sexy but as a doctor and a mother, I believe this is information you need in order to make informed health decisions for you and your family.
The last month has been quite challenging in learning more about vaccine safety. In this article, I would like to share the facts as presented by some of the world greatest vaccine researchers, scientists and President of the National Vaccine Center in this landmark series vaccinesrevealled.com and The Truth about Vaccines documentary series. These resources as well as other links are empowering you and your family to new levels of understanding and health. I've watched and bought every episode of both these documentary series, and cross referenced with other sources to confirm reliability. I've posted to face book, sent e-mails to our politicians and health authorities and even contact media for a news story regarding this new research. After nine months of e-mails and social media tags, May 24, 2017 I received a letter from the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's office, thanking me for my concerns. I'm still waiting for the safety studies that I'd requested but I am grateful for reply and hopeful this is an indication of a healthier future. Please research the facts about vaccines, check out the links, read, ask questions and become an authority so you can make informed choices for you and your family. Share this information with your health care providers as many of them may have been kept in the dark too! Find your tribe to support and challenge your views, seek holistic health providers that will help your body detox from heavy metals and surround yourself with those who honor the wisdom of your own body's healing potential. The views which I am about to present are more anti-chemical than anti-vaccination. Genetically modified foods and herbicides also contain harmful chemicals such as glyphosate that can also create harm to you and the environment. Vaccines are just one source chosen for the purpose of this article. One criticism of parents that choose not to vaccinate is that they are anti- pharmaceutical, uneducated and putting their children's health at risk. Quite the contrary, most parents that have chosen not to vaccinate are among the most educated in society and the research shows the greatest risk for not vaccinating is internet access. I imagine this correlates to the ability to acquire research and information. Medications and pharmaceuticals certainly have a place in emergency medicine and sickness care but Informed Consent is the essential piece that is missing in the current vaccination story. In attempting to stay open to new information and research, I'd invite other studies. The facts and figures I am presenting is based on the research that I have done thus far, but I'm open to collecting objective double blind studies on both sides. Below are a few highlights from the series vaccines revealed and other resources listed at the bottom of this article. 1. Never before in the history of the human race has the immune system been asked to cope with the assault of the current vaccine schedule. There are no long term safety studies reviewing the combination of 68 vaccines by the time the child is 16 years old. 2. In 1986 Ronald Regan passed a law that absolves vaccine companies of any liability against injury or death. How can a company who is entrusted with the health of our population not be held accountable to the public for that purpose? 3. Since introducing the MMR vaccine in 1989, autism has exponentially increased now to 1 in 50. Despite the research from Dr. Andrew Wakefield and others confirming this relationship, government agencies deny it and the internet is littered with articles trying discredit these and other findings. Stephanie Seneff PhD, senior research scientist at MIT, suggests if current vaccine program continues the autistic ratio will continue to rise to 1 in 2 by the year 2025! Without us making a change, half the boys born in 2025 will be autistic! 4. Is the CDC (Center for Disease control and Prevention) introducing a conflict of interest by becoming a vaccine company purchasing 4.6 billion dollars of vaccines? Can an agency who has invested billions of dollars in a vaccine campaign also be objective in matters of vaccine public safety? 5. The incidences of Autism in Amish societies occur only in those kids that were adopted that had vaccines. There has never been a study of vaccinated verse non-vaccinated children until now clinical evidence and cultural observations also suggests the non-vaccinated populations to be healthier. 6. Vaccines are attenuated and multiplied in monkey and dog cells therefore a vaccine contains formaldehyde, aluminum, mercury and animal parts of cells. Nothing in vaccines biochemically supports our immune system. In fact these adjuvants, added to aggravate an immune response, often create symptoms similar to that of a chronic infection. Asthma, allergies, autism and other neurodegenerative disorders are higher in vaccinated populations. See Simian virus 40 to understand the transfer of animal DNA in the vaccine story. 7. PhD researchers, medical doctors and parents and who are investigating and challenging the vaccine program are severely reprimanded. Losing their licenses, getting fired and jailed seem to be the best repercussions. One of the most disturbing finding of my research shows researchers that were correlating the nagalase enzyme in vaccines to cancer, type II diabetes and autism had mysteriously been killed. (PS. If I were to disappear, I'd want some one pick up this ball and run with it too. Love trumps fear! ) 8. Many examples of reports, documents and research that have been manipulated and massaged to appear safe. There is a conflict of interest if the company selling the vaccine (or one of its active ingredients such as glyphosate) is also the one doing the research! 9. Historically, many infectious diseases were already declining before the advent of vaccines. Sanitation, housing and good nutrition appears to be the real reason for the decline. When you study how diseases are transmitted you understand how the unvaccinated population poses zero risk to the general public. 10. Wealthy countries that require the highest number of vaccines for children under the age of 1 also have the highest rates of death in that age group. 11. Gary Goldman Phd and former CDC scientist shared statistics that when the H1N1 vaccine was given to pregnant mothers in 2009 fetal deaths increased by 4000%!!! Please share these new findings with our medical provider friends, they obviously have been kept in the dark too. Apparently, the flu vaccines have not been tested on pregnant women to assess safety! 12. The HPV vaccine was FDA approved without any trial validation. Gary Goldman Phd and former CDC scientist quoted the CDC's own research statistics that one child a month dies from the HPV vaccine. Despite it having the highest amounts of adverse effects, there is a trial purposed for 2017 to vaccinate new born infants. Why would they inject an infant with vaccinations for sexually transmitted diseases of Human Papillomavirus? As ridiculous as it appears, you may be confused because of the conflicting information. Below are links where the CDC states there are no side effects of HPV vaccine and in another link the College of American Pediatrics are warning against it. Who do you wish to believe, the doctors that will be held liable for the health of your child and have no monetary investment in the vaccine or an agency who has spent 4.6 Billion dollars in vaccines and because of the 1986 law is absolved of any negligent responsibility? 13. Robert Kennedy Jr has been recently appointed to the Vaccine Safety Committee by President Donald Trump. Mr. Kennedy has worked as an environmental laywer on The Mercury Project and was asked to look into vaccines from a family member for child that was injured by vaccines. His research shows the mercury content in a flu shot is 250X more than what the Environment Protection Agency recommends for the environment. If fact, if you drop a vial of the flu shot on the floor in your doctors office the Hazmet biochemical waste team would have to be called for proper clean up! How can we be injecting a biochemical hazardous waste into our pregnant moms and children? Robert Kennedy Jr has gone so far as to offer $100,000 a reward to anyone who can produce vaccine safety studies. This information is difficult to hear as it challenges our beliefs and introduces distrust in the current system. Don't blindly believe any of these details, research it for yourself ! We need to hear it multiple times in different ways to counter the fear that has been instilled by the powers that currently be. There are natural ways to support the immune system. You have a choice between natural VS artificial immunity. The current system rests upon fear of nature in favor of trust in artificial. Ask questions, learn new information, share what you know and love deep. The world needs a new paradigm of trust and love....in the natural YOU! What can you do? 1. Trust your maternal instinct. Report problems. Send your questions to Canadian Health Authorities. Jane Philpott is the federal health minister. What compensation exists for those who suffer injury or death from vaccines in Canada? Hearing this information, President Trump elected Robert Kennedy Jr to head a commission on vaccination safety? Who will Prime Minister Trudeau appoint in Canada? 2. Research this topic and be an informed health consumer. Even if you have vaccinated already, read and evaluate your findings before you have more. Research shows with each subsequent shot the heavy metals accumulate in the system and cause further damage. The age of the child seems to correlate with the onset of certain symptoms. According to the CDC's raw data, waiting until 2-3 years of age, when the nervous system is more mature, carries less risk. Perhaps this why in certain countries the vaccination schedule is delayed. Waiting until you have collected more data and asking for safety information to make an informed choice is the landmark of a responsible parent. 3. Detox your body from heavy metals. I have reported on this in the link to the live Facebook presentation but I'll share a detox protocol in a follow up article. E-mail me to be added to our database, to ensure you receive it. The level of toxicity in the infant's system and the condition of the gut (which supports the immune system) seem to be the important factors determining those that have Autistic presentations after vaccine injections. One study identified 287 toxins in the umbilical cords of infants born today. The most responsible action would be to assess the child's immune system and toxicity before the vaccinations are given, to identify those at risk. Hon. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Hon. Health Ministers Leo Glavine and Jane Philpott, could we not develop at least a screening test for the immune system before we inject more chemicals into our next generation? Is it possible for Health Canada to publish a warning about this issue so that parents are able to make an informed decision knowing the possible risks for developing Autism and Cancer? Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. Resources: Vaxxed: the movie. Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm. Vaccine-nation. Poisoning the Population. What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations. How To Raise A Healthy Child... Vaccination Is Not Immunization. Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies. The Vaccine Book Dr. Sears. Vaccinations : A Thoughful Parents Guide... Websites: http://www.healthfromscratch.com/vaccines-safety-info.html
2/8/2017 04:39:20 pm
The passion you have for this topic shows, Dr. Dena. I'm thankful we have you to point people (parents especially) in the way their intuition directs them to keep researching.
5/25/2018 09:26:44 pm
You are missing a lot of information, one fact is that the Autism spectrum has grown to include so many more people. Results of a study by the AB government on this shows that under the new spectrum guidelines, then applying this to historical records, there is no change.
3/5/2019 12:31:37 pm
Let's go through your references real quick.
K Baines
7/6/2019 08:02:14 am
Vaccines - failing efficacy:
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