12/28/2021 6 Comments You Are The One....![]() ...you are the one you are waiting for! You create what you radiate. On the Eve of a New Year, it feels purposeful to share this key to designing your destiny. Remembering your power, you are liberated. It is not about them, it is all about you. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world so that once you own your power, you rise out of the paradigm. Observe the blame-shame game as feedback to know in which dimension you are participating. "When are people going to wake up?" Answer: "When they are ready." heheeh. When the fruit is ripe, it falls from the tree. The questions we ask, are really meant for ourselves. We externalize the dilemma, so we dismiss our own responsibility. Observing the play and holding a witness consciousness nourishes the soul. The reverse is also true. This New Year's Blessing is the same age old message…. You are a divine spark. You have the light of a thousand suns, the magnetism of every full moon, the love and strength of the earth and the shine of every star. It's not futuristic, fancy or fashionable and maybe even sounds kind of corny to those who don’t resonate with the word 'divine’. “You are a spark” works well too. You have the universe within you. You are the fire and miracle of life itself. As you sparkle and fan your flame, you liberate others to do the same.... into an eternal flame. Don’t let any family or friend, any media, any employer, any shop, politician, police, priest, pope or prime minister tell you who you are or what to do! You are your own unique tapestry of love and light, with each detail of divine perfection. You are magnificent!....just as you are. What wonderful things are you creating for yourself in the New Year? What would you love to do if there were no perceived limitations? If you plug in the same data as you did last year, you get the same result. “Tyranny! Injustice! Criminal! Treason! Off with their heads!” We humans have called out these names in every age. What is your role in this play? Are you able to choose a new part or at least change your perspective of the old one? Instead of attaching to the drama, can you use it to expand into a greater awareness? All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms. Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lined, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slippered pantaloon, With spectacles on nose and pouch on side; His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history, Is second childishness and mere oblivion, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.” ― William Shakespeare, As You Like It Eckhart Tolle suggests your greatest power is in the now. If you allow your mind to drift into the past or peruse the future, you lose your present time magic. When you change this moment then like dominoes, it changes your reality and your destiny. You instantaneously create every moment with your beliefs, thoughts, words and actions. Your outer world is filtered by your beliefs and through your dual eyes and mind. Humanity has different ways of delivering this information….. see the glass half full; the wolf you feed it the one that wins; or wear stylish rose coloured glasses. Only you can create the reality for you. It is an intimate love affair to bring together all the pairs of opposites. I was going to say a love affair with God but some people get freaked out by the word “God”. If the person that first introduced you to the concept of God is fu*king your brains out on Sundays, it would certainly leave a bad taste in your mouth. Not too punny but you get the point. So I’m going to use the word Universe- the unity within the verse of a love-making tune. Granted some tunes and lovers are more for your learning than for your comfort or pleasure but only you can magically transform it with your perception. If you beliEVE we live in a loving universe, then you will look at all that comes to you as gift for your highest learning. If you believe that the universe is a predator, you surrender your power, ‘preying’ that you are not the next meal. Fundamental difference- as one perspective you become part of the matrix, you lighten and rise into higher awareness in love. The other you see yourself outside the matrix feeling unworthy of love, your soul is heavy with fear and you are dense and disempowered. How have these last two years served you and your family? Has it brought you closer to those that share your heart? Has it cleared your life of unwanted baggage? Have you found new levels of health designed by your own hand? Where have you learned new skills, resilience, confidence and courage? How have you clarified your priorities and purpose? Where have you saved money and groomed your finances? There is always a blessing in the apparent crisis and as Leibniz says it doesn’t get any better than it is. When you find love and gratitude in this moment you resonant with a creator frequency. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but to get that reality reports Einstein. It is not so much that you are going to attract good things to you but you open the dimension to see that it is already there. Above the law of attraction and repulsion is the law of instantaneous manifestation through the love and grace of your cosmic heart. If you are not loving the current form, wiggle your nose, wave your wand and change it. As we close out this year, I have tremendous love and gratitude for all of you. Last year was amazing and next year is even better! Celebrating with you who have owned your power and are entering 2022 healthy, with your DNA in tact. So awesome to be trusting in your divine structure and having courage to go the distance within the power of this love. May the love and light of the universe continue to protect you, guide you and move through you as you align and ascend. Bless and dismiss that which is not aligned with your highest purpose and continue. As you change your perspective, the world magically changes with you. ABRACADABRA! "The year 2021 ends with a momentous revelation. Mercury, Venus and Pluto all meet at 25° Capricorn for a powerful moment of truth. When our mind (Mercury) and our heart (Venus) meet the planet of power and transformation (Pluto), we can no longer say we don't know what we want. Pluto will write it out on our foreheads, and the truth will be so liberating, that it will set in motion the true power of nature. Make sure you don’t dismiss this powerful guidance, because 2022 will come with exciting opportunities that will help you to make anything possible." ~ Astro Butterfly "If we could understand the order of the universe well enough, we would find that it surpasses all the wishes of the wisest, and it doesn’t get any better than it is. ~ Leibniz "The kingdom of God is within you” ~ Jesus (Luke 17:20-21). "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."~ Albert Einstein “Your Outer World Reflects Your Inner World” ~ John Demartini.
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