3/22/2022 1 Comment Hippocratic Oath.Dr. Joanna Holland- Undergraduate medical education and Dr. Sarah Manos- Pediatric postgraduate medical education, Thank you for your time and review. Last week, I sent the following urgent email to the IWK administrator and cardiology department. I've had no reply to concerns regarding the epidemic of myocarditis and pericarditis caused from the mRNA shot in boys aged 12-24 years so I send this along to you as as well for your review. Injuries and deaths are continuing to rise as your departments not only stay silent but play along with the narrative of a deadly virus effecting kids, recommending they return to school wearing three ply masks! Where is the research to show that masks are safe and effective in preventing viral infection in kids? Could it be that exposure to viral material actually strengthens their immune system and creates life long natural immunity in this low-risk, healthy cohort? Most mothers intuitively know the snot, drool and constant fiddling with masks creates a reservoir for bacteria, mold and fungus that likely increases the risk of transmission. This unhygienic environment may precipitate impetigo on the face or infection in the lungs. The simple solutions of hand washing, trusting in natural filters of our nose and the healing of light and oxygen seem to be over-looked. Reducing a child's oxygen and having them breath in their own expired waste for 6 hours a day, not only decreases the immune system but for prolonged periods is shown to cause irreversible brain damage. Do all pediatricians at the IWK agree with these unhealthy, unscientific policy or are they just staying silent, playing along with the pharmaceutical agenda and watching kids be damaged to save face with the college of physicians and surgeons, so as not to upset Registrar- Dr. Gus Grant? Dr. Mark MacDonald, Psychiatrist in California banned masks in his office, calling it a form of child abuse? How does your staff pyschologist and psychiatrist feel about punishing kids for removing their mask so they can breathe? How does reducing facial expression effect the social vagus nerve, the immune system and speech development? What psychological damage are we creating to have kids terrified of germs in the environment? I’ve copied this note to Premier Tim Houston, the police, policy makers and media friends so that you may be inspired to have your truthful voices heard. Apparently, there are some pediatricians that still promote bartering oxygen for an education! Chief medical officer Robert Strang, who was under Halifax police investigation for these unlawful restrictions, was quoted in the Cape Breton post May 2020 saying masks were useless. What do you think changed his mind to promote these falsehoods ? Could there be pharmaceutical persuasion in the current unhealthy, unscientific measures that were presented to Tim Houston to keep the kids in muzzles? What are the names of the pediatricians recommending 3 ply masks that chose to abandon science and damage our children? I’m grateful for your review of the real science and your immediate action to protect our children! Kill is a strong word but when the “cure" damages more than the disease, this is genocide and not health care! The VAERS data base has over 2 million injuries and deaths from this mRNA shot and Harvard University suggests there are only 1% that are even reported. It is time to take a stand as your silence gives consent to these crimes against our humanity. https://openvaers.com Thank you for your review and immediate action, Dr. Dena Churchill BSc., DC.- Health Innovator References: The British Medial Journal- Masks increase risk of transmission: The Cochrane library- no sound data on masking: Europe’s Top Health Officials say masks are not useful for co-vid : Instead of unmasking kids CDC lowers expectation for speech development: Kids to be traumatized for decades by these covid policies say paediatric psychiatrist: Pubmed article- How effective is wearing a mask? Other references are found in the pdf attached or in this article titled masked truths: Dr. Jangaard, Dr. Beattie, Dr. Tan-Macneil, Dr. Catherine Stewart, Dr. Doug Sinclair, Julie Harrington, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected] Thank you for your time and urgent attention. I sent the below e-mail this morning to your cardiology department, very concerned over the new research that has surfaced in a youth epidemic of myocarditis. I’ve been re-directed to contact the media and public relations department to set up an interview to discuss the IWK position on these new studies. Please advise to whom I may send my inquiry. Does your board of directors have a media prepared statement to address these urgent concerns ? Thank you, Dr. Dena Churchill BSc., DC. Innovator in Health & Wellness From: Dena <[email protected]> Subject: Alarming increase in Pericarditis and Myocarditis Date: March 11, 2022 at 6:23:30 AM PST To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Dr. Quraishi, Dr. Parkash, Dr. Dhilion, Dr. Wong, Thank you for your valuable time and urgent attention. I watched the following documentary yesterday with cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough highlighting the latest research findings regarding an alarming increases in pericarditis and myocarditis in young males aged 18-24. I’d like to write an article about this and would so appreciate your thoughts. If you are not available for an interview perhaps you may direct me to the department head of Cardiology at the QEII and the IWK. Thank you for your time and guidance. https://thehighwire.com/videos/are-we-doing-more-harm-than-good/ Sincerely, Dr. Dena Churchill BSc., DC. Innovator in Health & Wellness
1 Comment
3/14/2022 3 Comments Healing Earth.These are wild and wonderful times we are living through, forcing us out of our material and virtual reality into our spiritual heritage. Our evolution as a species could not have happened any other way. Only when our mere existence is threatened, can we appreciate the magnificence of our humanity and truly dance with life. “For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.” ~Gibran In this is a showdown between light and dark. Entities representing both sides are pulling out their best efforts to meet here at the Spring Equinox March 23, 2022. The equinoxes occur every fall and spring when the length of the days and nights is equal. As the spring days are getting longer the light workers have the advantage. The full moon in Libra on March 18, 2022 just a few days before this equinox will also magnify the scales of the beauty and balance in the divine feminine. A full moon is a time of maximum expression, celebration and harvest. The electromagnetic energies of our mother moon pull the minerals and water up into the plants, so generally it is a good time to harvest crops that have been underground and give them up to the light of the moon. Perhaps, the lawsuits against the pharmaceutical companies is a harvest of sorts. Hanging Gates, Fauci and Schwab up by their..... feet, knocking the dirt from their leaves and shaking out their pockets is a great way to re-distribute the wealth and share the harvest. Nature selects and re-distributes energy to those with the greatest potential so it is essential for you to develop a plan to move forward in this New World. Create your vision and develop a plan to have it manifest. When you have a purpose for a greater good of our humanity and our earth, God keeps you here to carry it through. Those who live in fear and doubt without a loving service are removed in one way or another. More evolved life forms intuitively know the transformation of energy within the matrix without loss or gain. The teachers and healers are able to take a painful experience and transform it, in the same way a martial artist would take a punch and re-direct its energy to favour a desired outcome. The challenges the globalist are presenting in agenda 2030 are creating a wonderful team of light worker artists who are finding each other to create a new way of being. Transforming fear is an essential part of this process. Death of anything or anyone is simply a doorway into a new dimension. Grief is a way to acknowledge your sadness for the form that has left but appreciation is a way to celebrate the new possibilities and forms that are arriving. If you focus on the loss you’ll be depressed. If you focus on the gain you will be elated. If you witness both are happening at the same time, you reflect the beauty, balance and powerful symmetry of the equinox and open up a channel to divine love and wisdom. Nature keeps a delicate balance of build and destroy. The greatest spiritual masters also find the balance of pain and pleasure in living a purposeful existence. The lower entities stay in a victim mentality blaming and shaming the world for their circumstance without accepting personal responsibility to create change. For the next 5 years, we have an opportunity for personal transformation. Until 2027 astroid Chiron, that astrologically represents our wounded healer, is in the constellation of Aries. We are all dealing with personal wounds in our different areas of our life. We are being forced to find our unique expression to arrive in this New World. Just as we would test unconscious verses conscious with a painful pin prick in medical circles, so it is we are being painfully poked to awaken our conscious evolution. If you are still alive and kick’in and you feel the pain, embrace it and Thank God for the nudge into the land of conscious souls on your path to ascension. Our greatest wounds represent our service to the world. Let pain be your guide to your purpose. Every month's full moon is unique in what it brings into your life. The moon travels through different constellations every two and a half days and has its own special way to affect you. The personification of the stars, helps you navigate our earthly terrain. March's moon is called the “worm” moon. The Old Farmer’s Almanac, called it the worm moon because it is the time of year when the worms come out because of all the rain and the thawing of the soil. From a metaphysical perspective, maybe the worm moon creates a “worm hole”, a vortex between worlds. The combination lock of equal dark and light open the gates to the cosmos to allow life to emerge. Christians have modified this ancient pagan holy day and call it Easter- the story of Christs resurrection. Eostre was a goddess of spring, fertility and renewal. Eggs emerging and Jesus rising from the dead are symbols of transformation into new life. You are a divine expression and when you connect to the stars and the natural rhythms of the earth no middle man is needed. You may ascend into a Christ-like consciousness without having to die and without paying the priest, pastor or pope for your ticket to heaven. Crucifixion and ressurection comes in many forms. How do you live free? How can you rise above the paradigm? Step 1. Starve fear and feed inspiration. You choose the field in which you play. As I mentioned in the last article, you have been corralled into a virtual trap with the TV and media tools of the cabal. Supporting truth media gives you a different reality. Support truth media such as Atlantic Underground Podcast, The Highwire, Druthers and Children's health defense. Restrict your time on social media and spend more time connecting in our natural world. Be with others in conversation or alone via meditation or prayer, to connect to your higher self. Once you have your direct 1-800 line to God (“Grand Organized Design” ~ John Demartini) and create your light network, the dark forces have no power over you. The darker energies feed off your emotion so finding your balanced, present, powerful self, starves them of their vital force and enhances yours. Step 2. Avoid chemicals and radiation. Chemicals in the water, food, air, soil and those injected into the blood are to weaken you. Allopathic Medicine according to the 1910 Flexner report, was highjacked by the pharmaceutical companies. The hippocratic foundation of natural food and holistic therapies for your greatest health and healing was abandoned and even outlawed by the chemical companies under the tutelage of the Rockefellers, Gates and Carninges. The old boys club had monopolized the steel industry and through the Federal Reserve put a choke hold on the currency…. so too did they continue their conquest of the medical and media industries over the next 100 years to enable them to carry out their agenda of a one world government. The resistance to this centralization of money and power convientently sank on the Titanic. With the wealthy business men opposing this plan out of the picture, JP Morgan who missed the boat of his own ships maiden journey, joined the loan sharks ranks of the Federal Reserve. Loaning money to governments, kept key players tucked away the World Economic pocket until the day came to carry though a 191 billion dollar pandemic. Let’s look at cancer as an example of another chemical radiation scam. Cancer is a warning sign that your immune system is not working optimally. In a healthy body the T-cells of your immune system get rid of rogue abnormal cells in a natural process called apoptosis. If the immune system is overtaxed the dysfunctional cells reproduce and take over a healthy structure. The philosophy of injecting more chemicals and radiation to a body that is already showing cancerous signs of a stressed immune system is ridiculous. But certainly like the scam of vaccines, cancer therapy makes a ton of money for the pharmaceutical companies and disempowers the people. The current environment of mRNA induce AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is creating a rise in cancers. The 5G/6G microwave cellular radiation technology is another application of radiation therapy to a wider population to add further insult to injury. The radiation not only stresses the immune system but some EMF engineers even report that it may directly effect the mutation of the mRNA that has been injected to create new variants. Most are so excited to download a movie faster on their new device that they have not considered how this new technology at 30-300 GHz maybe frying their cells. Running to injecting themselves with toxins for a virus that has not been isolated and upgrading to latest iPhone to microwave their brains, are signs of mind control in the population. As they come out of their trance, be sensitive to hold them in your loving care and help heal them through their trauma. New ways to detox from these injections are being discovered every day and as we go through the experiment, other technologies are emerging in response to the need. There were different strengths of the active ingredients injected so only God knows the destiny. What we do know is if you give someone, who has a tendency to hypnotic suggestion, a death sentence they will often oblige so it is great to create a balanced perspective. I like to frame it by suggesting that those holding a belief in innate love and wisdom that is infused into our human structure and have God has their highest authority, survive and thrive. Where there is a problem, there is a solution on the way. Step 3. Natural power & beauty. They only control you by what they have, that you want. They keep you juvenile by offering you free medicines, free education, free garbage collection, free vaccines, free media. Of course, it is not free.. you are actually paying for it in your taxes whether you like it or not. In giving half of what you earn to the government, you are actually paying for your own demise. The media giving the illusion they are protecting you creates a cognitive dissonance, an incongruence, a split in your psychology. How can they be trying to protect you and kill you all in the same broadcast? Recent media reports about the on-line fraud scams but they forget to tell you their part in current covid fraud. They keeping you distracted from the current local state of affairs with foreign wars that appear to be helping balance world powers. The Highwire truth media recommends to "get factsinated"! Great advice for the "trusted news networks that really aren't so trustworthy". This is another way they gaslight and spell out what they want you to believe by calling their group of liars, cheats and frauds "trustworthy". Let's group the "trusted news network" together with the fake fact checkers and call it divine humour. Grow your own food or align with local farmers. Create trade or barter business so you keep out the middle tax man. Home or community school your kids. Buy silver or gold as this is the currency that backs fiat currencies and will retain or gain value. Use cash instead of a credit card and turn off the cell phone so you can’t be tracked. Support local small businesses and credit unions who are the back bone to our local economies. Join Vaccine Choice Canada and Action 4 Canada to support national objectives. Network with your global community builders. Find your healing within the earth. Remember: Nature knows best. Step 4. Love deep. Loving deep means supporting or challenging the paradigm for a greater good. Ask yourself how you can be of greater service. Wearing a mask and pretending there is a pandemic, you are contributing to their paradigm. Getting a nose swab for a virus that has not been isolated is a dangerous gamble. When you receive information of the side effects of injecting mRNA into our bodies with whom do you share it? Have you notified and bonded your MLA, MP and the principle at your kids school to keep them on purpose? Are you teaching the public and businesses how you wish to be treated? When a business denies you service do you walk away grumbling or do you see this as an opportunity to connect with the owner and educate them? When you reviewed Dr. McCullough’s reports of the myocarditis epidemic in boys 12-24 years due to the shot, did you send this information to the cardiology department of your local children’s hospital and asked them to stop the genocide? California Psychiatrist, Mark MacDonald, has banned masking his in his office and all other forms of child abuse. Have you shared this news with the psychology/psychiatry board in your hometown to inquire about this harmful practise? Florida is the first state to officially recommend AGAINST covid shots for healthy children. Have you encouraged your elected member of government to do the same? Did you ask the College of Physician’s and Surgeons to evoke the Medical License of the chief medical officer in your community who is contributing to the genocide in their toxic shot mandates? “Forgive them for they know not what they do”. ~Jesus For-to-give them the information that you have, inspires change. Of course, there are some who already know the damage but you bringing it to light, demanding transparency and accountability often dissolves the dark agendas and liberates them to speak about it. If you know the truth now and you are awake to the agenda, then it is your sacred duty to act upon it to save our species! “The meek will inherit the earth” may have been written to keep you obedient. The truth is the world is given to those with the greatest love, humility and vision and who develop a plan to bring it to fruition. What is your vision and how are you manifesting it? Freedom rallies are a great time to socialize and network but standing holding a sign with your credit card, cell phone and mask in your jacket pocket is not aligned with a living free objective. What is holding you back from living your greatest potential ? How can you overcome the obstacles to live your best life? As you are gaining more confidence, remember to hold loving space for others who are awakening. Judgments and prejudice, dilutes your power. Death statistics are increasing and many that have been injected may already be part of a trans-human race, as the mRNA shot alters DNA. This documentary discusses that these hybrid humans are patentable by the company whose nanotechnology have been injected into their bodies. There is some question whether or not human rights apply to this new hybrid species. Essential now for those still in a natural human form with the clarity of mind and the strength of heart that YOU be a voice for those who have surrendered their humanity. Those who are here now, I believe are chosen to bring in a New World for all living entities. You are different because you have risen despite the chemicals, radiation and mind control. How did you manage to survive? You have came this far because you are an unconquerable breed. Your light-filled DNA connects you to a greater love and wisdom so you have the protection and spiritual endurance to go the distance! Know there will be further heart ache and losses and there are times you may feel like giving up. You have the choice to roll over and die or decide you are going to give it the best you have with all the life and love you have left in you. This is the finale. Bless and dismiss those who have a different path to liberate your power and influence. Your greatest love investment, especially in this equinox, will reap your greatest rewards…. so love deeply and give it all you have. It's not over until the fat lady sings and she, our divine feminine mother, is just now getting warmed up. Stick around for the show. to edit. New Moons are a great time to plant seed and write intentions and so I find you here again in the blog garden.
Astro butterfly calls this New Moon Pisces the "cosmic womb of creation". So for the next 24 hours you are tapping into a magical space where anything is possible. Every moment of the past and future collides into the present. In the last new moon cycle in Aquarius, we watched the humanitarian service of Canadian truckers and a few Million friends arriving to Parliament Hill to demonstrate the Power in the People on a Physical level. If you entertain the essence of this New Moon Pisces, you see that that physical strength and unity is a reflection of love that is birthed within you. This light core of our DNA has unlimited creator potential which is why the lower life forms, developed the mRNA shot, in an attempt to weaken your humanity. The good news is, it actually hastened your awakening. March 21, 2022 all restrictions and mandates are lifted as you have stepped into your power. The batch numbers ending in #1 were placeboes. The not so good news is that some have a more challenging path. Batch numbers ending in #2 or #3 have more serious life threatening consequences. Some may have soul contracted this more direct path to 5D without their physical body, others are left behind to assist others. 5D or 5th dimension is a term used to describe the reality of a witness consciousness where you envision, believe and achieve your creator potential. Below are a few steps to guide your journey. Step 1: Turn off your TV. They are using this device to "program" you. Evidence of this mind control device, are masses running out to buy toilet paper for a so-called respiratory virus and seeing millions of people injecting themselves with a toxic shot for a spooky "virus" that has never been isolated. According to the Canadian Taxpayer Federation, the Canadian Government gave 1.4 Billion dollars to CBC last year, so they report what the Canadian Cabal Corporation tells them. It is good to remind them of the facts but more productive it is for us to be supporting our truth media with our wallet and our promotion. Investing too much time, energy and emotion into the old paradigm that is collapsing upon itself may not be the best use of your time. The latest Russian soap opera has many angles and likely what you see on mainstream media may be a different perception of actual events. Military intel shares that the explosions are targeted to DUMBs (deep underground Military Bases) removing child sex trafficking rings and bioweapons labs. Unfortunately, there are some civilians that are getting caught in the cross fire but there is often a purpose in war. Maybe this war is not to make money for those supplying the weapons or asserting land claim, maybe this one is actually advancing our humanity in these times of higher consciousness. I initially thought that perhaps Santa Klaus was pulling the strings of his elves Putin and Trudeau to create a distraction from the genocide happening in our world. CBC doesn’t seem to be as inspired to report on the Millions of deaths and injuries from their shot promotion. But in a more expanded vision, with trust in a loving universe, is the possibility that Putin and Trudeau could be helping to evolve our humanity. After all "Justin" seem to have a different look about him these days. In many of his speeches his eyebrows are raised and they don’t seem to move with his facial expression. He could just be very perplexed or it could be a face lift that was pinned too tight or it could be the good guys have adopted a look alike to flush out other cabal players? For those of you who have a file to entertain it, do. Step 2: Release your own trauma and attachments as this not only holds you back but effects our collective evolution. The quickest way to do this is …. 1. Find the sliver lining to balance your perceptions. Every person and event has at least two sides- the cloud and silver lining. Once you can see all angles at once, your gratitude removes it from your awareness into a single light and love phenomena. An event is just an event until you put your judgement and perception upon it. Similar to the rods and cone receptors in your eye, you need the black to see white. You label it good so you have a reference for bad. If you have no differentiation your vision is clear. If you hold a prism up to the light it divides the ray into different colours but if you visualize it from the entry point it is one ray of light. Your position effects your perception. 2. Identify your worse fear and then see if it happened, how it would serve you. Hope for the best, plan for the worst and expect the unexpected. How would it serve you to lose your family? How could it serve them to lose you? How is sickness and disability a benefit? How could death be an asset? How would you survive if you lost everything? When you can see a way through your worst fears.... you are no longer held in the prison of your own mind. The tighter you hold on to your ideas of how it "should" be or what you "need" to have, the more resistance you encounter on your path. What you fear and focus upon you attract into your reality. What you think about you bring about. Abundance is a mind set. Once your heart and mind is in a loving place, you are free to expand beyond your physical space and surrender into your higher power. Step 3: Trust in a loving Universe. There are forces at work that you can't see. Each soul on the planet has set up a contract to be here at this time, each with a different purpose. Some may be here to suffer disability or death to awaken others. Some have contracted to lead and others to be led. Knowing this you are able to honour that every path is unique and you can release judgments and feeling responsible for others and focus upon you. To either envy or pity another, indicates you've forgotten this essential information. You can show loving kindness without judging their divine love lesson. Pain can be a great teacher. Perhaps even their free will to choose a meal of consequence here on earth is still within a divine menu ;) Step 4: Know thyself and Apply thyself. Your light core is your connection to this cosmic womb. Those in a pure form have god-like abilities to manifest. You were made in this image of unconditional love and limitless light. Especially at this time of a New Moon in Pisces you can literally think it into existence. The greatest obstacle to this ability is that you don't yet believe it. Henry Ford says, whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t you are right. So be sure to fill your mind, body and space with all that you love to elevate your vibration. Shine light. Share love. Speak truth. Be the Change. New Moon Intentions: The oil and gas prices usher in new Tesla type free energy technologies. The current injuries and health issues hasten the med-bed deliveries to Canada. The fluctuations of the Canadian dollar is the segue into the NESARA. NESARA reduces inflation and levels the playing field into a more stable economy. My thoughts dictate my destiny. I dream it into existence. God’s spiritual government is my guide. Through external turmoil, I go within to find my power. All is well and everything is unfolding as it is to be. I love. I am love. I am loved. These are some of the manifestation intentions I've written out for this month, what are your thoughts and focus? Write them down so if you veer off track, you can pull yourself back into alignment. You will know you are getting closer to a 5D reality when higher energy forms flock to your joyful existence and lower life forms can’t stand your presence. Joseph Campbell calls it being able to "live joyfully within the sorrows of the world". You become like an energy charged light-filled mosquito zapper- The pests fly and fry into your light. In a natural holy flow, energy moves from lower to higher potential. I imagine it as a parallel universe and the different layers of awareness existing adjacent to one another, similar to the movie, the Matrix. If you took the injection and are watching CBC every night you are living a fear based lower vibration reality. If you don't even own a TV and you are co-creating your own reality, likely you are living the holy flow and aligned to your cosmic heritage. Changing reality is a simple switch of your perception. Tune the radio dial, until you find a song you love. Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."~ Albert Einstein Step 5: Be grateful to be alive. There are so many options for health but fresh water, food and air are the basics. Filtering water, non-GMO organic foods, air purifiers and EMF considerations are the basics. The quantum technologies of the Genius biofeedback is good guide to health. Chlorine dioxide as molecular oxygen is a great way to destroy bacteria and parasites, Homeopathic tissue salts to balance the body, sal ammoniac to protect your DNA and potassium iodide for the radiation damage all help you survive and thrive through the earth forest. There are powerless energies here that can only survive by harvesting our human potential. This is why the sex trafficking and adrenochrome businesses are at the top of the current food chain, cuddled up next to their pharmaceutical billion dollar bed buddies. Some women even go to the White House with GMO foods, child sex trafficking business and vaccine mandates on their election platform. If you surround yourself with unhealthy people and unhealthy environments, they parasitically drain your energy. In a closed energy system the law of conservation states, there are no losses or gains of energy just transformation. So if you are high vibration and they are low, there is a steady stream of your vital force to maintain their survival. It is loving to bless and dismiss that which no longer serves your greatest good. Stay clean, pure and powerful in your body, mind and heart. Be grateful for this amazing journey. Know the natural earth provides all you need to heal. Awaken to your true power and magnificence. Action step for this month is to dream it into existence! Through this astral realm of dreams in a new moon, seeds sewn by your subconscious inform your conscious mind. Document your dreams. Grow these ideas with your intention, attention and actions so that they manifest over the next month. Trust that we live in a loving universe. Believe in your power to create and then do it. 5D is a star alignment that births itself in or out of existence so remember.. the power is within you! Reach for the stars, Envision and Achieve your personal best and most of all in joy the journey. |
Dr. DenaDr. Dena Churchill- International Speaker, Author, Health Innovator & Wellness Astrologer. Archives
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