9/30/2014 3 Comments The Wisdom of Anger![]() It almost seems like a contraindication to suggest that anger has wisdom. Isn't it just a useless destructive emotion that hurts all those involved? What if emotion is the blueprint to soul and before you can let it go fully, you must understand why it is there. What if anger is the key to unlock the doors of doubts and fears that lie within us. Anger is simply an emotion, an energy in motion, an expression of repressed fear. In other words, anger is fear turned inside out. We have the choice to resent it and allow it to burn you, everything and everyone in its path or to embrace the anger, understand it and let it go. What do you choose? When we are dealing with our own anger there is the tendency to issue blame, catering to the illusion of cause and effect - "He/she did that to me, therefore I am angry." Can you remember a time when you are sitting with blood pumping, fuming from the ears, jaw tightened, body tense ready to lash out? The warrior prince(ss) is a fear-based learned behavioral pattern for survival. The suggestion of sitting in meditation or gratitude when you are about to explode is an unlikely option. For all intention and purpose anger/fear triggers a fight or flight in response to your biological agenda. It is a feedback mechanism to let you know you are scared. In that moment of anger commit: commit to embracing the anger, dissecting its seed of fear, fighting out the truth and fly into emotional freedom. Angry day agenda: 1. Exercise your body. The stress response releases hormones and body changes of increased blood pressure, increased muscle tension and increased heart rate for example that is modulated with movement. Movement helps eat up the stress chemicals. Through a process called neurogenesis, exercise changes the way neurons interact with each other to balance your perception. 2. Music therapy and other marvelous treatments. As each of our bodies energy centers or chakras vibrate to a particular musical note so the energy vibration of music and singing also is a good balancing technique. Chiropractic works to balance the nervous system to sharpen and expand your perception of the environment. Homeopathic remedies and essential oil preparations of Ayurvedic medicine effect your bodies energetic constitution. Type your self with this Ayurvedic test to know the best combinations of foods and oils to dampen the angry demons. http://www.doctoroz.com/quiz/ayurvedic-body-type-find-your-dosha. 3. Change your focus from your problems to your purpose. Take the focus away from your pain to examine those with a perceived greater pain of death, diseases, wars of torture and destruction. This is a great technique to shrink the significance you've placed on your angry situation and allow you to jump out of your own limited perspective to explore a wider application. View the uncomfortable photo at the bottom of this page and try to call up the reason you are angry in your life. Watch the "Do Something" video to harness your fire! When your purpose is greater than you, your fears dissolve. 4. Write, speak and examine your thoughts. When you are angry ask yourself, what is it that you fear? Instead of hosting the blame externally, look for the lesson in the emotion internally for YOU. No one can make you feel any emotion with out your consent. Why have you consented to being angry? What is the fear that the situation has triggered? In more evolved ways of thinking the cause equals the effect. For some it may seem a little strange to think you are manifesting the situation to teach yourself a lesson but asking yourself these questions release the shackles on your feet and gives you the magic carpet upon which you are granted the freedom to fly. Why are you angry? What is the underlying fear? 5. Invite your fear into a conversation; "fear, who are you and why are you here?" Once you know the name of the fear and the reason for the visit, you can make friends with it. Imagine if this fear manifested and find the blessings it would bring you and your loved ones. You are only afraid when you perceive the fear to be a crisis of pain or loss but when balanced with blessings of pleasure and gain, it no longer holds you captive. The first step is facing the fear but the last step is embracing it. You may help your loved one by sharing these ideas with them, giving them the tools to sow and reap their own harvest. Ask them to look inside themselves to find the fear behind the anger. Pushing your opinion onto them, or denying their anger (asking them to calm down for example) is like trying to baptize a cat with a jug full of water :-) It will meet with resistance. Gently suggesting to go into the anger and being with them as they find their way out is a loving act of kindness. Knowing when to be silent is wisdom. Confucius says there are by three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. Allow yourself and your loved ones to find the wisdom in their anger. Fear the fire or become the flame.
3/20/2021 11:59:48 am
I get a chance to work my way through your blog and find it is thoughtful and helpful. Thanks Dr. Dena. You are a gem.
9/28/2023 12:55:35 pm
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, habitual anger is thought to be caused by a liver blockage. Some herbs will cause a more angry response, as well.
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