A wave. An undulating movement that creates energy and sustains life. This smooth periodic oscillation is described in a mathematic curve called a sine wave. We “wave our hand" in a greeting back and forth; we ride the “waves of the ocean” up and down; we even study the nature of light as a negative and positive “wave function”. The rhythm rocks us back and forth within the natural world of opposites. The rocking creates a frequency, a resonance and like a metronome or a ticking of a clock, it’s the heartbeat of the universe. To fear a wave, is to fear the motion of life itself! The corrupt powers are counting on your fear and ignorance to keep you enslaved in your current one-sided reality but maybe this article adds light, love and a splash of wisdom to balance your perception. Your perception, thoughts, ideas, attention and intention manifests your physical reality, so to rise above the current paradigm, we must address the source….. YOU! A friend asked me how it is that we move forward from here into the future. In a nutshell, we must release all the heaviness that no longer serves us, to travel light. We ask ourselves the questions to expand our awareness to both sides of any situation. In the centre of the wave, like in the eye of the storm, we are free from the extremes and ascend as a particle of light in love, truth, grace and wisdom. When we not leaking energy of emotion from the wounds of the extreme perceptions, we harness the power of creation to create. For example, what if the SARscov2 sequence, a man-made "virus" holds benefit for mankind? What if Bill Gates and the boys, being disconnected from their own power of love and light, is facilitating our awakening? What if this apparent corona crisis has released our humanity from thousands of years of slavery? What if the number of deaths from the shot is the stimulus to awaken millions of others? When you see the crisis as a blessing and a blessing as a crisis, you’ve reached the eye of the storm and your stillness and power radiates outwards. I believe this is part of the 5D reality or witness consciousness that many term as enlightenment. The more moments of stillness and the longer you can hold this vibration, the greater are the effects upon collective vibration of our planet. You become a divine spark lighting the way. You, like a megaphone, magnify the universal vibration and the chaos collapses. Your most influential presence comes at states of consciousness that resonates with a universal energy. It would appear when our brain waves are in sync with the Schumann resonance at 7.83 Hz (in a high alpha state) we are in an optimum state of mind and more importantly in an optimum state of heart. The magnetic energy of the heart is beyond the scope of this article but the studies of the Heart Math Institute and Gregg Braden’s work, are sources for you to understand how the heart has 5000X the magnetic creative potential of the brain to influence the world around you. We are all connected in an energy matrix, those with the highest vibration collectively can tune and sync the way ward parts. That is a long story to get to the heart of the matter of being played by the media and government with this warning of the second wave of corona virus, but your mindset and your heart set is really the key to your own preparation. The information balances your mind but the real power rest in the the information presented above. How is it that you may prepare for the second, third or fourth waves of any bioweapon called a virus? First, we have to see where we have been, to navigate our direction forward. The following documentary is a good summary of our current state of affairs. Once you’ve viewed the video and the heavy details, blow it away from you as you would a feather. Physically, bring your outstretched flat palm just in front of your pursed lips and forcefully exhale all the information that you just read out of your biofield and into the ether. In order for you to rise into a higher vibration and into a “creator mode” of existence, you have to let go of these denser frequencies and focus all your attention and intention on what you love to manifest. 1. Bacteria are essential to strengthen our immune system and important to the evolution of our species. Avoid anti-biotic (against-life) products in soaps, sprays and in foods and medicines (glyphosate effects the shikimate pathway therefore is an anti-biotic). Maintaining our natural flora, fortifies our natural immunity! 2. When seasons change in North America there is a "viral" detox! You may experience a natural wave of feeling unwell as we adapt to the new dimensions of our space. A reduction in the sunlight hours, decrease in O2 producing plants (Dr. Zach Bush calls it the Lungs of the Planet), the cooler air is more dense and holds more pollution are all factors may produce signs and symptoms. This year the introduction of Five G technology radiation is an added environmental stressor. The 30-300 GHz frequencies effect many biological processes but the coupling of hemoglobin to O2 causing respiratory distress is one of them. It may present with immediate signs and symptoms similar to the corona virus- difficulty breathing, blood coagulation and malaise. Sweden has natural immunity to this cold "virus" but their second wave is 5G radiation poisoning! 3. Powering up your immune system with Vit D3 (1000 IU/25lbs body weight per day) large doses of Vit C (>10,000 mg), Zinc ( 20-40 mg) , natural iron and a few drops of Iodine are some of the staples. Dr. Ryan Cole discusses the low Vitamin D pandemic. 4. Reduce exposure to chemicals in water, Genetically Modified foods & vaccines. It is essential to reduce the chemical load on the body. Detox harmful chemicals with guidance from a holistic health provider. Eat less. Eat non-GM and local. Filter water. Get enough rest. 5. Spend as much time in nature, connecting physically and metaphysically to our natural earth frequency 7.83 Hz as a balance. This is the resonance of our DNA and it will help heal you from the man-made stressors. Breathe in the life force potential of every sunrise and re-set your pineal gland to the 1600 K power of the sun. Necklace air purifiers and grounding sheets may be helpful in these times of sprayed bioweapons and wireless body network manipulation of cell tower radiation in not so Smart meter surveillance. Turn off cell phone and return to cord technologies. 6. Use natural healing modalities, plant medicine and quantum solutions that honours the innate wisdom of our body! Bless and dismiss those creating fear in the "boggie men" of viruses. Homeopathic solutions and other important information about viruses are included in this blue link. 7. Meditate and focus your thoughts on what you would love to see happen as our planet and our people are healing from these century old wounds. Imagine the light and love that gave birth to life, coming through the veil into our consciousness, igniting our DNA and permeating a light that drowns the dark dense energies. This field of intelligence that holds our intention and attention, orchestrates the process. Be certain, be clear and be congruent. 8. Love, joy and gratitude are the highest states of consciousness, that leads the way for the wayward. Rise and lead! The self proclaimed "authorities" may attempted to keep us masked until our fall "flu season" (ie season of natural viral detox). Then they may proclaim that the masks don’t work so we need to lockdown and get the vaccine. Don't let that happen. This short mask video of Peggy Hall will inspire your action to stop this tyrannical, unscientific behaviour of our health departments. Please know the research so you see how the masks represents fear and ignorance and precipitate the lie of this "pandemic". A cold virus that effects less than 10% of our population and has no greater death rates than the "flu" in any given year, is not a pandemic! Statistics Canada says so. It is a marketing plan, a smokescreen to sell the vaccine. According to Dr. Mikovits this covid vaccine they are developing is deadly. Share this information with everyone you know, stand up, speak truth, stop the charade and let’s change our health destiny together. We are united as one intelligent, powerful, loving force. xo “There is no place in this new kind of physics both for field and matter, for the field is the only reality. Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” ~ Albert Einstein PS. There is a window of opportunity August to December 21, 2020 for us to re-write history, watch the details in this video.
Dr. DenaDr. Dena Churchill- International Speaker, Author, Health Innovator & Wellness Astrologer. Archives
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