What is the corona virus? “Human coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that can cause a variety of illnesses ranging from the common cold to severe diseases like Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV)." What is a virus? 1. Dr. Thomas Cowan says they are excretions of a toxic cell. 2. Wikipedia- infectious agent that replicate only inside living cells of an organism. 3. Dr Stefan Lanka PhD Virologist and Dr Lanka appeared twice before the German Supreme Court to challenge the medical community over the existence of a virus. 4. Dr R G Hamer MD for 40 years, studied the relationship between emotional trauma and disease - one of his conclusions was that a virus, if it exists, participates in healing and repair processes in our body. He showed that the flu is the result of an emotional upset (the media creating fear certainly effects your subconscious belief system). How a virus is defined, depends upon to which school you align. Generally we can say they are bits of genetic material that find a home within a host without an identity of its own. As Bill Gates will be part of this story, it is a fitting analogy to equate a human virus to a computer virus. A virus has no identity as a single entity so that it may not be visualized on microscope (or a computer scan) because like a parasite it injects itself into your hardware and its survival depends upon looking like a normal cell so that your immune system(aka firewall) doesn’t recognize it. Environmental factors such as emotional, chemical, physical stress or cellular radiation all effect the immune system. If your immune system is busy taking care of these other stresses, it weakens your defence and provides a fertile environment for a virus to thrive. This is why those who are already immunosuppressed are more vulnerable. Research shows that these pieces of genetic material inject themselves into the cells allow for certain cancers. Some of the polio vaccine administered from 1955–1963 was contaminated with a virus, called simian virus 40 (SV40). The virus came from the monkey kidney cell cultures used to produce the vaccine and is thought to cause certain cancers. We also see an increase in cervical cancer in the HPV vaccinated groups likely for the same reason. Injecting bits of DNA from other tissue splices into our own DNA and causes the cells to work, grow and develop abnormally. It is important to establish a working definition, the existence and etiology of viruses, so that we can together sort though the half-truths in many of the conspiracy theories. What is the origin of viruses? Dr. David R. Wessner in the Origins of Viruses admits to this is a murky topic for virologists and cell biologists and the difficulty biologists have relating them to the evolutionary tree of life. However, the most widely accepted idea are that these genetic elements, somehow gain the ability to move between cells. Some maybe free-living organisms that became parasitic or perhaps the injecting of DNA and RNA in man-made vaccines is also a source of transmission and origin. Vaccine cultures grown on the tissues of humans and other animals and injected into our blood stream, allows for this transfer. Dr Judy Mikovits a Ph.D. in molecular biology and biochemistry with over 30 years of experience shares these ideas of RNA viruses from vaccines causing diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome and AIDS in her book titled the plague. Perhaps now that you have a basic understanding of what we are dealing with at a cellular level, let’s expand our perception to a worldly perspective of the events surrounding Corona Virus pandemic. 1. In December 2019 and January 2020 the Department of Justice Arrests Dr. Charles Lieber and two Chinese Nationals trying to smuggle 21 vials of “cancer research” to Wuhan China. It has been leaked that these vials contained the Covid-19 virus but the investigation and arrests are still happening so you will have to follow up on this research for the conclusion. 2. Scientific America recognized Dr. Charles Lieber’s work in nanotechnology. He was apparently employed by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation earning $50,000/month. This in itself is not a crime but lying to the Department of Justice and the Health Department about your research and trying to smuggle vials into Wuhan China is somewhat suspicious, yes? 3. Bill Gates appears to own the patent on the corona virus, i.e. he bought it or paid to have it made for him. On a TED talk he discuss his ideas of depopulation the planet with vaccines. He predicts and tells us the plan years before it happened. Is it often the case that those who gave you the virus, try to sell you the anti-virus? Is creating death and disease from vaccines considered a method of improving health in the 3rd world countries? 4. December 2019 Bill and Melinda Gates foundation donate 100M to coronavirus vaccine. New vaccines will contain nanoparticle tattoos and microchips. Apparently it is not enough that he is spending a billion dollars on video surveillance satellites but he would like to inject the microchips directly into us, so that we are more intimately connected to the grid? 5. March 4, 2020 Business Insider reports Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates' philanthropic organizations helped researchers sequence the coronavirus genome. Is giving us the virus, then creating a "solution", philanthropy? I'd rather believe they have lost their minds through MK ultra mind experiments than believe anyone could create such damage to our humanity under the guise of humanitarian service. 6. March 14th, in the heart of the Corona virus outbreak, the Daily News announces Bill Gates leaves his company Microsoft and also backs away from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Odd time to retire, unless you have to get out of town quickly for other reasons? It appears from this research that the coronavirus is man-made, owned and funded by the Bill Gates foundation but likely sponsored with other partners. 7. Coincidentally, October 2019 the Johns Hopkins Center hosted a pandemic table top exercise called Event 201 with partners, the world economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It is funny that Alexa is saying that the government unleashed this virus. The double sword of technology, is that it tells on itself! Why choose Wuhan china as a place to release the virus? A youtube presentation by David Wilcock, discusses the golden opportunities and political economic incentives that lay buried in South East Asia. There are a group of 151 corporations that control 80% of the world finances. They have formed their own banking system called the Federal Reserve. The Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Morgans would have been a few of the founding members. In printing their own money and lending it at high interests rates to governments all over the world they have created a monopoly and financial tyranny. Very fortunate for this wealthy group of business men that most all the wealthy opponents to this system were tragically killed in the “Titanic accident". A book entitled, The President Makers, John Hammer's and Bill Still's youtube presentations are resources if you’d like to learn more about the Federal Reserve and the centralization of money and power of the century. Safe to say, that these were a screwed group of business men that did everything in their power to bring the Federal Reserve into being in 1913 and then made a lot of money helping to fund the wars. As gold supplies are diminishing in other parts of the world, there are major gold supplies in South East Asia. A virus that would shut down the cities, transport and distribution would surely put the country in a desperate situation and effect their economic position. Many countries believe that this was a bioterrorism attack on China that has spread to the rest of the world. Could it be a coincidence that the blood type A is more sensitive to the coronavirus and this happens to be the most common phenotype in China? Fortunately, now the workers have returned to their jobs and there are no new cases of the virus so it looks like they and the rest of the world will thankfully recover. Maybe this is a re-set to create new healthier systems of existence, to re-boot the financial system and expose the current levels of corruption. However, a viral owner who has put billions of dollars into research likely wouldn't be happy with recovery and these depopulation statistics so there may have to be a second wave of the crisis... the vaccine. With all the vaccine resistance and informed educated people, you’d have to create enough fear so that your product will sell. The public must be more afraid of the virus than the shot, to give consent. So the next part of the story is the owned media and the scare tactical marketing that is an essential part of the plan. The book, The President Makers discusses the media monopoly from its earliest beginnings. In the 1800's the most serious problems for business men Rockefeller, Morgan and their partners were unfriendly news reports. Their customer relations often led to costly regulations and “grudge” tax or punishments against them for their unscrupulous business actions. In response to the increasing number of press attacks, John D Rockefeller, JP Morgan (owner of the Titanic) and their trust affiliates, found a simple answer to their problem in buying interest in newspapers and publishing companies. They could make enormous profits from their 1880 captive market. The tradition continues today more than 140 years after this monopoly began. In this presentation John Michael Chambers shows how most all mainstream media is owned by 5 different companies. Even our own Canadian Broadcasting Company won’t publish a story that hasn’t been approved by Snopes- husband and girlfriend team on the Monsanto payroll. Herein lies the problem of mass media manipulation and programming. The coronavirus is a respiratory virus so that the media should have been recommending tissues and vitamin C instead of toilet paper, yes? The sudden toilet paper shortage was a sure indication that the population is plugged into the mainstream news and programmed out of their common sense. However, even with all their rolls of toilet tissue, they're not prepared for the s**t that they are being fed. My fear is that the masses will dangerously roll up their sleeves for a vaccine, like buying up their toilet paper, without recruiting their own independent evaluation, thought or knowing all the details. Let’s take a brief look through the vaccine history. Examining the past gives us insight to the future. Infectious disease were on a natural decline before vaccines were introduced, the pharmaceutical companies, just took the credit. Better living conditions, sanitation and cleaner water was really the reasons the health improved- same as today. In a small village in a 3rd world country, where all are going to a local water pump or fountain to drink and there is sewage in the street, disease ensues. Washing your hands and keeping your body healthy always has been and always will be your best defence. Dr. Suzanne Humphries book, Dissolving Illusions, gives a detailed account of these historical facts. Around the same time as these Moguls were monopolizing the steel industry, the media and the financial markets they also got into the chemical business. They produced things like DDT, agent orange, vaccines and medications. In 1910 the Flexner report highlights the hijacking of the medical system into a drug company. Natural healing of homeopathy, osteopathy and nutrition were thrown out in favour of the almighty dollar in pharmaceuticals. Physicians began working as representatives for the drug companies. Their schools and governing bodies were bought out by these men who wished to create a world monopoly in every industry. This is the foundation and another problem in our current epidemic. Doctors are told what to say and those that choose to do their own research and speak about it, are reprimanded. I know this story personally, as my regulated licences was suspended when I began asking questions to the health boards and speaking of the dangers in vaccines. I'm grateful to still be alive to share the message. If I should happen into a similar fate as Tom Petty. Please take this information and grow it bigger! Vaccine side effects are vast as they provide a challenge to the immune system and cause inflammation and immune suppression. There are higher rates of all chronic diseases tested in the vaccinated population. The research clearly shows the unvaccinated population is healthier. Heavy metals, used as adjuvants in the vaccines to irritate the immune system so that the vaccine may have a "potential" therapeutical effect, get stored in the brains of our youth, contributing to the autism epidemic and cumulative stores in the brains of our elderly creating Alzheimer disease. There are NO double blind, inert, placebo-controlled, safety studies for any of the current vaccines. They are tested against one another but not against a placebo. I have been researching this topic for 22 years after the birth of our first child and when I couldn’t find the safety studies in the literature I went up the chain of command. I asked our medical doctor for safety and efficacy studies, the college of physician and surgeons, the health department, provincial health ministers and chief medical officers, the federal health minister and even the Prime minister. So far I’ve not found any studies to support the safety and efficacy of any of the current vaccines and the grandfather of vaccines Dr. Stanley Plotkins agrees. Many parents will read the ingredients of the cereal box they feed their children but never ask to see the vaccine insert with the list of toxic chemicals being injected into our babies under the guise of public health! As doctors we are expected to be aware and share the side effects of other injected and ingested chemicals, why are vaccines exempt from this informed consent as part of our human rights and freedoms? The reason is that these chemical shots are the foundations to the pharmaceutical industry. Not only successful in the present day profits but the residual damage of vaccines create a lifetime pharmaceutical customers. The recent 2019 polio vaccine caused the polio outbreak, the swine flu vaccine 1976 caused the swine flu and the Spanish flu vaccine 1918 caused the Spanish flu so could it be a bat, cat or rat that flew from Harvard university to infect the Wuhan population? The great swine flu massacre under President Ford persuaded the public to undergo a national vaccination campaign. The fact that there was not a single known case of this swine flu in the United States didn’t deter the medical monopoly from their scheme to use this pig vaccine (thus the name swine). It was decided at drug firm headquarters that “if the swine breeders won’t inject it into their animals, our only other market is to inject it into people”. Excerpt taken from page 138 in Murder By Injection. This corona virus, with a sensitivity to A blood type was a perfect biological weapon supported and paid for by the billionaires and in keeping with the agenda of the World Health Organization 1972 Bulletin 47,No 2 Memoranda #1 and #2. The pandemic bonds that had been set up in advance, made a crisis a good financial deal for investors but not so much for global health. HONEST PHYSICIANS KNOW THE SCAM AND ARE SPEAKING OUT ABOUT IT! If there are no safety or efficacy studies on any of the current vaccines then you can imagine that a new corona concoction will likely not have them either. When they tell you this new shot is safe, effective and may save your life. Ask them to prove it!! Pharmaceutical companies pay doctors, health departments and the media to lie! According to alternative media source True North, CBC is given $1.2 billion/year and the Toronto Star $150, 000/week by the Canadian government. Even after 140 years, there is still great incentive to publish what they are told to print. "Richard Schabas is a retired physician. He was Ontario’s chief medical officer of health for 10 years, and was chief of staff at York Central Hospital during the SARS crisis in 2003........and he says the numbers for this outbreak don`t add up. He also states that the current solutions are far worse than the disease. At this point, authorities around the world are also well aware that the numbers don`t warrant the current overreach. We have regular deaths, at regular rates by regular disease.....that is what the numbers prove.” "The pictures and symbols of panic.....respirators, full hazmat suits, quarantined areas and quarantined people regarding those regular deaths. Again the number of deaths are not escalating anywhere in the world above normal numbers, compared to last year and the year before. The first word in propaganda is "prop" because you need the props to put on the best stage show possible. Regular death rates, from regular disease in regularly prone populations......PLUS the props PLUS medical officials calling it all out. It's time to take a second look." - Luke Yamaguchi . The good news is that this information that has been locked into the non-illuminated elite for a few hundred years is starting to surface. Even as I type and you read, 30,000 USA troops have been deployed to Europe to the Cabal central in Italy. The USA in conjunction with 18 NATO countries are making mass arrests with hundreds of thousands of indictments. The Saudi’s are on board with this plan in helping bankrupt the cabal so expect gas prices to continue to drop. Bill Gates has stepped down from Microsoft and even from his own Gates foundation! Google, bought out by a pharmaceutical company last year, seems to have unlocked imposed censorship. These shackles seem to be disappearing just in the last few months as information about vaccine dangers, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Hillary Clinton and the adrenochrome addictions of the illuminati are available now for all to view. David Wilcock gives more detail in his youtube presentation of this history of these old dark agendas. Every apparent crisis has a blessing! Stay home, stay safe, educate yourself and others, know your rights and pray for these powers to return justice to our humanity! There are wars happening far above what you and I can see. The corona virus is real but not the end of the world. Perhaps there is a global reset and it is a reason to keep you at home out of the way of the greater agendas. The cabal seem to be fighting back trying to push through the dangerous 5G technology and digital currency during this outbreak to enslave our humanity. While you have time now at home, Please learn about the dangers of 5G and send letters to your members of legislature, city councils, school boards, cellular and power companies trying to upgrade your smart meter. The 5G technology can split the DNA structure and effects the oxygen uptake so it will certainly aggravate the respiratory system. Take time to click through the school board link as the 5G rollout from Rogers is happening NOW in Toronto, Canada so the idea that they will install this while the kids are away, may not be too far fetched! The Freedom Fighters have been arranging themselves for years understanding the depth of corruption after 911. They must have been predicting this deep state biowarfare against China and stepped in to take back our power! In these times of chaos, keep the faith in the goodness of our humanity. Stay centered in your heart as it has 5000 times the magnetic energy of your brain and connects you to a greater awareness. Sending love and light out to the world, creates a protective, reflective shield back onto yourself and your family. Thank you for reading and sharing. Many of these references have been shared with me so I'm grateful to be here sharing with you. Action Steps: 1. Share this information. Mainstream media is biased. 2. Keep your immune system healthy. 3. Be an activist. Educate and agitate your media, government and medical policy makers into change. There are still a few out there who haven’t sold their soul. 4. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst and expect the unexpected. 5. Be grateful for the outside challenges as they bring you closer to your inner strength, love and wisdom. You are a part of an growing, educated powerful group influencers. We are empowering ourselves and others with knowledge, expanding our global consciousness and dictating our destiny. 6. January 2021, Dr. David Martin confirms the CDC in April 2003 had patented SARS Cov2 and were researching a synthetic form with increase in pathogenicity. In you and in God, I trust. to edit.
Alexandria Noble
3/27/2020 03:41:23 pm
I understand there is scheduled thousands of satellites too be sent up this year for the 5 G?
3/31/2020 06:27:04 am
Great article, Dena!!
Dena... as always, this is an incredibly well-researched and well written piece and I can also say that everything you have laid out here, I have had confirmed by other trusted sources and people had better wake up and STOP being the uninformed "lambs being led to the slaughter"!!! Stop listening to these lying SLUGS called the "lame-stream media"!
andrew traskal
3/31/2020 07:46:57 pm
please keep up the news of all things evil a.t.
4/19/2020 08:13:40 am
You are not alone. I just watched your livestream on Facebook (wasn't live when I watched) and I could sense your frustration. Unfortunately
Ned Brooks
4/22/2020 08:03:39 am
Please stop these conspiracy hoaxes https://www.livescience.com/coronavirus-not-human-made-in-lab.html
4/23/2020 08:08:18 pm
Anyone with a functioning brain can tell that this is a load of utter bullshit!
Caroline Guay
4/24/2020 02:16:36 pm
Hi Dena , first I want to thank you for your courage to speak and exposing this whole BS ✊🏻
jane blakeley
5/2/2020 08:10:43 am
Excellent! Excellent! He/who speaks the truth will survive! Or.... "A lie that is half the truth is the darkest of lies" -
Kesanet Lm
5/5/2020 04:04:19 am
You are one brave woman. You stand against those who destroy humanity for profit. I pray for your safety. You are against a giant power that has started by terrorizing us to prepare us for the slaughter. We know and we are helpless scared.
8/13/2020 07:20:20 am
Dena, the internet archive has deleted the History of Vaccinations document. Do you know where else it might be, I didn't get to downloading it when I had the chance.
9/9/2020 05:27:54 am
The carry corona and preparing for essential services and making the essential topics on this pandemic, thanks for updating. We all are getting here the essential techniques on college paper essays.
Indie Media Eastcoast Canada
8/5/2021 03:56:04 am
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