5/31/2019 2 Comments Nature Defeats 5G TechnologyNature defeats technology... when you stop microwaving your kids! Where and how shall I began this story? Once upon a time, there was a man named Richard P. Walker who in 1999 was granted a patent for what would become known as the "internet of everything", now better known as 5G. It is a convoluted story, and the truths will likely go even deeper than that the words on your screen. Do you ever wonder why it is called a screen? All ensuing patents pertaining to 5G would be mysteriously absorbed by a company- Agilent, in areas of surveillance, cybernetics, genetic engineering, human microchipping or “wetworks”. The corporation pushing Walker’s patent, SERCO, is a defence contractor historically controlled through British Nuclear Fuels by Queen Elizabeth II. There are more details to the story in the link above but this is enough to paint the picture of how this technology was conceived and tells the tale of intention. It appears the 5G technology was created as a weapon, to control and manipulation the population. Along side this particular 5G communications application, the Department of Defence has developed a non-lethal crowd control device called the Active Denial System (ADS). The ADS works by firing a high-powered beam of 95 GHz at a target. If you are caught in this millimetre wavelength it will feel like your skin is on fire. Incidentally, there are other military Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) as well but that is a story for another day. This ADS weapon operates on the same frequency at our 5G cellular technology - 95 GHz ! It's the same frequency but one system is sold as weapon with DNA altering effects and one is sold to us as safe, smart technology. How can this dichotomy exist? Which is true, dangerous weapon or harmless technology? A 95 GHz wave is a millimetre, military weapon wave and the dangers are real regardless of how you package it. The navy has been documenting EMF radiation biological health effects for years. 26,000 scientists with over 100,000 studies have petitioned the United Nations, the World Health Organization and European Union to oppose the 5G roll out! But cellular companies are paying millions to cover up these studies, to ensure the 5G agenda. Smart meter upgrades are being sold to power and water companies for the supposed cost and efficiency savings. The technology allows for automatic wifi communication of consumption therefore a 'meter-person-reader' becomes redundant and associated employment costs are less. On one hand, you don't need a meter man but on the other hand, you are microwaving your kids- this doesn't seem like a cost savings! The 1996 Telecom Act gave the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) power to regulate technology. It is a conflict of interest when the president and governing safety bodies are populated with wireless entrepreneurs instead of health experts. Why would the safety and regulatory commission not have consulting scientists or health officials on board? Why would they not evaluate the sub-thermal effects of radiation... a surface burn is the least of our worries? Why would they include a clause to absolve themselves of liability if they weren’t concerned of the potential dangers? Section 704 of the Telecom Act exempts the cellular companies of any health and safety liability so it appears there is no requirement of accountability to the customers. Pair this lack of safety responsibility of the cellular companies with the Clinton administration banning governments from setting their own safety standards and you see the conundrum of this paradigm. This legislation keeps sick people from suing and silences the voice of health departments, governments and scientists from working in our best interest. This reminds me of the 2013 Monsanto Act and the 1986 Vaccine Company Protection Bill in which large corporations pay penance to the government to be absolved of health liability to our planet and people. True power and leadership comes from taking responsibility, empowering others and enhancing our humanity. Weakness and low self esteem propagates these government payoffs and manipulation. Those that control our technology, control everything. The not-so-smart cars, not-so-smart TV’s, not-so-smart phones, not-so-smart meters all link to an ‘artificial’ grid managed by an ‘artificial’ intelligence. Once connected to the grid we are not-so-smartly locked in. With the push of a button the company that runs the technology could shut down...your internet, your bank account, your power, your water and even lock you in your smart house. It is not wise to give up your power to an artificial intelligence that may not have your best individual interest at heart. There are also larger scale political power struggles with the communications control. To control the grid could be a key weapon in global economy and defence. If the 20,000 Satellites for 5G are launched sending focused beams of intense microwave radiation over the entire earth, our planet becomes trapped in this artificial web, controlled by the cellular company. There’s a shadowy role in the Chinese telecom giant Huawei in digital espionage, mass surveillance and the “internet of smart things” and what it all may mean for Canada’s National Security. So here we have gone full circle. If the Queen commands 5G, can the Canadian government officials veto the inhumane Telecom Act ? or must they bow silently with their hands tied behind their backs as this dangerous situation comes to a climax? Perhaps, legalizing the GMO cannabis keeps the Canadian public comfortably numb from the real issues facing our country but I'm praying that Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is ready to step into his heart and humanitarian service. 5G is more dangerous for two reasons- the size and the intensity of the wave. It is a small millimetre wave therefore it can only travel short distances. Cell towers must be placed very close to residential homes, strategically placed every few houses (about 500 feet) to keep us all locked in on the grid. The companies will be using lamp poles, to install 5G antenna. In essence, the lamp pole now doubles as a small 5G cell tower. For years, studies have repeatedly showed those living next to cell phone towers have more cancers, fertility issues, immune and nervous system symptoms but imagine the exponential growth of these conditions when you have a cell phone tower installed in your front yard! The proximity and the cumulative effect of this radiation is detrimental. New, dividing cells seem to suffer the most severe effects as they absorb the EMF radiation more readily. Expecting mothers, babies and children are at high risk for cell damage. Even now with 2nd, 3rd and 4th Generation cellular technology, brain cancer is the number one disease in children now ages 15-19! The three most common cancers in 15-29 year olds is cancer of the brain, thyroid and testes. This reflects the cell phone position to the head and neck and boys that are now carrying phones near their testicles in their front pockets. Larger centres such as schools, hospitals and universities are subject to more antenna therefore serving more radiation to the most vulnerable in our population. The second reason 5G is so much more dangerous is the intensity of the wave. 5G is a ultra high microwave frequency of 24-90 GHz therefore it brings people to disease quicker than the previous 1-4GHz of the 4G technology. We are setting up a "kill grid" of the smart technologies to microwave ourselves and our kids. The 2.45 GHz wave that you likely have in your home at the moment, means there are approximately 2 billion waves per second bombarding your body. Our natural frequency is about 8 waves per second. The 5G at 24-90 GHz ( 90 billion waves per second) shuts down our cells in our electromagnetic defence therefore creating communication problems with the nervous and immune system. The stress on our tissues creates oxidative stress and free radical damage. The effects would be like, over loading a circuit board with too much power or putting a skin covered potato in the microwave..... it breaks down the communicating matrix and it blows up! Symptoms that you may experience are unique to the individual given their age and level of health but the following basic signs are documented in a syndrome of microwave sickness: dizziness, sleep troubles, chronic fatigue, disconnected thoughts and memory, headaches, tinnitus, depression, dermatitis, eczema, cramps, nose bleeds, asthma, reduced fertility, stress and cancer. Once thought to be safe, the smart meters themselves, arrive with own syndrome and side effects that are just as bad as the 5G cell tower. What can you do? (Burying your head in a pillow or crying in your beer, won't save the kids! I tried that already :) 1. Educate yourself and the policies makers! Click into the links I’ve provided in the body of this article and then share the information with others. Not just your immediate circle but we need to educate the policy makers. Send e-mails to the health ministers and the Prime Minister; petition your parents at the schools; demand action from your Member of Parliament; educate your city council, water and power companies; comment on social media; join an activist group or FB page. I’ve done all of the above but I am one voice, we need yours too! Take a look at this short UN video to see the ignorance at these decision making levels to understand that YOUR voice matters! If you are too busy or too shy to have your own voice, use mine. Copy the link to this or another referenced article and forward it on to your local media, your government official or health minister. 2. Return to wired technology. Turn off your cell phone, take out wifi and opt out of smart meter upgrades. If this is not possible at least get covers for your cell phone, smart meter and routers to protect you and your family from the radiation. Check out some of the other grounding devices and EMF protection products I mention in these 2 live Facebook videos. Video 1 (my intro to smart meters a year ago) and Video 2 (updated a week ago) 3. Move off the grid or 5G proof your house. EMF paint, aluminium screens, trees and gardens will help diminish the radiation effects. Or at a very basic level spend time out in nature, off the grid. Sit, walk or lie on the ground to re-calibrate. The Schumann Resonance of 7.83Hz is the frequency of the earth that is duplicated in our DNA. Unplug from your technologies and shift your focus into the healing power of the earth. 4. Act NOW! The 5G roll out has started but there is still time to stop it! The greatest challenges are introduced to our world to stimulate thought, create resilience and bring us together for the love of our humanity. To sit in ignorance or fear allows for the tide to over take you. The universe has given you a gift in freedom of thought and the power of a magnetic loving heart, use it to defeat this technology. here to edit.
2/20/2020 07:36:17 pm
Nature is always superior to technology, that is always have I felt. I know that it is kind of ironic since I am using technology right now. If you ask me, I would rather live in an era when technology wasn't at its peak. I want to be part of a simpler lifestyle, this one is just not that good. I think that it would be better for me to just live a normal life, rather than this toxic one.
10/1/2020 07:59:41 am
Hi Everyone! Kudos to the writers for this awesome information. My family and I are shopping for the Best 4K Laser Smart TV Projector to buy. Any suggestion? Any reply to my comment would be highly appreciated... Cheers!
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