5/31/2023 0 Comments Political Agendas & Police MemosEmail April 16, 2023
Police Chief Daniel Kinsella, National Citizen’s Inquiry continues truth revealing investigation from the provincial governments own data of the deaths and injuries with these shots that have been illegally called a “vaccine” instead of a bioweapon. NCI launched March 2023 in Truro Nova Scotia. It has travelled to Toronto, Winnipeg and next on to Vancouver. Doctors, nurses, lawyers, police, military, politicians, funeral home directors, embalmers, business men and women, mothers and grandmothers ….. all expert witnesses, truth warriors revealing under oath, the senseless deaths, injuries and economic collapse within the scam of covid. Powerful that they are using the governments own local data and experts to demonstrate the lies that the health departments and media were forced to tell us. I believe that your reported reason for closing criminal case 2021-74648 is that there wasn't enough local data or expert witness, so now you have it! MacGillivary Law ran the proceedings here in Nova Scotia and may be contacted directly for supporting documentation for the testimonies. https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/testimony-clips/ Thank you for re-opening this case file number 2021-74648 with this new updated information. If you require another formal complaint to continue your investigation, I can be there 9am Monday morning April 17th, 2023 to report this once again as a crime and open a new case. I have kept all my correspondance to you, Tim Houston and Robert Strang since 2020. If you feel you have conflict of interest, I could also report it to the RCMP. Do we need a fresh pair of unbiased eyes? Look forward to hearing from you tomorrow with your suggested course of action! Inspector David Boon has my direct text line, if you would like to set up a face to face meeting. Acts of war in genocide and treason calls for execution! As you can see from this video, the Swiss are now leading the way with the pain of death and injury as their fuel. This video is sure to be a foundational piece in your local criminal investigations against those promoting this genocide in our population. https://rumble.com/v2ih5do-breaking-dr.-robert-young-and-klanmother-karenann-pfizer-genocide.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=6&fbclid=IwAR2EyQ_JJI0dCxB7lvBhS7C1j1CdXXruzbCDOzggdYl7y_fz7OxWqZ8te6o. Grateful for your immediate Attention and Action in stopping these crimes against our humanity! Thank you, Dena Dr. Dena Churchill BSc., DC. Innovator in Health & Wellness https://www.healthtruth.blog/ May 4, 2023 Police Chief Daniel Kinsella, It is a precarious situation, being paid by a government who you are investigating but I imagine where there is a will there is a way. Many doctors, lawyers, politicians and media folks copied on this e-mail are in a similar position. I am there myself in having my chiropractic license suspended for not obeying the muzzle order that was sent by Nova Scotia Health Department to regulated health care practitioners in 2019 as they were setting up for the pandemic scam. As Dr. Charles Hoff suggests in his testimony at the Vancouver NCI yesterday…… the pandemic is a real test of moral integrity! There is always a choice. When good men and women come together for a greater service, all heaven breaks loose. The slides below are from the testimonies yesterday that maybe helpful to your investigation. I’ve also copied Robert Strang, Tim Houston, CBC and CTV to they may publish these findings as an urgent public service announcement and assist you in your good works. All the testimonies at the National CItizen's Inquiry are sworn under oath are valid but Edward Dowd, BlackRock Statistician( 5:23) and Dr. Charles Hoff, Calgary emergency doctor ( 6:57 hour mark in the video) are more evidence based so would likely be more applicable to your investigation. All countries saw poorer health outcomes and deaths with the mRNA bioweapon that has been fraudulent presented as a vaccine. 70% of Africans declined these covid shots so unlike many other countries, they had much better health outcomes. Step 1. Stop the shots! Step 2. Inform public of healing alternatives! ClO2 is one natural suggestion. This form of molecular oxygen may even help oxidize the graphene in shots. Step 3. Stop dangerous 5G cellular frequencies! At 30-300 GHz this frequency is damaging to all biological systems. Microwave Syndrome looks a lot like what they are calling “covid". When they rolled out 5G at 60GHz in Wuhan China, people started dropping in the streets. Graphene is generally used in electronics as an antenna so put in covid shots it increases your EMF sensitivity. In Nova Scotia, my own EMF symptoms increased but neither Telus, Rogers nor Bell can tell me what 5G frequency they are currently using. As discussed previously with our correspondance with Halifax Water, under the guise of "covid watch” Dal Water appears to be measuring this graphene shedding in our water supply using magnetic beads but they too have not yet replied to my inquiry. Microwave syndrome. Thank you for your attention, investigation and Action, Dena May 25, 2023 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Members of NS Legislative Assembly and Members of NS Parliament, Thank you for shedding shells and growing into your magnificence. In the old paradigm the masses were led by fear so it was easy to manipulate them into the globalist agenda but now that the world is waking and global consciousness expanding your election campaigns must reflect this change. Actions for Natural health and supports for our Natural World is how you earn votes and help you keep your jobs. Promoting chemicals in the air to create a scam of climate change or chemicals injected into bodies to create a pharmaceutical pandemic are old election models. It is love for humanity and for our earth that earns confidence with the public you serve. Stop the foolishness of mixing up genders and pronouns and focus on enhancing the family unit with traditional wholesome values of our maritime culture. Poisoned Truth. Thanks to the died suddenly documentaries, dozens of doctor testimonies and the National Citizen’s Inquiry, people now know the shots are dangerous and they also remember the voices of the media and politicians who encouraged them to inject themselves. https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/toronto-clips/ Man-made Pandemic. Dr. David Martin's presentation to the European Union establishes that the SARsCov2 sequence was patented by the CDC (Center of Disease Control and Prevention- the same people that suggested there was a deadly pandemic) and created this “virus" in a USA lab. This factual data is released on a global platform. The full dossier is attached and this quick video summary for your reference. https://www.facebook.com/phyongpp/posts/pfbid01BXpAqgwgn4chd5JqJ2MjwTCnWf2MVVebbf7jLAg2YauuirUDHXjUv7t733XPD9gl Chinada. It is also apparent that Justin Trudeau and his predecessors have sold out to China but it is never too late to bring business back home. International treaty law takes precedence over any of these back room deals that Justin and Pierre could dream up so there is still hope for our country over the next 30 year duration of this agreement. https://www.international.gc.ca/trade-commerce/trade-agreements-accords-commerciaux/agr-acc/china-chine/fipa-apie/index.aspx?lang=eng Chemtrails & Weather Modification. Planes and pilots are being paid $10 a gallon to spray chemicals in our skies to block the sun to simulate climate change. Bill Gates has been working on sky chemicals to block the sun for years. They are using sprayed chemicals to induce sickness, increase our electromagnetic conductivity to cell frequencies, to support the of climate change and to block the sun. https://www.facebook.com/whistlestoptruckstopcafe/videos/799108868160095 The climate change scam is a scare tactic to control you. The smart city, carbon tax initiatives depend on you buying this lie. Environmentalist David Hilderman suggests the sea-level rise rate is 1/2mm per year... same for the last 110 years! Plants need Carbon to produce Oxygen. Our world is incredible and does entertain fluctuations but in the 1930's there were warmer temperatures. True News Break: There is no climate emergency! The man-made, geoengineered weather and HARRP is effecting the atmosphere. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ .The same people that fell for the virus scam may fall for this too, if you don't tell them about it. It would be so helpful if the Weather Modification Act was reprimanding these spraying pilots and shedding pharmaceutical companies for destroying our earth with chemicals. Rewarding organic farmers, tree planters and bee-keepers who are taking care of our planet for survival and thrival of our species. Enough with burning the Prairie farmlands. The DEW have done enough damage! Time to turn over a new leaf now that the gig is up. Stop 5G & Not-so smart Cities. The greatest threat now for humanity is the 5G technology at 30-300GHz this destroys most biological systems. Unlike Europe, North America has no regulation of these frequencies and companies are slowly turning up the volume. Symptoms of EMF sickness look similar to that of covid and when they rolled our 60Ghz Wuhan China people started dropping in the streets as it effects the coupling of oxygen into the lungs. While parents are arguing over transgender teachings, freedom fighters worried about their rights and doctors concerned over shot deaths…… the real weapon that locks us into a death trap is the fifth, sixth and seventh generation cellular frequencies. Our smart cities, smart phones, smart cars, smart appliances are literally our prison. 95Ghz is the microwave the military uses as a weapon for mind control, like a brain taser to keep you locked into your cell. This video is an Urgent Health Canada warning that I circulated to all the Members of Parliament April 2020 without reply. https://www.bitchute.com/video/AtvYmwbVaCCI/fbclid=IwAR24MpnQbMtStYpi8ENid5I4F9i7rlit3V51WfxBYZ4oGt8cg-Zb_SBqBuk . Here is a map last updated in 2021 of the 5G coverage for your reference. . Smart city government initiatives must be cancelled immediately. Thank you for your time and inspired Action. As you have witnessed, I have kept you updated every month for the last three years with the truth as I find it. Somedays, i get discouraged with the low self esteem and fear that keeps you locked into your prison but I’ve not given up on you yet and I still believe in the miracle of possibilities when it comes through the power of love. Sincerely, Dena
5/7/2023 1 Comment ABCD's to divine dividends. Many are grateful for all the wonderful things in their life but only the true spiritual masters are also grateful for the challenges. Where we direct our eyes, ears and heart is what we see, hear and feel. Living in these times takes courage and is not for the faint of heart. Know better and be better. The false teachers, preachers and spiritual advisors have released their hold upon you now so that YOU can step into your power. You are a divine spark. You have the light of a thousand suns, the magnetism of every full moon, the love and strength of the earth and the shine of every star. You have the universe within you. You are the fire and miracle of life itself. As you sparkle and fan your flame, you liberate others to do the same.... an eternal flame. There is always a choice ...... give up and die, live as if you were dead or dive deep and find your greatest love and joy then share it 'full on' with the world. Where would you love to be? You are a special breed to have chosen to be on earth for the ascension of humanity. Pisces was the age of martyrs and victims. The Age of Aquarius heralds expansion of our collective consciousness so the heavens are in your favour. Many are dying to show us the way. Some are not able to rise into these higher vibrations so the only way to ascend may be through a spiritual form. Is it possible to get there in your current meat suit? YES! When your mind is balanced and your heart is full, you travel light. Cliche to say be better instead of bitter but how do you it? How do you rise above your circumstance? And why would you? Why not stay a victim of your circumstance? A. Analyze. identify exactly what emotion you are feeling that weighs you down. Your emotions are like a GPS to let you know what part of the event you haven't balanced in your perception. They are the blueprints of your soul so it is good to dissect it as a means of self study. Are you ready to release this lower vibration ? Why would you want to let go of your emotion? If you love this heavy cloak that causes so much pain, then keep it. If you intuitively feel there is a greater truth and wish to live with more love and joy, then maybe these questions will help you. B. Breakthrough. Dig into the emotion to understand why it is there. Anger for example is often fear turned inside out. What is it that you fear and if that fear came true, how would it serve you? Are you angry with another or are you angry about your action or inaction? How can you use this energy to fuel a purposeful path? Where is the wisdom in your anger? Grief is seeing only what we perceive that we've lost but what did you gain? How is it benefiting you and the world to be stuck in emotion? Grief often brings supports from others so if the person is lonely or uninspired with life, grief keeps them company and locked in a lower vibration. Grief, blame, shame or anger may be used an excuse to move away from your divine self and your greater service. When we identify the emotion and know why it is there, then we can use it to fuel a purposeful path to a higher dimension. It is not so much admitting a circumstance was right or wrong, good or bad but finding the service in the event that releases you from the e-motion (energy in motion) and you move into purposeful action with love and grace. C. Counterbalance. Write a balance sheet of debits and credits. Energy laws state that there is never a loss without a gain. The equation must balance perfectly in your perception to feel love. (Thank you John Demartini for The Demartini Method. It is an Amazing balance sheet.) When you truly live this concept you fly into a divine dimension of living. First you must see there is nothing missing in order to rise into true love and grace. Grief, anger, blame, shame opens the gate to a hellish existence. Love and grace opens the window to a beautiful cosmic awareness. Dr. John Demartini defines love as the simultaneous, synchronicity of complementary opposites. "1st Law of Thermodynamics - Energy cannot be created or destroyed. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics - For a spontaneous process, the entropy of the universe increases. 3rd Law of Thermodynamics - A perfect crystal at zero Kelvin has zero entropy." ~ wikipedia If your loved one dies and you can't see where all the traits you miss have shown up in others you will be stuck in grief and loss and this causes entropy. You may miss their hugs because you have not looked to the other side of the equation to see how the universe has sent you hugs in a different form. You may miss their smile but you have not noticed that their picture on your wall that smiles at you every day. You may miss their friendship but you haven't noticed where new friendships have been birthed. You may miss having visits and conversations, not noticing those who are now filling that conversation gap. If you truly believe in a loving universe then at the deepest part of your being, you know that what is put in your path is FOR your greatest love and learning. Release your attachment and infatuation with the one form, see the benefits in the new forms and expand your awareness. Love is ever-present and eternal, it is the limitation your human eyes and mind that locks you into denser two and three dimensional realities. The first energy law simply says the equation must balance. If we can accept the definition of love as the union of complementary opposites in a Libra scales kind of way, then Math equation of loss and gain is a beautiful example of Love. The second law states if you don't balance it in your perception it will painfully drive you nuts (entropy as a measure of molecular disorder, lowers the quality of your energy). In your unbalanced form you'll be feeling bitter and victimized by your situation instead of better and empowered by the experience. Stuck in the "loss" side of the equation keeps you small, dense and disempowered. The third law of thermodynamics suggests once you balance the equation you are free to truly step into your power and loving presence in the universe. You awaken your crystalline form. "There is nothing so disobedient as an undisciplined mind. Pain is certain, suffering is optional. The root of suffering is attachment. Do not lose yourself in the past." Buddha D. Dividends. Where is the benefit in the trauma? How did it serve you and how did it serve others in all areas of to have this apparent trauma? Where is the blessing in the crisis? How is this situation improving your health? Did you seek new ways of healing? Have you expanded your mind in studying holistic healing texts, the bible or the constitution? Did you gain new soulful friendships? Did you learn to be more self sufficient and resourceful? Has it enhanced your relationship with God? Did you learn how to stand up for yourself and be more confident? How did it benefit you financially? How is this trauma or traumas serving your purpose and greatest service in the world? Are you becoming more true to you in this process? Have you Thanked God for the challenge? If you are still wishing it to go away, then you still have more work to do to see how the challenge is serving you. Once you can say, "Thank you God for this moment, I see there is nothing to miss or change. I love and appreciate this perfect growth opportunity, i couldn't have designed it any better." ... then you've dropped your cloak and freed your wings to fly. "The wound is the place where the light enters." ~Rumi Identify the wound and use it to lighten your existence. |
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