6/19/2020 4 Comments Masked TruthsHow are you? Just look at what you have came through and know you are still standing. Congratulations! The lockdowns, masks, race riots and threat of mandatory vaccines are simply a stimulus to your awakening and an opportunity for you to empower yourself. If you are not feeling empowered yet, allow me to share some light. There are a few main points supported by blue links and videos for those who love the depth in the details. In these times of transition, it is imperative that you be an investigator of the information that is presented to you. A free thinker becomes the authority of their own life and also a fast element of change. Governments, media and medicine currently support a globalist agenda, so your own individual critical mind, free will, confidence and courage is your salvation. I could have called your "mind" your greatest weapon but I see this journey as a path of ascension- flight instead of remedial understanding of might and fight. Be curious to reach beyond the narrative mainstream feeds you, to allow for greater vision. Rising above the current dense paradigm and focusing upon what you love to see as the outcome, is the way to a lighter more hopeful existence. 1. Lockdowns were a failure. The countries that didn’t quarantine now have lifelong immunity to this man-made virus and had no statistically significant change in covid-19 death rates. The lockdowns created more physical, mental, social and economic dis-ease. Let’s not consent to this social distancing experiment again. It makes sense to quarantine the sick but no where in history have we quarantined all of a healthy population! A Swedish study states that quarantine lengthens the duration of the epidemic. Dr. Znut Wittkowski advised early on in the game to get the kids back to school and people back to work and stop prolonging the enviable. This virus like any other will have some fatalities but no more or less than the flu. Getting rid of the masks and gloves helps develop a natural immunity. Leaving the smart-meter, radiation-filled homes to spend time in the natural healing of the earth, is wellness! Sweden has natural immunity now to this cold virus but their second wave is proving to be 5G radiation poisoning! Dr. Emad Guirguis a Canadian doctor MD, CCFP (family medicine and epidemiology), FRCSC has a series of youtube videos discussing the real statistics, risks and benefits of the lockdown. His second video in the series is titled “Flattening The Curve or Flattening you" examines the hidden dangers of locking people in their homes. The medical treatments that were canceled, the numbers of suicides and other stress related illness and the financial devastation produced a bitter taste of this governmental tyranny. As mentioned above Dr. Emad Guirguis puts the corona deaths into a reasonable perspective as more and more medical doctors are finding the courage to speak out for what is true and just. Dr. Paul Thomas MD paediatrician in a recent Health Freedom Summit 2020 presentation discussed the CDC directive of diagnosis substitution. Basically, the CDC recommended to assume covid-19 on a death certificate if the cause of death is unclear. A friend recently reported that his father died of a palliative heart condition that the doctor labelled as covid-19 without any signs or symptoms of the corona virus. Even with these unscrupulous draconian measures of the medical mafia such as paying hospitals more to use ventilators and encouraging doctors to be very generous in their diagnosis, we still see the statistics for this “pandemic” are less than the flu in any given year. There are many other things that may kill you but statistically covid-19 is at the very bottom of the list.... unless of course you have had the flu shot. Which brings us to another level of corruption. The flu shot has apparently primed the population with gamma retroviruses and a second exposure to a corona virus is a deadly combination. The flu shot contains the corona sequence so it is like getting a double dose. Microbiologist and immunologists Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Dolores Cahill discuss the fatality of the flu-covid combination. Because of this priming and vaccine injury that has already occurred, Dr. Judy suggests if the covid 19 vaccine becomes mandatory at least 50 million will die and the "authorities" will blame it on the “second wave of corona”. Dr. Buttar confirms that if you've had the flu shot or a corona cold virus previously then you will likely test positive for the corona sequence, so the current covid-19 testing is irrelevant. I've sent this information to the Premier of Nova Scotia Stephen McNeil, the Health Minister Randy Delorey, the Chief Medical Officer Dr. Robert Strang and all the other 49 members of the Nova Scotia legislative assembly. 51/58 covid deaths in Nova Scotia in the April and May, 2020 were at the Northwood longterm care facility but these three Honorable gentlemen didn't respond to my e-mail inquiry as to if the deceased had the flu shot. I have kept all my correspondences and if mandatory vaccines come to pass, I will personally hold all named on the e-mail responsible for any injuries or deaths. I'd encourage you to do the same in your jurisdiction, as soon as possible. 2. Mask DO provide a barrier for larger particles such as air pollution, bacteria and dust but but DO NOT protect against covid-19 virus. See the product label at the bottom of the article for confirmation. Those wearing masks appear to be the fearful and ignorant in our society. My guess is the same people who have fallen for these scare tactics are also the ones who were easily programmed by the toilet paper mind control games of the mainstream media. Corona is a respiratory virus so if your health department really cared about you would they have not been recommending stocking up on Vitamin C, D3, A, zinc and iodine instead of toilet paper? This too was a test to see how many were plugged into the programming. In order for this Plandemic to take place the corrupt cabal needed to be able to control the narrative and have you believe it. The independent researchers and thinkers do their research and refuse to wear a device that restricts oxygen. Paper masks have no more protection for a corona virus than standing on your head and spiting nickels. When all else fails they could simply read the instructions on the box. All regulated health care professionals have a duty to provide you with informed consent. Whether it is about masks or shots. If they are not giving you all the facts, then you must share it with them. Maybe they have been scammed too. I shared the below information with my acupuncturist and cancelled my appointment, when she requested I wear a mask. Although, what I have since learned from Dr. Buttar is the medical privacy and disability acts allows you to say you can't wear a mask without having to supply a reason why and you can't be denied service. His website has legal forms and opt out documents you may use for this purpose. Reducing your oxygen by mask wearing is dangerous to your health. Governments can’t mandate a policy that comes with health risk. See Peggy Hall's 5 min video and the website to find out how they got rid of masks in orange county. There are many regulated health providers that know the neurotoxic effect of the chemicals in vaccines but they are too afraid to lose their licence to tell you. In fact our basic chiropractic philosophy is that the body has innate wisdom and healing when you remove the obstacles to health. So the whole idea of injected chemicals in the blood or breathing the chemicals in from a mask for health, goes against our founding principles. Mandating a policy to reduce your oxygen or forcing injections is criminal. Silent mask wearers are participating in this tyranny! Empower yourself with knowledge and send this information to your employer, association and/or government! Mask facts and unmasked truths: 1. Masks concentrate the virus. Dr. Judy Mikovits. 2. Viruses must be injected or ingested so masks make no sense. 3. Masks protect against larger particles of bacteria and pollution because they have millimetre pores but not against the nanometer coronaviruses. Check the label of the package for proof. 4. Masks increase face touching therefore increase transmission. 5. Masks reduce oxygen and increase carbon dioxide and do come with a health warning and may cause headaches, dizziness, muscles cramping, difficulty breathing, problems with memory and recall. Check package label. 6. Masks hide your smile and facial expression which is important for social vagus nerve stimulation that supports the immune system. 7. Dr. Zack Bush says 5000 viruses (dead bits of genetic material) have been identified so far. Viruses are not only a part of grooming and strengthening our own immune system, they are a part of the evolution of our species. They teach us how to adapt. Don't lose the lesson. 8. Masks don't make you a hero. Mask show fear and submission. Innate wisdom makes no distinction between you and your surroundings. Natural immunity is the answer- Eat organic, filter your water, get rest, sunshine, exercise and think good thoughts! Health doesn't come from an injection or by wearing a mask. When you remove the obstacles, the "subluxations" to health, you are well. This is unmasked truth chemical manufactures don't want you to know. 3. The computer companies that made this virus wish to sell you the anti-virus (aka vaccine) and are attempting to scare you into submission. There is no pharmaceutical that matches the wisdom in our immune system. Currently, we still have the power to chose our path, so know the ingredients and side effects of anything being injected into you and always maintain freedom to choose sovereignty over our own body. The government in theory works for the people, to ensure your voice is being heard. If the current government representatives are not carrying through reasonable requests and operating for the greater good of our humanity, they must be removed and replaced. The World Health Organizations largest financial contributor is the Bill and the Melinda Gates foundation and much like Mr. Gates, the WHO has a mandate to use vaccines to kill. They must be defunded immediately and arrested for their crimes against our humanity. Information of the history of this man-made virus can be found at the last article in this blog. Here we discussed the established link between Gate Foundation and Wuhan, the pandemics bonds, vaccine history, profits, tracking and control. Since writing that article the light forces of the world - President Trump and the 22 countries within the alliance have hijacked this deep state plan and took over controls of the three pillars on which the current corruption was built. The three powers were - Italy as the primary control through the Vatican; London as the financial power of the world bank and the USA, DC as the military branch of this one world government. The corona virus lockdown allowed for protection of the public as the pedophile elite were being arrested and the sex trafficked kids were being rescued from the DUMBs (deep underground military bases). It was no mistake that Italy was hardest hit as it was one of the epicentre of the cabal corruption. The list of President Trump and allied accomplishments in the last two months of this plandemic have been truly amazing. In every crisis there is a blessing. Apparently, threatening our existence has given us a greater appreciation of life and liberty. 1. Made vaccines voluntary not mandatory. (June 18, 2020 NB, Canada Bill 11 was defeated protecting this right to freedom of medical choice. VCC is also taking the Canadian government to court regarding loss of rights and freedoms of these imposed lockdowns. Canadians please join this group to support the mission ) 2. Defunded the WHO. (I wish Canada would do the same with this corrupt organization) 3. Cancelled Democrat Bill HR 666 the covid trace act and tracking. 4. Cancelled Bill Gates project ID 2020 5. Opened a complaint form to report censorship of Facebook , Twitter and Youtube that has been overrun with complaints. 6. Executive orders to re-open states. 7. Took control of the 5G roll out nationwide. Hopefully to promote safer forms of 5G and 6G. 8. Executive orders for white house to take over all electrical grids which include the internet servers, broadcasting and electronic systems. 9. Declares places of worship essential services. 10. Applauded Australia and 116 other countries for demanding a probe into China and the onset and spread of covid-19. 11. Calls out CNN and other channels of fake news. 12. Gold back Standard. President Trump took over as chairman from the privatized corrupt bankers of the federal reserve. They had been printing and lending money at high interest rates to governments keeping them at their mercy for all these Bill and Acts to protect big businesses instead of our people. 1986 Vaccine Bill protects vaccine companies, 1996 the Telecom Acts protects cellular companies and the 2013 Monsanto Act also protects Bayer Monsanto against any liability of death, disease of injury, who protects you? He introduced NESARA- National Economy Security Recovery Act- Replacing income tax with national sales tax abolishing compound interest on secured loans. This prevents inflation, stabilizes and equalizes the economy. Having control of the Federal Reserve and money printing President Trump controls the dollar of global economy …..including Wuhan China. 13. All this and he still manages to drain the swamp of satanic elite pedophiles in Hollywood, Vatican and in politics and rescue sex trafficked kids from adrenochrome harvesting experiments in tunnels (DUMBs- Deep Underground Military Bases). President Trump has arrested more sex traffickers, than any other President in history. Fall of the Cabal 10 part series will give you more data on this part of the clean up. 4. Racial and religious tensions are coordinated by a small group of corrupt elite who own much of the world’s wealth. The racial riots are a plot to distract and divide us from these other world issues. The mainstream media uses false flag events, crisis actors and props to create emotion. A population living in fear are more easily manipulated. For example, if you are afraid you are going to die of a corona virus, then you may get a vaccine thinking it is going to save you. They do the same trick every year with the flu to sell the shot but the flu has never been eradicated, more chronic vaccine injuries ensue and every year pharmaceutical companies get richer. Bill Gates quotes a 200 Billon dollar return on his vaccine investments at your health expense. You pay for this "privilege" in your government taxes through the health budget and some of you pay again dearly with vaccine injuries. Winston Churchill used to say a lie gets half way around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on. But I believe, once the truth gets it’s knickers on, all heaven breaks loose with endless power and influence. Truth and justice is a divine proclamation. Join the "knickers on" team, expose the dark agendas and share the light and love of truth. We, as customers, command and demand the the supply of these companies and government corporations. Most don't believe we can which is why it continues. Our problem is not these small group of elite pedophiles, it is the masses who remain silent and scared not knowing their own power. Stay at home Mom, Tami Canal, who began the March Against Monsanto movement that is now Millions world wide recommends..... "vote with your wallet". We manifest: organic foods without the poisons; fresh water without the chemicals; clean air and oceans; natural health and immunity.....when we don't accept anything less. Revelations 22:2 "the leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nations'! Let's keep our earth sacred and the people united in this purpose. Candace Owens is one of many who sees through this corrupt agenda and doesn't support the racial games and the victim narrative of these racial stories. Not only are the crisis actor and events being exposed but we can see the cabal using the black lives matter movement as fund raiser for the democratic party! As one loving humanity we are too powerful for the few bad apples at the top of the barrel so they try to silence us with censorship, killing off or punishing those who speak truth and then manipulating the masses with the mind programming of the media. Media mind control is a whole topic within itself but the movie out of the shadows maybe a good place for you to start if this information is new to you. For those who wish for a more in depth exploration you could research the MK ultra mind control experiments funded by the CIA. The "toilet paper" media mind control trick they used for this respiratory virus or the "hourly news corona case updates" are a great examples of this psychological warfare. Testing, testing are you plugged in, isolated and scared yet? Covid-19 is a respiratory virus so why recommend toilet paper? The underlying agenda was for the freemasons to test the programming. The secret code freemason use to communicate to each other is called gematria. In the purest form it is a type of Jewish numerology used to guard the secrets of esoteric material by this cryptic means. It starts with the book of Genesis, forms the blueprint for the foundation of Christianity and continues in our present day. Sounds like a mystery movie doesn't it? It's almost like Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code being played out in real life by the world elite, right under our noses. If you become proficient, advance through the ranks, learn to decode their media messages, you and other 33 degree freemason like George Floyd may get invited to do a 13 million dollar crisis actor gig. Using a gematria calculator the words “toilet paper” and “mind control” are synonymous. George Soros is wealthy billionaire who owns 900,000 shares in Bayer Monsanto chemical company that adds poisons like glyphosate to GMO foods and vaccines. He is quoted as saying….” I’m going to bring down the United States by funding Black Hate groups. We’ll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate” . 2014 BILD. (Snopes- a monsanto fact checker- denies this quote.) There has been quite an economic boom in China... "made in china" virus, "made in china" masks, "made in china contaminated covid test kits. All this in addition to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau globalist deals where he gave away the Canadian steel deal of the BC pipeline to China and considered the dangerous 5G Huawei technology. It appears we were being locked down into a communist grid. President Trump taking hold of the global economy through the Federal Reserve from the rat race, hopefully will benefit us all. 5. Scam of Corona has been motivated by power and control. The man-made virus is real but the pandemic is not. Dr. Judy Mikovits in the movie Plandemic discusses flu shots as the gamma retrovirus primer for Covid-19. Sign up here to be notified of her next documentary as the previous one was truth censored and removed from many social media platforms. The media hype and government reaction was to instil fear so that you would beg for phase two of the depopulation plan, the real bioweapon- the vaccine. October 2019 Event 201 was a computer simulation and walk through of how they were going to make this play. Everything from collapsing the world economy with the lockdowns, the crisis actors, the fear tactics, the subsequent roll out of the 5G technology and the mandatory vaccines connecting us to a tracking grid, would have given them full power. We still have a choice to be empowered or be overpowered. There is strength in numbers. As stated above, this severe tactical maneuver to take over our humanity has made us stronger as individuals. We are uniting and coming together as a world family in this world crisis. By keeping your own vibration high, educating yourself, staying healthy, focusing your thoughts on what you love to manifest, sharing this information, taking inspired action, and courageously re-claiming your birthright, you rise. We rise together. Additional resources on the PCR test and the science of mask wearing: Testing CDC test kits contaminated. Understanding the PCR test. Corona Fruit. Testing with Mask Hero Peggy Hall. Colds test positive. Conspiracy analysis, seeding you with nanoparticles. Video of the founder of PCR test. Koch Postulates. Virus not isolated. Dr. Roger Hodkinson CONFIRMS it‘s a hoax Portuguese Court rules PCR unlawful. Masks Mask Dangers. Bulgarian Pathology Association Says COVID-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless. Dentist warn of "mask mouth". Top health officials say masks not helpful. Honest media admit masks don't work. Cochrane report of masks. Masks maybe chicken soup for the soul. Masks don't work. Surgeon Says Masks Are Useless. Could Breathing in Mask Chemical give lung cancer? History of masks. * Canadian Mask exemptions here.
Barbara Dempsey
8/12/2020 08:46:34 am
Hi Dena I am on your site and don't know where I can get that exemption card to print off could you please show me..your true follower and computer illiterate friend Barb lol we are having a rally in Saint John Aug 22+23 from 1-3 pm each day in Kings Square and I'ts against masking etc...
3/5/2021 06:27:31 am
10/27/2020 09:38:39 pm
HI Dena, wanted to let you know that in your resource list the link to Dr. Judy Markovitz goes to a Sound Cloud website - nothing to do with Judy? ...
Ilona boyce
11/2/2020 10:04:54 am
Amazing information thank you
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