New Moons are a great time to plant seed and write intentions and so I find you here again in the blog garden.
Astro butterfly calls this New Moon Pisces the "cosmic womb of creation". So for the next 24 hours you are tapping into a magical space where anything is possible. Every moment of the past and future collides into the present. In the last new moon cycle in Aquarius, we watched the humanitarian service of Canadian truckers and a few Million friends arriving to Parliament Hill to demonstrate the Power in the People on a Physical level. If you entertain the essence of this New Moon Pisces, you see that that physical strength and unity is a reflection of love that is birthed within you. This light core of our DNA has unlimited creator potential which is why the lower life forms, developed the mRNA shot, in an attempt to weaken your humanity. The good news is, it actually hastened your awakening. March 21, 2022 all restrictions and mandates are lifted as you have stepped into your power. The batch numbers ending in #1 were placeboes. The not so good news is that some have a more challenging path. Batch numbers ending in #2 or #3 have more serious life threatening consequences. Some may have soul contracted this more direct path to 5D without their physical body, others are left behind to assist others. 5D or 5th dimension is a term used to describe the reality of a witness consciousness where you envision, believe and achieve your creator potential. Below are a few steps to guide your journey. Step 1: Turn off your TV. They are using this device to "program" you. Evidence of this mind control device, are masses running out to buy toilet paper for a so-called respiratory virus and seeing millions of people injecting themselves with a toxic shot for a spooky "virus" that has never been isolated. According to the Canadian Taxpayer Federation, the Canadian Government gave 1.4 Billion dollars to CBC last year, so they report what the Canadian Cabal Corporation tells them. It is good to remind them of the facts but more productive it is for us to be supporting our truth media with our wallet and our promotion. Investing too much time, energy and emotion into the old paradigm that is collapsing upon itself may not be the best use of your time. The latest Russian soap opera has many angles and likely what you see on mainstream media may be a different perception of actual events. Military intel shares that the explosions are targeted to DUMBs (deep underground Military Bases) removing child sex trafficking rings and bioweapons labs. Unfortunately, there are some civilians that are getting caught in the cross fire but there is often a purpose in war. Maybe this war is not to make money for those supplying the weapons or asserting land claim, maybe this one is actually advancing our humanity in these times of higher consciousness. I initially thought that perhaps Santa Klaus was pulling the strings of his elves Putin and Trudeau to create a distraction from the genocide happening in our world. CBC doesn’t seem to be as inspired to report on the Millions of deaths and injuries from their shot promotion. But in a more expanded vision, with trust in a loving universe, is the possibility that Putin and Trudeau could be helping to evolve our humanity. After all "Justin" seem to have a different look about him these days. In many of his speeches his eyebrows are raised and they don’t seem to move with his facial expression. He could just be very perplexed or it could be a face lift that was pinned too tight or it could be the good guys have adopted a look alike to flush out other cabal players? For those of you who have a file to entertain it, do. Step 2: Release your own trauma and attachments as this not only holds you back but effects our collective evolution. The quickest way to do this is …. 1. Find the sliver lining to balance your perceptions. Every person and event has at least two sides- the cloud and silver lining. Once you can see all angles at once, your gratitude removes it from your awareness into a single light and love phenomena. An event is just an event until you put your judgement and perception upon it. Similar to the rods and cone receptors in your eye, you need the black to see white. You label it good so you have a reference for bad. If you have no differentiation your vision is clear. If you hold a prism up to the light it divides the ray into different colours but if you visualize it from the entry point it is one ray of light. Your position effects your perception. 2. Identify your worse fear and then see if it happened, how it would serve you. Hope for the best, plan for the worst and expect the unexpected. How would it serve you to lose your family? How could it serve them to lose you? How is sickness and disability a benefit? How could death be an asset? How would you survive if you lost everything? When you can see a way through your worst fears.... you are no longer held in the prison of your own mind. The tighter you hold on to your ideas of how it "should" be or what you "need" to have, the more resistance you encounter on your path. What you fear and focus upon you attract into your reality. What you think about you bring about. Abundance is a mind set. Once your heart and mind is in a loving place, you are free to expand beyond your physical space and surrender into your higher power. Step 3: Trust in a loving Universe. There are forces at work that you can't see. Each soul on the planet has set up a contract to be here at this time, each with a different purpose. Some may be here to suffer disability or death to awaken others. Some have contracted to lead and others to be led. Knowing this you are able to honour that every path is unique and you can release judgments and feeling responsible for others and focus upon you. To either envy or pity another, indicates you've forgotten this essential information. You can show loving kindness without judging their divine love lesson. Pain can be a great teacher. Perhaps even their free will to choose a meal of consequence here on earth is still within a divine menu ;) Step 4: Know thyself and Apply thyself. Your light core is your connection to this cosmic womb. Those in a pure form have god-like abilities to manifest. You were made in this image of unconditional love and limitless light. Especially at this time of a New Moon in Pisces you can literally think it into existence. The greatest obstacle to this ability is that you don't yet believe it. Henry Ford says, whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t you are right. So be sure to fill your mind, body and space with all that you love to elevate your vibration. Shine light. Share love. Speak truth. Be the Change. New Moon Intentions: The oil and gas prices usher in new Tesla type free energy technologies. The current injuries and health issues hasten the med-bed deliveries to Canada. The fluctuations of the Canadian dollar is the segue into the NESARA. NESARA reduces inflation and levels the playing field into a more stable economy. My thoughts dictate my destiny. I dream it into existence. God’s spiritual government is my guide. Through external turmoil, I go within to find my power. All is well and everything is unfolding as it is to be. I love. I am love. I am loved. These are some of the manifestation intentions I've written out for this month, what are your thoughts and focus? Write them down so if you veer off track, you can pull yourself back into alignment. You will know you are getting closer to a 5D reality when higher energy forms flock to your joyful existence and lower life forms can’t stand your presence. Joseph Campbell calls it being able to "live joyfully within the sorrows of the world". You become like an energy charged light-filled mosquito zapper- The pests fly and fry into your light. In a natural holy flow, energy moves from lower to higher potential. I imagine it as a parallel universe and the different layers of awareness existing adjacent to one another, similar to the movie, the Matrix. If you took the injection and are watching CBC every night you are living a fear based lower vibration reality. If you don't even own a TV and you are co-creating your own reality, likely you are living the holy flow and aligned to your cosmic heritage. Changing reality is a simple switch of your perception. Tune the radio dial, until you find a song you love. Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."~ Albert Einstein Step 5: Be grateful to be alive. There are so many options for health but fresh water, food and air are the basics. Filtering water, non-GMO organic foods, air purifiers and EMF considerations are the basics. The quantum technologies of the Genius biofeedback is good guide to health. Chlorine dioxide as molecular oxygen is a great way to destroy bacteria and parasites, Homeopathic tissue salts to balance the body, sal ammoniac to protect your DNA and potassium iodide for the radiation damage all help you survive and thrive through the earth forest. There are powerless energies here that can only survive by harvesting our human potential. This is why the sex trafficking and adrenochrome businesses are at the top of the current food chain, cuddled up next to their pharmaceutical billion dollar bed buddies. Some women even go to the White House with GMO foods, child sex trafficking business and vaccine mandates on their election platform. If you surround yourself with unhealthy people and unhealthy environments, they parasitically drain your energy. In a closed energy system the law of conservation states, there are no losses or gains of energy just transformation. So if you are high vibration and they are low, there is a steady stream of your vital force to maintain their survival. It is loving to bless and dismiss that which no longer serves your greatest good. Stay clean, pure and powerful in your body, mind and heart. Be grateful for this amazing journey. Know the natural earth provides all you need to heal. Awaken to your true power and magnificence. Action step for this month is to dream it into existence! Through this astral realm of dreams in a new moon, seeds sewn by your subconscious inform your conscious mind. Document your dreams. Grow these ideas with your intention, attention and actions so that they manifest over the next month. Trust that we live in a loving universe. Believe in your power to create and then do it. 5D is a star alignment that births itself in or out of existence so remember.. the power is within you! Reach for the stars, Envision and Achieve your personal best and most of all in joy the journey.
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