4/10/2023 0 Comments Revolution To Evolution.History and Astrology:
What does Pluto moving into Aquarius mean for you? In Astronomy, Pluto, a dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt was discovered in 1930. In Astrology, the energies of this planet represents transformation, spiritual growth and rebirth. Of course in this death, birth and re-birth cycle there are both pains and pleasure but when you are on purpose you embrace both sides forging forward with truth as your sword, justice as your shield and love as your power! Pluto dances into the constellation of Aquarius for the first time in centuries, uprooting the humanity until 2044. The last time Pluto passed through Aquarius (1778 -1798) we saw a revolutionary period that changed the way the world viewed power, money, technology, human rights and society as a whole. The American Revolution and the Bill of Rights were enacted during this time. In the dawning Age of Aquarius, astrologers agree that this transit will be just as revolutionary! This will just be a taste of what's to come in Pluto's ~20 year journey here, as it will shift back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius until Nov. 2024. A Pluto sign change indicates a seismic collective shift for all of humanity. ✦ Transformation in technology and artificial intelligence ✦ Uprooting and re-invention of humanitarian causes. ✦ Changes within and emphasis on communities ✦ Shifts in global societal power structures. ✦ Focus from body and earth to mind and air issues. Practical tips for you...... revolution to evolution. 1. Release. Know that uprooting old systems that no longer serve us is a form of universal love. Therefore welcome change, adaptation and invention as miraculous. Be willing to face your own shadow and darkness. Asking the question..... "where am I that?" is a powerful way to own all parts of yourself. Those who are most evolved, judge the least. Allow your old self and ego to die and birth the new integrated creator you! 2. Be grateful for the innovations in technology that connect us with each other globally. Focus on our collective transformation. Gratitude sees the glass half full and wills the other half to join. 3. Choose your greatest service to humanity. This is your surfboard to ride these next big waves. When you are operating through your higher mind you can use your emotion for inspired action. 4. Smile into sovereignty. Aquarius represents the visionary with a social conscience but there is a right of passage and a few growing pains to getting there. Moving from the old traditional governing structure of Capricorn into being responsible for our Aquarian collective self is a bit messy but it is all for a great cause. Right on the border of order and chaos there is maximum growth. Pluto ensures a massive growth spurt as people take back their power! 5. Look to the sky for answers as our higher mind and intellect bring us beyond the boundaries of our earthly structure into the freedom of our heavenly abode. Inspiration and information: The Real Power and Light of the World is within you. We just needed it to get dark enough for you to find it. What if we are more powerful than we can imagine? What if we have forgotten who we really are? Are we animals who react and retaliate or are we divine beings that create our own reality? The recognition of the truth of love and light as our foundation is the answer to the current chaos. Two very different videos for your consideration. 1. You owning your power and potential is the answer. 2. The question is are you ready to shine through the dark ? Dark Agendas and solutions: Mind control and controlled opposition is a big topic! Perfect discussion for a Pluto transit into Aquarius. The information in this video may shock and empower a general audience. Viewer discretion is advised. Before you refute the idea of mind control, examine a few modern day phenomena: 1. masses buying toilet paper for a supposed respiratory virus. 2. injecting themselves with toxins for a virus that doesn't exist. 3. diluting male and female. 4. believing the government is going to save you. Did you know the 15 min cities are beginning in Nova Scotia? I heard of one town who gave their municipal councils a choice...... remove the 5G towers or we'll remove them for you. After all, most intelligent parents want to protect their kids. 5G is 30-300 GHz, 60GHz effects coupling of oxygen in the lungs, 95GHz the military uses for mind control. When they turned on 5G at 60 GHz in Wuhan China, people started dropping in the streets so I believe they are starting us off more slowly in Canada. Neither Rogers nor Telus would confirm what 5G frequency they are using. I wonder why the World Economic Forum wants to install this dangerous technology? Perhaps they love us and want to make our lives more efficient? Have you contacted your city councillors to discuss? Are you in favour of these smart cities? Have you asked your utility company to remove and switch out the “upgraded" smart meter and routers that are wired for this technology? 5G resources/articles: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/spectrums-of-energy , https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/nature-defeats-technology. Bitchute link: 5G presentation to Health Canada. Being sensitivity to EMF, I've been focused on solutions. If you have off grid land to sell, you are a tiny home builder, an electrician, plumber, contractor, developer, investor, well-digger, seller of solar panels or generators, I’d love to connect with you. If you like I’d share your information with others that may be looking for off grid solutions as well. I’ve began to compile an off grid resource and supply list. There are also friends who have suggested options and opportunities in other countries that I am also investigating. 10 min SMART City in NS.Connect with Tara and Ros for action steps to oppose: [email protected]. [email protected] 5 min: Banking Crisis & Investing in Silver and Gold: Connect with Robert. 7 min Clip "keep your cash and wait for the storm to pass" ~ Ed Dowd (former blackrock CEO) Video on 5G and corona connection: Connect in this group for more information. Thank you for all those who supported the National Citizen’s Inquiry in Truro, you can still watch on-line and follow the progress. This was a good basic education for those who may have not been aware of the shot agenda. Remember this is just one spoke in the wheel. Now that we’ve inquired, we must continue to move forward with Action. Are died suddenly videos, shot injuries and government circus performances draining your energy, time and money from your life-enhancing, action steps? For those of us who are awake to a greater agenda, important now we don't spend too much time looking backwards and counting casualties but continue with the healing solutions and designing the 20 year towns. Much Love and Many Blessings to you, Dena ❤️ Click on this 5G global map, find your street and face the issues heart and head on. Speaking about heart..... the planet Uranus in Taurus 2018- 2026 heralds a shake up in values and resources. Uranus's last Taurus transit from 1935-1942 coincided with the Great Depression and WWII, uprooting themes in science, finance, culture and diplomacy. Good to watch videos in the resource section of banking as this is part of the revolution that assists Pluto in birthing our new world.
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