10/20/2023 4 Comments Native Traditions![]() Native Traditions may bring up images of feathers and drums but this article explores a little deeper than the song and dance. So deep in fact it extends into million year old archaeology and spans a few ice ages. The information could be dangerous in liberating you from the lies you have been told so for this reason it is not recommended for a general audience but for you- the reader who dares to know more. My own ancestral quest and the wisdom in the Clan mother documents and books of the late Meredith Quinn, inspired this article. Thank you to Meredith and Klan mother Karen Lucyk MacDonald for their vision and thank you to the Great Spirit for setting up this adventure. My own qualifications in writing about Native Tradition is a bit sketchy. The unexplained affinity for native culture and philosophies, maybe a genetic gift from my third-great-grandmother Selina. According to the white men text, the last known Beothuk in Newfoundland, Shanawdithit is believed to have died of tuberculosis on June 6th, 1829 but oral history seems to suggest some Beothuk intermarried with other tribes and races to save themselves from extinction. My grandmother Selina may have been one of these Beothuk escapees that survived execution by marrying Frederick Miller. Selina- a Native word to mean Sun (Sel/Sol) and Moon (lina/luna)- fell asleep April 17, 1903 at the age of 65. We have been unable to confirm Selina’s family name or history as there are no records of her before marrying my grandfather but some old Newfoundland relatives suggest that “she wasn’t from our area, spoke with a different accent and may have been Irish, Scottish or some other nationality”. If she was Beothuk, likely this secret kept her alive and gave me life to write about it. Old census records indicate her birth was April 17, 1837 and tuberculosis was her cause of death. Being the first born girl of the first born girl of the first born girl for at least four generations, this matriarchal influence was likely natured and nurtured into me. Perhaps it’s time for native spirits to awaken. American Indians, so Meredith Quinn suggests, are bound by strict spiritual laws handed down from the Great Spirit to never do, say or pursue a quest that would change a person’s spiritual belief in a Supreme being. There is an understanding that each human has their own sacred path with the Creator, not to be judged or influenced by another. There is a humility in their humanity and confidence in divinity that trust all is just as it is meant to be. Clan membership is passed on to the next generation through the women. This law, as legend has it, was also handed down from the Great Spirit. Every person in the world belongs to a Clan. Clans make up a tribe. Apparently, you can’t be a tribe, if you don’t know your Clan. Although, my grandmother used to say “you know your own”. Some maybe wearing the badge or the collar but have forgotten the creed. There is a Ritual or Rite, a song and dance gathering that must be performed by the first-born leader woman of each clan before the clan leaves on a journey the ancients call The Great Migration. In tribal circles, there are no middle men to write books of comMandments, maps and Mandates. In fact the protection of this wisdom is because it hasn’t been written. The Great Spirit doesn’t have a pen ;) The love and wisdom are so sacred that the written word dilutes the meaning. In recent years this innate wisdom has been forgotten by many as we witness Indian Act Chiefs slave signing away their sovereignty for a government paycheque. Weak men seek outer fame and recognition to compensate for their inner low self esteem and scarcity mentality. They have forgotten the power of the Clan mothers working within in a legal term of Causus Omissus (which means case omitted) as the exception to the law. Her rule was in an oral tradition that used to be known and respected not only by the Indians but also by the ruling class of civilized as the International law. Corpus Juris Secundum is an encyclopedia of United States law at the federal and state levels. In latin secundum means to follow behind or secondary. What they haven't told you is the Clan mother law is the Juris Primum or Supremus, which is the Primary or Supreme law that is not taught in law schools. Meredith Quinn suggest that the USA does not violate treaties but Indians who do not understand the truths of the treaties are the ones that violate them. The essence of Native traditions are found in stories, song or dance that moves the spirit within you. The ancients suggest the song and dance, wakes up the genetics and open channels to a greater power. They would know the song and dance ritual was successful because the Creator Great Spirit showed he heard the performance by creating a natural phenomena in the weather, in the sky or in the behaviour of animals. A communion with the native and nature. Language was a way of passing down oral native tradition but not as words or knowledge but as a story to create an idea. Ancients suggest knowledge ceases where wisdom begins. Wisdom encompasses both the seen and the unseen. Where “the seen, the seeing and the seer are the same. “ ~Yoga Sutras. The Indian language and written hieroglyphics date back 13,000 years and are not easily translated to English or any other civilized language. Mic Mac Chief Hector Pictou gave me an example of this in the word “Nepisiguit”. In the civilized world it is the name of the river in New Brunswick but the word in Mic Mac actually relates an image and a feeling of serenity and calm as you are paddling around the edge of the river with trees that hang over the water and you are moving under neath them with their protection. In English, we require a whole sentence to describe just a morsel of the meaning of this one word Nepisiguit that reaches into all the senses and tells the story of an experience. Civilized languages are expressions of an ancient story. Therefore our system of communicating is twice removed from the ancient basic science, so truths are clouded. This is a unique situation in Indian language where one word or symbol represented an idea, a narrative and had a concept or theme that another Indian hearing the word could finish. There is no direct english translation. It's no wonder the residential schools (ran by the churches and government) would beat an Indian child to death for speaking their native mother tongue. They obviously knew the power that it held in every dimension. Bringing back the ancient language and tradition would be a great focus. A focus for the Clan mothers not by the governments who are capturing the culture by selling sovereignty to a sovereign, like selling ice to an eskimo! The ancient Indian culture is geared toward the children, those current and those yet unborn. The Medicine and Prayer wheel, the fire disc, the Gau, the song and dance are all for the children. The stories and legends are to teach the young to relate to all creation. The natives live and breath to make a better life for the children. My maternal grandmother lived with us my whole childhood and she lived with her maternal grandmother too so we had double matriarchal influence of our mother and our grandmother in our households. In tribal tradition, there is great care and respect the wisdom of the older generations. The idea that children were gifts from God wasn’t just stated but found in the many stories and songs about love and the time they spent making us feel like gifts. Our four generations would often get together at the same table to share a meal with love, laughter, music and song. Everyone had a voice but the women were the law. If the men didn’t behave they may have gotten “a pot upside the head” heheheheh. Kidding, I never experience any type of family violence but all knew the women would go to great lengths to protect the kids so the men honoured them and never tested their wisdom. The grandmothers ruled the roost and were the judge and jury for any family disputes. They were respected within the community and all took part in church services and spiritual meetings. They would visit and have prayers with those who were sick, imprisoned or give shelter to the homeless regardless of their race, religion, colour or creed. Two of my grandmothers played the organ, some were healers who would birth babies or prepare a deceased community member for a wake, all were singers and dancers with a wonderful sense of humour so in general people loved to be in their colourful company. At the root of all their loving service was a trust in a higher spiritual power and a deep love, care and respect for family. My grandmother would say, “you children are my life” and we really felt like we were. My mother took care of her mother and her grandmother and my great grandmother took care of my great-great grandmother as they aged so the elders were part of that life too. In previous articles, I’ve discussed this wisdom buried in the grandmothers. There is so much of our history that gets buried but certainly an Archaeology site is a scientific way to dig up the truth. In 1915-1916 the bones of human remains were found at Vero along the east coast of Florida along side and in association with Pleistocene animals. Other similar finds were located in Melbourne, Florida in 1923-1929. Human remains and Dinosaur bones were obtained side by side. These archaeology findings mentioned in New York Academy of Sciences May 1950 suggested that Indians lived in the time of the Dinosaurs! Several conclusions can be drawn from this amazing discovery. 1. The Indian bones were petrified among the bones of extinct Dinosaurs all of the same age, so the Indian has remained the same in body and lifestyle as the Indians of today, so he cannot be included in Darwin’s theory of Evolution. 2. It gives the time line of the last ice age to be within 2000 years. 3. Because the petrified Indian was the same as the Indian of today in body and lifestyle, it suggest he has the science that gives him the knowledge on how to escape the global catastrophe of an Ice Age. Some Indians survived as they are still walking the earth today where the dinosaurs are no longer with us. The ancient translation of Time Walkers states “The present minus the past equals the future”, so perhaps our journey into the truthful past may bring us into the knowledge of truthful future. I have a sense that our behavioural and philosophical differences during the present “plandemic” reflects differences in our DNA. Those who are not easily fooled by the laws of men must have a clearer channel to a higher authority. It has been suggested that when there is no where to turn, personal tribal genetics are activated. Perhaps, the challenge is waking you up to your power? You know your tribe not by what they say or how they look but by their eyes, their actions and their heart. Allow this information to give you comfort and trust in your inner wisdom and guidance. Before we close, let’s collapse a few other myths to give you greater vision from Meredith Quinn. Noah’s Ark was a treaty and not a boat. Ptolemy, a 2nd century mathematician, astronomer and geographer, that formed our basic understanding of the motion of stars and planets, belonged to the Kleopatra tribe. He was selected by his sister who was a Head Clan mother to be the authority. Cleopatra was also a Clan mother that was made Queen because she reminded the Roman Senate about a tribal treaty with the Kleopatra tribes 1000 years earlier. She ruled Egypt for 20 years before she was killed by the Roman Senate. Columbus, born in Portugal, didn’t discover the Americas, he picked up the maps from the International Court in Hague of trade routes with the Indians. This information was buried with the 10 million Indians he killed in his travels. George Washington created the Six Nations in the US and the Seven Nations in Canada, then signed treaties with both of them with court acknowledgement that the Bear Clan Mother was beyond the man made laws. An Egyptian monument confirmed the same in the Red Granite Obelisk establishing that the territory rights are invested in the Causus Omissus or American Indian Clan Mothers. There are many other ideas that we have been taught that are lies to keep you from knowing and appreciating the true power, love and wisdom of our ancestors that is birthed into you. As I am learning, so shall I share with you in future articles and publications but today and in celebration of our upcoming Halloween/Hallowmas/Samhain-a holiday to honor the ancestors, the Vero and Melbourne men are the skeletons we pulled out of the million year old closet. You are older than you look and richer than you think! The implications of this history may help you see the current environment with a wider lens. Many are waking up now to the scam of covid, but lose themselves in victimhood and retaliation instead of focusing the energy into themselves and their community. Without a memory of their greatness, some feel the need to keep sharing the deaths and horror stories, stirring dense emotion instead of rising into the lightness of love and joy and co-creating the future. Some “rights and freedom” groups are selling you on the “hope” of a better future instead of reminding you that you have the tools to create it. Ancient Indians suggest that “Hope is the Puzzle of Fear”. The medieval prayer ritual of “Power, Wisdom and Love” was changed in more recent biblical modifications to “Faith, Hope and Charity”. The later encompasses desire and expectation of fulfillment outside yourself. With this partial view, they can sell you the dream, as you see your reality being beyond your control, hoping for the best instead of creating the best. They use fear and emotion to enslave you into the scary world of diseases, viruses, wars and death, put upon you by the wrath of their mortal God. Then they sell you on the solution, to the problems they have created. The way home is the way home. You who have ears to hear and hearts to feel this message are elevating your vibration. Bless and dismiss that which no longer serves you, connect with nature and remember, remember, remember your cosmic heritage of unlimited love and light. Instead of spending hours in an artificial reality of social media, use that time to learn a new skill, create a food source and a community with those you love. Be with your tribe and give your service. You will know them because you are elevated in their presence. Move out of the 5G city, secure food and water without the chemicals and re-connect to the land. Nature freely shares her secrets, get quiet enough to hear them. You can still share information and champion change but with your actions as much as your words. Gandhi’s phrase “being the change” has never been more true. Fill yourself so full that your love and wisdom spills out into others. Trying to give advice or suggest a course of action that you don’t already own won’t work. Being congruent in thoughts, words and deeds you have more power to design your destiny. I had a dream the day before the solar eclipse Oct 14, 2023 that we are passing through a portal from one room to the next. Take a deep breath, dive deep, kick hard, swim stroke with power and certainty under the wall into a beautiful new world. We can show others the way but they have to swim for themselves. The swim itself is the right of passage. In my dream, I was a little sad about this physical separation from some loved ones but the female presence showed me the limitless love and light that encompasses it all. Resources: Beothuk history: https://www.heritage.nf.ca/articles/indigenous/beothuk-disappearance.php. Wisdom in Grandmothers: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/is-sophia-hidden-in-your-grandmother NY Acedemy of Science: https://nyaspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.2164-0947.1950.tb00970.x Cleopatria Clan Mother: https://www.healthtruth.blog/blog/astroturf-astronomical-vision Meredith Quinn- The Dakota Time Walker & Proclamation Meredith Quinn Tribal Law : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWdutxBVvZI Hieroglyphics:https://educationnewscanada.com/article/education/level/university/1/969547/preserving-indigenous-languages-for-future-generations.html Oct 20, 2023 Mercury conjunct Sun square Pluto and Mars in Scorpio. Insights, messages, purpose unleashed through uprooting. If natal Mars and Venus in Scorpio is in the 4th house, this ancestral effect is magnified.
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