""Insophia" was a phrase I was asked to remember in the dream. The powerful woman in the dark cloak gently held my face within her hands, looked into my soul through my eyes and asked me to Remember, remember, remember. My mind had no file for this and I didn't know what the word "insophia" meant as i couldn't find it in my research but my heart seemed familiar with the power of this love. Last year, I found the word Ain soph Aur in a book and my mind fell into the knowing of my heart remembering my dream. Ain ("Light"); Ain Soph ("Without Limit"), and; Ain Soph Aur ("Limitless Light"). This was what I was being asked to remember, unconditional light and love. Unbelievable to discover in 1945 the ancient wisdom illustrated in the Nag Hammadi text survived the churches decrees of destruction. Although the patriarchy has tried to destroy her, the divine feminine mysteries of life and love were passed from mother to daughter, generation to generation, a vast lineage of underground wisdom. Stories, songs, jokes and prayers held the sacred truths in the hearts of this feminine wisdom. Allow this article to awaken these truths of love and knowing within you. Our world is calling for you to remember! My grandmother would make a case for those who were "ill spirited" in saying they can't help who they are. She'd not refer to it as "bad" or "evil" but just misguided. "They only know what they know, maybe their families didn't show them love in the same way yours did. Make no difference with the poor or the troubled, we are all equal in the eyes of God. " She would tell stories of how my great great grandfather would go visit the hospitals and prisons, sit and have prayers with those less fortunate, regardless of their condition or faith. He and my great great grandmother would apparently also house those needing a place to stay and share food and clothing with the sick and hungry. They would challenge that which suppressed equality and helped those remember goodness when they may have forgotten their way. I remember asking her if we are all equal, why did the church not allow women and homosexuals to be ordained? Why did the congregation fuss over a collar-less minister wearing an earring? and Why was there inter domination rivalry? She simply smiled and said, "they are following old doctrine and set in old ways, it is not the way of God, don't worry about that, they are learning, things are changing." There was a rather rude "joke" I heard repeated a few times close to my home that "it is not God that cares about these trivial details but the God dam people." Truest truths are found in humor. Even after a lifetime in the United Church and 56 years in the choir she allowed the light and love of God to expand out beyond the literal words or the man-made gospels to the fairness and justice of the world. It is to this grandmother wisdom in all of us, to which I speak in this article. It not just the wisdom found in the Sunday morning service but the hidden treasures in the tea cup of the Saturday night stories. The Nag Hammadi library was accidentally discovered by an Arab peasant in the mountains of the Eqyptian village of Nag Hammadi. Some believe these books are the oldest examples ever found dated somewhere between 60 and 400 CE (Common Era), meaning many were created in the year just after the crucifixion of Christ. Unlike the old testament that was written 500-700 years AFTER the events were supposed to have occurred it was likely a more accurate document. These earlier writings had many of the original teachings that included the Secret Gospel of John, the Gospel of truth and the Gospel of Mary Magdalene just to name a few. The Nag Hammadi library relayed a balanced picture of the masculine and feminine wisdom with the love, honor and respect of women, children, animals and nature that had been removed from the later writings. Nag Hammadi texts captured God as all loving entity one with nature, unlike the many of the Old Testament Scriptures that portrayed the "all-fearing" punishing God witnessed in war, death and disease. In the linear masculine philosophy, God wants you to take an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Turning the other cheek and loving them anyway, is a feminine concept. Losing the nurturing feminine lens created confusion, lopsided thinking and hindered the holistic vision found in the first writings. The Inquistion of the Middle Ages, was a brutal example of this perceptual distortion. There were reported five to nine million women put to death by the church for the crime of being attuned to the natural energies of the earth! The natural power of earth medicine was buried in the millions that were killed and driven into silence by those that survived. The "man knows best" idealism took over and the medicine women were replaced by the "all-knowing" male doctor. Still today we see man-made confusion in medicines, vaccines, genetically modified foods and in the geoenginnering of our weather. It would only take a minute to click on these words to know the dangers of glyphosate, naglase, and geo-enginnering for yourselves. The masculine has dominated us because, we have allowed it. To remain dependent upon outside authorities to dictate your destiny, you are at their mercy. Educate yourself, Use natural rhythms as your guide and Take back your power. Despite popular belief, Nature still knows best!! The wars and injustices continue as our children now born are sicker than the last generation and the predictions for the year 2025 is looking grim. Sistars, I ask you to remember those vows that were born into us, that which was nurtured in you as a child and that which you now pass on to your children..... "DO NO HARM TO OTHERS; TAKE CARE OF THE ANIMALS, PLANTS AND THE EARTH; PROTECT THE CHILDREN." If we are following the 7th generation principle taught by Native Americans, we make no decisions without considering the impact on the next 7 generations. With this commitment, likely you'd be venomously oppose the use of glyphosate found inside our genetically modified foods and in so called "medicines" for public health and be willing to do what it takes to stop the poisoning of the people and the planet. By killing the "good" bacteria in our environment, via the shikimate pathway, we are sterilizing our oceans, destroying soil and the killing the helpful bacteria that maintain the immune system within your babies gut. In refusing to acknowledge the divine spark within us and around us, we are deaf to this innate wisdom. We pollute waters with neurotoxins of chlorine and fluoride, we alter our food supply and destroy our seeds, we are cruel to the animals we eat, and we surrender our power to a man-made intelligence that is no match for the forces of nature that created our earth. Listen to the whispers of the breeze, the cries of the trees, the law of the land and lead with your heart! The shift of this consciousness, simply begins with your awareness. Remember. You may have heard that Monsanto is being charged with crimes against humanity but what you may not have heard is that they are going under the covers into bed with the Bayer company. The old boys clubs are joining forces and this merger gives them a monopoly over food and our seed supply. Ladies, pull out all the stops to bring these misguided boys back home. Let them know power and profits are useless pillars without a healthy planet. Educate and illuminate for darkness only survives in our ignorance. Eat non-GMO organic, filter your water, follow nature and share this information. You can not depend on the medical profession or health departments to help you with these decisions, as their licenses and regulations depend on them injecting your children, ignoring the dangers of genetic modification and following the profit protocol of the pharmeceudical companies that run the government departments. If you question why I know this to be a truth, scroll down to my last blog entry to know my current reality. ( Which reminds me, to take a moment to write a claimer/disclaimer. The views presented here in this blog are mine personally and do not necessarily reflect the views of any associations to which I hold membership.) The strongest love that has created our humanity to which I can think to appeal is that of YOU...THE MOTHER and FATHER. It is this love for your children and their children's children that I'm certain is shifting the paradigm. Let go of the victim mentality for all that has happened to you in the past. In every crisis there is a blessing. Your crisis was there to shine your certainty, strengthen your love and wisdom and bring you where you are today- armed with wisdom and powered by love. You simply had forgotten your own power and bought into lesser wisdom and understanding. There is no time for judgments, wallowing self pity and emotion, empower yourself, take the lead and make a change. Mothers, sisters, grandmothers and other keepers of the sacred flame, ask, believe, receive and awaken. My grandmother would probably say..."these rule makers don't know any different, they are disconnected from this feminine knowing of all energy being intertwined. Lovingly, take them by the hand and show them the way." The Nag Hammadi text would seem to concur, "sin" and "evil" are misalignments in our nature and actions that create our own suffering, misfortune and illness. Align to your power and bring your family and friends home to your heart. The new world doctrine is being birthed. The uniting of the feminine and masculine lenses as equal partners in the co-creation of our world vision is the Vescia Piscis, the portal to our new reality. Notes: 1. A well-researched book on this subject that inspired this article is, Return of the Divine Sophia. I highly recommend it for those who wish to know more truth. 2. Nan, you said I would remember you long after you'd gone, and I do. I love you!
Daryl Fleming
6/17/2018 07:33:32 am
Bob Hosk
3/6/2019 08:04:25 am
You ask why women and homosexuals weren't ordained. The answer is in your Bible. Because God commanded that women not have any leadership roles in the church. People think this is akin to demoralizing women. Far from it. There were very few men back then that weren't married. They couldn't possibly get very far in any career without the support of their wife. They were an integral team. And he would have that support without his propensity to listen. In any organization one must have someone who has the last word. That doesn't mean their power is all encompassing, but their word is final.
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