12/19/2023 4 Comments Winter Solstice 2023, Predictions 2024Why is the Winter Solstice the best day for a honeymoon?
It has the shortest day and the Longest night 😊 hehehe The winter solstice, a time where the veils between worlds are thin, we pause, reflect and plan for the year ahead. December 21st is the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere when the earth has its maximum tilt away from the sun. As the daylight hours lengthen, it is a reminder to welcome the light within you.... your christ consciousness. Christians worship Jesus, as an example of this light, other older tribes, cultures and traditions attach directly to the Great Spirit within our natural world. All living things celebrate the sun as a source of light and love. Your outer reality is a reflection of your inner world so that once you recognize and integrate the light and dark within yourself, you play more effectively in the matrix. The dualities of our earth and sky, the sun and the moon, the light and dark, the good and bad are both within you. The more you attach to your angelic persona, the more demons you will see in the outer world. The picture above of the winter scene is so beautiful because of the different contrasting densities of light. Even the shadows are cast from the light.... so really what is there but light and love. We are all doing the best we can with what we believe, know and have. Thank YOU for your unique expression of YOU. According to their values, even the globalist may feel they are doing a good service in culling the human herd to save the world. The depopulation agenda has been on the table for a hundred years, you may choose to be a silent participant in it or instead help create a new plan and world vision. I imagine our human heart to be a prism by which light is filtered, those with the purest crystal hearts are able to integrate all the rainbow of color back into the primary sun-filled beam. Read more about integrating yourself in the solstice in this previous article. Astrologically speaking, 2024 will be another ridiculously amazing year with many of the same themes. The article Revolution to Evolution, details Pluto's dive into Aquarius but as you may guess from the title and what you are feeling, humanity is going through a massive shift in consciousness. It is uprooting the old Capricorn structure and we'll come out at the other end of the car wash in 2044 looking completely different. The last time Pluto passed through Aquarius (1778 -1798) we saw a revolutionary period that changed the way the world viewed power, money, technology, human rights and society as a whole. The American Revolution and the Bill of Rights were enacted during this time. In the dawning Age of Aquarius, astrologers agree that this transit will be just as revolutionary! You can't run from your shadow, the only way through is to face it, embrace it and transform it into love. Uranus is in the middle of its run in Taurus so the unexpected shake ups in values, finances and self worth are reaching a peak. Uranus's last Taurus transit, from 1935–1942, coincided with the Great Depression and WWII, an age of dramatic scarcity and unprecedented power which uprooted Taurean themes in science, culture, and diplomacy. Uniting the higher mind of the Aquarian collective in Pluto and the unexpected happenings of Uranus in earthly resources of Taurus, chaos continues in world markets and the fall of the fiat currency. Hard assets like precious metals of silver and gold, land, organic food and real estate, natural resources are places to invest to ride out the financial storm until 2026. Crypto currencies as a new technology appears to be a good way to decentralize power but those who own the internet, control all the transactions within it, careful consideration with this and all internet transactions. Chiron (wounded healer) continues in Aries (personal wounds of self identity) until 2026 so this is a second proof that this current "spiritual war/great depression" continues through to 2026. The wounds are helping re-define and re-discover your identity. Saying "NO" to that which doesn't serve your highest good is still on the agenda. This would include shots, geo-engineering of the weather, spraying of nanotechnology and radiation of cell frequencies. As always silence gives consent for it to continue. Jovial Jupiter rides with Uranus for the last leg of the marathon this year so we will feel more encouraged and hopeful about the changes. Saturn stays in Pisces for the next couple years so this suggests the world is still having difficulties in creating boundaries and structure. Many are going with the flow because they have not yet found the love and wisdom to stand up for themselves. June 2025 when Saturn moves into Aries the boundaries and structures become more defined. Guide the process and encourage the collective by living into your Christ-like consciousness. Reality and fantasy may blur when any planet is in Pisces- intuition and emotions color reason and the season. Dancing with in the Stars, Saturn, Chiron and Uranus play the pitch to add to the music of Pluto. To summarize, Uranus moves out of Taurus in 2026 suggesting world finances become more predictable but Pluto will take 20 years in Aquarius to transform the collective (2024-2044).... The Age of Aquarius. The first few years in and out of a sign for an outer planet are generally more intense. This is what we are experiencing currently. Based on these astrological events that span over the next few years, this video discusses interactions of biology and technology in transhumanism and lists a few recommendations for 2024. This year, the themes will be similar to last, however maybe more intense because they effect more of the collective. More and more people are waking up to the greater agenda in 2024 but not until 2026 are we likely to feel some relief from personal wounds of identity and see more predictability in world financial markets. Returning to "normal" old comforts of the past is not in the cards.... we are transforming and finding a new way of being in the world. Great to be alive at this time to witness and embrace the new advances in our evolution. We are experiencing WW3 and the world revolution wrapped up in one big burrito! Take little bites, chew slowly, allow yourself time to digest and adjust to the changes. Right on the border of order and chaos is maximum growth. These are general themes and recommendations for the collective but to understand how these transits affect you personally, connect with me or another astrologer for more specific analysis. 1. Take care of your own health. Strengthen your immune system. Avoid wireless technologies. Filter water. 2. Invest in local farms, small business and precious metals and consume organic, nonGMO, non-injected meat & produce. 3. Do more of what you love and share with others. Those who live a purposeful existence live a longer life. 4. Create joy for others and you will see it doubles back around to find you! You maybe the answer to someone's prayer. 5. Judgements on others are reflections of those you have on yourself. Release them. Do you. Seed kindness. 6. Reforming current governing structures is a monumental task. Find your area of genius and rise into your greatness. 7. Turn pain into purpose. Be your own advocate and activist in educating, irritating and legislating new laws that protect our earth and all the life upon it. Chiron in Aries suggests you keep feeling the personal wounds until you stand up for yourself and create the life you love. 8. Foster gratitude and live in this moment. Our fears and anxieties of the future drain the power in the NOW. How grateful are you for your life and your humanity? Show the world your grace, love, power and wisdom in being the best and brightest version of you! There is lightness and darkness within the world and within yourself. Where you look is what you see and the reality you experience. Note the injustices, do what you can to bring them to light, then let them go. Focus on a loving universe that holds you in every moment and send this ripple of love, power and wisdom out into the world to create the changes you'd love to be and see ..........Through the darkness of the night, release now your eternal light. For those who are called in love and grace, channel through the potential of all time and space. Those who understand, do. Wishing you and yours, love, joy, health and abundance in 2024 ! Lovingly submitted Dec 19th, 2023 on a second quarter Aries Moon Solstice blessings to you and yours. Wishing you a beautiful day filled with all that you love ❤️⭐️🙏 May your body-all your systems, organs, tissues and cells continue to balance and heal. All psychic cords and darker energies attached to you are severed as you rise into optimal health of your divine structure. Challenge your mind to soar into the unlimited possibilities of this wonderful world. Focus your eyes to see the beauty in every morsel of our existence. Allow your courageous heart the freedom to love and to be loved. May the Great Spirit of unconditional love surround you and remind you of your power, love and wisdom to create your reality, as you bathe in the beautiful glow of the Sun.
Frank Wormald
12/19/2023 04:32:33 pm
Dear Dena and Betty Lou and your families. Blessings be to all for a healthy, loving, peaceful 2024. Love and Light Frank and Katharina
Dena Churchill
12/20/2023 04:04:12 am
Thank you Frank and Katharina ❤️ Grateful to re-connect. Love & light blessings back to you and yours.
12/19/2023 07:33:59 pm
Best wishes for 2024 Dena...Peace, love and health,
Dena Churchill
12/20/2023 03:59:46 am
Thank you Ken for your well wishes and your digital services of amazing videos and more truthful news ❤️ Blessings to you and yours. Are you still taking Subscribers here [email protected]?
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