Our old heart shell is being broken so that our new consciousness is able to emerge. Fear not the fire but become the flame! Every man and woman is being given the opportunity to step into higher service and many are gratefully declining the invitation to be a slave to the old system. So beautiful it is to see thousands gathering coast to coast for this purpose. There were about 300 people that came out in Nova Scotia to the Canadian Frontline Nurses rally Sept 1st and about 10,000 in British Columbia. Wednesday’s Zoom last week with: Ted Kuntz-Vaccine Choice Canada, Paula Tucci- Stand Up Canada, Tanya Gaw-Action 4 Canada, Rocco Galati- Constitutional Rights Centre, Dr. Stephen Malthouse- BC physician, Vincent Gircys- Retired Police Officer after 32 years with Ontario Provincial Police, delivered great reminders for you to stand in your power. The universe will keep pushing you, until you step into your power. Pick Up Your Wings Here: 1. When you stand up for your human rights and freedoms, you own them. You dictate your destiny. No one is going to save you. Know your rights. Exercise your Freedoms. This is not really about a passport, a shot or a muzzle, as it is consenting to assault and giving up your power. In the words of Wayne Dyer…. “you have to teach people how you wish to be treated!” Teach. Canadian Human Rights Act: Discrimination Section 2 and 7 Canadian Criminal Code 346, 364, 269 Intimidation, coercion….. Canadian Bill of Rights Section 2 supersedes any provincial bylaws that restrict movement and breath…… 2. Group with others who have similar values. Sign up to these websites. Notify workplace unions and professional associations to protect its members against this harassment of harmful injections and mouth coverings. Gather. Vaccine Choice Canada Canadian frontline nurses Canada health alliance Americas frontline doctors Children’s Health Defence Highwire Children's Health Defence Canada report mRNA shot injuries here : https://vaxxtracker.com/ 3. Download, modify and send Notices of Liability found at these websites, hold personally accountable those trying to smother and inject you and your children, and stop consenting to unlawful suggestions. Report these crimes to a Justice of the Peace and your local police departments. They have a duty to hear your complaints and see that justice is served! Act. Three Six Nine Media Standupcanada- Videos channel. Action4canada Constitutional rights centre Vaccine Choice Canada Justice of the Peace Canadian Civil Liberties Association 4. Instead of focusing on what we don’t like, more powerful it is for us to focus on what we love! Our growing soul community is providing all that we need in the way of organic food, healers, remedies, builders, educations & entertainment to flourish through the days ahead. If you haven’t found your arms and legs yet in our new world, you shall and we are holding the space for you to arrive. Just as they restricted flow and food access with masks, so shall they try similar tactics to control and manipulate using the shot. We are still in the process of developing our own Farmers and Friends Market to ensure we have food, friends and an abundance of supplies through the winter months. If you’d like to join our Soul Friends list of Business Services, please send and email with SERVICE list in the subject line, with just your telephone book type entry of your ”Name, Service and Contact”. To be in our soulful family appendix, you must be on my email list, not wearing a mask or in any other way contributing to the scam and taking an active role in creating our new world. More and more are finding courage to leave their restricted jobs to step into their soulful service. Our healthy community is organically growing! We are referring, trading, bartering and supporting each others success and creating abundance. Trade 5. Be self sufficient. You can't opt out of a system that you are dependent upon. Catherine Austin Fitts recommends a few strategies to counter the 2030 agenda: Use cash, avoid credit card and digital currencies of social credit system; utilize non-profiting credit unions instead of banks; support local businesses and organic farms and farmers who are keeping you healthy; buy your own homestead and grow your own food; boycott big corporations and banks whom are funding this 2030 agenda. The Blackrocks, Vanguards and Gates are buying up the real estate and farm land for their agenda so by decentralizing our land and resources we become more sufficient and abundant. Sovereignty. https://tngalliance.com/ Life Claim and Grammar/Syntax https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHa0jbLufrI&t=52s&ab_channel=TheVedicObserver https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/mindwars/28-regaining-your-strawman-h7CfpjWQ5Xg/ https://newearth.university/ https://www.commonlawcourt.com/ 6. Change your perspective from Victim to Valor. The division you see and the judgements you make are keeping you from your greatest potential. We are all one humanity with different values and goals. Communicating within those values, you become part of the matrix and have unlimited power to influence. Transparency and accountability creates a loving foundation. To what are you are willing to submit and to whom do you give power? When God is your highest authority, you know what to do! Bless and dismiss that which no longer serves you and step into a greater soulful alignment and service. Love. Events and reminders of the week….. 1. Freedom Nova Scotia: Thrill on Citadel Hill at 1pm THIS Sunday Sept 5, 2021. International speakers, music and fun for kids! All welcome. Our best celebration yet.! 2. Nature Days and Luna Vista Farm Forest School: Starts September 14 [email protected]. 3. Opening Night for the Rudolf Steiner Movie was a wonderful success! Connect with Kassandra for next show times [email protected]. Enjoy this trailer! http://rudolfsteinerfilm.squarespace.com/. Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst and Expect the Unexpected! Much love and many blessings, Dena Share Good News: 1. Did the Supreme Court Cancel Universal mRNA shot? 2. Did the WHO European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization former Vice President Professor Christian Perronne said that all vaccinated people must quarantine? 3. An ICAN lawsuit, filed by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Del Bigtree, has already been won against HHS as of July 2018. ICAN wanted to know how much research had been done in the 32 intervening years since HHS was mandated by Congress in 1986 to improve the safety of vaccines. In response, HHS conceded the case and said they could find nothing in their files for the past 32 years. There is no science behind FDA’s recommendations. 4. Accountability calls resignations.
Tantramar Landowners Association
9/13/2021 04:07:40 pm
I believe you have more integrity in your big toes than Rocco Galati has in his entire body... you are a cut above all these 'players' and 'grifters' -- please consider this a sign of support and encouragement but a caution not to play in their arena for the republic.... we are always welcome to opt out ... but not thru a legal system the queen presides over - its going nowhere with Rocco.. you told him off last year on Sallie's show - thank you for that.. the queen is a disgusting pervert. paedos .. the whole rotten fake royal family is over... the Privy Council Oath is a Mafia Oath.. https://soundcloud.com/indie-media-eastcoast/the-privy-council-oath-monarchy-mafia-oath-greg-hallett-jim-fetzer -- I hope to connect you with Greg Hallett if you are willing to check into his important work that goes back decades.
S.A. Cunliffe
9/16/2021 04:53:33 am
Thank you again for your content and good heart. I sent Rosa Koire my Joan Veon books many years ago when I came across her on youtube. I also learned a lot from Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich before I was suspended from Twitter, Facebook, Youtube etc.... Rosa Koire was unethical and so I do not promote her now.. and haven't for a number of years. My friend Sallie Elkordy understood that I was a researcher and not a protestor; a publisher and not a rally-goer.. she often encouraged me to get out with signs and banners which to me makes no sense... education is where our society has gone horribly wrong... the dumbing down which is so evident now... I'd prefer to share what I learn and hope for the best! This is a good read: https://nikiraapana.blogspot.com/2013/12/behind-green-mask-of-rosa-koire.html .. Niki and I were in touch by phone in 2013 or so...
9/16/2021 04:57:00 am
I am featuring you at my blogger this week with many thanks and hugs Dena... I won't be able to visit PEI or NS again any time soon and this truly breaks my heart because its a family downeast and they know this and are happily segregating us anyway.. pathetic weak leaders.
9/16/2021 05:00:25 am
On the topic of dumbing down: Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt's book is a great resource to own.. but her work is freely available online too - she wanted it to be open source... she is still alive and well and living in Camden Maine USA... I do not keep in touch with her - she will not name the 'J' and seems adverse to that idea in general.. makes you wonder.. perhaps another gatekeeper.. comes from an illuminati family so I suppose you have to take the good with the bad these days...
11/29/2021 07:37:38 am
Good to see you give Alison McDowell at wrenchinthegears.com a shout-out in your email.. thanks...
12/4/2021 09:29:56 pm
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