5/3/2019 2 Comments Fertilizing Your Faith This could be a new age hippie chick sharing aboriginal religiosity, or it maybe everything you can imagine and a little squigit more....... As with all writings, this article is just as much for me, the writer as it is for you, the reader. The world can seem like a pretty grim place at times, living in the illusions that have been created for us. We have the opportunity to see the harsh realities that have been presented, rise through it and because of it to the greater truths that connects us to the enchanted world around us. I may be discussing ideas and situations to which you have no reference, and it may conflict with your current paradigm. I would gratefully ask you to allow the information to seep into your subconscious. Know this article is written with the loving intention of showing a way through the darkness into a more enlightened way of being. The sunrise solutions are simple truths entwined in the very fabric of your DNA. You already know what I am about to say on some level, so I’d invite you to allow the awakening. Introduction to the Grim Reaper "Good day, I’m grim, here to reap benefit from your ignorance." ~ the dark world. If you are living in an imaginary fantasy land, like I was for many years, this paragraph is for you. The world is not just a kind place where you are being taken care of by the people the establishments around you but it is also a cruel deceiving place of great suffering and sacrifice. Authorities in which we have entrusted our health, faith and education are often led with values of power and control of the herd. This is a naked open-ended comment to deliver so early in the article but seeing the full landscape, is necessary for you to choose the vehicle to move onward and upward. The purpose of this article is to provide you the information with connected links and resources for your own education. To balance your perceptions seeing both the sides of the equation and through knowledge, loving into the wisdom of your heart. Often hearing these truths for the first time upsets your current paradigm and it may produce cognitive dissonance. If this is the case, bookmark the article and come back to it again at a later date. The mental noise creates fear and if it presents as anger, the messenger becomes an easy target. I like to leave these bullet points from an angry readers visible on social media as teaching tool for those more evolved in their process. When you can hold space for others to grow without a personal reaction or offence, you’ve reached another level of your own evolution. Empathy and love for those who are fearful and angry may be the medicine they require to move forward. This information presented in this article, is not a pleasant ‘dinner time conversation’ and it is difficult to digest. Be gentle with yourself, take small bites and chew slowly. We are all in this together, “just walking each other home”. Ram Dass. Let’s start with the natural beauty and magnificence of the earth as I will later suggest this as one solution. Our food, air, water and medicines are being poisoned. The genetically modified foods are sprayed with a water soluble poison glyphosate that is killing the bacteria in our guts, in our soil and in our oceans. Without these natural bacteria to keep our internal and external ecosystems in balance, it causes dis-ease. Humans and animals are getting fatter, trying to sequester environmental toxins and the chemicals are causing leaky guts, gluten sensitivities and immune system disorders of all sorts. Cancer is one presentation of an immune system disorder. The body has been taxed so much, it can no longer fight off the rogue cancer cells through apoptosis and we are overrun by the abnormal cells, parasites, infections, and viruses. The same is happening in the greater ecosystem as we are just a microcosm of the macrocosm of our universe. The wildlife in our oceans are dying, birds are getting sick, the trees and plants have fungal brown spots on their leaves and the sky many days is filled with chemtrails that block the sun. The trees, plants and herbs that supply natural healing have been harvested with hefty price tags and manipulated into medicines with side effects that often cause just as much harm as health benefit. There are many historical details to this story that I’d invite to explore for yourself. But if I were to take you on a quick track through history I’d begin the story in 1910 with the Flexner report. A few of the wealthiest men at the time gathered their money and resources and hijacked the medical schools. They filled their governing boards with representative from their chemical/pharmaceutical companies to change the face of medicine from the holistic natural healing discipline that it was (using nutrition, homeopathic and other remedies) to a drug focused business. Doctors that enlisted were guided away from natural health and healing into the pharmaceutical model of sickness care. The body was divided into specialities of individual parts and treatments were based on symptoms instead of whole person health. Between 1900-1950 with the advent of better sanitation, infectious diseases that has been plaguing our nations began to decline, burning themselves naturally BEFORE the advent of vaccines. In fact, after the polio vaccine was introduced there was a increase of incidences and related deaths. The neurological presentations that we see in the history books of polio only occurred in 1-2% of those inflicted with the virus. Some historians believe that the man-made live attenuated vaccine virus and DDT entering the environment in 1939, caused many neurological symptoms that may have contributed to these “iron lung cases”. The pharmaceutical companies became wealthy heroes, claiming that the vaccines were the reason for the decline in these infectious disease. If it was just a harmless way to make a few bucks, I guess scamming the population for 100 years wouldn't be so unusual but neglecting to share the side effects of vaccines is certainly not in the best interest of public health. Dangers in vaccines are related to heavy metals, glyphosate, animal retroviruses, nagalase and nanotechnologies. It makes your head spin to know 10 million chronic fatigue cases and 100,000 AIDs cases were caused by the vaccines. As Dr. Judy Mikovits says, “God never intended animal blood and DNA to be injected into humans.” MIT computer scientist, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, charts the exponential increase in Autism since the MMR vaccine was introduced in 1971. If nothing changes in this glyphosate picture, her charts predict 50% of baby boys born in 2025 will be autistic!!! Yes, I know we were told they are safe and effective but they lied! There are no double blind, placebo controlled, safety studies for any of the vaccines!! Vaccine video So the hijacking stage had been set as you have read in the Flexner report and these group of powerful men owned the most prestigious medical schools. They began educating doctors about the benefits of these vaccines and other pharmaceuticals, as the courses in natural medicine and nutrition declined. One school influenced the other, more doctors came on board, media and marketing ambassadors were hired to sing the miracle of vaccines. An army of medical soldiers grew the public health care profit plan. Through 1960-1970 more and more vaccines were being developed and the numbers wildly increased to the recommended schedule we have today. Currently, a child is expected to have 68 vaccines by the time they are 16 years old…… to be healthy? Our current generation of children is the first ever to be born sicker than their parents so the jig is up on this medical scam, as parents are educating themselves to the serious consequences and real motivations behind the shots. Genetically modified foods didn’t begin until 1994 but before the public would start discovering the ill health effects. President Obama in 2013 passed the Monsanto Law, protecting the company against any liability. Similar to the bill passed by President Reagan in 1986 to absolve vaccination companies of any liability of injury, death or disease. There in the White House, the next layer of the paradigm presents as you see these wealthy men not only bought the favour and influence of medical schools but bought their way into government policies! How does a law pass that protects the companies interest over the best interest of the people? It is unheard of for a company to relinquish responsibility and accountability to the public they serve! This unbelievable situation has continued because of our ignorance to the details and our trust and belief in the system. The sad story stops today with your education and your voice. Your body and your choice. You are remembering that the power was, is and always will be in the people. The Geoengineering of our weather started in the 1970’s as a secret military project under a guise of controlling the “global warming”. The hidden agenda was that it would be used for the weather warfare. Dane Wigington has a great website on this if you’d like to learn how the heavy metals ionize the air to allow the manipulation of weather. He explains why we have fires and desert conditions in California and flooding rains in Texas and India. It could be some kind of coincidence, but the flooding of the fields in India came after the farmers there refused to use the Monsanto GMO seeds. There are other sources of air and water pollution from poisonous chemicals of plastics and fluoride but these topic are more common and their visibility makes it easier to address. The silent weapons, that we can’t see are far more dangerous. "The hidden mercury in the flu shot for example has 250 times more than what the environment protection agency allows" ~ Robert F Kennedy Jr. There was much more mercury in the flu shot than in the industrial chemical ponds that Mr. Kennedy had been investigating. Another invisible weapon of warfare is the 5G cellular wave that carries much of our wifi and cell phone technology. This small millimetre, military weapon wave has the ability to split the double helix of our DNA. It also can be used as a weapon for locking down the grid of “smart” technology around us with just the push of a button. It allows for 3D surveillance, directed energy weapons (DEW), crowd and mind control. Finding the Sun Rise Now that you understand the messed up state of our world, let’s explore why this is, how we can protect ourselves and heal the planet. 1. Understand the problems, research this information for yourself and share with others. When you see how the establishment has deceived you, you take back your power! Our ignorance allows for our manipulation. The world is currently being ran by those who internally feel powerless and out of control which is why they externally seek to control and to over power. Your education and sharing of this information will disband their army. Your TV, radio, media "programming" and music are branches that this establishment uses to create fear and mould your thoughts. Seek other options. 2. Live from the earth. Grow your own foods, herbs and spice if you are able and support our local organic farmers and small livestock companies that take care of their animals. There are many myths presented to us about diet but if I were to make one ultra simple recommendation, it would be to avoid carbohydrates. Bread, pastas, starchy vegetables/fruits, sweet treats convert to sugar causing inflammation and chronic diseases. Many of our chronic disease can be cured with entertaining a “wild” life - eating in a fresh, unprocessed natural form, from our organic earth. Wild animals in nature rarely have these civilized diseases. Our journey is to live and love the land and each other like the aboriginal, homo carnivore. Our mono gastric guts (having only one stomach) and the enzymatic condition of our stomach suggest we need animal protein for optimal health. Dr. Barry Groves, Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride and Dr. Georgia Ede were some of the researchers that talked me out of my vegetarian predisposition. 3. Intermittent fasting is a good way to cleanse, detoxify, heal the body and improve your energy. So again imagine you are a cave man and you hunt your meal and then eat it. The rest of the day you are moving, hunting and being in nature to balance your body energy. Dr. Jason Fung even suggests reversing type II diabetes with these methods of reducing carbohydrates and intermittent fasting. 4. Try to avoid the sources of chemicals that we have discussed. Gylphosate (patented as an antibiotic) being a water soluble poison, is challenging to avoid as it does get into our water supply and is sucked up into the plant. Filter your water, eat organic and heal your body from the damage by replacing ‘good’ bacteria and repairing the tight junctions of your digestive lining. I use a cultured coconut kefir, carbon 60 and a product by Dr. Zach Bush called “Restore” every day. 5. Avoid Wifi technologies, turn off your cell phones and TV and get out in nature. Invest in personal grounding devices and blankets. Cover your routers and smart meters as they are creating a “kill grid" as Joe Imbranio calls it in your home. I bought grounding sheets and blankets on Amazon and Alan Mahar design products protect the family in our home. 6. Increase your vibration. David Hawkins in his book Power VS Force gives you a frequency scale of emotions, assigning frequency readings to consciousness. Those vibrating higher than 200Hz will help feed the energies of greater consciousness and starve out those vibrating in the lower ranges. When operating with fear, guilt, shame, grief and resentment one must use force to move thorough the world feeling powerless. There is a new Genius quantum healing technology that is serving well, that address vibration and harmonizing frequencies as a method to healing. Fostering a feeling and a tear of gratitude for all those blessings in your life is the fastest route to this heavenly highway at 400+ Hz of true power. A day like today you may need to remember a few more blessing to balance the information in this article. Know you are not alone. Read this other vibration article for details. "The wound is the place where the light enters."~ Rumi. 7. The last but most important detail in fertilizing your faith is to connect with your own beautiful heart and magnificence. Fluorinating tap water calcifies your pineal gland, changing the music base frequency from 432Hz to 440Hz confuses you, introducing 5G technology effect our DNA and all of it disconnects you from your cosmic connection to this all loving universe. Judgment or fear of the establishment will simply lower your vibration. See it and understand their actions come from their own discord into fear and helplessness. Flow with the waves and send love and good vibrations out to those leading our world. The greatest medicine for any aliment, is love. Remember shadows fall behind the light so lead the way with your flame. Be grateful for this amazing opportunity to learn to live and love in this expanded dimension. Once you see the matrix and understand why it is there, you rise above it. Manure is a great fertilizer but love grows your faith. here to edit.
7/10/2020 12:58:18 am
Being an advocate of the beauty of optical wavelengths (I have studied amateur astronomy for 40+ years) I can also see the beauty in the harmony of various other wavelengths and how it can be so beneficial to the well being of all life on earth. Dena has eloquently given us insight into the nature of some of those wavelenghts. Thank you Dena.
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