6/15/2019 0 Comments Healthy Sex and Your Magic Dragon![]() How does the dragon fit into the mysteries of sexual magic? I used to think all sex was magical and healthy, before my brush with the sex trafficking trade. That education certainly painted a whole different picture! I say brush because I didn’t actually apply for a position in the 32 billion dollar sex business. It happened that I met a guy on an internet dating site and then the process of education took hold as I witnessed the networked chain of command, woven through all levels of society. International speakers, musicians, authors, actors, doctors, clergy, police, government officials and even presidents. To make a long story short.....with the help of a few good friends, a judge that granted me a peace bond of protection and God answering my prayers, I’ve been shaken well enough to bring you this story. There seems to be a structured hierarchy of pimps and prostitutes who are forced to perform sex and they are physically punished if they do not comply. This could include incest, beastiality, pedophilia or other un-natural rituals to create emotional blocks that keep victims stuck into that painful reality. Not only external injuries like severe burns (cigarettes, cow prods, exhaust pipes, plant poisons) but some are microchipped and have electronic devices implanted to directly effect their nerves. Once hooking a new fish, they can infiltrate the family, impregnate the women and the cult grows. Hidden cameras in phones, computers and contact lenses, record a profitable pornographic show. With the advent of 5G technology and having a smart meter attached to your house, all our bedrooms may soon be open for 3D surveillance. Sexually transmitted infections are rampant and if the sex slaves aren’t injured or killed by a customer or pimp then the chronic sexually transmitted infections usually result a shorter life span. It is a cruel existence. Likely, there are those in your sphere who are suffering through this and you just can’t see it yet. Keep your eyes open and report these injustices. The body and blood of child sex slaves are being sold in sacrifice to those who can pay. Elite groups, disconnected from the higher intelligence of their hearts, often fall into the crippled mind of these dark rituals. Did one of these elite group members really make her way into the USA presidential elections selling child sex slaves? Please be advised the following 1 min link comes with a warning of viewer discretion. I share this to validate the story and to give you hope that this darkness is dissolving into the light of this exposure. I’ve used a tar brush to paint a picture of unhealthy sex so that you may appreciate its opposite. It could be that you are a man or woman reading this who would simply like to better your sex life, reduce pelvic pain or dysfunction, or to improve incontinence. Or perhaps, you are a victim of sexual abuse and trauma and may need a first aid recovery plan. Rummage through the ideas here in this article and carry out with you, what you need. If you are a victim or you suspect someone is part of a sex trafficking ring, report any suspicions to the help lines. Local establishments, police and community services, under the influence of county rule, may not enthusiastically receive your reports but the international help lines provide unbiased assistance. Sex slaves maybe holding very influential power positions but they are being watched and all their movements monitored, so they may need YOU to be their eyes, ears, hands and heart to help. Take a few deep breaths. Inhale slowly for a count of 8 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and then slowly exhale for 8 seconds, hold the exhale for 4 seconds and repeat this protocol twice more before you read further. These breaths will help cleanse your palate before we go onto the next course, which will be much lighter, easier to digest and maybe even a little entertaining. Rumi says, “The wound is the place where the light enters”, so we must open the curtains, windows and doors to allow in the healing light of love. Yoga breathing techniques are extremely powerful in bringing energy and healing intention to the pelvic area. Try the breathing technique above again allowing your belly to expand and release your pelvic floor muscles as you inhale. Then as you exhale draw in and up on the abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor. I imagine that I am squeezing the air out of my belly by approximating my pubic area to my sternum, engaging the yoga energetic lock the Uddiyana Bandha. Contract the muscles you would need to use to stop your urine flow as you exhale, to engage the lower energetic locks of the Mula Bandha. This rhythm of relaxing and contracting with breath, oxygenates the tissues, tones the muscles is a good training exercise for orgasm. Inhale oxygen and love, releasing your muscle resistance: then exhale and push out all that no longer serves you. In the exhale your abdominal muscles contract and your pelvic floor muscles rise in and up in kegel type exercises. Trying to do this routine 5-10 min a day in a meditative practise is a powerful technique for healing your sexual centre. Healthy sex. Let’s discuss first, the physicality of this equation as the foundation that we can all relate. I’ll assume a heterosexual connection in the article, as it is my own preference and reference but please feel free to change the sex partner designation as per your own unique persuasion. As long as there is two adults voluntarily consenting to the exchange, we are in the land of the living. We’ll progress from a physical casual sex opportunity and move to the more intimate evolved sex magic secrets of an energetic connection. Regardless, if you are 18 or 80 there are a few Robert’s rules of order in the agenda that I’d propose to keep the meeting in good order. Firstly, a STI (sexual transmitted infection) screening or exam. The world health organization reports more than 1 million sexually transmitted infections are acquired every day worldwide. My guess it that this number is at least double this as many cases go unreported and the 30 different bacteria, viruses and parasites estimates, currently thought to be transmitted through sexual contact, grows every year. Most medical clinics will have a screening program or in some cities there are separate sexual health clinics set up for this purpose. Without discussing the signs and symptoms of each conditions, know that blood work, urine analysis, physical exam of pubic and rectal areas and a pap smear can identify most immediate problems. Keeping in mind however, those who are promiscuous may have latent infections or viruses, that lay dormant in the blood or tissues without obvious signs or symptoms. More advanced signs of immune system compromise presenting as prostate cancer, rectal or cervix cancer or AIDs requires more radical changes. Similarly, the traumas of severe prolapse of the pelvis or rectum may be triaged for surgical consult. The general screening exam will usually identify the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) or as they now call them sexually transmitted infections (STI’s)- clamydia, chancroid, crabs, Herpes, Hepatitis, Trichomoniasis, HIV/AIDS, Molluscum contagiosum, scabies, syphillis, gonorrhoea. STEP 1. Ensure you and your partner have healthy parts. Without healthy tissue, sex may be painful and result in spreading infections that create acute problems now or more serious chronic problems later. There could also be a structural problem of sacroiliac joint dysfunction from trauma or a weakened pelvic muscle floor that maybe causing painful sex. A fall, childbirth, a motor vehicle accident or rough sex could potentially injure the pelvis. There are a few other professionals, in addition to your MD to be included in your healthy sex team. A chiropractor will ensure good alignment of the pelvic and spinal bones. A mis alignment may irritate nerves and cause pelvic, groin, testicles, rectal or vaginal pain. When I was a practising chiropractor, I’d had a patient arrive to our office with lower back pain. She had previously had 1/3 of her vaginal wall surgically removed attempting to reduce severe vaginal pain. The surgery was unsuccessful and in fact had made things worse but after 5 chiropractic adjustments of her low back and pelvis, she was noting significant improvements in all areas. Incontinence, constipation and testicular pain are other symptoms that I’ve seen improve with chiropractic care. Another, healthy sex professional is a pelvic floor physiotherapist. Seek out a physiotherapist that has specialized training in this area and will do an internal exam vaginally or rectally to assess the health of the pelvic floor muscles that hold the structures in place. In France, new mothers are encouraged into a “perineal re-education” after birthing which significantly reduces incontinence and improves sexual pleasure and performance. Leave it to the French to take good care in the art of lovemaking :) STEP 2. Exchange notes. Seems like an obvious suggestion, yes? But asking for a sex clearance note from your attending physician, could be an new innovation. We ask for a note to be “fit to return to work” so I’d like to propose we request a note designated as “fit to return to healthy sex”. This avoids an uncomfortable situation of having to carry your partner with you to the doctors office for the report of findings. If your new partner is resisting the testing or sharing of health information, understand this to be a red flag. A caring partner will wish to ensure his/her health and yours! STEP 3. Discuss options of the contract. Many of us do this inadvertently, over dinner, in the elevator on the way to the room or even resting next to the person in bed ;) These heated moments are not the ideal time to sort the details of protected verses unprotected sex in an exclusive relationship, or a friends with benefits set up. Arranging a time to develop open honest communication reduces injury of the body, mind and heart. The polygamous arrangements are somewhat problematic in that unless you all get together, exchange health records and swear allegiance to each other, it negates this whole process. Of course, condoms do protect against many of the diseases, if this is an accepted and sworn condition in the contract. In the past, you may not have followed these steps exactly but experience is a great teacher and tomorrow is a new day. There are a few other healthy practises that enhance sexual fulfillment and pleasure that are easy, fun to do and draw attention and intention to your sex organs. 1. The yoni egg is a beautiful way to stimulate sensual healing. This egg-shaped crystal is placed in the vagina to help stimulate feminine power. It is a booming trend that has re-surfaced from thousands of years of Eastern tradition. Empresses and concubines of the Royal Palace of China used eggs carved out of jade to access sexual prowess and maintain amazing pelvic health as they aged. Up until recently, this ancient, secret practice was only available to Royalty. “Yoni” is a Sanskrit word for the female genitalia that means “sacred space”. Even if you don’t believe in the energy and magic in crystals, powering up the seat of your feminine consciousness at the door to the womb of creation; you could simply look at it from the perspective of biology. This weighted stone requires engagement of the pelvic floor and vaginal muscles to keep it in place and stimulates the Bartholin glands that are responsible for keeping the tissues strong and juicy. You can play alone or yoni eggs can be used in conjunction with a penis or a vibrator for enhanced pleasure. The type of crystal may be symbolic of your healing intention, so I would recommend a guide to slide you into the details of your yoni egg. The concubines may have used jade because their sexual maintenance equated to wealth and financial gain, however the unconditional love of the rose quarts is my personal favourite. 2. Vaginal and rectal steaming is another healthy ritual. Wikipedia defines vaginal steaming (V-steaming or Yoni steaming) as an alternative health treatment whereby a woman squats over steaming water containing such herbs as mugwort, rosemary, wormwood and basil. It has been practised in Africa, Asia and Central America for easing menstrual cramps and cleansing the vagina after child birth or sexual intercourse. I imagine it would be beneficial for men to use too as a rectal cleanse, they’d just have to ensure their “thermometer” doesn’t drop into the hot water :) I’ve include this video of my first Yoni steaming experience. 3. Enemas like these other practises, are not only to enhance your sexual health but your overall wellbeing. Coffee enemas were actually a recommended home practice to reduce pain and inflammation in the medical bible, called the Merck manual, until 1970’s. War time soldiers were given enemas in the 1900’s to help reduce the pain and speed healing of wounds. Knowing 90% our immune system functions from our intestines, you’ll understand the wide range of health benefits from this practise. Debris can get stuck along the walls of our rectum and can harbour bacteria and parasites releasing toxins causing fatigue and bowel diseases. The coffee may help to stimulate the production of a beneficial enzyme created in the liver called glutathione S-transferase, which acts like natural blood cleanser. If your body is acidic or you have abnormal cells or polyps in your rectum then an alkaline baking soda enema has been shown to be very effective in healing the lining. An enema bag can be picked up from your local home care pharmacy or health food store. It is simply a bag with a hose on it. You put 2-4 cups of cocktail in the bag, slip the tip of the hose applicator covered with coconut oil up into your anus and lay down on your side for 10-20 min until the coffee or baking soda concoction has gravity dripped into your rectum. When you feel the need to void, you pick up your bag that was hanging above you on a bathroom shower rod or towel rack….walk to the toilet to remove the applicator and void as needed. The coconut oil and coffee has a nice smell and as long as you insert the hose before you turn the bag upside down…. it is a clean, dry, sweet smelling adventure. You can visualize an enema bag at 5:10 min mark of this video . Enemas improve energy and your sense of wellbeing. This ritual could be used as a way to cleanse the anus, before or after sex but it is also a powerful tool in healing abnormal cells that may be growing. The Gerson cancer protocol also incorporates this into their natural healing methods. Metaphysically, cleansing the colon, clears stagnant energy from that which we find difficult to let go. Lightening our load, strengthens our cosmic connection. ‘Ass’ me about cosmic comedy of my first ‘starbutts’ coffee enema :) Just a quick note about diet and lifestyle that I’ll include here in the video, Carnivores are Sane and Sexy. It explains why animal fats and protein are essential to maintain sex hormones to an optimal level. Plants are good cleansers but the fibre in plants that we once thought useful, actually causes congestion in the bowel, increases inflammation and decreases absorption of important minerals and vitamins. Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride's books and videos are helpful in educating you to this new perspective. Moving your body, strengthening your core keeps you looking your best, emotionally balanced and certainly strengthens your sex. Living from the natural organic landscape, avoiding chemicals in foods, water and drugs optimizes your earthly experience and allows a pathway for you to expand your awareness. Now that the foundation has been laid, and we are confident both partners are healthy, we can now progress into the real magic of sexual intimacy and the special rites of passage, that the ancients discussed as a means to expand conscious awareness. Egyptian alchemist taught that high states of ecstasy strengthens the energetic body, unleashing serpent energy into all the body chakras connecting the crown to a cosmic orgasm. Yes, yes… I’ve met a few snakes in my time too but this is a different reptilian symbol of coiled energetic potential that sits in the sacrum and tailbone area. These first three chakras; at the tailbone, just above the pubis and solar plexus, hold the memory and emotions of survival, sex and power. Many never leave this dense vibration and they become unfulfilled in their lovemaking because they have not learned to integrate the lower and higher centres. Those controlling the sex slave trade or others looking for the tinder land playmates are fine examples of this disconnect and density in the quantity verses quality dilemma. The higher your combined vibration and consciousness, the greater are the mysteries available to you. This article link above discusses this as a very disciplined selective practise- a holy trinity. Tom Kenyon describes it as deep appreciation, mutual respect, and psychological safety. Sexual magic begins in stilling the mind and feeling your heart essence travelling through the body to experience a divine connection. That snake of coiled energy called Kundalini, can be cultivated in yoga practises focusing on movement and breath and mind practises that foster a greater awareness. Let me diverge here to cultivate a little love for the next part of our journey. CULTIVATING LOVE....... 1. Love for yourself- You are awesome to be surviving and thriving despite the environment. Remember to love you. No one knows you, like you so.... do what YOU love! Have people and things around you so that you remember how great you are. Go to the mirror right now and say thank you, I love you (Dena). 2. Love for your family. So many have hang ups and hold grudges with the family. Frig, if you can't love your parents, siblings, husbands, wives and kids, then you are starting the game behind the 8 ball. Whatever they have done or haven't done to you, it has given you the strength to endure life today and to be who you are. Even those who have left you in some way are teaching you the power of unconditional love. You don't even have to like all the parts but rising into to love and thanking them deeply, honours who you are. Mirror exercise. See your family as an extension of you. Thank you, I love you (family). 3. Love for your community. Love your friends-girlfriends and boyfriends, groups and association. Our friends often mirror parts of ourself that we don't love. We are sent challenges to make us stronger and more certain of our path. Surround yourself with those who honour your magnificence, send the others off with your blessing. Give love and thanks for all experiences, for teaching you to love at greater levels. 4. Love for your world. It is challenging to love and give service at this level and make a profound change if the other three love levels, aren't in place. The weight of the world crushes a weak foundation. Bitterness at at one level weakens your power and influence. A Loving foundation extends out beyond this world into the cosmos and it is helping us shift the current paradigm. We live and die into the love level we are locked into. Rising higher, to give a greater service and leave a legacy is an immortal existence. Your investment equals your 'prophet'..... LOVE DEEP. I love you! Yes YOU Through tantric yoga practise you can train your snake to ascend and open the blockages at each of the chakras on the way up. This primordial energy winds over itself three times and represents; the evolvement of our DNA, our consciousness and the sacred trinity referred to in our holy books. A combined energy channel in sanskrit called the sushumna nadi, gives passage for our pet snake to potentially burst through the doors of each of the chakras enlightening the connection into a cosmic consciousness. There are many different names for this nameless, out-of-state dimension. The Vedic texts call it Brahman but the boys back home may called it BOWB (blissed out without the beer. lol) The physical sensation of sex, our physical orgasm is the first chamber to which even rats and rabbits can arrive. It is a primitive, animalistic, low density experience. Those paying for sex slaves and following satanic rituals are the lowest on this evolutionary continuum. Paradoxically, holding themselves to be the all powerfully illuminated yet exerting control and pain because they feel powerless. Their serpent is trapped into the lower realms. I’d like to suggest we re-frame our kundalini life source vision as a dragon instead of a snake. The whole Adam and Eve story resonates at a lower vibration of blaming and shaming for eating apples. In this new age of aquarius, we are evolving out of the reptilian garden and into the mystical haven of the multidimensional heavens. A mystical dragon can eat land lubbing snakes in one bite, fly out into the sun, capture the fire in its mouth and carry it back to earth. The head of the dragon also holds astrological significance. We follow the head of our dragon -our North Node destiny- out into the stars to our greatest evolution. Whence came you? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust so into the stars shall we return our trust. This journey of magical sex ritual is the want of many but the will of very few. It takes a lifetime, or three, to cultivate love into this cosmic realm and is not a task for the faint hearted. It requires humility, discipline, patiences, psychological maturity, spiritual freedom and a deep love for humanity to enter all chambers. Treasures await those who have the courage to enter into the depths of themselves and their partners through the heart of the universe. Both partners must have evolved into the opening of all chakras as they provide a channel for this light bridge connection from heaven to earth. Feeling protected and secure in your sex and survival and honouring your own power separate but equal to, your partners balances the playing field. The channel is widest in this balanced state. The dragons are equally matched. In cases of incest or abuse, the trauma and energy blocks are stored in the lower chakras and may be used energetically to control your partner consciously or subconsciously. Generations of abuse and incest get trapped in this lower serpent cage. Understanding your strength comes from love and the ability to express this freely from your heart, mouth and psychic centres opens the upper chambers. A victim mentality ("poor me", "I was treated so awful," "I can’t stand them") prevents the ascension into the higher realms. The key is to see how that challenge created a more powerful you. This is the ascension into Christ consciousness that leads you into the land of milk and honey. Those connected to their heart charka are unable to cause harm to another. The upper chambered individuals see themselves as part of the loving matrix so to hurt another, is to hurt yourself. In our world of power, sex, greed, war and money…… there are few that actually make it to this higher understanding. But those that do, will help others see and feel it too. How does the dragon fit into the mysteries of sexual magic? It circles the light of the sun back through you and your partner onto the earth into the most amazing orgasm of love.
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