9/10/2023 2 Comments Raising Nature's ChildRaising Natures Child is a beautiful title, education program and intention. So fortuitous it is to have your child rearing manual and truth reference there at your fingertips within the sense and sensibilities of our natural world. When in doubt, look to nature for the solution. Nature knows best. Nature has been the inspiration for many works of art, mathematics, medicines, science and literature but have we really ever examined it as a reference to raise our children? The idea that we are connected to this natural rhythm and matrix is a profundity that offers tremendous comfort, joy, love and inner peace when we are open to receive it. The layers of illusions in the artificial matrix of technologies and the generations of human traumas, create veils over these natural truths. In judgement, we may even scramble to word “veil” to call it “evil”. If we assume light and love as the foundation to the universe, then anything less is simply a veil placed upon it. The truth once un-veiled, defends and grows itself. We all have a child within us that marvels at nature- the robin who can feel the vibration of the underground worm with its feet, the caterpillar that cocoons itself to transform into a beautiful butterfly or the mother bird who strategically builds an architectural nest of wonder. There is a wisdom, far above words into the binaural beats of nature. Nature’s song or frequency has many different tunes depending upon the music school. If you are in ancient Greece, Pythagoras suggested the celestial bodies play music. If you are a land-lover then you may resonant with physicist Winfried Otto Schumann discussing the song of the earth at a frequency of 7.83Hz. If you are a cosmic soul and sensitive to universal energies , you may see them all as colourful symphony playing out on the firmament of our earth. Recently, while wallowing in the depths of despair, I heard a foundational message to raising natures child. Many spiritual advisors suggest pain is the pathway to higher wisdom, maybe because it brings us to our knees in humble grace, we are able to fully surrender and open our hearts to receive. When the human heart breaks, it opens up to the heart of the universe to allow more love and wisdom to seep in. One of my adult children made a decision that broke open my heart and I worried for his life and health. It was such a hit that I spent two days in bed crying with the curtains closed and the duvet over my head, asking God to help guide the process. During these dark days wrestling with all the emotions, it is good to remember that through black holes, stars are born so good to keep moving through it. “The wound is the place where the light enters.” ~Rumi On the evening of the second day, still bartering with God hoping that I could toss the cards back into the deck and pull out another hand, I ask, “God, after all I have done how could you do this, he is my son?” ……………… I heard the answer that levelled my emotions, healed my heart, got me up out of bed, showered, dressed and didn’t look back. The song of nature, the voice of the Creator, the universal intelligence that filled my soul was…………. “HE IS NOT YOUR SON, HE IS MINE.” Your children, as Gibran suggest, come through you not to you. You birth their bodies, feed and guide them but ultimately they come into the world with their unique natal star print and soulful plan. The parent must learn how to best support their process and try not to get in the way of the holy flow. The love lessons that come to you from your children and from other family members are the ones most essential to your own growth and evolution. “If you think you are enlightened, go spend a week with your family.”~ Ram Dass Picture this…. a mother bird who spends weeks collecting little bits of grass and twigs to make her nest. How does she know how to do this? Instinctively, she chooses the perfect time, the perfect twigs, the perfect location to house, feed and grow her baby birds. Did she read volumes of manuals and parenting books? Did she listen to her own mother or family doctor? Did she follow the latest societal trends or government regulations? or Did she listen to nature's song and dance to its rhythm? A bird with a nest of babies is beautiful image of intense love and innate wisdom. However, if man interferes with this natural process, adding chemicals, radiation or other unnatural teachings to this picture, it creates friction to confuse the natural song. Under natural circumstances, that mother bird knows exactly what to do and how to do it without any other interference. Every mother contains the same magic, although in some cases we have been taught or talked out of it. If a breastfeeding baby is sick, the mother’s nipple picks up this change in the baby’s saliva and automatically changes the consistency of her breast milk! The breast milk for a sick child becomes more rich in immunoglobulins and even to the naked eye you can see changes in colour and consistency! Mothers in both their conscious and unconscious states are also recording the quality, quantity, colour and smell of the babies feces in a dirty diaper for feedback on what to eat or not to eat that maybe coming through in her breast milk and effecting the baby. Evolution has hard-wired her to be so intuitively connected to that child that her body will automatically respond. She hears the baby crying over the dog barking, the plane flying or the husband hockey game and her breasts will leak milk upon hearing that baby’s cry. Pause for a moment and ponder the magnificence of that creation! She, the mother is connected to all the power of the Divine Mother of creation in order to birth, nurture and groom our next generation. Our mother earth is similar in that she too is reading what we require. Seeds that are put in the mouth of the planter “reads” the deficiencies and will flourish and provide the farmer with what he needs. The Secret Life of Plants is a magnificent book that illustrates the psychic connection of plants and their communication with humans through quantitive polygraph analysis. The plants are reading our energies and responding to our requirements, in a symbiotic exchange within the matrix. Fantastic fungi is a documentary that also beautifully discusses the mother of our evolution and love affair with the earth. These concepts, books and documentaries maybe helpful for you in raising natures child. Children come into the world with an imagination, respect and curiosity about nature, wonderful it is to support that gift. If you put a beautifully well rounded child into a square hole of a school system, the child grows square. You can spend a lifetime trying to fight and change a system that has been grooming itself for 2000 years OR you can remove them from the cage and create the reality you and they love. The sexual orientation and gender discussions are to distract you from your truth. The gender neutral sock puppet with the orange pubic hair distracts them at school and you at home..... if you allow it. You know your choosing the best path when love, joy and learning go hand in hand. In an environment where the child is treated like a gift from the creator, they grow into this destiny. Fun d’ elementals of Raising Nature’s Child 1. Fire. Honour the will with reverence. Within the will of the child is the flame of their soul. This sacred fire is the wonderful manifestation of creative power and a formative shaping force that often points to the child’s mission or loving service within the world. Ask questions and provide space for them to fill it. The paternal punishing tone of the bible commands honouring your mother and father but what about honouring the child? If your mother and father are abusing you in any way then to honour adults that are doing you harm, creates lifelong trauma. William Bloom suggests that when a child is raped or sexually abused the etheric webbing around the sexual organs (sacral centre) may be torn and require re-weaving. If this etheric webbing is not healed the individual may experience ongoing disempowerment and ‘leak’ sexual energy unwittingly attracting predators and bullies. If it is a generational trauma the whole family may be chipping away at the child’s self worth without knowing it. Honouring the sacred child would dismantle the billion dollar child sex trafficking business. Within honouring their personal will there is freedom to choose. The mother bird, feeds, grows and grooms the baby but eventually kicks the young bird out of the nest trusting in a higher power to take care of the outcome, giving them the freedom to fly or fall. Practical exercise: Instead of trying to “break the child” of a habit (breastfeeding for example) and denying the emotional bond, just make the experience less pleasant (adding lemon juice to the nipples) ? The the mother is allowing herself freedom options and at the same time allowing the child the freedom to choose a new path. “Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love and send them forth in freedom. The heart of the Waldorf method is the conviction that education is an art- it must speak to the child’s experience. To educate the whole child, the heart and will must be reached as well as the mind.”~ Rudolf Steiner 2. Earth. Trust in the natural earth for your sustenance and your healing. Children learn by your example. They do what you do and they say what you say. Good to script and repeat so they have a method for sharing natural philosophies with their peers as they age. “Healing doesn’t come from a lotion, potion, pill or needle it is your divine birth right when you remove the obstacles. Chemicals create dis-ease in the body. Filter your water, eat organic, non-GMO, use air filters in your home to reduce the chemical load." Provide a natural environment and connect with nature every day. Breastfeeding, using essential oil natural cleaners, cloth diapers, and other natural fibers and products provide the example. Teach your children to respect the earth, encourage them to reuse and recycle, demonstrate organic farming. Practical exercise: Grow herbs and spice and teach them our healing is in the earth. Planting and growing seeds is magical. Your children are seeds. “Teach your children what we have taught our children: that the earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth, befalls the children of the earth. If we spit upon the ground we spit upon ourselves. This we know. The earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth. Every part of the earth is sacred to my people” ~ Chief Seattle 3. Air. Create joy. Take time to play and communicate. Children often live in a present time consciousness without time or an agenda. Engage with them in the magical land of imagination, make-believe, wisdom and wonder. Through stories, art and song the greatest lessons are taught and in curious exploration they find their own heart and creative spirit. With a heart connection a bond of psychological safety and mutual respect there are unlimited possibilities for learning, communication and growth. How else would you come to know your child at a soulful level? Practical exercise: Make puppets, a stage and have them script the show. If a child has been able in his play to give up his whole loving being to the world around him, he will be able, in the serious tasks of later life, to devote himself with confidence and power to the service of the world. ~ Rudolf Steiner. 4. Water. Children are a gift from God. This perspective fosters gratitude and elevates our vibration and houses a safe place for all the emotions in raising nature's child. Within these higher frequency of love and gratitude, you can move matter with your mind and intention. Preaching and punishing creates distance. Shame and blame serves to lower the frequency and makes no real productive effect upon the child but a gesture of gratitude changes the world! Reward the behaviours you love. Take time to meditate, pray and say grace with your family. That which we are grateful for grows, opening your heart, home and mind to universal abundance. The frequency you surround yourself with, becomes your reality and thiers. Practical exercise: Create a gratitude board or a glass jar to capture your families daily notes of gratitude. Keep and review them on a special day. Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."~ Albert Einstein Resources : 1. Home Education Consultant ://homeeducationconsultant.com/ 2. Raising Nature's Child video : https://www.bitchute.com/video/1ZGqudVAUVNc/ 3. Pathways magazine : https://pathwaystofamilywellness.org/
9/11/2023 11:05:45 am
Dena your heart and knowledge shines like a bright beacon to guide all who are looking for a kinder, gentler world for our children that allows them to be who they truly are as God created and intended.
Dena Churchill
12/20/2023 04:08:14 am
Thank you Elaina for your kind words, beautiful description for our new world and your inspiration for this article ❤️
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