6/14/2023 0 Comments The Manifesting MindWhat if the whole purpose in life is to love through the illusions?
What if you are here in a classroom to learn how quickly you can own your own power? What if a loving presence made you in her image to simply have more experiences? What if instead of worrying about what is happening on the outside, you use the chaos to go within to find the inner voice of your higher self and use it as your compass? The interview with Sergeant Pattie Brassard last night blew my mind so I’m picking up the pieces and trying to put them into some kind of functioning order so that I may move forward. Like a rubber band once stretched, your mind can not return to the same limited parameters that it once existed. Be patient, take small bites, chew well, swallow slowly and stop when you are full. To say this retired sergeant in the USA military, computer secret space program, Miq’mac tribal elder and Gaia shaman has ideas that are out of this world is an under statement. The ideas she shares spans many worlds. Our conversations about the genetic seeding of humanity from apes, represented by the Rh + (Rhesus monkey factor), the changing of our chromosomes from 48-46 to breed humans with extraterrestrial races, the DNA manipulation of removing the 3rd pole of our DNA and now the corrections of this in healing the DNA and seeing indigo children now being born again with the 48 chromosomes is a wild and wooly ride. Please use your own guidance and discretion to know more. Listening to Pattie, is a little like meeting Yoda in Star Wars. You either welcome the opportunity to graduate to a jedi master or you don’t. To know more you have to be more. Being more happens in stages. In 1969, Swiss-American Psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross suggested 5 stages of grief in death and dying- denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. If we equate these stages to the death of our old selves and our growth as a humanity, it may help guide a higher vision. The denial group have no idea that there is a problem. These maybe be the people now who take the shots, wear the masks, do everything the mainstream news tells them and will deny any new information as conspiracy. There is bliss in ignorance. Then there is the anger group who may have initially believed in the government and now are mad that their illusions are shattered. They see the manipulation in mainstream but sit feeling trapped allowing anger to fester within them, circling around in emotion. The bargaining group are using their anger productively to barter with the other side. They have came out of the closet to fight for freedom and give their service to humanity still looking to change the world and wanting it to be their way. The depression group have gone through all the other stages and feel defeated, regardless of their efforts they have come to the realization they can’t change any one or any thing beside themselves and their own perception of the world. The acceptance of this realization gives some relief. The only change is to “Be the Change”. These stages have their galaxy graduation within the cap and gown of Gratitude. The place of seeing how the death of the old is actually serving you, your family and our humanity as a whole. It is the most advanced phase to reach and seems to be reserved for the greatest spiritual masters, which is why perhaps it expands the framework of the mind into the wisdom of the heart. Did you know that your heart has 5000X the electromagnetic potential of your brain? The higher the electromagnetic field around an object the greater the quantum potential. The brain gets caught bouncing back and forth between hemispheres but the heart through love reaches that zero gravity energy point that soars weightless into the universal heart. Hermetic text suggest this as the universal mind that runs the show but I beg to differ as the universal heart is the access point to this reservoir of wisdom. Our old self must die before you rise into your higher self and welcome the wonders of our new world. I can hear the naysayers in the background saying what new world? Things are about as crazy as we have ever seen them in the history of mankind! Yes, true that this outer chaos is part of a greater ascension plan for our species. How is pain a teacher? Spiritual guides often come at a time when you are ready to give up on this world. It is perfectly designed this way as it usually takes some crisis that brings you to your knees in humble grace to ask for guidance. The chaos of the world drives you inward to this path of ascension. You may perceive it as incension, because it happens within you but others witnessing it from the outside call the process ascension. The process is rising into a higher perspective, attaching to your true self and leaving behind illusions. The war on the outside is over as Sergeant Brassard suggests the “white hats” have taken over. Those working on the side of saving humanity, now have control of the mainstream media mind control machine, taking out leaders in tribunals and replacing them with clones and cleaning up the DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) all around the world. The ridiculousness now is a play. Actors, including Justin Trudeau are helping you see through the illusions and get you to take back your power. The lunacy continues for as long as you allow it, you in the fringe minority. hheheehe. The war now is within you. Difficult to guide this intimate process and your personal journey but perhaps by sharing the stages, you don’t feel alone and you may find comfort in knowing that for every part of you that dies there is a new birth. Just before a mother gives birth, she often has a moment of fear and a sense that she can no longer continue. She must let go off the safety of the shore and surrender to a higher power to allow the birthing of this new entity. When you think about this, even after thousands of years there is no manual for birthing other than to find into a comfortable position, breathe and surrender. Modern medicine in attempting to alleviate pain, often slows down the process not recognizing it is the pain that guides her birth. The pain helps her know which position, how to breathe, how to move. In fact the most efficient births in all species are often when the mother is given a quiet, safe space and allowed to go within to her higher self. The blood pressure readings, the cervix checks and constant monitoring brings her out of this sacred space calling her back to the fears of the physical reality. Studies have shown this interferes with the chemical release in her brain and slows the process. Dr. Jeannie Ohm often referred to it as the orgasm of birth. I remember her asking the class, what would happen to a male orgasm if the doctor decided take a blood pressure and to measure the erection. The supports maybe waiting on the side lines but the less interference, the greater the love and trust, the more empowered this internal process. You are birthing yourself into higher dimensions. The pain is guiding you. Each one births in their own time and has their process. All you can do is breathe, use the pain to guide you and surrender into your higher power to trust in this your eternal loving presence. The more you try to control the birthing process with your lower mind, the further away you move from your process. It is the surrender and letting go off the shore that is required for you to set sail. For some balancing emotions helps them find a place of grace where the channel to divine guidance is more clear. For others it takes severe pain of the body-mind for them to finally release control. You are designing your own birth. Take what feels right for you and leave the rest. We have been dumbed down with chemicals and genetic modification to the point where we have forgotten the power that made us is within us. We have been living in the illusions that the controllers created for us. Remember, the power that made the body, can heal the body. Invite it in! Manifesting through the mind. 1. Ensure your body is alkaline. Avoiding acid foods, tea, coffee and alcohol for example. Adding a little baking soda to your filtered water maybe helpful. 2. Sal ammoniac is a compound to help re-pair and re-grow the 3rd pole of DNA. See video references of where to source this. 3. Avoid chemicals. Including medications, shots, GMO foods. 4. Believe in the power of your DNA to heal and your will to heal it. 5. Sit quietly every day, close your eyes. Breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 4 and breathe out for 4, hold for 4 and repeat or some other equal combination that feels right for you. Put a little pressure over your eyelids with your index fingers until the two light dots converge to join in a space, a screen in front of your third eye. 6. Gratefully ask your spirit guide, God, angels, universe or what ever name you have put upon your higher self for guidance to show you how to birth the greater version of you. 7. Insure your focus and the image on your screen is what you love. Holding a focus on what you don’t want, is just as easily manifested. 8. Your pineal gland acts as a channel to your higher spiritual authority this is why it is revered and represented in many cultures such as the ancient Egyptian Eye of Horus or the Pine cone statue in front of the Vatican. It is not essential to manifest but perhaps offers a more conscious transition. Manifestation comes from a place in the upper right quadrant and posterior pole in the brain. Fluoride in water and other chemicals such as aluminum in medications, frequency disturbances such as cell radiations have been used to calcify, atrophy, confuse the functioning of mind. For some, the brain damage is beyond repair so they surrender to ascension without the confines of a healthy conscious mind. 9. Trust in your higher power. Balancing the emotions of your mind to come into the wisdom of your heart is a gentler ride. OR you can hold on to the shore rope, until it burns your hand and then you have no choice but to let go. Ask to be released from these earthly illusions to sail into your soulful destiny. It is as you wish....... why not wish it wonderful? 10. Be grateful for the love. This guidance from the guardians of the galaxy, through your higher self is there for you 24/7, create a quiet space to receive it. It is a courageous journey to birth yourself. These video interviews below may ruffle your feathers and pound on your head as they are breaking through illusions you have held onto for lifetimes. You have been designed to obey the mainstream narratives. These illusions kept you small, trapped in the prison of your own mind. You may go through some grief and disbelief before you reach your truth. “You can’t reach what is in front of you until you let go of what’s behind”. Ahoy matey, release the rope and set sail! You’re just a thought away from a new reality. Ask, Believe and Receive. Video references: Love in the Outer Limits.June 6, 2023 Manifesting Mind. June 13, 2023
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