10/11/2021 3 Comments Thanksgiving BlessingsThank you to those who have reached out to join our community within the last few months. I’m thankful for YOU. The vibration of humble grace calls in the power of creation to fulfil you! Where your attention and intention goes, energy flows and grows. Keep focused on your blessings and all that you love. Like a feather on your palm, blow away that which no longer serves. Many are having difficulty processing the details of the destruction. You are being pushed to grow by shedding that which no longer resonants to your heart. In this cleansing you will be releasing jobs, family, friends, opportunities that strip you to your love and light core. It is not a comfortable process! You’ll go through many emotions of shock, anger, grief, resentment and despair but when you can harness these dense painful emotions into a purposeful path forward you become powerful. Through the dark nights of the soul and death of the old, you ascend into the new. Phoenix Rising! “The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. ” ~ Kahlil Gibran They only control you, by what they have, that you want. There are three options: 1. Stay and Pay. Stay in your current position, muzzle up and take all the injections your employer, establishments, schools, clubs, friends and families suggest. In this way you pay with your taxes to fund the pharmaceutical agenda. You pay with your health as there have been 726, 000 adverse events and deaths documented by just one USA medical database. You pay by surrendering your right and freedoms of body autonomy. Dr. Peter McCullough recently presented to the American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Oct 2, 2021 to discuss the currently known and established side effects of this shot Is there another job you could create? If you left, how could you make money doing what you love? Is there a way to cash in your pension and simplify your life? Death would be an immediate side effect from the shot that could possibly be covered with your life insurance but if you are permanently damaged and can’t work, how will you make money then? Notice of Liabilities are handy in this option as you ask employers to commit to covering the cost if you become injured or disabled by the shot they are requesting. See blog for links, resources for Notices of Liability in the previous articles or join a business community. 2. Stay and Play. This option creates the most resistance as you are trying to impose your values of individual health choice in a paradigm that has adopted a globalist agenda of abolishing individual rights and freedoms for a greater pharmaceutical goal of depopulation and life long customers in this business. Some are trying to craft exemption deals to remain in workplace, club, school or other establishment where you no longer respected or supported. For me this is like a spouse that has cheated on you but you are willing to make excuse for their behaviour, stay and find your accommodation. Many naively believe with education they can change the system at a grass roots level not seeing it was a top down process motivated by something other than health truth. World Health Organization 1972 mandates to kill with vaccines: Medical History Book: Free download of Book describing the 2030 agenda: 3. Leave and step into your power. This option requires the greatest investment but produces the greatest rewards. However, there is tremendous benefit in all three options. Those in the first group through their own injury and health sacrifice are awakening the masses and saving others lives. Those in the second group are irritating the “new norm” and through their public actions and legal challenges are educating the public into the differences in legal and lawful. I’m most inspired with this last option in building our soulful community, conversing with men and women who see the blessing within the crisis and focused on raising the vibration and consciousness. Blessing and dismissing the old, we are able to fully step up into the new. Soul group updates: We have grown out of our Waldorf one room “school house” and looking at land for a new building. Nurses are leaving the old system and finding creative ways in mobile units to service our community. Healers of the mind, body and spirit are stepping forward to help our group through the transition. Farms and farmers arriving to ensure we have food and supplies. Business coaches and branding experts are here to help you create your new identity. If you share our philosophy of ALL ARE WELCOME. WE RESPECT INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS please send your name, service and contact in a telephone book entry for our soul family list. To participate in this soul full service, you must be a friend on this e-mail list, not requiring a mask to fuel the agenda and holding a focus of raising our consciousness. Using the services within our community in trade, barter or cash, we boycott the big global business, keep the middle men out or our affairs and create abundance within our communities. We are currently seeking services of a dentist and a few medical doctors to work for cash, silver or gold as needed in our unregulated, unregistered community. Watch this “Red October” documentary for the raw global truth. The world as we knew it is gone. You get to choose where you arrive next……. Put your heart into it and Dream it Big, Beautiful and to the exact Detail of what you Love! Any details you leave out the universe will fill in. "The masses live in a world of gains and losses. The masters live in a world of transformation.” ~ John Demartini. You are powerful. You are healthy. You are abundant. You are love. You are loved! Thanksgiving Blessings, Dena PS. I’ve had to reduce my computer time to maintain my own health but our previous correspondance, bit chute channel and the last three blog articles will likely have answers you seek! Keeping your own vibration high is your greatest defence. Other studies are showing high doses of Vitamin D3 reduces the entry of Spike protein into the cells. The links and documentaries to NAC, ClO2, Viral detox you’ll find below. Feel free to share this information with those you love. Summary: The graphene-iron oxide in the mRNA shots are activated by the 5 and 6G. Decrease radiation in your home by removing smart meter or covering it, going back to cord technology and keep your devices in airplane mode or off when you are not using them. More to come about biomagnetics and pulse generators to deactivate the operating system. For now, support your immune system and reduce oxidative stress by organic diet, filter water, mediation, loving heart set and grounding frequencies from the earth. Other general supplements: Seek the advice of a holistic care provider for your individual needs. 1. NAC as directed 2. Vit D3 (1000mg/25lbs body weight) 3. Vit C to bowel tolerance or 10,000 mg/day 4. Iodine/Zinc as directed, conditions apply. 5. Magnesium Chloride 500mg 6. Selenium 200 mcg 7. Chlorine Dioxide (add to purify water, detox chemicals and add oxygen to your body) How to Remove Spike Proteins and eliminate graphene oxide How to Keep your Immune System strong (including homeopathic tissue salt links) How to Make Chlorine Dioxide How to Balance Your Brain (5 steps)
12/4/2021 09:28:29 pm
12/5/2021 07:41:31 am
Thanks for promoting Alison McDowell in your email message but your mixed messages are often confused and misleading if you are happy to push out messaging for RFK Jr... please pick a lane and stay in it/ be authentic and do not grovel to Rocco Galati or any other grifters.
12/17/2021 05:15:03 am
The gatekeeper media in university campus setting is absolutely atrocious... Frau[d]Erica Butler came to Sackville NB from Halifax Examiner post... why? There's some pushback here.. https://sackvilleuncensored.blogspot.com/2021/12/close-your-eyes-clc-news.html
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